
MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)

----------- Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OCs. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. ----------- Your friendly neighborhood loner gets an unexpected love tap from a very famous celebrity in the Otaku Circles. You guessed it—cue dramatic entrance—Truck-kun! Now, he finds himself face to face with a ROB emanating some serious Dumbledore vibes. Not the canon Dumbledore, mind you, but the "Rated M" Dumbledore from AO3. Swiftly filling his wish meter, our hero embarks on a journey, determined not to succumb to the perverse desires that tend to plague isekai tales. No bunny girl thighs for him! Instead, he's got his own book, navigating dreams and desires while staying true to his nice (and realistic) guy persona. Oh, and did he mention? The Great Sage from Tensura is the consciousness of his symbiote. Talk about an unconventional partnership. This story isn't about a guy living in MHA, but rather a guy from our universe 'experiencing' MHA. Expect a deep dive into the world beyond canon, because why settle for the ordinary? ---------- Additional tags: Cheats, NoHarem, ExpectMemes, Racing, GagMoments, Original Characters (Not many, just enough) The cover was made with the help of AI (Symbiote) and by me (Text, BG, Resizing, colours, etc.) using an image editing software. ---------- NOT A WISH FULFILLMENT FANFIC (Kinda) He won't go around 2 mins after he's born and bitch-slap AFO and bang 90% of the female cast. MC will have a life and personality and so will the Romantic Interest. ---------- A/N: Hey everyone! Remember that pizza slice you sneakily stashed away from your siblings, only to forget about it under the sofa for months? Well, guess what—I'm that neglected pizza slice, and I'm here to spice up your reading! So, after diving into tons of fanfiction, I've reached a point where I can practically predict the plot within the first 10 chapters. Inspired, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own. Buckle up, and I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll be posting regularly, though I don't have a Patreon to beg for support or artificially inflate word counts. Being a broke student means occasional breaks during exam season, but fear not—I'll be back with more chapters. Feel free to critique and drop suggestions for what you'd like to see in the upcoming story! I've got a bunch of fanfic ideas lined up, so unless the reviews are devastating (please be gentle with my fragile self-worth), I'll keep 'em coming. Catch me on ScribbleHub, and maybe RR and AO3 in the future—I'm still getting the hang of those. Cheers!

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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Oopsie

(A/N: This sort of heavy-handed Shakespearean language will not be used much, if at all, in the future. I just want to convey the darkness of society's underbelly and I'm thinking of better ways to do it. Use a slow, dramatic voice when reading the following POV. It'll help, probably.: P)

(Third Person POV) 

Months crept by; their secrets veiled in shadows. Our subject, the newborn, had conquered the arduous challenge of unsupported locomotion, defying expectations and, perhaps, unsettling those who observed him.

Throughout this silent passage of time, the staff of the orphanage, cold and indifferent, withheld nourishment from the infant. An unspoken hope lingered in the air—an expectation that he would succumb to the passage of days.

His mere movement through the space seemed to irk them, an annoyance etched upon their faces.

Our subject, gifted with a perceptive nature, sensed the hostility that surrounded him. He was adept at reading the intentions concealed beneath the veneer of social niceties. Friendships may have eluded him, but enemies were glaringly apparent, their motives laid bare.

In the quiet corridors of the orphanage, our subject navigated the delicate dance of survival. A newborn, defenseless and dependent on caretakers who harbored no compassion. Legally constrained and morally entangled. His options were limited.

Reorganizing his life became a slow, calculated process. A child, typically shielded by parental love, found no sanctuary in our subject's reality.

Mutant Quirks, a controversial topic, had always been met with mixed reactions. Minor mutations were tolerated, embraced even. Yet, our subject's quirk, a grotesque embodiment of mutation, elicited disdain and fear.

His caretakers, unable to reconcile with the unfamiliar, plotted behind a veil of secrecy. Our subject's presence, like a lingering specter, unsettled the atmosphere. Older staff members, who were more seasoned and understanding, were scarce.

The majority, occupied elsewhere, and left our subject in the hands of those less equipped to comprehend the enigma that was the mutated toddler.

The orphanage, a canvas of suppressed emotions and whispered conversations, concealed the machinations aimed at ridding themselves of the anomalous child. Our subject, the embodiment of society's aversion to the unknown, stood on the precipice of a dark fate.

The worst among the caretakers found themselves reluctantly tethered to the responsibility of the peculiar infant, their sinister intentions brewing in the shadows.

(A/N: The first person to guess the fanfic the above paragraphs are based on will get a cookie. Please don't ask for more cause other than that, all I have is (Nami's) milk. And growing young adults need their milk.)



