
Getting to know and planning.

After half an hour or so, I completed my morning pleasantries. I had nothing better to do as the orphanage is the kindergarten itself for kids of my age. Not mentally, but physically alright. I had nothing to do as grandma starts the classes at 10, and right now, the hour needle is at 7, so I have two hours plus time.

I don't want to train my body since I just took a bath. You might be saying, why take a bath early? Right. Well, the reason is simple. I live in an orphanage, not in my own house. The orphanage also has a name. How silly of me not to inform it of you. The name of the orphanage is 'Nana-Tsukikage'. Well, it has Nana from Nana Shimura and Tsukikage from grandma's last name.

Grandma's full name is one of the biggest mystery. Grandma was once a hero. It was known to all of us, but grandma's hero name and full name weren't even known to sister Melo. But that doesn't matter, and you may be asking why didn't she fight thugs, well... Neither I have a clue as you do. She must have a reason, though.

I sat under one of the big trees. It is a neem tree that I have never seen in my previous life, but this is a medicinal tree from my information. All the parts of this tree contain medicinal properties. Don't ask me what can they be used in, as I only have this knowledge from Ex-Oki.

I tried to activate my 'Instinct' quirk, but it seems it is currently passive like spider-man's spider sense. Which is great and all, but I don't know how big of a problem will my instincts react to. Spider-man at first had his spider sense in passive, and it only told him of dangers when it is a fatal injury or when he could make a mistake. But after the years, Spider-man can use it whenever he wanted it. Like how MCU Spider-man used his 'Peter Tingle' in Spider-man Far From Home movie.

So how long would it take me to reach such a level? I can say that my guess would be at the stars. If I was at Class 1-A's age( during the anime time, which is 16 years), then I could... maybe... a month of near-death battles could strengthen my 'instinct'.

Or it could take me only a week currently as my body is prone to many dangers. It would be nice if my instincts reach the level of Inosuke ( Boar head from Demon slayer) in the least, but if it reaches the level of friendly neighbourhood Spider-man... then don't mind me, I guess.

So now comes the next problem. Reaction time. Inosuke and Peter Parker had tremendous strength, tremendous stamina, a flexible body, and super dexterity. I had none of those, and the one I have to improve the most would have to be my dexterity. If I had my body evade like how Spidey evades gunshots as if he is swimming in the air. The bullets are just some pool cones ( the spherical balls that mark the pool's boundaries, I didn't know the name of it) or ropes on the water. I could even evade U.S.J Nomu... well, on second thought, maybe not. Well, next would be stamina, then, at last, would be my strength.

You may think Stamina increase is the best at first, then increase your body's dexterity, and I would say yes, but due to me, training in dexterity, I could increase my 'Insinct' quirk well. I can also push my limits and increase my stamina, albeit slowly, unlike stamina training.

This would make me an agility built hero, and such type of heroes would be Black Widow, Hawkeye, Robin, Night wing, Batgirl, Mystique... etc.

If I build my strength, stamina at equal levels and ignore dexterity, I would be like Wolverine, Sabertooth, Thor ...etc.

If I build my strength, stamina and dexterity, I would be like Captain America, Spider-man, Batman, Slade (Death Stroke) ... etc.

I would plan to be like Captain America or Batman, but you can't increase everything at the same time, or at least I can't. I mean, I have a body of a 5 year old. Who has just some high level instinct, so I am just a normal human, like ' Erasure Head ' and 'Mid Night '. Aizawa, aka Erasure head, is built for infiltration and one on one combat specialist, and with his quirk 'Erasure,' he can swoop others ass like they are nothing, of course, mutant quirks are a variable. Nemuri, aka Mid Night, is built for A.O.E support or attack as her quirk 'Sommabulist' produces gas, making the other party fall into sleep. But the common trait between Aizawa and Nemuri is that both are fragile humans. Of course, they would be trained in close combat, but unlike AllMight or other physically stronger heroes, they can't fight long battles and have way less defence. I want a body type that helps me have more dexterity and countering with equal defence and offence.

So currently, the question is how do I start or, more precisely, what to do?

As I was lost in my own thoughts, my quirk 'Instinct ' picked up and alerted me. I knew whatever it alerted me was towards my right side, so I rolled forward from my place while sitting in a lotus position. Then I see sister Melo glaring at me as she missed her slap, which I could only assume to be a surprise slap.

" What are you doing over here? "

"..." I just looked at her with a face which I hope made it cute.

" Stop with the puppy face, you are already late to class!!" She yelled at last. To which I ran from the garden towards the classrooms and saw grandma started her class.

Though I was late, she didn't say anything, and I sat at the 3 rd row 2nd desk and started to listen to the class. Since I already knew what she was teaching, I was getting air headed and sleepy at noon. I focused my eyes on the board and had an idea to increase my calculative power and not to sleep.

I started to stare at the blackboard and made my face as if I was interested in what grandma was teaching. Then I started to imagine a white paper and started to multiply 2x2, which were easy. Next, I started to multiply 3x3. This posed quite a problem to me when calculating on the white paper, and I did the same thing until grandma dismissed us and the time was 1 on the point.

'This would be my training as well. '

I started to walk out, but then "Oki is something bothering you? " I turn my head and face grandma. Who was just sat on a desk near me. My mind was racing, and my heart was throbbing as to what I should say.

"Fuuu..." I took a deep breath and changed my face to a determined face, or at least I tried to.

" Is it possible? "

"What do you mean by possible young Oki."

"Is it possible to become a hero even without a quirk!!!" There was silence after I said that.

" I am a normal kid without any powers... could I hope to be someone l-like A-A-AllMight !!!"

She raised her eyebrows, and I heard someone clicking their tongue, and the source of the voice was, of course, sister Melo.

How was the chapter?

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X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts