
MHA : I Explode!

Viktor Blaze, a former gangster reincarnates into the body of Katsuki Bakugo. Planning to live a carefree life in a country side with his future wife, it all came crashing down when he wakes up in the middle of a fight between the greatest hero and the worst Villain in history. Left with no other choice, he decided to beat both of them up and ask them questions later. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · Komik
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22 Chs

I Explode! (Part 5)


I am the God.


In the middle of the night, as the moonlight descends into the streets, inside a dilapidated building, a young boy and a slim woman could be seen talking in an open window.

"Wow, you're pretty talented eh?" a pretty voice muttered.

"Fuck off." a boy with lifeless eyes said in return. He grabbed the woman's red scarf and proceeded to smash her against the ground. "Hup!" With a flip, the woman appeared behind the boy's back and she strangled him with the scarf.

"Guhk." The boy flailed his feet relentlessly as the black-haired woman lifted him up on her back. "Now, now, we'll have plenty of time to chat. For now..." she turned her deep black eyes at him.


And thus the boy passed out in the arms of the worst criminal in the history of mankind.



The world is unfair.

"Little baby, would you like the train, train?"

I've known it since the moment I gained intelligence.


The woman with black hair furrowed her beautiful eyebrows. "You're not gonna eat?" she asked me.


I gave a nod in response.

Ever since I was a child all I've known was cruelty. From the feeling of cold metal on my hands to the warm splatters of red on my body. Whether it was my own or my enemies, I just silently accepted it.

"Well, if you don't want to eat then I guess..."

All the people I've met either want something from me or they want me to take something for them. This woman is no different. She's just a little crazy.

"Then I guess I will have to eat you then?" she flashed me a wide grin while blocking the fork I threw at her face.

"Mmm~, here comes the choo choo train!" placing the fork back in its place, she carried the spoon towards my mouth while singing some stupid song.

"I hate you," I said while chewing the food offered. As a person who has experienced hunger to the point that I almost ate my partner, wasting food makes my stomach churn, so I could only concede to her wishes.

"Hm! Good boy~!" wiping the food residue on my face, I couldn't help but ask her. "Why?"

"Why me?"

"Out of all the kids there... why did you have to choose me?"

I could tell my voice was seeping with hate and regret. Which is unusual because I always had a calm look on my face.

"Did you know? We always go on a field trip every now and then. Sometimes we kidnap people, sometimes we kill them. Without me protecting them, they would probably die on their next field trip."

I raised my head.

I stared at her eyes. Her empty dark pupils seemed like a bottomless abyss.

"Why me?"

"Why me?"

I asked again.

She only looked at me with a half-lidded gaze and a lopsided smile before she bent down and placed her hand on top of my head.

"Becauseeee..." her palms cupped my cheeks. "...just because."


I tilted my head.


"Just because. I chose you because you looked cute, unlike some of the kids there with their despair-filled faces, you were the only one who was different."

She poked my nose.

"I can tell. You're special."

Special? What's so special about me? I'm just an ordinary kid who doesn't want to die.

"Hmmm... If I were to put it into words... You're like a wolf."


I didn't know what a wolf was.

"Yes! A wolf! Calm and ferocious. An animal that would do anything to survive!" her eyes widened slightly. "Number Four, you are a wolf. Wolf wolf."

"...I'm human."

"Bleh! Who are you lying to huh!? If I say you're a wolf, then you're a wolf!"

"...I don't even know what wolf is."

"Didn't I just explained it to you~?"

"But I'm human though?"

She pouted her thin lips. "Hmm... I guess not everyone could be perfect huh?"

"For some reason, I could tell that you're insulting me..."

"Don't worry about it number Four! This big momma will teach you the ways of a wolf!"

She suddenly got on all fours and raised her hips.



"Are you one of those crazies my employer talks about?"


As she was about to do another howl, her head snapped back to me.

"My employer said that a crazy bitch will adopt me. He said I shouldn't try to argue with you or you'll kill me."

"...That's not true."

You would be more convincing if you stop sticking your ass out like that.


"Hey! I said it's not true!"

"I said okay?"

"What's with that empathetic gaze! I. AM. NOT. CRAZY!"

I don't even know what empathetic means.


"Ugh... I swear to god!" she suddenly grabbed my head and shoved me out of the window. "Now my little wolf. Howl!"


I glanced at her face. For some reason, her face suddenly turned slightly darker.




