
Finding True Love (La Brava x OC)

La Brava, real name Manami Aiba, now works for the police under the cybercrime division but being away from Danjuro causes her to become depressed… till she meets someone who could give her true love.


Manami typed rapidly on the keyboard, her eyes glued to the screen. It had been a year since she was recruited by the police and operating in the cybercrime division. She was tasked with stopping and tracking hackers. It was... a job, just something to keep her busy and pay the bills. She wasn't originally invested in it, and yet as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months she became steadily more interested and invested.

This trend only grew when she learned that Danjuro was re-applying to get a hero license. While she was happy, beyond ecstatic even! ...It also meant he no longer talked to her on a daily basis; interaction between them dropped down to being weekly in one sudden shift, originally, but as his exams became more strenuous that gap widened further and further.

Eventually no more messages came, and like a flower left in the dark, she began to wilt and revert back to how she was before meeting him.

She idly typed in a command and the hacker she was 'fighting' was stopped. She followed it up by burning out his access and permissions; he would have to try hacking from another server altogether if he wanted to try again.

Satisfied, she leaned back in her chair to relax, only to tilt her head to the side as she heard the door open behind her.

Turning in her chair, she found it to be the skinny and bespectacled form of Shinjimara. She smiled at him in greeting. Shinjimara, or just Shinji, was a tall individual; he stood at 6'8'' tall, a side-effect of his Quirk which he called Touch-and-Grow. Apparently he could touch anything organic and make it grow bigger and could control how long it stayed enlarged. Of course because of his name most people would taunt him, teling him that he should use his power for pornography. Manami personally thought such sentiments and outright comments were rude; Shinji was among the nicest people she knew. He had long dark hair, and his glasses hid his eyes from view, they weren't sunglasses but because of his height the light had a unique effect to block out his eyes from most people that looked at him save those that stood at his height which were far and few between.

As his form was revealed she caught sight of the bento in his hand. "Lunch break?" She asked with a welcoming smile.

He nodded, "Yeah, if you don't mind?"

She responded in the negative, she was more than happy for the company. Taking the provided excuse, she got off her chair to get her own lunch from the fridge. When she first started working she had been with a crew, but as her own skills outstripped theirs, not to mention her lack of communication, the force simply gave her her own personal office. Complete with a fridge, microwave and even a futon if she worked late hours. The perks of being so talented, but it wasn't helping her companionship problems.

With a silent sigh she grabbed the bento she'd made at home and went to the microwave to heat it up. Shinjimaru grabbed the spare chair and made himself comfortable at her insistence. While he unboxed his bento she wandered over to the fridge and pulled out two juice cans. One was cleanly slid over to Shinji while the other stayed unopened in her hand as her food chose that second to finish reheating. Within moments the song and dance was over, and the two were seated across from each other at her small table.

Shinji worked in telecommunications, his job was to take in calls for emergencies as well as communicate to the squads of possible alerts. He also helped with cooperation between police and Heroes.He often joked that he was essentially the audio version of a gopher, but she found that to be rather unfair. His job was vitally important to the smooth operation and success of dozens of clashes and conflicts.

He technically had the contact information of dozens of Pro heroes; he'd even talked with Danjuro, who had helped with certain missions and was going under the tentative name of 'Rebound'. At first she relished in hearing his exploits… but after 6 months she told Shinji to stop. Hearing about him just made her separation from him hurt even more as it became apparent the man had simply moved on, living his dream.

Outside of Shinji's stories she had also abused her position a bit to hack cameras to watch him, but after a while she stopped that too as it was clear that she and him would never meet again. It was a painful choice but one she made of her own free will. The happy smile the man wore while performing hero work was all she needed as a send off. It was bittersweet, certainly, but anything less would have been pure selfishness on her part.

While she was lost in thought Shinji ate his meal quietly. "Say… do you wanna go somewhere after work?" He asked, snapping her out of it.

She looked at him, idly spearing a little hot dog shaped like an octopus she'd made for fun, "Like where?"

He shrugged, "Dunno, I don't know what you like to do in your free time." he pointed out. He'd known her for about 8 months now and while he talked about himself she never really responded in kind.

