
Chapter 19 U.S.J 3

Chapter 19: U.S.J 3

As the game of cat and mouse continued between the Nomu and Harue, they found themselves getting farther away from the central Plaza and nearing the mountain and conflagration zones.

The destruction they made was frightening as the entire path they had taken was riddled with scorched and cracked earth.

Currently the Nomu was digging its hands to the ground as it pulled a massive chunk of concrete from it.

As it held the chunk in its arms, it began winding up and threw with all its might at the flying figure infront.

(Harue's POV)


A large chunk of concrete was thrown at me by the Artificial Human that was the Nomu.

With a raise of my hand, a concentrated ball of fire was released and hit the object closing in on me.


It exploded into countless pieces and stopped its momentum.

The Nomu seeing this screeched angrily and jumped into the air with its immense strength and tried to reach me.

But its immense physicality didn't help when its body was dozens of feet in the air.

As I propelled my self out of the way to dodge its hulking body, I laughed as I counterattacked.

"Hahah, this is quite fun" my flaming kick struck its torso and caused a satisfying crunch as I broke its ribs.

And with a loud firey boom its body crashed into the ground causing a crater.

"You truly are a perfect punching bag!! This is the first time I didn't have to hold back on my powers, in case I accidentally killed somebody but since you're not even a human I guess it's fine!"


With that I descended back down and approached the creature.

Seeing the creature struggling to get out of the crater with its melting skin as the regeneration couldn't keep up with the scorched wounds all over its body, I chuckled as I raised my palm and muttered.

"Crimson Eruption" 

Immediately the ground began to shake as cracks started forming around us with crimson flames seeping through them.

The flames shot out of the ground and formed a giant fiery pillar that contained the Nomu inside.

'Now to hold back a bit so that I only weaken and don't just kill it' I thought seriously as I dialed back the heat so that it doesn't incinerate the Nomu.

"Agghhh!!!" The Nomu screamed in pain as a vicious cycle of it tearing itself apart to get rid of its burned flesh and regenerating the missing pieces continued.

As I stared at the horrifying scene, I think to myself.

The nervousness that I had before was quickly gone and replaced with overwhelming confidence when I realized that I could compete and dominate one of the strongest Nomu shown in the Show.

(AN: Who do you guys think is stronger U.S.J. or Hood/high end?

Personally I think they are equal with Hood edging out a win with its intelligence.)

While I may have not shown it, I was quite scared, going from a normal teenager to having a life and death battle with a Frankenstein-like Monster was frankly the most stressful experience I've ever had.

I thought I wasn't prepared enough to deal any sort of damage to it, that all my efforts will go down to drain when I'm finally met with such power.

I've spent these past few days waking up from nightmares of the Nomu killing me only to wake up in a panicked and sweaty state in my room.

But I guess that ends now.

I was broken out of my thoughts as a loud voice resonated in the facility.


"All might!!! I guess this is coming to an end" I said happily as that ment the teachers were also coming.

A loud scream broke me out of my good mood.

As I turned to look at it, I saw a dark silhouette slowly walk out of the raging flames.

Its body finally came to view, and I've got to say it looked like it had walked out of hell.

Most of the skin on its body had melted off leaving its muscle tissue bare to see.

As it began to slowly regrow its missing skin it charged at me with a loud roar.

'Alright i guess you still have some spunk left' 

But just as I was going to continue our battle, a massive portal appeared under the Nomu and swallowed it.

"Shit!! Damn it Kurogiri!!"

I immediately flew in the air and shot towards the central plaza.


"All Might!!!"

"We're saved" Mina and Ochako hugged each other in joy seeing the man finally here.

"Kick their ass All might!!!" Screams Mineta in excitement while helping tsu carry the injured Deku.

"….all might!" spoke the injured Midoriya with a worried smile on his face.

"I happened upon young Ida on my way here" The Hero explained in a serious voice as he continued his way towards the group.

"Thanks to him,I heard the gist of what happened"



With that he charged with great speed and pulled the students away causing winds to form.


