Story Droped
The pig trotter vendor looked at his big pot belly and began to shake in anger.
"You little bitch, what the hell did you do to me? This is impossible! My wife better not leave me because of you."
Mary Jane nodded her head in understanding and smiled, saying to the pig trotter vendor,
"Don't worry, Mr. Pig Trotter. I'm sure that your wife will be charmed by the divine blessing I have bestowed upon you. Now you can look a fraction as good as I do. This is a blessing that few ever get to receive."
The man scratched his head in confusion. Who told this woman his name? With a deep and powerful stink eye, Pig Trotter said to Mary Jane,
"Look, lady, I don't know how you know my name is Pig Trotter, but this is a curse. I only sell pig byproducts; I don't want to look like a pig myself."
At this moment, as if some wife was watching Pig Trotter because of some kind of secret wife spying network related to NAO-WACH, Pig heard a scream behind him.