She didn't think he was interested in her, but at the same time he never said he wasn't either...She shuffled a bit, not sure what to say really, "Well I don't do much outside of computers anymore." she admitted, feeling just a bit self conscious at the sudden attention on her… lacking home life.

He shrugged, "How about games?" he ventured, "We could do a cooperative game, hit up an arcade or something? Or maybe just set up next to each other and play online?"

She began nodding slowly as she thought about it, "Okay, yeah we can try something." she said.

He nodded, "I know an arcade nearby." he said she nodded in approval and the two kept eating both eager to see each other after work.

-Several Hours Later-

Manami sighed as she stretched having successfully backtracked and caught 3 hackers… well the force caught them she just told them where the hackers lived was all. With that done she turned off her computer and hopped off her chair to grab her purse, and bento box to make bento's for the following days. She exited her room and locked it then headed toward the main entrance. She saw Shinjimara at the front door and smiling she walked up to him, "Alright it's a bit of a walk, mind if we talk a bit on the way?" he asked.

She shrugged, "Sure why not?" she said.

It was about a 30 minute walk but it was a good walk. They talked about each other more and their former dreams. Shinji wanted to be a hero but he had a weak drive for fighting and ultimately decided to work in telecommunications for the police. Manami talked more about herself but didn't mention her actions as a 'villain' again not wanting to think of Danjuro. When they got into the arcade Manami looked around at the people of all ages in the arcade, young kids shooting in gun games, teenagers in fighting or racing games, and adults playing virtual bowling games and poker games with each other. It was as if she had stepped into another world.

Shinji led her around and she stared in awe at the various games. "So anything jump out at you?" he said, bringing her out of lala land. She focused on him then looked around and she saw near the back a counter with a person and various objects behind them and in the counter. He followed her gaze, "Ah the prize pool, you can play games to win tickets and you can exchange those tickets for the prizes." he explained, she walked up looking at the various prizes most were toys, some were game systems and there were even some store coupons too. The coupons went from 1,000 to 10,000 tickets when she got closer she understood why some of the coupons were from 20-50% off for purchasing from those stores.

She pointed to one in particular, "That!" she said and Shinji looked, the coupon was for Yamada Denki LABI Ikebukuro. It was 50% off and as a result it cost a whopping 50,000 tickets. Shinji looked at her and found she was staring at him, her eyes shining with desire.

He sighed and nodded, "Ok we can do some games but it's not something we can do in one night." she smiled and he felt his heart jump at the sight. "Ok let's go." he said and he went to a machine to get some tokens for games. He went to the basketball game as it would be best for his quirk. Using quirks was possible but if you did you'd have a limit to how much you could play depending on the quirk. There was a man standing at the basketball game, as the two walked up he looked at them, "What's your quirk?" he asked.

Shinji answered honestly, "A growth quirk." he said.

The man thought, "You get 3 games." he finally stated, Shinji nodded and put in a token he then held up an arm and extended his middle and pointer finger while curling the others down he pressed pressed on his forearm it began to grow longer and it kept growing till it nearly reached the basket. He then removed his fingers from his arm and then reached down with his hand and grabbed the ball he tossed it to his grown arm and sunk the ball into the basket. He had 15 tries to get the ball in and sunk it 15 times. Because of this he got a perfect score which meant 50 tickets and with three games he got 150 tickets. It was a start, and after 15 minutes his arm shrunk down to normal size again. They went around and played other token games, Manami found she was extremely good at the Cyclone game. Despite needing Shinji to lift her up she was able to get 5 jackpots before she was told to not play the game till tomorrow. It was no small wonder considering that with those 5 wins she had gotten 250 tickets per win. A grand total of 1,250 tickets plus the 150 that Shinji won totaled to 1,400.

As they went to another game Shinji remarked, "Your hand-eye coordination skill is amazing, how did hacking get you that?" he asked.

