
MHA: The One Within

https://discord.gg/yvqT9h32 A teenage assassin was one day betrayed by the one he was supposed to help, the men that jumped him were all fairly strong individuals and the boy knew he couldn't win and get out alive, so he released all his powers and took out the enemies and while doing so he so perished as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fuck is this?" "Haha this is the place where souls go to get reincarnated, and I've got to say your life was definitely one that was filled with entertainment... Well anyways, the powers that you wanted when you were but a small child watching anime have been gifted, but the gifts come with consequences, and since you've been entertaining me for a while, I decided that you will once more be my source of entertainment." "... Do I get a choice?" "Nope. The world you will be reincarnated to is my hero academia." [This is a wish fulfilment story, and there will be BULLSHIT OC enemies, and I will tweak Tomura's decay because since he's one of the main villains I'll make his quirk stronger. As for the OC enemies, they will be complete bullshit, well more specifically their power will be since Kiraizu will need a challenge cause it wouldn't be fun if Kiraizu had nothing to challenge him in] (I DO NOT OWN ANY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FROM MY HERO ACADEMIA, I ONLY OWN MY OC'S)

pinto · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Lunch Rush & USJ.

(POV Ochaco Uraraka)

Today's class has been a lot calmer since that day with Ida-kun and Deku-kun, and I'm really happy that's the case Izuku-kun looked really torn up about what he did last week, I was going to cheer him up but Alan and Jen beat me to it. 'That doesn't matter anyways I'll definitely be able to do something for Izuku next time!' I thought and a flash of determination flashed through my eyes.

"Uraraka-san did something happen? you look really determined all of a sudden?" Deku-kun asked while eating and looking up at me.

I was about to reply but Mina-san beat me to it.

"She's probably thinking about her crush!" Mina-san said while squealing.

"W-w-what are you t-talking a-about Mina-san!" I said while turning bright red.

"OH! That look! Who's your crush! Who? Who? Who?" Mina-san said a little to excited.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed while floating away.

"NO FAIR COME BACK!" Mina-san screamed while looking up at me.

"Guy's you might want to hurry up and eat!" Momo-san said.

I ended up coming back down but now I was visibly distracted while looking at Izuku Midoriya.

(yeah uh I made her start catching feelings for Izuku a lot earlier then she should've but you guys don't mind that right?)

"-an RAKA-SAN URARAKA-SAN!" I woke up from my day dreaming by a screaming Mia.

"HURRY UP WE GOTTA GO THE ALARMS!" Mia screamed while getting her trey, I finally looked up and started paying attention only to be met with mayhem, there were student running everywhere! They were running each other over and pushing each other, and by time we got to the hallway Ida-san asked me to make him float, so I did.

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Ida-san screamed while shakingly standing on the sign in the hallway.

"ITS JUST THE PRESS!" Ida-san exclaimed while pointing out the window towards the front of the school entrance, and sure enough there was a group of people with cameras pushing and shoving trying to get into the school.

After Ida-san settled everyone down, every thing went back to normal, and we returned to our classrooms to continue the rest of the day.

'Wait, where's Izuku-kun?' I wondered while looking around the class.

"What's wrong Uraraka-san?" Mia-san asked while looking concerned.

"A-ah it's just that Deku-kun isn't here yet.." I said while sounding a little sad at the end, and I thought no one noticed but a couple people did.

"Ouuu why the dejected tone Uraraka-san?" Asia the girl that's always floating and has teal hair with golden eyes, asked.

"I-I-I" I tried to say something but I couldn't finish my sentence and started to turn red from embarrassment hearing their laughter.

"Mannn there laughter feels like I'm going to heaven.." Kaminari said a little to loud.

"Agreed." Said Minoru while looking at me and the other girls with a perverted look in his eyes.


(POV Izuku Midoriya)

'Huh? where am I?' I thought while looking around and noticing I was in my room instead of being in class.

'Wait. What happened?! Why am I at home instead of being at school!?' I started freaking out so I didn't notice the letter on my desk until after I calmed down.

'Huh, what's this? Whatever lets just read it.' I then grabbed the letter and started opening it, and what was in it was just a letter from Principle Nezu stating that I passed out during the lunch rush and wouldn't wake up, so he had All Might go ahead and take me home.

'Ah that was nice of him!' I said while cracking a smile.

(I think it was a week after the lunch rush that they went to USJ, If I'm wrong, my bad bro)



In front of a giant domed building stood 20 students all in different and unique outfits.

"Alright now line up and follow me into the building, during this training there will be 3 different instructors. One is me another is the Space Hero 13, and All Might. By the way where is he?" Aizawa asked while looking at 13 for an answer.

"He's on the way, he had to save some civilians on the way." She said while holding up 3 fingers and Aizawa just nodded and continued on his way to the entrance of USJ.

"This place is called Unforeseen Simulation Joint, this place has different area's and in those area's are hired actors there for you to save." Aizawa explained while stopping at the top of a yellow set of stairs looking down into a plaza like place.

"For now we wi-" Aizawa was about to explain what the student were to do but he was interrupted, by the lights flickering on and off, he immediately got into a defensive stance while looking at a purple gas like thing floating in the middle of the plaza where multiple thugs came out from.

"13! Get the students to safety now!" Aizawa exclaimed.

"Woah, is this part of the test?" Kirishima the red head asked.

"No! These are real villains!" Aizawa yelled while pushing the students back.

'What!? Real villains!? I thought this was supposed be a training!' Thought almost everybody in the class.

"Tch bastards, they aren't worth anything in front of the future number 1 hero!" Bakugo screamed.

"Ida! Run back to the school and alert them of what's going on!" Aizawa yelled while still facing the villains. He turned and saw the problem child with supposed split personalities walking up to the edge of the stair case.

'Huh? What's he doing?' Aizawa thought while glancing at Izuku, He saw Izuku was thinking about fighting them.

"Stay back kid! Just wait for All Might and the other teachers to show up!" Aizawa yelled at Izuku, then he took off and jumped in the middle of the group of villains and started attacking, he was about to dash off to the next group until he froze in the sight of a man with multiple hands on his face and arms, he also had 2 giant blue bird like monsters that had exposed brains.

'What the hell is this?' Aizawa thought while studying the new group of villains who he's guessing is the boss of the group, he dashed to the group of new individuals in hope to catch them off guard only to be met with one of the giant monstrosities.

"All Might's not here huh? I wonder if he'll show up if we kill a couple kids, and these two pathetic heroes." The boy with grey hair said.

"Kurogiri." After the boy said that name the purple mist started forming and transformed into a mist like person that had 2 yellow eyes and a neck brace in the middle.

"Yes, Young Master." The villain Kurogiri said and then vanished into a cloud of the same mist.

(I'm having him call Shigaraki that since Ion remember what he calls him in the anime. I need to rewatch that shit.)


(Izuku Pov)

'What's going on!? We just got here and now real villains attack!?' I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help Aizawa-sensei but he told us to stay with Space Hero 13.

[What a pathetic hero you are. Can't even make decisions on your own huh?] I heard that same voice that was the cause of my best friend being hurt.

'Shut up! I'll do something about those villains, because that's what All Might would do!' I screamed internally.

"Aizawa-Sens!-" I was about to jump down to help him, a man shrouded in mist appeared in between the group of us students, the man seemed to be looking around before he started speaking.

"Hello, nice to meet you next gen heroes. We are the League Of Villains." The shrouded man said.

'Kill All Might!? That's impossible isn't it!?' I was about to say something to the villain but space hero 13 did before me, she opened her finger slot and started sucking in the mist man.

'She'll win!' I cheered in my mind, until I saw the villain open a mist like portal in front and behind 13, and due to her quirk she started sucking herself in.

"GAH!" she started screaming and as she stopped her quirk she fell down and passed out.

"TCH YOU DAMN BASTARD!" Kacchan screamed as he dashed at the mist villain, and Kirishima joined him, but when they went to hit him they just phased through him and appeared behind him.

'What!?' I'm pretty sure that's what we were all thinking right now. 'How are we supposed to stop him?' I tried to figure out how to stop him but I started getting weird thoughts.

'Kill him. Rip him limb from limb. Yeah I like that idea!' I thought and I noticed I was smiling brightly and I was utterly confused. 'Why would I think something like that?! Aren't I a Hero?'

'I can't think about that right now! We need to stop him so we can help Aizawa!' I thought with conviction, we were about to jump at him but then the man exploded and we then found ourselves in different places.


(Kira POV)

I was just sitting on my throne wondering what the hell this twig was doing.. After Kurogiri split the brats up, Izuku and the rest landed just like canon except Minoru was swapped with Ochaco, and I don't know why but this brat Izuku is starting to get excited, It's weird.


'Well that sucks.' I thought while watching Aizawa start turning to dust with just a touch of a finger from Tomura.

"Ah, that's interesting, seems like Tomura fully awakened his quirk already.. That's good, It speeds up my plans a little." I said while enjoying the view of the students getting thrashed around.

'I gotta hand it to em though, they work well together especially Alan and that girl Jen, OH SHIT WHAT!? So that Mia girl has Telekinesis? How is it so strong already? she really just ripped apart a nomu with a hand!' I exclaimed, I'm not gonna lie, I'm starting to get excited for when she gets stronger.



While Izuku, Jen, Alan, and Ochaco were trying to work together to save Aizawa, they kept getting stopped by the big bird like thing that they figured out was called Nomu's.

"Uraraka-san! Make me lighter!" Jen screamed while preparing her bungee gum, she webbed it up in a big ball and threw it at the Nomu who was focused on Alan.

"Hurry up!" Alan screamed while dodging a fist from the Nomu, He looked at the Nomu and then silver rings started forming around the Nomu's fist and legs.

"RAWGH!" The Nomu let out a nasty scream while trying to struggle out of the restrictions.

"What the hell?! The Nomu are supposed to contend with All Might how can a small brat restrict it!" Tomura screamed, he then made a dash towards the Nomu stuck in the rings and was about to touch them but then he felt a sharp pain on his stomach.

"GUKK!" Tomura let out a nasty grunt while he threw up blood, when he looked up and at his assaulter what he was greeted with was a girl with Brown hair and big brown eyes staring at him with a frown on her face.

"SURRENDER!" Ochaco yelled, hoping that Tomura would stand down and get arrested, but boy was she wrong.

"URARAKA-SAN! WE HAVE AIZAWA-SENSEI GET OUT OF THERE!!" she turned around and looked at who called her and she saw Izuku standing at the top of the stairs with Aizawa in his arms. She made a dash to Izuku, but when she moved so did the Nomu, she turned to her right and all she saw was a giant black fist heading straight for her face.

"AHH!" Ochaco yelled as she was punched and sent flying in the distance, the Nomu was about to take off again only to be stopped by a invisible force.

"TODOROKI! GO GET URARAKA-SAN!" Mia screamed while struggling to keep the Nomu contained.

Todoroki grunted and took off towards Ochaco while sliding on ice.

'Please be fine!' He pleaded in his mind, and when he got there what he saw disturbed him.