Screams Shigaraki seeing that Aizawa had blinked to turn towards All Might.

Kurogiri nodded and opened a portal above them in which a hulking figure fell out.


"What happened to you!?" Shouts Shigaraki seeing the state the Nomu was in.

The students looked on in disgust and horror as the creature turns to them.

The villain…. no the monster infront of them looked like a walking corpse.

"Highh-" Roared the Nomu in Response.

"Dai….." muttered a worried Aizawa seeing the creature thinking about the boy who had fought it.

All Might clenched his fist even harder hearing him and shouted at the villains.

"YOU SCUM!! Do you feel proud Attacking Kids!!"

Shigaraki began laughing out loud hearing what the symbol of peace had said.

"Hahahah...….." he suddenly stopped and said in an eerie voice.

"No All Might we weren't after these brats, WE HAVE COME FOR YOU!!"

"NOMU KILL HIM!!" He orderd the creature.

"Be careful this thing has multiple quirks and strength comparable to you" Warns Aizawa to Toshinori who nods and charges at the Nomu.


The Nr 1 Hero and the Nomu designed to kill him clash together.

As the slugfest continues, the others look on in awe as the two titans collide.

'This villain...' All Might thought while tanking a punch thrown by the Nomu.

'It has multiple quirks!!, it couldn't be…..'

"That man's still alive!!!" He responded in anger as his fist hits the nomus jaw and breaks it.

The Nomu heals in seconds as it punches the hero in the stomach.

"Ughh-" Groan's Toshinori in pain as his wound was reopened.

But he managed to grab the creature waist and suplexes him.


As All might and the Nomu were locked in battle.

A swarm of villains suddenly came and surrendered the Students and Aizawa.

"There they are!!"

"We finally found these brats!"

"Is that All might?!"

These were the Villains who were supposed to deal with the students.

But as half of them had been saved by Harue, those who were left without any students to attack had been ordered by Kurogiri to come to the central plaza.

"Damn it we're surrounded!!"

Shouts a scared Mineta.

"Sensei what should we do!?" Asked Sero to the injured Aizawa.

As Aizawa tries to get up, he immediately falls back down.

Ojiro immediately helps him up with a worried look on his face.

"Sensei!!" They shout worriedly.

'Damn it that thing almost broke my entire body' Aizawa thinks as he tries to ignore the pain and began to speak.

"Gather around and form a formation, those injured get at the back, the others try and hold on till help arrives, I will erase their quirks so protect yourself." Aizawa orders the students.


But just as the villains started charging at them a massive wave of ice froze them.

"Todoroki!!" The students exclaimed in relief as the Slient teen delt with the remaining Villains.

He then nodded at them after finishing while turning towards All Mights battle.



All Might looks on in confusion as the villain he suplexes is swallowed by a dark portal.

"Ughh-" He grunts in pain as the villain grips on his old wound.

"Heheh while I don't like making myself a portal, For the symbol of peace I'd gladly do so!!" Mockes Kurogiri seeing the confused All might.

But just as he was about to close his portal on all might two figures appear.

"Ughh-" Groans Kurogiri as an explosion hits his metal neck guard and a figure pins him to the ground.

"Eat that you fucking shadow-faced shitrag!!" Shouts the explosive teen with a smirk plastered on his face.

He then blasts away as Kurogiri try's to catch him in his warp gate.

The same happened to Nomu as a flaming fist hits its head and pulls All Might away.

"You alright All Might?" Harue asks the Hero in a concerned tone seeing him clutching his stomach.

"If only I was a bit faster!!"

"You've done enough Dai Shonen!" Replies the hero as he turns towards him and Bakugo.

"Young Dai, Young Bakugo thank you!!" Says the symbol of peace with his iconic smile to the teens who had saved him.

Harue smiles back while Bakugo tsk-ed at the hero but those who know him would know that he is quite happy at this moment.

Shigaraki was also not having a good time as he barely dodge a swing from Kirishima who snuck up on him.

