
Chapter 14: A mother's love

Izuku could only ever see darkness. Embracing the warmth of it's chasm for some time before catching a few glimpse of light. It irritated his eyes as he could feel the spark of his consciousness getting back.

It didn't take long for Izuku to open his eyes as the first thing he see's is a white ceiling. Silence filled the room as Izuku was trying to recollect his thoughts until he heard a recognizable voice.

" Izuku? "

It was Inko who was sitting at a bench near his bed. Inko couldn't hold her tear's as she walk straight towards Izuku and hug him in her arms. 

" Oh thank god your safe! A-are you hurt!? Do you have any injuries!? "

" .... "

Izuku couldn't respond as he tried to remember what happened. Inko gave him time to think as she make sure to heed in mind on what the doctor said that her son might experience a state of shock once he's awake.

She doesn't want to rush her son so she waited for a couple of minutes until Izuku finally responded and said.

" M-mom I don't know.... I-is catnap and dogday okay? "

" There okay Izuku they told me what happened. I'm just glad that your safe "

Inko said as she hug her son again still fearing of the thought of losing her son. Izuku was still in the state of confusion; All he could remember was that he was waiting with his mom and his new friends until an arm suddenly emurge from his shadow and took him to that dark abyss.

The last thing he saw from that experience was the two blurry figures of orange and purple moving towards him after his sight slowly went back into the abyss. Of course Izuku wouldn't exactly know what happened but Inko those. She has already been informed from her son's savior.

The one's that has to get there hand's dirty just to escape Izuku's kidnappers. Inko could still remember there conversation though it was surprising she couldn't help but to be greatful for Izuku's quirk for saving her son.


( A few hours ago )

Inko was looking outside the police officers car window as the sight of the hospital made her even more nervous. The fact that the police officer inform her that they manage to found her son a couple of hours back made her relieved for a bit until she found out that her son was now back at the hospital.

Her thought's were even more chaotic as she fear that her son might be heavily injured so she ran towards the hospital just to check if her fear's we're wrong.

It took her a couple of minutes of asking the receptionist about her son as the receptionist showed her what room her son was being held. 

Inko didn't wait for a second as she blit'z to the hospital hall's as she manage to find Izuku's hospital room. She slammed the door as she saw her son laying on the hospital bed.

" Slam! "

" !? "

The doctor who was checking on Izuku turned his head to see the crying and frantic Inko as she shouted.


" M-Mam calm down this is a hospital "

The doctor said trying to calm down Inko. The doctor walk towards her as she tells her the condition of her son. Izuku didn't suffer much as he was just unconscious though to Touri's quirk which was can only knock it's victims into deep sleep.

Inko felt all her worries gone as she look at the doctor thanking him for informing her that Izuku is alright.

" Thank you doctor I'm relieved. S-sorry at yelling at you back then "

" No worries but if you want to find out more of the details I suggest talking to Izuku's um.... Thing.... "

Inko saw the doctor pointing at the orange plushie dog who was right next to Izuku. She didn't notice him at first since her eyes were dead set on her son so she was surprise to see him. 

Yet she was also confuse as she didn't see Catnap with them.

" Well I'm off I still have a few patients to attend to "

" I see thanks again doctor "

The doctor bit them fair well one last time before leaving the two together. Dogday notice Inko as he turns his head at her. His expression shown nothing but a slight sense of worry. Inko felt it to but she wanted to know what happened to her son so she force herself to walk a bit closer Dogday and ask.

" W-what happened to my son? "

" Your son. He was kidnapped by three people though we manage to fend them off and escape "

" I-I see then where's Catnap "

" Currently at the operating room "

Inko stop once she heard Dogday. She didn't know that the danger was so dangerous that one of them got shot to unconsciousness. She felt like she was being insensitive of asking Dogday about Catnap as she said to him.

" S-sorry Dogday I didn't know "

" It's fine the doctor said that he manage to pull through though Catnap still needs some rest to heal. "

The atmosphere became quiet. None of these two made a sound as the silence made Inko uncomfortable. But even so she felt the need to thank Dogday as she opened herself to him and said.

" Dogday thank you for saving my son. I don't know what will I do if izuku were to be left alone by those kidnappers.... I-I don't even know what will I say to Hisashi if he were to get home. "

" Hisashi? "

" Izuku's father. He got a promotion from abroad so he hasn't shown up himself in our apartment for years even in Izuku's birth. He does call me sometimes but I feel like where getting even more distance..... In fact I fear that he wouldn't be able to come back again "

Inko said as this cause her to think about her husband. She doesn't know why exactly she is getting less frequent call's from him but she might just be overthinking. Besides she doesn't know exactly what her husband's job is so she assume that it was more serious and important. 

She doesn't want to cause a misunderstanding between her and him so she emmidiently tries to think positively. She wants her family to be as happy as possible so if she really love her son and husband she needs to be understanding for them. 

Because she believes an understanding mother can bring comfort for her family. Dogday felt sorry for Izuku as the broccoli bean didn't even got a chance to see his father. Though they just only met a day there's something about Izuku that made him feel akin to relative.

As if he feels the need to protect Izuku. It was a weird feeling by the time but after accepting his new identity as Dogday he knows that he can't return to his normal life.

Most of memories were still foggy but that doesn't faze him anymore. He already promise himself to go forward and he'll stick with it without looking back.

Dogday turn his head to Inko and said to her.

" You where a good mother Inko. I can't think of anyone who care for her child as much as you do. "

Inko felt a certain sense of appreciation. Well to be fair Inko has dreams before becoming a mother. She wanted to be doctor or a nurse so she can help as much people in need but after having Izuku she felt a certain sense of happiness by looking at her own child as she knew what to do from now on.

She decided to left her dreams so that she can care about her child. Though it was tough leaving her dreams she never look back not even once. So seeing someone appreciate her sacrifice made her feel a certain warmth in her heart as she said to him sincerely.

" Thank you Dogday "

Dogday tried to respond but he didn't know what you say so wanting to reply back he decided to smile. Though it's been years since he actually smile sincerely it wouldn't to try.

It didn't take time for Inko to saw Dogday's smile. Though it was akward it still contain a certain sense of welcoming and appreciating warmth.