
Chapter 26: Catnap and Dogday in UA

April began as Izuku fix his hair and look at himself in the mirror. He couldn't hold his mixture of excitement and nervousness as he just looks at his UA uniform with a great sense of accomplishment. 

" Knock knock! "

" Izuku you done!? "

" Huh? Oh C-coming! "

Izuku replied as he fix his uniform one last time before opening the bathroom door. There Dogday in his monster form holds his bag and phone as Dogday showed the time and said.

" It's 6:45 you better hurry up before you miss your first day in class "

" Uh yeah sure sure "

Dogday couldn't help but to sigh as he hand's him his bag and phone before transforming himself back to his plushie form, Landing inside Izuku's bag. Izuku didn't wait to put on his bag and walk towards there apartment door.

He was about to turn the knob until he suddenly heard Inko's voice.

" Izuku-kun wait! You forgot your lunch! "

" Huh oh thanks "

" Sigh seriously you always do this. At least try to remember your lunch box everytime you go to school "

" Ugh hehe I'll try to remember " 

He emberassingly replied as he grabs his lunch box while scratching his head. Inko couldn't help but to form a sigh but she still tried to give her son her smile and said 

" Then good luck. You manage to get into UA so show them what your made of! "

She said with full confidence while she gave her son a thumbs up. Izuku felt a bit encouraged by her short words as he'll try his best to live up to that. He turn the doors handle and leave from his apartment, The sun shine bright on his face as his ready to start the day in UA.


( UA )

" Step "

" Okay so this is my class? "

Izuku said to himself as he holds his class paper's before switching his gaze to the large door infront of him. There was a sign on the left that said class 1-A matching his class paper as Catnap pop's his head from his bag and look at the two sign's before saying.

" Yup that's the one "

" I see... Never knew that my class has a large door "

" So you ready to make your first impression in class? I mean you did rank first at the practical exam after all "

" Uh yeah I don't know Catnap, I mean I wouldn't exactly gotten this far without your he-"

" Hey what about me? I help didn't I? "

" Yeah but mostly your job was just to carry us around while I play a major role as the team's- "

" Oh so you play a MAJOR role? Sure your role to smack robots is way more important than me carrying you all throughout the fight so yeah let's go ahead and play who's better Catnap "

" Um guys n-not right now "

Izuku said as he tried to but in to there conversation until the three of them someone coming towards there way. Izuku turn his head as he notice the chestnut haired girl that she saved before.

She look at there direction as she waved at them before finally arriving at there location. 

" Oh hello again. I didn't know that we'll be in the same class? "

" Uh.... Yeah I didn't exactly expect that to be honest. "

" Well since we're going to be classmates I just want to say. Thank you! Seriously I would have died there if it wasn't for your help "

" Oh um you don't have to thank me though I didn't actually do much "

' Pst your doing great! '

Catnap whispered to Izuku while hiding in his bag. Izuku emmidiently know what Catnap meant but tries to tell himself that it was just a simple talk between friends. I mean when he look's at her she looked like she was just wanted to talk to him without any romantic interest. 

So not wanting to embarrass himself again he decided to not think much about her feelings and just talk to her like he would with Catnap and Dogday. Since those girls back at middle school did taught him that it's better to not think much than to get the wrong idea when talking to a girl.

The Chestnut haired girl look at her in confusion about what Izuku saud as she ask.

" What do you mean? Aren't you the one who saved countless of candidates back at the Entrance Exam's? "

" Oh that it wasn't actually me it was my quirk Catnap "

' Hey hey! What are you doing!? This was suppose to be your- '

But Catnap didn't even finish his sentence as Izuku opened his bag, grab Catnap by his waist and showed Catnap to her. The chestnut haired girl gasp by the sight of the small purple plushie on Izuku's hand as she squill.

" Cute!! "

" Yeah Catnap was actually the one who saved those people. If it weren't for him you would have been hurt "

' Damn it Izuku the only reason why I save those asshole's is for you! Please don't ruin your chance to get a girl! '

Catnap wanted to say those words to Izuku since he really wanted him to have some other friends or even a girlfriend so he wouldn't be stuck talking to only him and Dogday but he couldn't say those words as he felt the greedy predatory glare from chestnut haired girl.

Catnap turn his head at her as her starry selfish eyes scream's danger.

