
MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus

Marcus King was a nobody, a fat nerd who got lucky enough to survive the initial fallout of the world, but when he is suddenly infected, death greets him swiftly. Given a second chance in the world of My Hero Academia, he will make himself worth something, or at least try. The timid, antisocial, narcissistic old Marcus will be gone. Souta Sasaki is now his name, and with supportive parents, friends he can count on, and even the possibility of finally getting a girlfriend, he has hope to achieve his dreams. No matter if a century old villain, a psychopath who can decay anything, bioengineered creatures made of nightmares, a germaphobe who wants to rid the world of Quirks, or even if a false God decide to stand in his way; he will be a hero no matter what. Also, with the power similar to The Gamer, it just might be possible. . . . . . [!Warning! MC is a good guy and will be a hero, no harem ] I own nothing except my main character. P.S. the title has meaning so it won't be changing.

PenguinMage · Komik
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Souta knew this choice could determine his entire future in this world, and realizing such did not help him decide any quicker.


Pick one player.

-Gamer's Mind


-Gamer's Body


He needed to think about this thoroughly, try to guess every avenue he could take, every possible build, drawback, advantage, and the possible risks.

He looked at -Gamer's Mind-, and as he did, another blue slate slid into existence next to the main one. Souta swallowed hard, for a split second thinking he had somehow picked it on accident.

Thankfully, it wasn't so, and he now set his focus on what the new screen detailed.

[ Gamer's Mind: In Battle, all distractions can be muted, all active adverse affects on the mind will be halted, and a perpetual calmness will allow the Player to focus on the challenges ahead.

Bonus: All and any mental attacks or mental Quirks will be unable to harm or observe the Player.(can be toggled off). ]

Souta read the description once, then twice, then about ten times to digest it enough to make some conclusions. He knew with systems, wording was important, as there could be veiled risks and faults if he was not careful.

He shelved any thoughts on -Gamer's Mind- for now though, since he did not have anything to compare it to so he could weigh how useful it will be for him.

Thankfully, it wasn't so, and se his focus on what the new screen detailed.

[Gamer's Body: Unless your Health points hit zero, any and all injuries will not be fatal. Good sleep and healthy food will provide bonuses for up to twenty four hours. Full destruction of the brain overwrites the previous.

Bonus: After getting eight hours of rest, four with the consumption of caffeine, all injuries will be healed.]

Now he had both his options, but despite this, the choice wasn't as black and white as he would have liked.

My Hero Academia was a world were 80% of the world had some power that made them special, and it could be as simple as a strength boost, the ability to fly, or as complicated as making people turn to stone by saying their name.

There were probably countless mind related Quirks that could mess with his head, forever altering or rearranging the things that made him well, him. Mind reading Quirks were definitely a possibility, and letting others figure out how he got here was asking for trouble, plus he could never trust someone to look into his past and guarantee secrecy.

On the other hand, there were also about 7 out of 10 Quirks that could do physical harm, had an easy way for mass destruction, or could leave him as nothing more than a blood splatter on the pavement in a less than a second.

If he decided to be active in the story, and with this system he most likely was, then he would be put in physical fights more times than he can count. He was definitely going to go the Mage route, so maybe he did not even need to worry about getting injured in the first place.

Most Gamer stories Souta had browsed through or read in his past life gave the wielder limitless potential, so he could overcome the benefits of the -Gamer's Body- with skills or magic alone.

It depended on how this system would work going forth, which he had not a single clue about how much this particular system would be like his memories, and how much of it wouldn't.

Questions, too many to ask truthfully, and next to no available answers for them.

Souta exhaled, gripping the sheets of his tiny bed and taking a long glance up through his window and at the sky above. The full moon hung there, a pearl in an expanse of darkness, not a star to accompany it through the cold embrace of the night.

He chewed the inside of his cheek, clenched his fists, and mentally selected -Gamer's Mind-.

There were just more important benefits from it, more so than having a body that could take most everything but a one hit kill that could obliterate him entirely or a headshot from a hidden enemy. He had a mind that needed to be protected, and Souta found some solace in the fact no one would be able to read his memories and see the old him.

The person who he hated more than anyone.


"An adventurer or an avid reader, both embark of different paths, but both experience more than themselves."

Pick one Player






Another choice he was going to have to make. He did not know if he was going to be getting the ability to enter dungeons, hopefully it was possible, but then again basing it all on a "what if" was not the smartest gamble.

The descriptions for both abilities were standard, an infinite space to store any non living things, and the bonus was the space being time locked.

Observe was also simple, to gain a glimpse of a person's power and skills, the bonus being the ability to do the same for yourself.

The last part made the decision for him, no matter how much it seemed stupid he would not be able to see his own stats without the -Observe- skill, Souta was gifted this Gamer ability in the end and he knew beggars could not be choosers.

So, he selected -Observe-, knowing it was the right choice, but a little anxious it somehow wasn't. He was gonna be a Mage slinging spells, he could maybe figure out Spatial magic to make his own pocket dimension, and he did not really fancy being a sword wielding edge lord. He grew out of that particular phase, though to say his obsession with magic was different would be a lie.

Anyways, the decision was made, another wall of text taking the previous screen's place


Choices have been made, but what is a Player without a means to measure their ability.

