
Entrance exam

It had been a few weeks after the event of the spar between me and rumi, Before it we discussed if she would give me a recommendation.

Currently I was sitting in school, the last lesson of the day. It really wasn't enjoyable sure I made memories but I had some difficulties making friends. Most boys found my appearance to feminine, whilst most girls didn't want to be friends with me because I was more attractive then them.

After school I made my way towards Rumi's house and once I arrived she was already at the door with a letter. " yoo gloomy, I just received a letter from UA, get inside so we can have a look" heaving a sigh I looked up the steps towards her " I'm not that gloomy, your just annoying" laughing at my words we both went inside and sat on the sofa.

Handing me the letter I proceeded to open it only for a plate to fall out. Once it landed it activated a hologram and some kind of rat appeared " am I a mouse? A dog? Or a bear? That's up to you! I'm Nezu principal of UA high. You gloxinia have been accepted into recommended exam. Please visit us on the date XXXXX of XXXX. Don't forget, plus ultra!" Doing a little fist bump the hologram cut out.

"Hahaha I knew you'd get in gloomy, after all your recommendation came from me." Grabbing my shoulders she stared into my eyes " now all you gotta do is pass, Don't make a mockery of me " Rumi's eyes burned through to the back of my skull I felt like she'd try to beat me up at any second.

Afterwards the day passed like any other and so did the next. To me my days where becoming to monotone, to similar they blended together becoming dull. So I decided to spice up my life and to do so all I needed to do was walk past a certain beach after school. However something unexpected happened During homeroom. "Ah gloxinia I heard you got a recommendation to UA high well done, keep up with the hard work I'm sure it'll pay off" at this I revived numerous stairs, some jealousy, other envy and one in particular anger.

It was both a blessing and a curse being able to read the surface thoughts of people and sense others emotion perfectly. The mind reading could be turned off but heart reading couldn't. It was one of the few things gloxinias memories haven't shown leading me to believe it wasn't possible.

" ah thank you teacher, I will continue to try my hardest." That was the reply. I didn't care for my classmates much, to put it in the words of another they where extras.

The day continued as normal whist is planned my confrontation.

Izuku pov

After hearing what the teacher said I couldn't help but be amazed. Gloxinia was an orphan so gaining a recommendation must have been difficult. ' before training with all might I need to look at what his quirk was again, which note pad did I wright it down in? Ah number four or maybe five' the day continued as normal but during lunch and Break gloxinia was surrounded by our peers i never got the chance to ask how he got the recommendation.

Running home I immediately went into my room

And looked through my old hero notes. Their it was volume 6 something I'd written almost 10 years ago.

Their was a drawn pitcher of gloxinia with little wings but what Amazed me was what I'd written about his quirks. " Fairy kings physique, it allows him to read the heart and surface thoughts of those around him. In short any individual in his presence cannon lie" looking at that I was shocked, he could figure out my secret, the only solution is to just not think about it around him. " that's going to hard" I couldn't help but sigh But then I looked to the next paragraph " disaster, allows him to control both life and death although limited to animals and people with plants it shows it's full effects. Gloxinia can easily turn a town into a forest" looking at something I had written 10 years ago I couldn't help but be shocked. At the age 6 he could destroy towns what could he do now.

I couldn't help but think with a little fear as if gloxinia had a single bad day he could possibly wipe out a city. Releasing the air from my lungs I couldn't help but think aloud " No! Gloxinia Isn't like that, after all I've only ever seen him fly or sit on a flying pillow. Wait how does that work?" Whist lost in though I looked over at my all might clock and see I'm almost running late. Quickly changing my outfit I run out of my apartment and head to the beach holding the book with gloxinias page I need to tell all might so he can be prepared.

After around 10 minutes of running I finally arrived at the beach. At that moment I decided to tell all might immediately "All might!…." but then a voice entered my ears " oh izuku ,what a coincidence meeting you here"

Gloxinia pov

"Oh izuku, what a coincidence meeting you here " I made sure to announce myself just as izuku said those two words. The reason, it would make it more difficult for him to lie to me as it would make him flustered.

Looking over to all might who was in his skinny form I could see he was lightly panicked but with experience he kept a normal expression " young midoriya won't you introduce me to your friend."

