
My new life

(this is not what I expected when I was summoned by the holy grail).

was the first thought that went through my mind while being cradled by a beautiful white-haired woman.

being born again was not a good feeling, on second thought why was I born again? the last thing I remember is my consciousness being pulled, I thought I was getting dragged into another holy grail war, not getting dragged out of a woman.

looking over to my right I see a tanned man hovering over me, I'm guessing it's the father.

the only thing I can do now is to wait until im old enough to at least move around independently, then I can figure out where I am on the map.

with those thoughts running through my mind I drift off to sleep.

stupid infant body.


it's been half a year and I still have no idea where I am, parents don't trust 6-month-olds enough to let them wonder, sadly.

I managed to run a trace on myself, it's good to know that I can still use my mage craft.

but enough about that, I'm still bored, there is only so much I can manage while I'm still so little, what's the best way to cure boredom?

I sighed, but it looked like a yawn for anyone else and started channeling prana through my body to enhance it in the long term, 14 years of this and I should have a good enough body to withstand a hit from a truck and then some.

I continue doing this for as long as I can before drowsiness hit me and my eyelids started getting heavy.

again, stupid infant body.


"Happy birthday!".

was what my three-year-old self heard when I walked into our small two-story house, I just look at them flatly.

I have lived for thousands of years, this is not going to make me happy.


"aw man, no reaction at all, and this is three years in a row," said one of the guests, who was my grandmother, and the most surprising part is that my name is still Shirou emiya...

you can guess how happy I am about that.

I also found out about what this world holds.

the one thing that made me who I am, the one thing that made me go down the path of regret, one thing that made me go back in time and end myself to end My suffering.


when I first found out a year and a half ago, I groaned, you can guess how that looked when a one-year-old was doing it.

"better luck next time," I remark with a blank look on my face, they are used to it by now, to them I'm a weird child, smart for my age, quiet, don't cry, don't course a fuss, basically the opposite of what a 3-year-old should be.

"come on, aren't you happy? one more year and you will get your quirk" said my father, with a happy smile on his face, he was a tanned man with black hair, normal build, not bulky, but not skinny, I don't see him working out but he does have muscles.

"Yeah, come on show some emotion Shirou," said a white-haired woman, my mother, who was currently poking my cheek, had white hair, was shorter than my father, but still tall, but to me they are giants.

"Stop it, mom, don't poke me," I say and narrow my eyes at her, but it looked cute like I was pouting, or so they said.

right another thing I found out about this world.


they are the powers that make being a Hero easier, though it makes some people's egos go through the roof, they usually get themselves killed.

there is even a school for heroes, the best of them is called "UA", ugh.

just thinking about that makes me annoyed, 14-year-old hero wannabes, collateral damage is guaranteed.

well, next year I will find out what my "quirk" is going to be, though that doesn't matter.


"Sorry kid, but... Your quirkless" said the doctor...I can practically feel the disappointment and sadness from my parents as my mother hugs me.

not wanting my parents to be sad since they did love me unconditionally for 4 years, I hold up my hand and project a knife.

everyone just stares at it, dumbfounded.

a few minutes later, I registered my quirk as "projection".

I'm getting softer, Were 4 years all it took for me to lose my edge? of course not, but I can't help to warm up to them.

the least I can do is make them happy.

God I hope they don't push me to a girl in the future, it's going to be a pain, and besides, I don't think anyone will like a quiet and reserved man who doesn't let his emotions be known... right?


being 14 again is strange, I get a massive feeling of nostalgia, I think a lancer is going to come and stab me any moment while going back home from school.

looking down at my body, it's sturdy but no muscle, time to fix that, it's about time my muscles start developing.

walking in my house, I sense that no one's home, fathers working and mother might be with her friends...well im home alone... well, doesn't this remind me of something.

putting down my bag I go upstairs to my room, sitting down on my bed, I project my two most used weapons.

Kanshou and Bakuya.

I sigh and start thinking over what came over me to agree to this, why would I agree to go to the so-called "hero school" and the UA no less.

right, can't say no to my mother, her puppy eyes work on me now, damn it.

after a few more projections I decide to watch TV for a while, sitting down I turn to the news channel.

a few minutes of listening and I sigh at the sheer stupidity of the heroes.

it's the live feed, a kid, by the looks of it my age, tried to save someone from a sludge villain, while the other heroes were waiting for someone else with a more suitable quirk to show up, and the green-haired kid managed to hold the villain until all might, the number one hero arrived.

turning off the television, I start making plans for my workout, I don't need muscles that will hinder me, so I need to plan which workouts will build which muscles.

well, it only requires some patience, which I have more than enough, and maybe ill re-train myself using a 14-year-old body, I got used to moving and running, but I don't know about fighting, sure I did beat up some kids who tried to bully me but that's not much.


done, I have been playing around with this idea for a while, that's why I re-wrote the one on my fics 3 times, I was tempted to rewrite but decided to write a new instead