"Awooo-cough! Cough! wooo-"

Before I could continue to howl, I suddenly felt a slender hand resting on top of my head. The hand twisted my neck sideways, enough to make my neck feel a tinge of pain.

Turning my vision away from the moon, I was met with a pair of black spirals staring intently at me.

"AGAIN." she spat.

I felt my instincts warning me that if I didn't do well this time, I will surely be punished. 'Will she though?' I thought. Since she was so kind to me the first time we met, I don't think she will hurt me. But since I honed my instincts to avoid abuse, I guess it wouldn't hurt to not ignore it.


My voice felt hoarse, probably because I always talk in a whisper, and my chapped lips felt like it's about to be torn due to how wide I'm shouting.


Before I could even think about stopping, her hand suddenly snaked its way towards my shoulder. With her head leaning against my other shoulder, she howled beside me.

It would have been a wholesome sight if it weren't for me looking like I just ate shit, and the woman beside me looking like she just won the lottery.


With a giddy smile, she jumped from the two-story window straight to the ground, not forgetting to do a front flip before yelling. "SUPER HERO LANDING!"


"See you later Number Four!"

This woman was crazy.

"Try not to escape or I'll break your legs~!"

Dear God that I was forced to worship, it seems I was adopted by a crazy bitch. Even though she acts nice around me, for some reason she always stares at me weirdly. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen and I will grow up to be a successful man in the future.

Ah men.


Number Four

Ruthless Survivor

Quirk: ???


'Ah shit.'

With wavering steps, Viktor approached the towering All For One.

'What the hell am I doing here?'

His hands blazing with orange light, producing popping sounds louder and louder than the last.

'Holy shit, what was I thinking!?'

Remembering the feeling of an entire pillar made of air smashing against his bare body, he couldn't help but wince at the thought. If it weren't for his body's slight shock resistance, then he could've died from that.

Even now, with his bearing intact, he could feel his body shaking extensively. His bowels in disarray and his mind aching so much that he wanted to just blast his skull to end it.


Before he could continue to wallow in his self-pity, he could see All For One, enlarging his arms wider than usual. Feeling the earth beneath his feet trembling, Viktor didn't think twice and blasted off to All For One.

"You really are annoying huh!?" All For One yelled. He swung his massive arm towards the flying Viktor and a wave of air compressed around his palm, pushing it forward creating a massive air pillar bigger than he ever released.


Meanwhile, Viktor just casually aimed his palm at the side and dodged it skillfully. His eyes widen in surprise at how easy it is to maneuver in the air using explosions.

'Wait... I could... I could actually do this?' his mouth forming a feral grin, he arrived in front of All For One and engaged in close combat.


Under the eyes of his idol(?) and the spectators, he began pummeling All For One like a beast. From using his elbow empowered strike to straight-up slapping the shit out of him using his palms. He didn't even hesitate to blast his face, even though he knew he could actually kill him.

Unlike Bakugo who unconsciously holds back his explosions so as to not kill his enemies, Viktor has none.

Limiter? What's that?

As a guy who will literally break your legs just to outrun you, he will not hesitate to kill someone, even if it was a misunderstanding. Much less someone like All For One who looked like the naked guy who fucked him over.


With a deranged smile, he continued blasting All For One, ignoring the injuries he accumulated because of Impact Recoil. As long as he kills him, it doesn't matter how much injury he gets.

"EHEHEHE, think you so overpowered huh!? You can't kill me with my own explosions dumbass!"

Despite knowing that All For One was purposely taking his hits just to return it to him using Impact Recoil, he still didn't back down and continued to pummel him on the ground, the air vibrated at the continued onslaught of explosions, All For One's seemingly unbreakable suit was torn to pieces, revealing his wounded body.

"IF YOU DON'T ATTACK, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE OLD MAN!" Viktor yelled. But deep inside his mind, 'Shit, my hands hurt. Why is this guy not exploding to pieces? What in the name of bullshitery is this?'

Alas, no matter how many explosions he pulled, no matter how many punches he threw, All For One still didn't die.

"A-HA-AA-*BOOM*-HA, did you thi-*BOOM* I only have Imp*BOOM* Recoil!? I also have super-Regener-*BOOM- STOP GODDAMIT!" All For One yelled.

"Then stop monologuing dumbass," Viktor replied while panting. With his body covered with blood, his body kept trembling without his consent.