She shrugged, "You gotta be quick when it comes to hacking or blocking, always gotta move ahead of whoever you're going against. That and I may have pirated some games." she said casually. Shinji nodded impressed, they spent several hours till eventually they ran out of tokens to play. By which time it was nearly 10 P.M. both had to sleep for work tomorrow. At the end of the day they had gotten 8,954 tickets and stored it up for tomorrow. As they walked out Manami jumped about happy and excited, "Wow that was so much fun!" she said. "I never knew games like that could be so much fun!" she said it was true she never really went outside to play those games she was too nervous especially due to the rings around her eyes.

Shinji smiled "You gonna go tomorrow too?" he asked.

She stopped bouncing and looked at him, "You don't want to come with?" she asked.

He stopped walking, "Uh well… I don't mind going with you bu-" he began.

She grabbed his hand, "Then come with me! It's more fun with you around!" she said, and it was no lie she genuinely enjoyed his company more than she ever had.

He stared at her then looked away rubbing the back of his head to hide a blush, "S-Sure thing." he said.

-A few nights later-

Shinji watched as Manami played a game it was a recreation of a game popular in America called Deal or No Deal in which she would have to choose a briefcase with money, or in this case, tickets inside. She would then have to choose other briefcases and depending on what was in them either deal and take what was inside or no deal and take what was in the briefcase she had chosen. She had gathered quite a crowd as she had managed to take a case and opened all but 2 save the case she herself had, she had gotten rid of all the low number ticket choices with save the 0 and the two highest amounts the 1,250 tickets and the 1,500 ticket cases. If she said no deal to the next case she would have to open her case and see what was inside. Everyone watched with bated breath. She chose a case and it opened revealing it was the 1,250 case. She sat there thinking, all eyes on her awaiting her decision. She then hit the Deal button and received the case. It was then her case was opened, and it revealed… to be 0. Cheers and whooping sounded and she was so into the game that she jumped at the sound and looked around. "Good for you lady! You got the second closest to the jackpot!" said a guy.

"You rock!" said a girl.

She blushed even as the machine began spewing out tickets. Shinji helped disperse the crowd saying she was shy, and they eventually left. When they had the machine was done getting out tickets. He grabbed them and folded them up "With this we got 50,000 tickets! Well 50,004 tickets." he corrected. He then noticed Manami was staring up at him, "Is something wrong?" he asked.

She shook her head, "No… just… thank you…" she said, she gestured for him to get close, he lowered his head and was surprised when she grabbed it and pulled him into a kiss. For them both the world went silent, and time slowed to a crawl. He stared at her wide eyed while her eyes were closed. To feel her lips against his was like he was in a dream. Eventually it was over when she broke the kiss, "You helped me so much so I figured this was something I could do." she said, she was blushing just as much as he was.

She then hopped off the chair and took Shinji by the hand who was still stunned by the kiss. She went up to the prize section and handed her tickets, the man fed the tickets to a machine which counted out the tickets and then totaled it with her tickets, "Well congratulations!" he said, "You can get the big prize." he said, "Do you want it?" she nodded, he grabbed the coupon and handed it to her, "There you go! Do come back you both have caused quite a stir in the arcade." he said with a wink.

Manami smiled, "I had a lot of fun… yeah I'll come back, now if you'll excuse us." she said and she led Shinji out. When they were outside is when he finally regained himself.

He stood up, "Well uh… that was… um… I… uh…" he tried to speak but couldn't.

She looked at him, "You ok?' she asked.

Shinji inhaled deeply then he looked at her and crouched, "Manami… will you… be my girlfriend?" he asked.

Her eyes went wide, "G-G-G-G-G-" she began her pupils shrank and quivered and her body began to vibrate slightly. "G-G-G-" she seemed to be stuck mentally. Shinji grabbed her hand and she seemed to snap out of it. She looked at his hand, her face red. "Shinji?" she looked into his face. Because they were eye level she saw that his eyes were a brilliant blue-green color, "Your eyes are pretty." she said aghast.

This time he blushed, "Y-yeah most people say I have girly eyes." he said looking away.

But Manami grabbed his chin and made him look at her again, she stared into them with such deep eyes like pools of water. "I think they make you more handsome." she said, "Not like my eyes." she said now looking away.

This time it was Shinji's turn to provide comfort, "I think it makes you unique, nothing wrong with that better to be you then to be everybody else." That made her smile, she decided to reward him and gave him a kiss. He was surprised but accepted it gratefully, when they parted they were both blushing, "I'll uh I'll walk you home." he said.

