
Midnight Shimmer

Nicole a badass high school grader whom was diagnosed with a brain disease is unknowingly bounded to a vampire hybrid Jake with a lifelong mission of revenge through a curse laid upon by a witch. They have no other option than to love each other despite their differences. Journey with this love birds as they fight for each other through thick and thin with merciless passion that would leave anyone breathless with the three words "meant to be" The only question is, would they keep choosing each other?

ebozojeedith · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter nine: found you stranger

As they wandered into the forest, Nickie, kept blabbing, Maybe she wasn't aware. He stopped paces in front.

`I can't believe your Mum, including your brother were all prepared to abandoned their humble beginnings and a place worthy to call a home, just to make you happy.' He interrupted.

`No! If you put it like that, it sounds bad.' She corrected.

`You must be your parents little girl.' He sighed.

`No! My Mum wasn't trying to make me happy even if I asked her about Dad once or twice, she just missed Him and trying to make things work again... I guess?.' She stopped, asking herself in wonder. He just looked closely at her.

`Mhm!.' He nodded in agreement and kept on walking. The sun was soon completely covered by trees.

`So are you trying to say that I'm ruining their lives?.' She spoke scornfully.

`Well, I can't seem to remember saying anything like that.'

`Well, that! It sure sounds like.'

`Aren't you going to quite following me around?.'

She paused, realising where they were. A quiet, very still jungle, with shimmering waves of heat. He looked over closely again, narrowing his eyes. `I might be a killer you know.' He pointed out. She scuffed into his face in disbelief.

`Oh! Please, if you where a killer, you would have tried to end me since the night we met.'

`Aren't you scared?.' He narrowed his eyes more in puzzlement.

`Nope!.' She shrugged. `Unless you want me to be.'

`Fair point!.' He snapped, venturing deeper and soon his pace fastened again. It was hard for her to keep up and since she was a great runner, she began to run, but he was still too quick... How is that even possible? She thought.

The silence was soon shattered by a piercingly loud shriek. And a fast thing ran past them. Jake stood crunch like, On guard immediately and Nicole ran into him, falling heavily to the ground with a thud. He didn't even budge.

`It's just a grizzly bear.' He rose up, leaving her behind.

`A bear?.' She echoed in fright. `Okay, I need a little help here.' But he didn't even bother. `Thanks a lot for nothing.' She Said sarcastically, struggling and trashing, then getting up and continued running after him.

'Stop running!.' He suddenly stopped her with a hand put out, causing her to fall again, and she glared up at him.

But at the same time she stares were he was looking at. The bear was paw up, looking up. As they all looked at each other startled, Fascinated eyes, the bear and Jake.

Nicole's heart began to speed up, And Jake crunched on guard again. They did not move, nor did the dear. They would have gone on glaring at each other all day if somewhere a twig hadn't snapped sharply.

At the snap of the twig, the bear jerked its head to the side away from them with a start, lifted its front legs up pensively, sniffed the air. Then leaped across the stream and, in a single bound, disappeared into the forest. I breathed a sigh of relief.


`Thought you weren't scared.' He reminded, then slumped on a wooden bench that was on a clearing, removing his hoody cap.

His thick ebony black hair fell across his shoulders. He looked more beautiful in the day time. She felt like reaching out for his hair and inhaling it. His irritable smell, more inviting than the last time. Her eyes went to his face, his skin... Pale and a bit sparkly or was it her eyes, His perfect girlish looks, yet had a masculine sculpture and Jaw lines. He had a perfectly shaped brows and long eyelashes she so much admired. The type the ladies would die for. His imperceptible pointed nose and flawlessly kissable, full maroon lips that were pumped.

He looked so fresh and cool like as if the sun had never touched his skin before. And just when she was admiring his inhumanly unique good looks...

He caught her eyes and she began to blush, feeling embarrassed, but he didn't look away or laugh. And his captivatingly glittering maroon eyes burned into hers. She felt he could see through her, causing unusual sensations to course through her body and causing chemical reactions.

He then motioned toward something ahead of them with his head in a slight nod... What was that?

It was a lake, not too far from them. She was too occupied by his appearance that she didn't notice the lake. The trees where far off away from it and the sun shone brightly and impressively on the lake as it shimmered. The lake looked like a silhouette against the sky, appealing as leaves dropped sensually to the lake.

She took slow, steady steps in amazement. Jake just kept watching her, observing her intently with his gaze. On reaching very near to the lake shore a slim silver fish dived out, startling her and she giggled, looking back at him but his expression still remained firm and didn't change.

`I'm not scared.' She said back at him, as if answering his surpressed hidden question. `And even if i was, you're the last thing I'll be scared of.' Looking back at the lake.

`You can't be so sure.' He replied calmly.

And she caught his gaze again... What was he hiding behind those sparkly eyes, she fought hard looking away.

Removing her slids, she dipped a foot into the lake, and giggled again at the cold feeling, flicking it. She then screamed in joy splashing the water now with her hands. And Jake couldn't help but to place a thin smile on his face. Never had she felt so much freedom like this before.

Suddenly a great brownish gold eagle, hovered over them and she gazed in serenity. She soon yelped, making Jake jerk up unaware, he scanned her body to see what the problem was... And she sprained her ankle and was proving to be a liability by limping, And when she saw his reaction.

`Gotchya!.' She laughed and he just glared in disgust.

What kinda creature is this... He wondered... Unserious, stubborn, hardly ever listens and worst of all, she isn't even afraid of him. Or maybe it's because she doesn't know what he is yet.