"Air Cannon!" A wave of air flew towards him, forcing him to dodge it by blasting his hands sideways. Creating a dust storm beneath his feet.

"Ah... second thought you should continue to monologue," Viktor replied sheepishly inside the smoke he created. At first, he was planning on assessing All For One's strength, but after having a taste of explosions, he got carried away and he started beating All For One one-sidedly. Now that he came down from his high, he realized that he messed up his plans by exhausting his stamina so early into the fight.

"Let's end this." All For One demanded. "Muscle Augmentation, Kinetic Booster times 4, Spearlike Bones." All For One's body suddenly glowed with red lighting and his right arm morphed into a giant's arm filled with metal drills. With a burst of speed, he arrived in front of Viktor who was squatting down on the ground, the smoke covering him was swept away by All For One's momentum. "Let me return all the attacks you gave." With his Kinetic Booster quirk, he returned Viktor's attacks 4 fold.



His whole world shook, the only thing he saw was All For One's fist heading straight to his face before he felt something slithering behind his back and wrapping around his waist.


Opening his eyes, he found himself high above the sky with a floating ninja head. "You alright kid?" Edgeshot asked him while carrying him by the neck using his body.

Viktor furrowed his brows for a bit before he said. "Never been better." With a sinister smile, Viktor whispered. "Hey, can you do me a favor..."

While Viktor was plotting something stupid and dangerous, below the crater All For One glared at the other hero who stalled him. "Endeavor..."


Endeavor didn't say anything else and he attacked All For One. After watching the blonde kid earlier, he realized that All For One's weakness was close combat. Some of All For One's dangerous Quirks were used for close range, therefore if he fights him face to face, he only needs to burn him to defeat him.

Flames emerged from his fist as they clashed on the ground. Unlike the previous magnificent display of martial arts by Viktor, Endeavor chose to just burn him to death instead of copying what Viktor did. Although he was ashamed to say that he used the kid to learn All For One's weakness, knowing that he had a regeneration Quirk and shock nullification Quirk is better than fighting blind.

"Surrender now All For One!"

"Ahaha, are you an idiot!?"

Did you think I will give up just because you say so? How foolish!

All For One's fingers transformed into black tendrils that stretched towards the screaming Endeavor. Seeing the black tendrils approaching him at an alarming speed, Endeavor raised his fist, flame burst out of his hand, shooting a blast of fire towards the tendrils in front of him.

"Flashfire fist - Jet Burn."

The two attacks collide, with All For One pulling his hand back and Endeavor slumping down on the ground.


All Might stared with wide eyes towards the ground. There he saw four black tendrils emerging and skewering Endeavor on his back. Lifting him up in the sky as blood trailed down on the ground.


With trembling legs, he ran towards his friend/rival(?) frantically, hoping that he was still alive. But before he could even approach him, a flash of bright orange light erupted from Endeavor's body, burning the black tendrils along with the ground.


All For One was forced to retract his tendrils, not forgetting to taunt the fallen hero. "Pathetic. And you think you can overcome AllMight with that?" All For One didn't wait for a reply, enlarging his arm, he gathered the wind around his palm and shot it to the kneeling Endeavor.

"Air Cannon."



Endeavor also didn't hesitate and he directly used his strongest attack against All For One. All the fire on his body gathered around his chest, focusing it on a single spot, he blasted it towards the standing All For One, tearing through his Air Cannon, "MUSCLE AUGMENTATION!" All For One expanded his arm until it was about to burst, and he used it as a shield to block Endeavor's attack.


The concentrated beam of fire that can vaporize anything clashed against a massive wall of flesh. The smell of burnt skin permeated in the area, but Endeavor didn't stop and used all the fire he could gather, despite his suit getting burnt, he gritted his teeth and he shouted.


Amidst the flash of lights and the earth-shattering roar, a single scream managed to make its way through.


Not satisfied with the flashy displays, Viktor decided to intrude again, this time not a head-on confrontation, but a surprise attack from above. After all, what better attack than the one coming from the high ground?

Like a shooting star, Viktor's hands kept popping small sparks of light, continuously producing sweat while heating it to the maximum, creating a beautiful trail of orange light. While the spectators outside thought that it looked amazing, little did they know that the shooting star they're admiring is a nuclear bomb.

'Ah. It looks like master's crazy passed on to me...'