She smiled, "I'd like that." and with that a relationship began.

-3 months later-

Shinji couldn't believe that he was really having a girlfriend and he found he loved Manami dearly, her small size, her beautiful red hair, and her eyes. The two were currently walking through the streets of the city at night, the city shining as did the moon above. They decided to just explore and had come across a few street food vendors and pretty much had it for breakfast and lunch. Some people gave them odd looks, a man that was nearly 7 feet tall with a woman 3'8'' was quite a contrast. But neither of them cared about it, they were too focused on each other. Shinji looked at Manami and smiled at her, she was so small and often he wanted to just pick her up and carry her but he respected her. It would be insulting if he just did so without her permission.

She pointed at a shop and he looked up to see a Takoyaki stand, "Want some? It'll be my treat!" she said.

He looked at her, "Sure but I don't mind paying." He assured her.

She puffed her cheeks scowling playfully, "I know but I want to treat you this time." she said in a mildly irritated tone.

Shinji smiled, "Ok if you want to then." he agreed and the two went to grab a seat, they placed their orders and watched as the man, who had 6 arms and 3 heads began to prepare takoyaki with 3 heating panels.

As they waited Manami leaned against Shinji's arm, "Shinji… thanks…" she said, he looked at her confused, "For a while I wasn't sure if I could find someone like Danjuro… in fact I didn't really want to." she said, "But… then I met you, and you reminded me of myself… in more ways than one." she said, "I thought you were a good friend but now I think you might've been the person for me in life." She said, she raised her head and looked at him, her face red with embarrassment and affection. "I'm happy to call you my boyfriend." she said

Shinji stared at her surprised by this, he then smiled back, "And I'm happy to call you my girlfriend." He said.

The takoyaki maker spoke, breaking them out of their atmosphere. "Here you go my special Lover's Takoyaki!" he said, they both blushed as they saw Takoyaki in a large box shaped like a heart, "No extra fee, consider it a special just for you two." he said winking with one of his faces while the other two sighed.

The two paid for the food and decided to head to Shinji's place for the night they weren't working tomorrow so it would be fine. In fact both had a very special plan for that night. Both had been dating for a month and both felt they understood each other enough to go to a level even she hadn't gone before with Danjuro. Originally everything she had done was for him… but as she had been separated from him she began to feel like she did once again… but now someone else wanted her and not for her abilities not to say Danjuro only cared about that. But Shinji wasn't interested in her abilities, just herself as a person she didn't think anybody else would. They got to Shinji's apartment, luckily for them most of his apartment neighbors were out for the weekend with friends and family.

Shinji sat down at his small table, Manami always felt sorry for Shinji to be holed up in such a tiny place. Well it wasn't small to be precise, it was just Shinji was so large it made it look smaller than what it really was. She looked at him as he opened the box of Takoyaki, "Ya know this shape is a bit tacky… but nice." he said. She looked at the box, the takoyaki was arranged beautifully in a heart shape with bits of vegetables and even some cut pieces of fish to fill the middle.

She smiled and grabbed the chopsticks the shop had given them. She took one blew on it till it was cool and ate it. It was delicious and the sauce on top was excellently complimentary with the insides. "So good!" she gushed and Shinji grabbed his own set and used it to get some bites himself. It was excellent the two talked as they ate about work, about the current state of heroes. It seemed a lot was going on in the outer parts of the city. Thankfully they were the depths of the city which was far enough to avoid some of the danger. He looked at Manami as she ate some of the salmon pieces… he knew that his power was technically very ideal for heroes, the ability to touch someone and make them larger was perfect for heroes it would allow them to use their powers on magnified levels… but he knew that he would never truly be a hero he would be a tool and he was anything but that. So despite his parents urging he refused to go to hero school.

