
Entrance exam

'How ironic that obtaining his quirk would involve eating his dna Izuku thought as he made his way form his apartment towards Ua.

'I hope I never have to eat any part of All Might again..

Well, he certainly knew it wouldn't be his hair he would eating if their was a next time.

'May we pray I don't accidentally eat him'

Yea no, that wouldn't be good.

Dressing in his light blue track suit he boarded the train and headed towards Ua. Once he arrived he looked up in awe at the building. It was so much bigger the. It seemed on television.

As he was about to take a step forward his mind subconsciously flashed through each of the brutal and horrific murders he had committed, faulting his step.

He shouldn't be there. After everything he had done the only place he should be is a prison cell.

As self doubt began to overwhelm his mind silently another stray thought popped into his head.

"Guilt and sadness will always play a part now In your life. But remember you have no reason to feel ashamed to keep on living, going out your way to kill villains shows how you are protecting the people who don't deserve to be eaten and for that you are a hero"

He was wrong.

Izuku Midoriya was a boy with a dream to go far in the world.

Izuku Midoriya was already a hero. A hero to those who mattered, no matter how much he doubted himself. A vigilante partly villain who wanted nothing more then to prove his worth to everyone around him.

Shoving his guilt and shame away he began to carry on walking forward when someone shoved past him, knocking him forward.

Izuku looked up to see the back of Bakugo walking infront of him. As he watched his back he thought about the time ever since Akuma died, Bakugo hadn't once taunted or antagonized him once.

Izuku remember the time he had gone back to school a week after he had his surgery. A week after he had first killed someone and was still tersiied of himself and everyone around him.

He remembered the looks of pity which followed him around where ever he went.

He remembered the comments which trailed after him as he used to make his way from class to


"Poor kid, did you hear what happened?"

"The guy got his first friend and she dies within the month to a villain attack."

"So lame, how does he expect to be a hero with out a quirk if he can't even save his girlfriend-"

"Shhh he'll hear you.."

Even Bakugo began to look at his with hints of pity in his eyes.

That's the one thing he never wanted to happen.

Akuma was his friend but Bakugo was his inspiration, the person he looked up too. When he had Bahamas to look down on him with pity something broke in Izuku. He never wanted to looked down on with pity.

They should never pity him after all he has done.

He sighed and continued walking only to trip over his own feet.

'Ahh great, this is where I die, good bye All Might, I'm sorry for being such a disappointment..

Something slapped his arm as he began to float making him freak out.

"Oh I'm sorry! I should have asked before I used my quirk" said a sweet voice before someone grabbed him and placed him flat on the floor.

Izuku brushed off the wrinkles in his clothes before looking up.

"Oh it's ok, do-."

He paused and went wide eyed at the girl in front of him. She had beautiful short brown hair and lovely big round eyes which made Izuku muddle up his words and look like a complete idiot.

The girl who hadn't noticed this carried on Talking.

"Ahh this is so nerve wracking isn't it? Well I better get inside! See you later!" She said bubbly before walking off leaving Izuku standing by the gate entrance, red faced, like a lemon.

'Holy crap, I spoke to a girl!

After gathering his bearing he ran inside the school and made his way to the area with the written part of the test would be taken.

He walked into the large hall and sat down at a table. During the test he could hear many people writing fanticly trying to answer as many questions as possible.

To him, thankfully, the test was easy.

After the written portion was complete they were all shuffled into an auditorium for the second half.

Izuku ended up sitting next to Bakugo as present mic walked onto the stage making him enter fanboy mode.

Hey! Don't judge him. Just like Akuma similarly stated. He could love hero's while being a cannabinol.

After the exam was explained and Izuku was shouted at by some boy who seemed to have a robot arm quirk, they made there way to the exam ground.

After they ran around Izuku look around for a robots to attack. He knew he couldn't use his kagune because that would be like commit his hero dream to suicide.

But every time he got near a robot it was destroyed before him.

He was running out of time.

As he began to run around frantically the ground began to rumble making him turn around to look at when it was coming from.

