
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Komik
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45 Chs

Fight Me!

As the giant white tiger starts to realize that it has been summoned, it began to release an intimidating aura. The aura did not affect Jason but, Lisa fell to the ground unable to stand up. The giant white tiger was staring at Jason. Intrigued by this human that is seemingly unaffected by the intimidation aura, it asks Jason, "For what purpose have you summoned me?"

Jason is startled by the white tiger and breaks out of his stupor and says, "I wanted to summon a familiar, and you were the one that I was thinking of when I was doing the summoning."

"I will not form a familiar contract with just any human who summons me. You must prove your worth to claim me as your familiar, for I am one of the Heavenly Beast, The White Monarch."

[I think this is going to go just like the anime. Well, at least I hope it does.]

"You must fight me and win, to claim me. Prepare yourself human."



The White Monarch jumps at Jason with a speed that normal humans could not follow and hits Jason in the gut, knocking him down into the dirt. Getting himself up, Jason dusts off his pants and says, "Stopwatch" and everything freezes.

[Friday can you tell how strong this tiger is?]

{I would say that it is about as strong as you are. It should be able to take a hit.}

[Good. I would not want to kill my new summons. Now all I must do is, decide if I am going to give her the name she had in the anime, or give her a new one.]

Without wasting any more time, Jason moves over to The White Monarch and yells "Bone Dragon Roar" and moves his hand in front of his mouth like Natsu did, hoping that is how the spell works. Suddenly, hundreds of 1-foot long bone spikes shoot out from in front of his hands and freeze, just like the rocks from the hotel he 'accidentally' collapsed. Then he moves over to the other side of the White Monarch and yells, "Blizzard" and fog starts to form and freeze in place.

[Friday, how much time do I have left?]

{27 seconds}

[Do you think I will win with just this, or should I use Evil Shower as well?]

{This should be enough to subdue this overgrown house cat. If not, just use Dark Gravity to hold it in place until it submits.}

[You got it Friday.]

Jason moves back to where he started the fight and waited until time started again. Once time started back up, fog soon enveloped the whole area and the temperature dropped to below freezing. At the same time, the bone spikes shot at The White Monarch, completely catching her off guard. A huge explosion consumes the whole area where The White Monarch once stood.

"Was that you?" Lisa calls out to Jason from behind him.

[I forgot she was here.]

{Yeah. So did I.}

"Yes, it was. I do not know why but, as soon as I started to fight, I felt like I could use those spells, so, I did. You saw what that giant tiger tried to do to me."

Soon the fog cleared, and The White Monarch was on the ground panting. "I submit. I will form the contract with you. I have never fought a human as strong as you."

"Great! You are not injured, are you?"

"I will be fine. Now, to complete the contract, you must name me."

Jason thinks for a minute and decides that it would just be easier to give her the name that he is already used to calling her.

"I shall call you Kohaku. It means a white tiger that stands next to the king"

"Kohaku. I love it! Thank you, master." As Kohaku runs to Jason and starts to lick him in the face.

"Kohaku. You are really big. It will make it extremely hard to travel around town with a giant tiger. Can you make yourself smaller?"

Kohaku thinks for a minute and nods. She then shrinks herself down to the size of a regular house cat. As soon as she was done shrinking herself, Jason sees a blur coming from behind him and suddenly, Lisa is holding Kohaku, rubbing her face on her.

"He is so cute! Can I keep him? Please!"

"Well, he is actually she, isn't that right Kohaku?"

"Yes. Master is correct. Now put me down."

Lisa just squeezes Kohaku tighter, trying to make sure she does not leave her arms.

"I am sorry for calling you a boy. I can feed you some fish to make up for it."

"Master. Please help me!"

"She will wear herself out soon. You will be fine."

Lisa squeezes Kohaku tighter and her eyes look like they are going to pop out due to how tight she is being squeezed.

"He Lisa, let us go back to the hotel. We can eat dinner there tonight before we go back up into the room."

"OK!" Lisa says as she walks over to where Jason is with a death grip on her newly caught prey. As they are walking back Lisa asks Jason "What was all of that magic you used? It was so fast that I could not see it, and then everything was covered in fog and it got really cold."

"It was a spell called Blizzard. After Kohaku hit me, I just knew how to do it."

"What about those bone spiky things?"

"Same thing. I just knew how to do it."

"Oh. Ok."

They get back to the hotel and eat dinner. After they finish, they then go back up to Lisa's room and the three of them lounge out on the couch. making small talk for the rest of the night. Later, they all get ready for bed and Kohaku asks, "Master, where should I sleep?"

Lisa says, "This is my room, you can sleep anywhere you want." she looks at Jason and he just shrugs his shoulders. Kohaku runs and jumps on the foot of the bed and falls asleep. Jason and Lisa climb into bed and Jason hold Lisa until she starts snoring. Once he is sure she is good and asleep, he gets up from the bed and goes out into the living room.

[I am going to try and use Teleportation Magic.}

{Where are you going to teleport to?}

[I need an undead army, don't I? And I know the perfect place to get one.]

Jason closes his eyes and concentrates hard, a blue light forms under his feet as he teleports to his destination. When he opens his eyes, he looks around and sees the skeletons of many dragons and smiles as he says out loud "The Dragon Graveyard!"

There is a reason why the MC is acting dumb and why his system acts the way she does. I have hinted at it a little but, it is still to early to reveal it.

Dohdohscreators' thoughts