He looked at Manami lowering his chopsticks, she saw him looking at her intently and lowered hers, there wasn't much food left but she knew that wasn't why he stopped. "Manami," he said, "Listen I got something to tell you." he said, she focused on him even turning so she was facing him fully, he did the same, "As you know my power can work on anything organic, this includes people." he said, "I didn't become a hero because I knew my powers would be used as a tool I wouldn't really be a hero… if there's one thing I hated it was being used as a tool." he said. "Kids used to do it. They'd make me make them bigger just so they wouldn't get bullied. They said I was their 'friend' but they didn't mean it. I was just their tool, when I stopped using my powers on them they just bullied me." he looked down, "I don't know when it happened but I got taller really quick according to the quirk specialists my quirk went crazy for a bit and it made me bigger and bigger to defend myself. By the time I got to highschool I was bigger than most students, people were afraid of me because of that." he explained.

She didn't respond she listened attentively, and carefully, "After a few years my quirk was found out and then people began to tease me saying I should quit school and go do porno's." he said, "Suffice to say I just hated their stupid shallowness I couldn't focus that well in school so I just ran away and hid when I could. I made it to college and it only got worse… even now I sometimes still get people saying I should just give up and do something easier." he said, "Honestly I've thought about it a few times but I'm not really good with women or girls. To be frank I've never really talked with girls…" he looked at her again, "Then I met you and saw how the others treated you… it made me mad but you were able to withstand it somehow." he said, "It made me think, 'She's strong… and she's so petite' and here I am double your size and I'm too scared to defend myself." he smiled. "I admired your strength but as time passed you changed… you began to become like me… and I couldn't really stand it so I decided to talk to you to see what was wrong but ultimately I never found out…" he said. "I guess I'm just useless in life huh?" he asked.

Manami looked at his sad smile and she smiled back, she then stood up and walked to him. She grabbed his cheeks and gently pulled him down into a kiss. When they broke she looked at him "When I first came to the station there was a man I loved. You know him as the Gentle Criminal. He was the first to accept me for who I was and didn't make fun of me because of my shortness or my eyes… I talked with him alot." She saw Shinji's eyes soften, "But one day he had been reaccepted as a hero and I was happy for him because that was what he wanted in the first place. But as he was a hero the times I could talk to him were less and less frequent till eventually they stopped altogether." she sighed.

She looked down, "When that happened I went back to how I was before him but then… something happened." she said. She looked at Shinji, "You happened, you came into my life twice my size you didn't mock me, you didn't judge me by my looks… you wanted to be my friend and that made me happy." she said, "Over time I grew to like you, but I was too shy to say it not to mention the others, I didn't want them to make fun of you for being with me… but I also wasn't sure if I was right for you…" she said, "Then you asked me to get lunch and… well you know the rest." she said they were silent again both thinking about what the other had told.

She looked at him, "If you wanna use your powers on me you can, I don't care what you do to me as long… and maybe you can try… well making yourself you know." They were both bright red. They looked at each other again and this time he grabbed her by her bottom and lifted her into a hot and passionate kiss, she met him just as passionately and they spent a minute exploring each other's mouths while also inhaling each other's scent. Once done they broke and both began to grab their clothes and stripped when they were naked they stood there. He was so tall that his hard dick was a few inches above her head. Despite her small size she did have quite a pair of large breasts both in the C-cup range and she had a 30 inch butt it would've been small on anybody else but because of her petite size it looked much bigger.

Shinji could've used his powers but he didn't, he wanted to experience her natural size first. When he lowered himself down and touched her breasts she went red and moaned as his large hands encompassed one breast easily. She felt his huge hands touching every part of her bust and even squeezed her nipple a bit she moaned and reached down with her free hands to her wet lower lips. He reached with this other hand and grabbed her butt he squeezed it gently and caressed it with loving grace. She felt embarrassed she was bigger than most but her body was so small it made it pointless in her eyes. She always wanted a bigger and more beautiful body now especially. She then felt his fingers pull back save for two aimed at her waist, "Grow!" he said.

She felt something flowing into her body as it did her body changed, she began to get taller, her legs and arms elongating, she looked and saw herself growing. She was about to enjoy it when just as soon as it started it stopped. He moved away from her. She was now sitting on her butt and he held out a hand, "I made you taller but not by much too tall and you'd get vertigo now stand up." he said. She looked at him and took his hand and he lifted her up she stood and in that instant nearly fell from vertigo, "I guess even that much was enough to cause it." he said, "Sorry." he said.

