
MHA:Rise of the raging hero

Alexei is reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia with the power of the red lantern corp.He always loved anime,so he made a list of wishes he wants to get in case he reincarnates.Unfortunately,ROB only gave him one wish,and had him spin a roullete with different worlds on it. This will be a My Hero Academia fic with a small harem,maybe 2-3 girls,and the mc will be born as a friend of Midorya. English is not my first language,so sory for my spelling,have fun. Ps.There will be FFM and FF relationships,so be warned!

Brutus_Boom · Komik
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4 Chs


an.hello everyone,boom here,and i have to say,im sorry.i got really busy,and the laptop on wich i have most of my chapters on broke.therefore ,i will have to rethink what i wrote,so theres that.also,i forgot to put in my ocs name.his name is Fudo Genki.on with the chapter!

"Welcome miss,i asume this is the young boy you called in yes?

(m) indeed sir,my son got his quirk yesterday while playing in the park with his friends.

(d)Wery well sonny,show me what you can do!"

I concentrated on my anger once again and summoned the platform like yesterday.We did a lot of tests and figured out my quirk.I called it Rage Mode.Basically,i have a well of energy inside myself that allows me to summon any object i can imagine,as long as i am angry.The caveat is that i need to know how more complicated objects are made to be able to make them.For example,i can make a baseball bat easy,but if i try to make a gun,i need to know from what pieces its made out of,in order to make one that can actually shoot bullets.As for my fire,its the unaltered form of my energy,and the only way to bring my energy outside of my body,without turning it into an object.

After returning home,things continued like normal,until bakugo recieved his quirk,and izuku didnt.

It really hurt seeing his broken expression when he learned he didn't have a quirk.It hurt even more when bakugo started his bullying shenanigans.

Thankfully,izuku still had his dream,and refused to give up.Two years after the events,i decided we were old enough to start some form of training,so i asked my mom and mamadoriya if me and izuku could take swimming and dancing lessons.They agreed,but with the condition that we keep our grades straight.Now,most people would ask what kind of workout is dancing?but dancing is actually really great!It works on your core mucles,keeps you limber,and helps when learning martial arts with your footwork.We already have an example in mina ashido of what a good dancer can do.As for swimming,it allows you to work multiple mucle groups at the same time,helps train your lungs,and it's genneraly good to know how to swim.We kept going at these courses until we were both 10 years old.Then i sat izuku down for an important discuttion:

"Izuku,in five years,we will be able to take our UA exams,you still want to be a hero right?


Alright,then we need to talk about what kind of hero you are going to be.

Wh-what do you mean?

You see izuku,there many types of heroes.Heroes like All Might and Endeavor are daylight heroes.They are the ones you know best,and that are shown the most on tv.Then are pro heries like Recovery Girl and Wild Wild Pussycats,who are rescue heroes.And then,there are heroes like eraserhead that are night heroes.They have the most dangerous jobs,since they often deal with psychotics and murderers,and are therefore in more danger.But the type of hero i would reccomend you to be are heroes like Midnight Ms Joke.They are daylight heroes that also work in the shadows from time to time,and while they are not All Might,they are still plenty strong.All Mights' sidekick,Sir Nighteye is the hero you should aspire to be.His quirk allowed him to see another person's future from a third person's point of view. In order to activate his power, Mirai had to first touch the intended target, and then, make eye contact with them. This Quirk stayed active for one hour, and once activated, it required 24 hours before it could be activated again,meaning he fights most of his villains quirkless.So you can become a quirkless hero,you just have to work harder than most and keep at it.How about you sleep on it,and tell me tommorow what you decided to do okey?

O-okey Fudo san,have a nice day!

You too Zuzu!"