That was his chance of survival.

50% chance of survival if he managed to mitigate the force of impact using his explosions, doing a backflip, and landing on his two non-broken legs while the explosion covers the background.

50% chance of dying if All For One dodged, countered, or use one of his bullshit Quirks like Impact Recoil.

Viktor was sure that if All For One really did use Impact Recoil he would 100% die. If All For One isn't content with that, he could multiply the kinetic energy he could get from his explosion by 10 times and destroy his body in the process.

All in all, it wasn't bad. I've had lower odds before, no biggy.

Feeling the effects of the so-called tunnel vision, Viktor closed his eyes and stretched his palms. "Hooo... Come on, come on..." he prayed to himself.

Meanwhile, All For One who was blocking Endeavor's attack glanced up at Viktor's spinning meteorite special move. "How foolish..." raising his fingers, he morphed them into black tendrils that created five spikes, ready to skewer the half-naked sweaty boy.

"Not on my watch!" a gruff voice said.

Before All For One could continue to extend his fingers, a string of red cloth pierced his hand, wrapping around his arm. While bounding All For One, Edgeshot decided to impart one of his secret ninja moves on the villain.

"It's over! You won't be able to escape my "Spiral Spear Hand"!"

All For One tried to move his body, but the red cloth that inserted itself into his arm began twisting and turning, rupturing some of the blood vessels, stopping his movement.

With a flaming bastard in front, a wannabe ninja beside him, and a suicidal maniac above, All For One was truly stuck this time.

"...You will die if you don't let go." as a final resort, All For One decided to solve this problem with reason. Although he could survive All Might's punches, he knew he would die if he took that explosion at point-blank. No matter how strong his Super Regeneration Quirk is, it would be useless against two vaporizing attacks. If he stops regenerating his arm, Endeavor will burn him alive, if he doesn't stop regenerating his arm, then he wouldn't be able to activate Impact Recoil and he would get exploded to pieces. Of course, not without the hero restraining him.

"It doesn't matter. If it's for the greater good, I wouldn't hesitate to put my life on the line." saying so, Edgeshot tightened his grip around All For One's arm.

"Ahahaha, you heroes really are a bunch of clowns."

Despite not having any eyeballs, All For One could clearly see Viktor. With his Infrared Quirk, he could see a giant ball of red light falling down towards him.

"No..." a deranged smirk appeared on his disfigured face. "You're the entire circus!"

"Springlike limbs..." his legs started loosening. "Strength Enhancer times three..." muscles grew from his calf towards his thighs. "AIR WALK!" with a burst of air, he jumped.


Endeavor's Prominence Burn slid off All For One's shrinking arm, tearing it off and burning it to ashes. All For One gritted his teeth and he forcibly regenerated it. An undamaged arm surfaced out of his torn suit, showing how overpowered the Quirks he collected over the years.

Edgeshot who was left dangling by his side was shocked. "Monster..." Even though he knew what he was doing was useless, he decided to wrap his body around All For One in order for Viktor to get a clear shot.

"BAKUGO KATSUKI!" he yelled towards the sky. "MY LIFE IS YOURS! ALL I ASK IS FOR YOU TO WIN!"

Using his Quirk foldabody, he forcibly tore through All For One's arm and rampaged inside of it. A process of breaking and regenerating kept repeating inside All For One's body, making him scream in pain.


All For One thrashed in the air, with Edgshot's body strangling him by the neck and rupturing his insides, even with his pain nullification Quirk, he could feel his organs being torn apart only to be strewn together by his Super Regeneration Quirk.

"Don't worry..." A voice devoid of emotions replied. "That's what I do best."

There stood, Viktor Blaze, with a cold look on his face.


All For One yelled in confusion. 'How? How did he...' Before he could question how Viktor landed on his chest without making the slightest bit of sound, his vision turned towards Viktor's glowing palm.

With his infrared Quirk, he could see a glowing orange orb rippling with constant liquid heat, like a star about to explode. Not only that, he could see the heat coming from Viktor's arms, from his veins towards his joints and fingers, like a river flowing with magma, his arm was wrapped with red veins trailing down to his palm. As if it was a volcano ready to explode!

"Air cannon was it?" Viktor raised the glowing orange orb. He slowly aimed it at All For One's contorted face. "How about explosion instead?"