But she wasn't listening. She had gone from her petite shape to a slightly more normal shape. She was still pretty short but not as short as she had been before. She looked at Shinji, "This is your power?" She asked if she knew it was she was just not sure she could believe it could make a drastic change so easily.

He nodded, "Yes I increased your height by 11 inches." he said, she realized she was now 4'7'' a little below average but not as short as before. "Do you want me to make anything else bigger?" he asked, he was happy that she was into it.

There was a devilish gleam in her eye, "Of course… if you don't mind!" she pointed up top, and held out her hands till they were at least half her arms length away from her. He smiled and reached for both her breasts placing 4 fingers on them. Once again he said 'Grow' and her bust expanded till they reached her hand and overflowed slightly afterward then stopping. He kept his hands on her as she panted as new sensations filled her. Her breasts felt so sensitive even though Shinji's hands were resting on hers she felt electrical signals sparking through her brain. "Mmngh! It's so… good!" she gasped, "I'm gonna-" but she barely could finish her words when she had an orgasm and her legs gave out.

He reached for Manami and caught her easily, "Whoa take it easy your nerves are enlarged as well making them more sensitive." he said, "Normally you'd have more nerves in them but my power just makes them not as large as your breasts though." he explained.

She heard his words then realized something else, "Wait a minute wouldn't that mean that if someone got hit they'd feel more pain than usual?" she asked.

He smiled, "Yeah… that is a factor." with that she now knew that there was another reason why he didn't join the heroes.

She reached for his face, tears brimming her eyes, "You didn't tell anybody this did you?" she asked.

He looked away, "Well they wouldn't have cared anyways." he said.

She pulled him down to gently kiss his forehead, "I care… you are a truly kind person the heroes do not deserve a person like you." she said.

He smiled, "Thanks now enough sentimentality let's get to growing." he said "i'd imagine," he placed a hand on her butt, "This is next?" he asked.

She nodded, "But you grow it as big as you want." she said. He sat down and placed two fingers from one hand on each butt cheek, again with his command they grew when it was over her looked at her. She was slightly taller with large watermelon sized breasts, that were more perky than saggy, Her butt was 50 inches across and with her still moderately petite body looked bigger than that. He released her and she stood with surprising ease, "I can walk?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yes, you should find balance easy now your muscles are also larger too." he assured her. She walked but was unused to her new long legs so she wobbled and nearly fell again but was able to catch herself even as Shinji reached for her. She held up a hand and he stepped back. She positioned herself against the wall and took a step forward she began to walk using the wall as balance after a few steps she pushed away and walked around.

She then began to hop and almost ran but remembered she was in a small room. "Wow long legs really get you moving huh?" She said.

He chuckled, "They can but they can get tripped up easier too." he said.

She looked at him then sauntered up to him her hips wiggling from side to side hypnotically. It was during this walk that she finally got a look at his dick which was standing erect, it was quite big possibly a side effect of his quirk hell even his balls. She grabbed his dick and pressed it to her chest and walked up till she was pressing against his hips. She was just tall enough to be above his hips and she looked up at him with a slight smile, "Let's get to it." she said, "This'll be my first time." she said.

He smiled, "Well it'll be a first for both of us let's just… I dunno do it." he said. She nodded and she held up her arms, he reached down and grabbed her by her butt then lifted her up, He lifted up till she was face level. They kissed again and he took her to his bed, the only thing that was actually quite big in the whole apartment. He sat down and with it he released her and she pushed him down still kissing him after a moment of tonguing she sat up, and looking behind wiggled her booty against his hard dick. She felt it pulse regularly as if to his own heartbeat. "It's uh… 14…" he said suddenly.

She looked at him confused, "Huh?" she asked.

He was looking away, "My penis it's… uh… 14… inches long…" he said.

She looked at him a laugh was going up her body and almost escaped her lips, her cheeks puffing out as she stifled the laugh but couldn't help a small giggle, "Y-You are so… adorable!" she giggled, he smiled nervously at that, "It's fine I'll take you however big you get." she assured him. With that she got up slightly and turned so that she was facing his dick fully. Despite what she had said looking at it full on made her feel a bit frightened. It was… quite large but she wouldn't back down. She raised her hands and began to stroke the head, which was quite big. She could barely get her whole hands around it. Part of her realized it could even become bigger thanks to his quirk. She kept that in the back of her mind as she leaned in and began to lick his huge dick head. It was a strange taste, somewhat salty but not unpleasant it'd just take time getting used to. She licked and kissed as she did she felt bolder and she opened her mouth wide and engulfed the head.

She lowered her head down slowly but surely feeling his dick throbbing against her tongue and throat. She hit her limit around 7 inches and raised her head only to go back down. She began to suck him off her tongue scraping against the length while she sucked on it. With one hand she began to pump his length while the other reached down for his balls, they had been big to see but to feel it was something else. Even gently cupping them she felt the weight. They were heavy. She gave them a slight squeeze and his body twitched at the sensation. She was delighted with this tiny bit of information. She squeezed and caressed his balls as she did he twitched and gasped at her menstruations.

Shinji didn't masturbate much, and even then he only pumped the stick, nothing more. Maybe it was because of her, maybe it was the lack of contact and stimulation but her hands made him get all kinds of sensitive. He could feel it his dick engorging while his balls clenched, "M-Manami I'm gonna cum!" She began to pull her head up but felt a strong blast of cum into her mouth. She was able to get her head off his dick to avoid the following 4 spurts that came afterward. She was so preoccupied with the jizz in her mouth she couldn't see his cock shooting cum with such strength it nearly reached the ceiling only to splatter back down.

His cum was copious and thick, the slightly warm jizz oozing down his legs and Manami's hair and body. He fell back having had the orgasm of his life he was ready to call it a night, he sat up to tell his girlfriend he was gonna go to sleep when he saw her struggling to swallow his jizz. "Uh you don't need to-" he began but she made a face clenched her hands into fists and swallowed forcibly. He saw her throat bulge as she did this. She gasped for breath "Wow that was…" he began but his dick finished the words for him. His slowly softening dick sprung back up to full erection.

Her eyes went wide, "O-Oh you're still ready to go?"

Shinji blushed, "Y-Yeah sorry but uh we're kinda messy let's clean up." he suggested.

But she turned to him, "We'll just get messy again let's keep going till we can't!" she urged. He thought about it and realized she was right even if they did clean up they'd just get dirty again might as well go all out. He reached for her butt grabbing it, while pulling her into a kiss. He then moved so he was off the bed and lifting her up, they broke and he set her onto the bed and stepped back so that his dick was right at her vulva. Manami was bracing with all of her being. She knew he was big and it would hurt but she knew he wouldn't truly hurt her so she braced for the initial plunge. She felt the huge warm head of his phallus brushing her lips and she shuddered with both fear and desire. She then felt his huge hands gripping her butt. He raised her up so that her lips touched his dick and then lowered her gently but firmly. She felt his huge head spreading her lower lips and the inches sliding into her then the brief resistance of her hymen then his hands pushing her down and breaking it. Pain filled her and she stiffened her head thrown back tears streaming from her eyes.

Shinji's hands wrapped around her back and he hugged her close.She buried her face into his sweaty abs, her arms clutching his torso tightly. They stayed that way for several minutes. He felt her raise her head, "I'm ready." she said, and he pulled away. He gripped her tightly and began to raise and lower her body. Manami felt pain as this happened but the pain was slowly vanishing and began to feel something else. She felt a warmth and a thrill her heart began to beat faster and her body began to tingle with pleasure. Within a minute she began to work her legs pushing and lowering herself up and down. Her newly enlarged breasts bounced wildly. For Shinji it was mesmerizing, he hadn't really been attracted to large breasts till now… and he hoped she would want to have them more in future. Manami was moaning now as she ran her hands up and down her body she felt his dick pounding her cervix.

She looked at Shinji with lustful love. "Harder." she panted and he gripped her butt tightly and thrusted up as he pulled her down. She felt it his dick pushing through her cervix into her womb, his dick so large it bulged out impressively like a rod in her belly. Manami's eyes rolled as she orgasmed her body tightening with the action. Juices sprayed as she nearly fainted from the stimulation. When it stopped she flopped down weakened but exhilarated. Shinji himself was breathing pretty hard but he wasn't totally exhausted. He had yet to cum and he wanted to, his balls were beyond bloated, years of zero release.

But he would wait till she was ready, she panted for a few seconds and finally she shifted. "It's your turn…" she said he was about to move when she reached down and touched his collar, "If you want to go bigger…" she leaned in close to his ear, "Go bigger." she whispered. He smiled at her and then raised one hand.

He looked at her, "I don't want to hurt you." she smiled.

She kissed his cheek, "You won't." he smiled and thrusted his finger down onto his penis. Manami felt it his dick swelling up not tremendously but enough that she felt it get bigger. Shinji smiled as he raised up his hand and placed it back onto her butt. "God how much bigger did you make it?" She grunted. She could feel it pulsing in her womb hell she could see it, throbbing rhythmically.

He smiled, "3 inches in length and half an inch in girth." he said. He raised her up and lowered himself and began to fuck her hard. Their bodies slapping against each other loudly. Manami moaning and gasping loudly.

She panted as she was ravaged by his dick, each thrust harder than before her pale butt nearly glowing red. Time passed and as it did they switched positions over and over again, from side to spoon, to even a mating press. She was impressed with his stamina, for herself Manami found the longer she did it the more energy she got. 15 minutes of intense humping went on when Shinji felt it. His first orgasm, well that wasn't true he had orgasmed once before when he was much younger and dumber. "I'm gonna do it Manami." he said she knew it she saw his dick swell up ready to unload. She wasn't on the pill nor did they have protection… but at this point she didn't care if she got pregnant she got pregnant.

She felt him lifting his body off of her, only for her to wrap her legs around her waist, looking him in the eye. "Do it." she huffed, and she pulled with her new yet strong legs. It was enough that Shinji gritted his teeth and he thrusted in while also pulling up with his back so that he wasn't squishing her down. Manami felt it the first blast of thick jizz straight into her womb. It was strong enough that her belly visibly bulged upward nearly hitting her face. Shinji held on tightly as his balls emptied out with over 10 years worth of unwasted seed. Manami felt her belly bulge and grow bigger and bigger. Within a minute it was over and Manami found herself smothered by a belly nearly the size of a beach ball. Her lover seeing this pulled his dick out and turned her onto her side so that she would be more comfortable. She laid there panting weakly her red hair a mess. He laid down behind her, "You ok?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yeah… yeah…" she said weakly, "I'm fine Shinji… that was incredible…" She said he raised his head and moved it so she could turn to face him. She did and raised her head, he lowered his and they kissed. "Mmm…" she moaned before parting lips, "Let's sleep ok…? I'm… really tired." she said.

He nodded, "I agree." She scooted up as best she could against him and he moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her neck and kissing her neck, "Good night." he said. She mumbled something and was asleep, he closed his eyes happy and content.

-A few Days Later-

Manami walked down the hall to Shinji's workspace. But it was a much different Manami, for one she was taller not too much so but enough that drew eyes on her. But that wasn't the only thing that was different, for one she had a significantly larger bust, hips and butt. As she walked her bottom jiggled with each step and all the guys looked on with awe. She even heard some of them talking, "Dude is that really her? She looks so different!" one said.

"Shinji must've done it… I heard they were dating but this is… damn… I didn't realize it worked on other people too! Do you think he'd-" she stopped and turned to face the speaker and he froze up.

She walked up to him and grabbed his tie and pulled it down so he was eye level with her, "You try to make Shinji use his powers on you." with her free hand she reached down and grabbed his pants hard making him wince, "You won't be needing this anymore… got it?" she said he nodded vigorously, with that she let his tie go and he fell back from the sudden release. She continued walking and stopped at the door to her lovers workspace. She knocked, "Shinji? It's lunch time." The door opened and Shinji stepped out a slightly different Shinji, his hair was groomed, his clothes professionally pressed and cleaned and his glasses no longer obscuring his eyes, he curtsied for her to enter.

She smiled, "Well then let's eat." he said, and closed the door and their coworkers could only watch in shock.