"Gosh Damn it, I almost got you!!" Complained the Hardening student seeing Shogaraki get away and regroup with Kurogiri.

"Fucking hell, I have to give it to you kids" the Unstable Manchild compliments them.

"You have made us a complete laughingstock Nomu!, go ahead and finish explosion boy over there."

The creature with its immense speed instantly got up and arrived in front of bakugo.

'Shit that's too fast!!' But just as the punch was about to end him he was pushed away.

All might blocks its punch and gets thrown away but the Nomu didn't get off scot free either.

As a flaming Harue had flying kneed its face.


The Nomu once again gets pushed to the ground a couple meters away.

But still managed to get back up as the wound on his face started to regenerate.

"Dude you dodged that!!" Compliments a surprised Kirishima to Bakugo who had a shocked look on his face.

'I didn't see that fucking thing at all' he thought in slight fear as he then replied.

"No you retard!" He says in annoyance as he looks at the place all might was thrown.

"...Don't you have any mercy." All might mutters as the dust blocking him disappears.

"Marcy, tell that to your fiery student here!" Shogaraki points to a serious Harue who was starting at him.

"If it was anyone else than Nomu, he would have killed them 100 times over with the injuries he has inflicted!!!"

"And from whom did you think he mustered such touching acts of violence?

-Huh? 'Hero'…."

"So gave me a break, violence only creates more violence so we are going to show that to the world by killing YOU!!" He shouts the last part with seething anger.

As a silence rang out when suddenly Harue breaks it.

"You talk with quite the high moral ground for someone who attacked a group of students while they were off guard!!"

"So quit with all those excuses you villain,

In order to kill All Might you first have to go THROUGH ME!!!"

A massive wave of heat radiated from him as he finished speaking.

'Dai Shonan, you truly have got a good heart, young flames like you are destined to replace old ones like me.' All Might thought seeing the firey teen stick up for him.

A certain broccoli haired boy also flashed through his mind.

The other two who were watching also quickly replied in eagerness.

"The same with us!!" Exclaimed a pumped up Kirishima.

"As that match stick said" Bakugo followed soon after.


Shouts All Might with a serious tone.

"But sir you're injured and are bleeding!"

Harue says with a worried expression on his face.

"No buts since I'm here all you need to do is watch how a pro hero show you how It's done!!" He replies while inside he thinks to himself.

' it's certainly true. I don't even have a solid minute left in me. The rate in which I'm weakening is also fast! I've got to end this quickly' 

Why you ask?

For I am the symbol of peace.

With that he disappeared in a flash and charged at the Nomu.

He began to go blow for blow with the Nomu.

"It's pointless he was made to kill you!!" Screams Shogaraki in glee.

"If he was made to withstand, my 100% in that case I'll give him more than my 100%"

All might shouts back as his punches began to speed up even more until just the after images were seen.

"A hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle thrown on his way!"

"Do you know what that means villain!!"

He then charges his fist with everything he got and hits the Nomu in its chest.


The Nomu is sent flying as it broke through the U.S.J. ceiling and leaves the facility entirely.


"What the hell?"

"What is this a comic book!?"

Bakugo and Kirishima comment with an awed expression on their face.

'Man strong heroes will never get boring, especially good ones like All might!' Harue thought looking at one of the few people he truly respected in the show and now in this world.

All Might straightens his body as he comments on his win.

"I really have gotten weaker in my heyday it would have taken five good punches tops!"

"Now it took more than 100 of those suckers."

(AN: As Harue had weakened the Nomu quite considerably, it took all might only 100 to finish it and not 300 like in the of story.)

A scream broke the happy atmosphere.

"You cheated….You cheater!!!!"

"It was supposed to kill you, so why aren't you dead!!" Shigaraki started running towards all might in anger.

But just as he did a bullet hit his arm and leg.

"Ugh-" his scream was cut off as a black mist coverd him.

A wave of fire hit the spot he had been but for naught as the villains had escaped.