With a deranged grin, Viktor slammed the pulsating ball of boiling nitroglycerin. With a flash of golden light, Viktor's eyes suddenly changed. A golden cross manifested itself inside his pupils, with a burst of golden flames, half of his face was consumed. The other half was eaten by the explosion caused by his own doing.




A Quirk ("Individuality"), formerly known as a Meta Ability is a superhuman ability that a person can possess.

Quirks are known for being awakened at the age of four. An age where a child forms his/her own personality. Scientists believe that one's personality and genes are what determines one's Quirk, although it isn't proven yet.


-Viktor Blaze-

Life is beautiful.



Isn't it so?

I wonder, who would win? An ancient supervillain that probably has immortality, or a tactical nuke shaped like a snowball?


With a deafening explosion, my eardrums ruptured and my right arm was twisted in a gruesome display.

Like a flower in full bloom, it was repainted with deep crimson. Arcs of blood slowly crawled their way towards my elbow in slow motion.

The only thought that crossed my mind was:

Truly life is the most beautiful thing.

Before the heat could eat me alive, the shockwaves blasted my head back, making my already aching headache multiply by 9000.

As my life flashed before my eyes (Again), I am reminded of my master's advice.

"Master, what happens when you die?"

I asked.

It was the most memorable moment of my life. Although I knew that putting bullets inside people's heads kills them, and it probably hurts, I never once thought of what would happen after.

I remember asking her about it out of childish curiosity, little did I know it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

"What? What happens when you die?"

My master smiled mischievously. She tilted her head before she loomed over me.

"Well, my useless disciple, death is a very vague concept."

Her fingers formed a gun that aimed at my head.

"First... There is fear."


"Like a lump of shit stuck inside your intestines, it will weigh you down."

Her slender finger trailed along my lips.

"Then once you get used to that feeling, a cold chill will pass through your body, starting from your legs."

Her hands gripped my neck slowly.

"Like a venomous snake, it will wrap around you, waiting for you to lower your guard before it strikes..."

Her hands cupped my chin while her nose drifted on my nape.

"Then, once you think you are safe..."

Her tiny mouth opened, revealing her white glossy teeth.

"It will devour you whole, dragging you to the bottom of the abyss..."



I screamed in pain. Her warm mouth planted itself on my neck. I could feel her teeth digging through my skin as warm liquid trickled down my back.


"Mm~, as expected of my disciple!"

She licked her red lips, painting them with a scarlet hue.


Her eyes shined with mirth as she pinned me to the ground.

"Would you like your master to teach you the taste of death?"

For some reason, I had a very bad feeling.

"...I-I I think I'm not curious anymore..."

Her hands slithered through my clothes, her fingertips danced along my chest.

"You're growing well my disciple..."

Her voice suddenly turned into a whisper.

"I'm 14, master please restrain yourself..."

She pursed her bloodied lips.

"Hey number four, do you remember what you asked me in the past?"

What did I ask? I'm pretty sure I asked you everything I'm curious about but you always answer in the most psychotic ways.

"I'm not sure master. I don't really know what you're talking about."

I've read in a book that by feigning ignorance you can get out of any situation. In this case, since this is clearly a dangerous situation it is better if I feign ignorance.

"You asked me why I picked you right~?"


"Well, have you ever heard the tale of Genji?"

"The tale of Genji?"

I think I have heard about it somewhere...

"It's a story about romance."

Romance? Never heard of it.

"Oh, I see."

"Hm, hm, as expected of my useless disciple. Pretending to know even if you don't!"

"I see..."



Her thin waist suddenly moved, and before I could resist she was already straddling me by the neck.

Okay, although I think she's crazy, I am still a hormonal teenager. Getting strangled by a beautiful but deadly girl's thighs is definitely provocative.

"You see my useless disciple, The tale of Genji revolves around a prince that has fallen in love with his step-mother."

Well, that's a bad start.

"Since his step-mother is married to his father, he could only keep his love to himself."

"...I'm hungry."

"One day, when he visits a rural village he meets a very beautiful little girl."

"...I need to pee."

"After finding a resemblance to his step-mother, he kidnapped her and imprisoned her inside his palace in order to educate her to be more like his step-mother."

"...I think I'm having a stroke."

"You see my useless disciple, in this case, I am Genji and you are the beautiful little girl."

"Master my left leg just died."

"Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Her bloody lips suddenly lifted. A beautiful smile was etched across her face.

"Raising an abandoned child into your own perfect lover? Isn't that the most romantic thing?"

Uh... wait. I think there is something wrong here.

"Master... do you perhaps have daddy issue-"



I got sidetracked.

Anyways, fear huh...

Do I even have that?

Surprisingly I don't.

Although I have good preservation instincts, never have I felt fear in my life.

But for some reason, there's this thing that's bugging me.

'I want to be number 1.'

Like a... like a lump of shit stuck inside my intestines.

'I don't want to lose.'

This cold feeling gnawing at my feet.

'I want to be the best.'

Is this...

'I don't want to die...'



A flash of golden light suddenly enveloped my vision.

Before I could even think of what happened, I saw myself outside the blast radius, with a stretch-out arm and a tilted world.


Did my arm just move by itself?

"Now that's hella wrong..."

Maybe it's considered normal in the world of the supernatural?


While I was busy daydreaming in the air, a pair of thin yet muscular arms caught me, giving me a sense of protection.


A blonde-haired man that I was familiar yet unfamiliar with at the same time.

AllMight sighed as he placed me onto the ground.

"Bakugo-shonen, I thank you for your help but now is the time for you to go back."

He smiled warmly at me. Like a proud father seeing his womanizing son.

"Your classmates are waiting for you."


"AllMight... I can still help."

"Bakugo-shonen it's too dangerous for you, you still need to grow."

"I can-!"

Before I could protest and wonder why the hell was I so meek in front of this guy, he raised his hand to stop me.


Golden lightning surrounded him, his thin frame suddenly bulked with power. His sunken face regained its vigor.

A wide confident smile made its way on his cheeks.



Turning my head to the sound of an explosion, I could see All For One.


Not a single scratch could be seen beside the burning flesh that was slowly healing from his face. His previously laid-back and playful nature was replaced by a more serious and deadly one.

Looks like the final boss isn't in his monologuing mood...

"Bakugo-kun, are you sure you want to be a hero?" he asked me with what I could assume to be an annoyed face. "If I didn't have Impact Recoil, I could have died you know?"

"Then why didn't you?"

"Ha! Ahahahaha! Do you hear that AllMight? Your student wants to kill me!"

"All For One!" AllMight yelled. "You will pay for what you've done!"

"Oh? What I've done? Do tell me AllMight, what did I do?"

Although it was fun listening to their banter, I'm pretty sure he's just buying time to heal. Sometimes I wonder why Villains tend to talk a lot but it seems they like playing mind games.



AllMight didn't get to finish his words as I already propelled myself in front of All For One, ready to chew his mangled face out.

Oh? That's strange...

I just wanted to smash his head to pieces but my body suddenly moved on its own. The last thing I saw was a flash of golden light before I found myself mid-air with a stretched-out glowing palm.

"One hand style: 1-inch punch."

A supersonic punch.

A series of moves played inside my head.

A thin woman wearing a sensual outfit.

Her skirt fluttered, along with the smell of wood reached my nose.

With practiced movements, her arm moved in a fluid motion.

With an open palm, she stabbed it through a tree bark with precision.


Splinters and leaves were blown, as her fist embeds itself on the lonesome trunk.

"Did you get that my useless disciple?"

A smirk made its way on her blood-red lips.

"If, for example, if, you lose an arm."

Her bloodied knuckle formed a tight fist.

"You don't run."

Her hips swayed in my direction.

"You struggle to the end."

Placing her hand on top of my head, she leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"So... don't die on me yet. Okay?"

I gritted my teeth.


The sound of air breaking made its way to my ears.

Like a bullet speeding through the air, my palm tore through the cold wind. A trail of white smoke followed my trajectory.

Sweat Manipulation coupled with heat emission and sweat detonation.

Bakugo's battle instincts along with my killer instincts.

With these cards on my deck,

"Street-Martial Arts: Decapitator."

I'll cleave my way to victory.



Street-Martial Arts

Lesson number 2

"Striking one's weaknesses is not a sin, a sin is not striking one's weaknesses."



Viktor Blaze

Quirk: Explosion (Awakened)

The ability to control explosions from his palms. He can manipulate the size, heat, and blast of his explosions. But it all depends on how much sweat he could produce and how much shock he could take.


Power - 6/6 S

Speed - 6/6 S

Technique - 8/6 NA

Intelligence - 5/5 A

Cooperativeness - 6/5 S