I could see his was curious as to who I was. Izuku however was very panicked by the situation. " ah gloxinia what are you doing here don't you live on the other side of the city. " I looked at him as if he was a fool

" izuku, when one has wings they are rarely limited to the constrains of most" at this all might gave a hearty nod.

"Ah I suppose that's true" his reply was meek. For a few seconds we just stood their awkwardly.

" so izuku, skinny stranger, what has you two come to this rubbish filled beach" at this all might was the first to answers " ah my name is Toshinori Yagi, I'm young midoriya's personal trainer. It's a pleasure to meet you gloxinia-Chan" at this visible tick marks appeared on my face before izuku quickly interjected " all mig… toshinori-san gloxinia is a boy"

At this his mouth opened and blood squirted out. Rumi always calls me gloomy and when everyone constantly thinks I'm a girl no wonder I'd be irritated.

After a brief apology I just decided to mess with them. " so this is what the number one hero looks like on his off days. Got to say, you truly are hiding in plane sight, oh would you look at the time I need to get home." At that I flew of and decided to would be a good night for an early rest.

All might pov

" it's all over, he figured out my weakness already" sitting down on some random scrap mental I couldn't help but place my hands into my face. " all might is not true Gloxinia isn't like that! " my nervous successor tired to comfort me before handing me an open book one that looked like the one I signed all those weeks ago. " this note book has the powers and weaknesses of other hero's, I also added some classmates with interesting quirks"

I quickly scanned the information, if what was written was true then this child truely was powerful and I needed him on my side, our side the hero's side. Clutching my destroyed stomach I couldn't help but lament at my own weakness and stupidity. " actually all might gloxinia got a recommendation for UA, so you can talk to him about it then " at this I became hopeful of that was true, since it gave me a chance to explain everything.

Gloxinia pov

More months have passed and it's close to the recommended exams and by close I mean a few hours. I was given the day of school to participate in the exams, so I spent i lazing around Rumi's house. I mean who could blame me, I think she's noticed a few of my stares but I don't believe she cares. She still calls me gloomy but it's less insulting and more how do you say teasing. Before she was trying to annoy me but now she wants an interesting reaction.

When I look back on it rumi doesn't really have any friends. " hey rumi, do you have any friends, or is your only friend someone who is 10 years younger." The book in her hand immediately lowered and her eyes became sharp, I'd seen this before. Ducking I was just missed by a sharp kick. " are you trying to kill me before my exam!" I couldn't help but shout " is that anyway to talk to your elders brat, and for your information I don't have friends" as she went on she became quieter and quieter. Thinking about it now she must be lonely even though her personality can make her difficult she's still human.

Standing up I walked over to rumi placing a hand on her shoulder. " it must be hard, at the rate your going you'll never find a husband. Hmm how about this if your still single when I've finished high school I'll propose, after all your the only person I actually like ahahah " looking at her face I notice that she was going slightly red, for once I had won. A smile adorned my face at my mild victory before looking at the clock " crap I'll be late!" Running out the door I grabbed my bag and flew in the direction of UA high.

Once I arrived I immediately headed towards the entrance and found myself seated in an exam room. The exam was easy so to speak their where morality questions but those are easily to lie on, scenario equations where more challenging but mostly common sense.

For example, their is a hostage situation at the bank, how do you proceed? For example you'd gage the number of villains inside, distract with negotiations, acquire building blueprints and send a time in through certain areas depending on the blueprint Yadyad.

Finally it was time for the practical test. In truth I was to lazy to get changed so I just did it in my uniform. " ALL ROGHT STUDENTS, i am your examiner today, present mic. for it we'll be having a race, Its a five kilometres and has a host of obstacles" at this I looked around I noticed momo, shoto and that wind guy who doesn't like endeavour.

"On your marks! Gets set! GOOOOOOOOO!" As present mic screamed i instantly flew through the air buying past the competition with ease. Most of the obstacles where just different types of terrain. Finally their was a large amount of 1-3 pointers to manoeuvre between or defeat. I chose to ignore them and as a result easily finished first.

So in first place was me, second wind guy, third shoto, fourth momo. I watched the hole argument between the wind guy and shoto, in truth I didn't care for him since he was well irrelevant to the story for the most part.

Decided to just leave I called it a day I waited for my time to enter the school officially.