
34: Meeting the Principal


"So guys, who do you think is going to reach All Might first?" asked Kaminari.

"Hmm...Well, Iida was recently injured... But almost all of our classmates with the most maneuverability are in that group." stated Momo.

"Yeah, but isn't Midoriya at a slight disadvantage?" told Jirou.

"Yeah! I'd have to agree with Kyoka-chan!" exclaimed Toru.


After the signal was sent, everybody made a move. Sero sent out tape and swung across the pipes.

But to everybody's surprise, Midoriya, covered in green sparks passed all of his competition in terms of distance, with a blast from his fingers.

He puts his hands behind his back and formed his fingers into a flick...

"8% Maryland Smash!" Midoriya called out as his fingers stung, and a blast of air followed.



"What's with those moves!"

"And... Isn't that move quite similar to Takumi's?!"

'Those... Movements... They're like mine! In just a week... He's already changed so much... He's even copied that other nerd's moves...' thought a certain hot-headed boy.

'So this time, he copied my move too...' thought Akira.


After a few seconds or so...

'I did it! I can do this! Maintain 5%! Maintain 5%! Maintain 5%!' thought Midoriya.

He was at the last set of building and metal pipes, but he suddenly slipped.

'No! Wait!' he thought as he flipped mid-air, now facing the ground.

He formed his hand into a flick and...

"10% Maryland Smash! Ow..." called out Midoriya as his finger hurt a little.

With a blast of air, he was blasted back to his position, but now, just behind him was Sero, fast approaching.


He hurried and ran towards All Might's position.

Midoriya finally arrived, winning the Race.


"Man! When you slipped, I thought I would be able to pass you!"


After a few minutes of awe from their classmates, it was finally another group's turn.

The group was composed of Bakugo, Akira, Kirishima, Toru, and Koji.


"SENDING IT..." told All Might as the students got ready.


A mixture of explosion and air was sent out as All Might sent the signal.

The explosion and air came from Bakugo and Akira.


After a few seconds, they quickly left the three students behind, making it seem like a race only between the two students.

"I. WILL. WIN!" shouted Bakugo, sending an enormous explosion behind him.

"Maybe next time, Bakugo. Blast Off x3" replied Akira as he sent an even bigger blast of air, propelling him even further.

"Oi get back here, fucker!" shouted Bakugo from behind him.

Akira finally spots All Might, hidden behind a jungle of pipes.

He dives down and gets ready to grab himself.

After reaching a safe distance, he grabs himself and says, "Float."

He stops mid-air, and as he snaps, he falls down.


"Young Takumi wins!" shouted All Might from the speakers.


The rest of the students got their turn as well, and after a few tips from All Might, the lesson ended.


After finishing the rest of their classes, most of the students got ready to go home.


"See you later, Bakubro, Takubro!" greeted Kirishima as he went out of the room.

"Arrive safe, everyone!" told Iida.


After a few minutes, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Akira finally went to the Faculty Room.

There, they saw Midnight sitting on the lounge, Aizawa typing something on his computer, and the rest of the teachers either grading or preparing a test.


"Good. You're finally here. You three, follow me. Takumi, you go to the Principal's Office. Principal Nezu wants to tell you something." told Aizawa once he notices the students' presence.

"Understood, sensei," replied Akira.


And so, Akira heads towards the Principal's Office, and once he arrives, he knocks.

"Come in!" said a voice from inside.

"Ah, Takumi-san! Please, sit!" said the chimera.

"Hello, sir. May I know why I was called here?" asked the boy, to which the chimera nodded.

"Tea?" he inquired, holding out a small kettle.

"If you would, sir."

"Have you heard of I-Island?" asked the principal.

"Yes..." answered the boy, now realizing where this was going.

The mouse answered with a happy tone, "Well since you were the winner of this year's Sports Festival, you were invited to the I-Expo! Adding to that, you were allowed two guests!"

"Ah. I see. Well, I'm not sure if I can come, Sir." told Akira, slightly cast down.

"Oh... It's okay if you can't, but do think about it! You will meet various brilliant inventors, who in the future, might create some of your support items!"

"I will... But, to be honest... I also wanted to meet with you, sir."

"Hm? Why?" asked Nezu enthusiastically.

"It's because... I think we have a mole among my classmates..." said Akira, now getting irked.

"...Hoh? Any reason you would think that Takumi?" told Nezu in a serious tone.

With a sigh, Akira answered, "My classmate has been acting strange, ever since the USJ Incident. I know that it could be explained as them still feeling trauma, but it's suspicious nonetheless..."

"Do go on... When was this classmate acting suspiciously?"

"Every time they come out of the bathroom. I have known three occurrences where I heard sniffles in the bathroom, followed by whimpering noises. When I listened, I heard them talking to someone... They also mentioned a "creepy" bar..." told Akira.

"... And... What is the name of your classmate?..."

"...Yuga Aoyama," answered Akira with determined eyes.


Nezu sighs and takes a sip of his tea.

"I see... Thank you for this information, Takumi-san... You may go now."

"Yes sir. Thank you,"


As Akira was about to go outside, Nezu tells him one last thing.

"Also, I trust that you don't tell anyone of anything that was said here, Takumi-san." told the chimera in a serious tone.

"Yes sir."


After Akira was gone, Nezu pushes a button and calls Aizawa to his office.

'I have no obligation to believe what the human boy said but... If the student is correct, then everybody here is in danger. Even if the student is false in his suspicions, I must at least make a move...'


A few seconds later, Aizawa arrives.

"Yes, Principal Nezu?"

"It seems like we must speed up our operation with the Police Department, Aizawa-kun," told Nezu in a grave tone.

"What?... Why?"

"I have a feeling that my suspicions were true..."


What did you think of the chapter?


What boggles my mind was that Nezu, one of the most intelligent creatures in the MHA Verse, didn't even have any precautions about the potential mole in U.A.

Yes, there was a scene where he told the teachers his suspicions, but he didn't even act on it.

That's one of the things I "corrected". In this timeline, Nezu was already planning a collaboration with the Police Department, mainly Detective Naomasa, to possibly snuff out the mole.