" So cute! And it can even move! "

" Well yeah my quirk allow's me to summon them through toys though I couldn't exactly summon more than one atleast. " 

" I see well can I touch him? "

" Ugh sure you can hold him if you want "

" W-wait what no! Izuku!?- "

Catnap was about to say more to Izuku but the chestnut haired girl's greedy arms has already caught him. His head was yank out of Izuku's hand as he was being hugged to death from the chestnut haired girl's constant adoration.

" Oh my god his so soft!! Why didn't you tell me about your quirk before!? "

" Well we don't actually properly met so I didn't thought that it was necessary to tell you "

" Oh heh well thanks for lending me Catnap then. I'm Ochaco Uraraka " 

" Izuku Midoria "

Izuku said without much thought as he turn his gaze back at the door and open it without much nervousness. He was expecting it to be a pretty normal classroom until a scene caught up on his face.

" SLAM! "

" Please get your foot off the table this instant! Don't you know it's against the school's policy to put your feet on your desk!? "

" Huh and what's it to you four eye's. "

" What's it to me!? how ungrateful! Listen here we have to follow proper school policy to respect our teachers and even the school. Don't you know that this school is the best hero school in the entire Japan! We need to set a better example if we want to- "

" All I here from you is blah blah rule shit blah!! Rules stuff is for extras like you so if you don't want me to burn that nerd ass face off then shut the fuck up. "

" Are you even a hero for showing such villainous behavior!? "

Two students argue to each other as Bakugo kept threatening Tenya to shut up while he tries to put Bakugo to follow the rules. Izuku seeing Bakugo in his class couldn't help but to turn his gaze to a different direction. He doesn't exactly wanted to see Bakugo after all these years since there friendship has long been severed.

Catnap seeing Bakugo again couldn't help but to look at him with murderous intent as he still remember's how Bakugo abandoned Izuku as a friend once he met more friends. Ochaco noticed Catnap's murderous gaze as he looks at Izuku who just look away and ask.

" Um what's wrong with Catnap? "

" Huh oh his just not happy to see Kachan "

" Kachan? "

" That pussy right there "

Catnap said not even attempting to hide his vulgar words which caught ochoko in surprise. She look at what Catnap was refuring to as she saw Bakugo arguing with another classmate as she started to feel uncomfortable.

" Yeah I don't think anyone can get along with that guy "

" Yeah.... and can you please let me go? "

" No~ "

" Izuku please save me. "

Catnap said trying his best to ask Izuku. As Tenya and Bakugo kept arguing Tenya emmidiently notice Izuku's appearance as he look at Bakugo one last time before leaving. 

Izuku noticed Tenya walking towards them as he said to him with a formal tone.

" It's nice to meet you Izuku Midoria. I heard you scored first at the entrance exam and I wanted to formally meet you. My name's Tenya Ida "

" Um Izuku Midoria and um this is Catnap "

Izuku said as he ask Ochoco to give Catnap back to him. Though Ochaco felt sad that she has to depart on Catnap she eventually give him back as Catnap jump's towards his arms in tear's.

" Izuku don't you dare sell me like that!!! "

" But it was just a minute "

" Just a minute it felt like hour's being away from you!! And ugh who the fuck it this guy? "

Catnap ask pointing at Tenya. Tenya on the other hand was surprised to see a living talking plushie but decided to introduce himself none the less.

" Um Ehem I'm Tenya Ida. I just introduce Midoria-dono my name since I wanted to meet him "

" Hmmm well you have my respect. You really show that asshole who's boss for telling him his place huh "

" Oh well It's pleasing to hear your compliment um? "

" Catnap "

" Catnap. "

Tenya said as he felt a bit pleased that someone at least took a side to his argument. A small amoun of people from class also notice Izuku as they slowly walk towards him out curiousity and respect though to his performance at the practical exam's.

Most people in class on the other hand just ignore Izuku's existence since they have better things they have in mind then to just swarm at him for being first at the exam. 

But there was one person who isn't happy about Izuku entering UA's ground's as Bakugo was staring at Izuku with an ever burning hatred and resentment than ever before. When there were in Highschool he couldn't give a fuck about his existence as he just see's him as nothing but an extra. A background character that will be forgotten forever but now it's different.

Now Bakugo just see's him as nothing but the most despicable being in his existence as he wish for nothing but to end Izuku's entire being.