Izukus jaw slacked at the sight of the robot which stood at the same height as the building surrounding it.

Holy shit how much money did this place have.

He was about to turn and make a run for it when he heard a yelp coming from the direction of the robot.

He turned to look and his eyes went wide with


He leaped of his ass and ran straight towards the danger.

Ochako looked up at the robot which was slowly coming up behind her. Panicking she began pulling on her leg frainticly to try and escape.

She was so tired from using her quirk her stomach ached from motion sickness.

As she continued pulling on her trapped leg she heard some people shouting in her direction. She looked up in surprise at the sight of the plain looking boy from before ran towards her and the robot.

She looked at his face and saw the fear eched into his skin as he sprinted towards them.

Looking in awe as the bravory of the boy, she watched as he leaped Into the air and plummeted the robot into the ground with one shot before falling to the ground pulling ochako out of her awe before somehow getting out from under a massive lump on concrete and racing over to him to save him.

Just before he was about to hit the floor she slapped him hard over the face making him float.

She lowered him onto the ground before vomiting everywhere.

All at mattered was that she saved him.

Izuku later on the floor as he felt his arms slowly repair itself. Going from a broken mess to just bruised. He guessed it was the one ghoul factor of his quirk he couldn't hide.

An old lady walked into the area and started giving out kisses and candy.

"Is anyone else hurt" she asked kindly.

"Um.. yes!" The girl from before called out" he broke his arm... oh"

She looked over at him and saw his arm was only heavily bruised, which confused her. Izuku realized She Must if seen his arm as he was falling before it had healed to this state.

To deter any unwanted attention he quicken called


"Ahh I'm fine, my arms just a bit bruised. I'll be fine!" He waved off.

The lady walked over to him and gave him a kiss anyway.

Soon it was time to go home.

Shout Aizawa was stood in the observation room of the entrance exam when he got the call.

'Chief Tsuragamae would like you to come down to the station some time today. He said he needed you help on a case.'

After the exam was over he made his way to the police station. If they where asking for his help they obviously had someone with a annoying quirk which needed deactivating.

Great more dry eye.

Sighing he got out the car as he arrived and walking in through the front door where he was greater by the Chief and taken straight into on of the detectives offices.

"I'm sure you want to know why your here" he began " but first I want to know how much you know about the Kamu woods incident."

Aizawa was surprised at the sudden questions before he answered.

"Not much, I just know what was said on the news and in passing. The guy had a tentacle quirk and used it to stab the hero's through the leg. Why?"

The chief sighed. "There's a lot more to the case which we have been trying to keep out the media.

What I'm gonna show you, you can't tell anyone.

Too secret stuff but I'm sure dont need to worry about that with you"

Aizawa nodded.

"The villain didn't have a tentacle quirk it's Called a ghoul quirk."

Aizawa looked confused and asked the man to elaborate which the chief complied to.

"A ghoul quirk gives the user insane levels of power and strength. There skin can't be broken or torn with normal weapons as their skin is reinforced. The quirk type was thought to have been wiped out during the first generation Of quirk users because this power comes at a cost.

The only thing they can do is eat human flesh, making them feared wildly."

Aizawa eyes opened wide. He had never heard of such a quirk someone.


"Insane? Yea I know, the crime scenes aren't pretty." Tsuragamae places some picture in front of Mm making Aizawas toes curl up at the sights.

They where all so bloody.

"Can you see why we have been trying to keep as much of this out the media?"

Aizawa nodded before dunking his head into his capture weapon for comfort. This whole thing was putting him on edge.

"I guess you want me to see if I can erase his quirk and capture him?" He asked, the chief nodding at him.

" essentially yes. Recently he's been sticking to villains and criminals to attack but that doesn't excuse murdering people weather it's part of his quirk or not. Murder is still a crime. We need to bring this villain in before his serial killings are picked up the news. If it did I don't want to think what would happen if it did..."

Tsuragamae sighed before looking straight at him.

"I know it's a lot to ask. But your the only hope we have at catching him..

Aizawa looked at the desperate man before him.

"'I help. Don't you worry. I'll bring him in.