It's been a couple of months since I reincarnated as a tumor, and let me tell you, it's not as laid-back of a life as it sounds. I've fought my worst nightmares, beings from horrors unseen before.

Beings who parents tell each other as a turnoff so that they can go to sleep as soon as possible. These beings are… Mosquitoes with fucking quirks!!?!

Wait, not 'fucking' quirks but… you get the point! I fought a 2-foot-long mosquito (Actually 2 inches) whose quirk is to create sound waves from its flapping wings, which cannot be blocked by any means possible.

At least rock and dirt don't do the trick, since even with 3 feet of solid dirt between us, I could hear that damn buzzing.

Therefore, I fought a life and death battle with a goddamn mosquito, and I'm proud of my victory. I spent the rest of my days hunting smaller game since Sage said that I need sustenance or else I might just end up as a stain on the forest floor, similar to how the symbiotes ended up in the Venom movie.

I kept on switching hosts. Since not one was suitable for a long-term solution and going on for a long time without one would end up with me in the same result as previously stated: a stain on the floor.

Oh, and did I mention that I took down an entire (quirk-less) wolf pack? Yup, all by myself! 'How did that happen?' You might ask, but the solution is rather simple you see. 

Unlike every other symbiote you see in fiction, I realized that I cannot go in fist-first every time. The Klyntar race is a warrior race, but they could be so much more. Like how instead of a brawler as most, if not all symbiotes, are depicted as, I went for an assassin-type build.

I was forced to adapt to the circumstances. A few good examples would be the acid-spitting fox and the fire-breathing wolf.

Due to the nature of my true body, I cannot fight them head-on, and neither can I possess them since, well, they can melt/burn me to death when I try to enter their mouth and I refuse to go through the other…... 'opening.' Blech.

My new favorite way of hunting is to slowly creep up a very tall tree and wait for a bird to land on its branches.

Since I emit no odor, have no blood to increase my temperature, and am pretty much invisible if I stay still enough, these meals with wings have no chance of detecting me, forget about resisting my possession.

I may have broken a beak or two as I forced my way in, but meh, they don't need it anymore. And using my new mode of air transport, I scouted out all the hunting zones, marked out the no-go zones.

And I even spotted proof of civilization in the form of a plastic bag bigger than the bird I was possessing, almost tangling me within itself and almost causing me to experience my next great adventure.

Damn, if ExxonMobil (top 3 global plastic manufacturer) exists in this world, it's on my shit-list, just under our dear friend Jeff. I curse as I fly lower for safety.

As the days passed by and soon months. I would have lost track long ago if it wasn't for Sage keeping me in check. I was flying in the body of an Eastern Imperial Eagle.

Yes, it is as majestic as it sounds. With a weight of 3.1 kilos (6.9 pounds for my American readers) and a minimum wingspan of 1.7 meters or 69 inches. (A/N: Yes, I did that on purpose and yes, the measurements are accurate.)

Almost felt sad when I broke its beak. Almost.

As I was flying, I saw something I've never seen before, and believe me when I say that I've seen a lot. Ranging from bears who can shoot their needle-like fur to snakes with laser eyes. I even saw a beetle the size of a rhino fight with the previously mentioned bear, and it was a close fight.

What I haven't seen is an ant, the size of a big dog, and walks on two legs. I was beyond ecstatic. I could finally start feeling closer to a human!

With a swift command, I dropped from the instantaneously digested eagle, directly onto the unsuspecting ant.

Before it could react, Sage was already strangling it and bound its arms to its body. As Sage pried its mouth open, I slipped in and possessed the now very dead ant.

What I didn't realize then was that I had just killed my first human. But I did have a foreboding feeling when Sage reported that the [Skill: Predator] was merging with the [Skill: Gluttony (Minor)] and had evolved into the [Ultimate Skill: Gluttony].

If that was all, I would have kissed this ant's face when I got a human body, but Sage's next words were what poured cold water on my budding excitement, "Human consciousness eliminated, and the memories have been stored in [Ultimate Skill: Gluttony]."

I may have committed an oopsie.

(A/N: Thank you all for 20k views and 200+ collections on WebNovel and with 1k+ views on ScribbleHub! Three days in and you all seriously doubled this novel's stats overnight and I'm grateful for your support!

Please comment if you feel that something's off about my work and if there are any mistakes. I'm a new Author and this is my first work so any and all criticisms are welcome! Hope to see your comment and review in my upcoming chapters! Bye-bye!!)

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