Nineteen-year old delinquent Michiru "Micchi" Tokiwa has just become the undisputed Queen of Chiba Prefecture after conquering every high school in the prefecture. With her trusty baseball bat Sacchan in her hands, Micchi is force to be reckoned with. However, during a scuffle with her rival Yui Chigusa, the Lion of Saitama, a utility pole topples over them both.
Micchi wakes up in another world with nothing but the clothes on her back and bat in hand. Though she soon learns that she and Sacchan are a little stronger than they previously were.
...and she may not be the only delinquent to have come to this new world.
*Character art by
*Cover design by me
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JamminRabbit · Fantasi
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17 Chs
Not a chapter. Please read or read ahead at your own risk of confusion.
Between chapter 2 and the next chapter is a gap of missing chapters 3-64 have been removed and are available on Amazon as book 1 and book 2.
You can find it here: