
Chapter 4: Quirk specialist visit

The hospital was as busy as ever as the crouded scenes from the hospital hall's were pretty common for the doctor's and nurse's eyes. Since quirks exist hospital's are getting much more busy than usual as accident's from villains, heroe's and even occasionally vigilante's are pretty much common from day to day live's.

The hospital receptionist thought of this as she was busy sitting and enjoying her break time as this has been the best fifteen minute break she has ever have after finally landing a job but unfortunately her blissful break was about to be inturrupted as a voice calls out to her.

" Um excuse me? We're here for an appointment? "

The clerks eyebrows twitch when she heard the voice and turn her haid to look at a green haired woman alongside with her broccoli hair child as she was secretly annoyed for them to inturrupting her long deserve rest.

But since she was a professional poker face she hides her annoyance and emmidiently switch from a lazy looking slacker to a welcoming receptionist.

" I see right away mam~ Name? "

" Inko midoria. I'm here to see a quirk specialist "

" Uhuh name of child? "

" Izuku midoria "

She said as the receptionist scroll to the possible name's of unregistered quirk examined child until she spot one particular name on the middle of the names list.

" Okay confirm. Go to room 4A where you can find dr kyudai's office. If your having difficulty finding his office you can ask a local nurse they'll lead the way "

" Thank you very much miss. Let's go izuku-kun "

" Okay!~ "

The broccoli bean said as he was excited to go. The receptionist seeing his smile felt a bit sad for the kid. She seen lots of kids in her time in this hospital and a lot of times she knew that few children were going to get upset.

There's no guarantee that a child will have a particularly increadibly or somewhat decent quirk as a lot of times most kids will likely develop useless, ugly, terrifying quirks that are not deemed fit for society and even sometimes not having a quirk at all.

Though she has seen children happy of what they got she has seen more kids upset of what they're results are.

' Sigh poor kid. Hope he got a decent quirk '

She thought as she felt pity for the child but suddenly she suddenly felt a strange sense of dread. Her hair tense up and raised as she felt like she's being watch. It didn't take time for her to notice a strange figure next to the broccoli bean.

It was small figure that gives a sense of earieness. It's pitch black eye's and small white ring pupils are unnerving to see from a short distance. Not even it's permanent wide smile could even compensate it's general strange and off putting atmosphere.

She couldn't help her sweat from falling as she felt like she was being pressured just by looking at this strange thing. Her scared state was eventually broken when the mother walk away from the receptionist along with her child as the broccoli bean hold the things hand and said.

" Catnap let's go! "

" .... Okay. "

It said sounding like a recorded voice of a child that seemed emotionless. It walked passed her as the thing was holding hands with the broccoli bean who's been excited and humming across the hall's.

Once the thing has lost from her view she can finally relax as she sat back at her chair. 

' What the fuck is that creepy thing! '

She thought as her mood has been ruin. She didn't know if that thing is the kids friend or his adopted cousin or something. She couldn't have time to think about it as three call's suddenly rang from the hospital phones.

" Ring!! Ring!! "

" Fuck for the love of.... Sigh hey! Thank you for calling hospital karaki how can I help you? "

She said as she put on hold of the rest and focus on one. Though the creepy ass child scared her she still has a lot of work to do to even care pondering about it. Life at the hospital was always busy but work still needs to be done to make sure nothing happens to the injured in this sociaty full of quirks.


" It's nice to meet you mrs midoria my name's dr kyudai garaki. Welcome to my office "

Said the bold man with large green glasses as he sits to his chair looking at Inko, Izuku and a certain small purple feline standing infront of him.

" You can take a sit "

" Thanks sir so are you going to examine my son's um.... quirk. I don't really know much of Catnap so I hope you can sort things out for us "

" Hmm I see then I'll do my best mrs midoria "

The doctor garaki said as he leaves his chair and walk's towards izuku as he ask him.

" So what's your quirk little boy? "

" It's Catnap! "

He said excitingly while he grabs catnap by the armpit to show garaki. Both garaki and Catnap locked eye's to each other as catnap's unearving gaze made him a bit tense as a bit of sweat dropped from his forehead.

He fixed his glasses a bit as he said.

" I-I see. So this is your quirk? "

" Yes! Catnap is soo cool and cute! "

" Haha yes it would appear he is um cute. Ehem so Izuku when was this Vatnap appeared? "

" Um he was once my Allmight action figure but it turn into catnap when I drop it"

" Uhuh and is this catnap of your's know's how to communicate? "

" Of course I can. "

Catnap said feeling a bit annoyed that the doctor seemed to treat him more of an object than an actual living being.

" Ohoh it can actually speak? Interesting it's rare to have a quirk that has a conscious. Well then izuku follow me and we'll conduct some test for your quirk "

" Yes sir. Let's go catnap! "

Catnap's gaze is still fixated on Garaki as if wanting to just tear it's internal organs apart for being annoying but held it in his heart. Izuku always made him felt something more akin to a friend than anyone in this hospital. Heck he was the sole reason why he was even here in the first place so at least all he could do is to follow and cooperate. 

They conduct a few test as Garaki conducted Izuku to show what Catnap can do. Izuku first ask Catnap to hand Garaki a mug from his table as Catnap replied by extending his tail longer and controlling it to grab Garaki's mug to give it to him. They would even test at how long catnap's tail can extend as they sooner found out that it seemed to keep extending much more longer to the point that it filled Garaki's office.

He agreed that catnap's tail could reach about 130 meters but that's just hypothetical. He still couldn't figure out Catnap's limit. They then begin another test where Catnap demonstrate to be able to create red smoke from his mouth that could cause people to fall as sleep. Of course just before Catnap wake them up.

More and more test where conducted as Garaki was both amazed yet a bit frantic by each discovery.

' This Catnap seems to be an increadible quirk. I wonder if all for one would have an interest in this child? '

He thought as the more he test catnap the more and more his interested about Izuku's quirk grew. Garaki's thoughts are filled with questions as he begins to hypothesis. Could he be able to make more of this creature named Catnap?, can he create life out of simple matter, could he be theoretically able to create quirks through his creations?

His theories about the boy made him more and more certain to report him to all for one. As his quirk might make project nomu a success. 

' It is simply too unbelievable. This boy's quirk might be the key for creating life '

He thought through out Izuku's test before finally landing on one last test.

" Okay izuku-kun are you ready for your last test? "

" Yes! "

" Good now you said it before that you manage to made catnap by touching your action figure correct. Then how about we test that shall we? "

Garaki said to Izuku as he present him three objects. One is an office pen, a broken mug and a small destroyed rag doll of a dog. 

Izuku emmidiently know's what Garaki ment but he was a little nervous. Sure he saw that he manage to made Catnap out of his Allmight action figure but what if that's it. What if his quirk just stop activating or what if his work just wouldn't work at all and his quirk is only to make Catnap.

He was nervous by these thought's but his curiousity and bravery made him ease up a bit as Garaki help him brush off his nervousness.

" Don't worry izuku I'm right behind you. You can do this "

" You think so? "

" Of course "

Garaki said trying to reasure Izuku as his minor supportive manipulation tactic was enough to bring some spark in his heart as he walk towards the three objects. Ready to test his quirk.

Catnap on the other hand was silently watching the ordeal. Feeling a certain sense of nervousness as well as the thought of him bringing back certain toy's from playtime co.

The thought of those dangarous poppy playtime toys like huggy or mommy long legs suddenly appearing infront of Izuku made him worried as these two will not hesitate on killing anyone on sight.