Choose six attributes from the list, they will determine the stats you can use experience to upgrade with level and attribute points. The choices made will grant you a permanent buff and EVOLUTIONARY SKILL.














-Magic Affinity-




Souta grimaced, eyes thinning and hands gripping his thighs as he read the words and stomached it all.

He really hated it, the fact he had such freedom in his choices, something he could honestly do without. If in the future, the system's abilities failed him, at the very least he could blame it on the power and it alone.

Now, if later down the line he regretted something with this Gamer System, then he could fault nobody but himself.

All the wieght was on his shoulders, the consequences his punishment alone, and the choices a reflection of his mistakes or success.

Bitter, he was quite bitter with what he was given, but no amount of complaining could fix it.

Now, he had to decide, no more hesitation and spiraling thoughts.

So, with a relatively easy idea in mind, Souta outfitted himself with what was best for a Mage.

Agility to keep him nimble and able to get him out of close quarter fights, Perception to help him be aware of the battle field and where he needed to use his spells, Mana as his power source because of course, Wisdom to help stave off how much he would need to study magic, Magic Affinity to have an important benefit in picking magic in the first place, and Intelligence as a sturdy foundation that would help him on his journey as a magic wielder.

The configuration felt familiar, like an old friend Souta had known for both his lives, and a comforting feeling washing over him as he saw those stats.

He always played the Mage, the Sorcerer, the Warlock. Those classes and roles were just him, sitting in the back, weaving a cacophony of spells, charms, hexes to distrust or obliterate his enemies.

He reveled in the thought of thinking ahead, being a tactician with plenty of hidden cards, and staying away from the messy physical battle while he destroyed others with mind and skill.

Every game he played, every D and D play through, every board game, and every dream he had he was using magic as his weapon.

However, as he was a second away from confirming his options, Souta hesitated.

He was not sure why, the choice should be easy, familiar and something he was happy with.

So why, why was he not confirming it and starting his journey? Why was he unsure of doing what he knew worked for him?

No, he was wrong, it was what worked for the old him.

Souta wanted to change. He wished to no longer be the fat slob of his old life, to not be the narcissistic asshole who thought himself better because of simple observations and a the inch of intelligence he had above most he knew.

That person was gone, dead, a bullet through the brain to solidify it.

Souta, to achieve the dream he wanted, to gain respect and a purpose he could be proud of, needed to do something different.

Whatever he had done before had not worked, leaving him empty, angry at everybody yet he himself the one to cause it all, and the reason which allowed himself to fade into obscurity.

This was his chance, a perfect opportunity, one of his own wishes and violations.

No more running, no more finding comfort in food, scorning his new parents for something out of their control, acting like he was superior to hide his insecurities, and no more being the coward who hid away in his basement.

Souta would face the storm, bathe in its rain to be washed of his past, and reach greater heights.


You Have Chosen Player...Creating Status sheet...


Name: Souta Sasaki

Lvl: 0

AP: 6

HP: 100

SP(Stamina): 100

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Constitution: 1

Perception: 1

Stamina: 1

Instinct: 1


Because of your choices, you have been granted a permanent buff.

[Brave the Storm]: when fighting against stacked odds, all attributes will rise by 10%.

Because of your choices, you have been granted a EVOLUTIONARY SKILL.

[Wood Body(EV)]: Your body is as tough as wood.


Souta grinned ear to ear, chills running up and down his spine, his mind registering somehow that he had fundamentally changed in a way.

Although, he was still the overweight toddler, had the pink hair he had refused to acknowledge for the longest time since he hated it, it was admittedly clear he was not going to change completely overnight.

The screen changed again.


Pick your route Player. It will determine how you gain experience and level ups.

Villain experience gains



- Feats

Vigilante experience gains

-Days not Caught

-Information Gathered


Hero experience gains





Another batch of choices, a heavy one at that, and also making Souta shake his head in exasperation.

He was sure that in a pure sense of power, the villain route was the way to go without say, since it would most likely be the easiest to gain in. It would always be simpler to destroy then create, to kill then save, or to poison than nourish.

His logical mind was aiming toward vigilante, but then he would really be on his own. He would need to get skilled enough at tech, espionage, forensics and so on. It was to many bases to cover to do it legitimately, and in a sense his life would be similar to a villain. Everyone would be gunning to take him down. Heroes, villains, and other vigilantes, you name it. Plus, he would gain more exp the more days he did not get caught, and an amateur like Souta had no idea where to start. Give it a week or two and he would be done.

He did not simply want power, so villainy was out, he did not mind vigilantism but the risks outweighed the benefits, so in the end the hero route was the safest.

He could grow on own terms without having to constantly watch his back. Take time to figure out the system and how powerful he could realistically get, and not worry about a time limit other than attending hero school.

Also, he was not a super genius, and it would take to long and possibly too many murders to get to the intellectual level with the Intelligence stat to be a worthwhile villain; not that he could kill anyway.

The first few murders would fundamentally change him for sure, that was a no brainer.

Souta mentally picked the last option, the screen turning into a loading bar for a few seconds before its turned back to his status sheet with a small change.


Name: Souta Sasaki

Occupation: Hero

Lvl: 0

AP: 6


Then, a notification popped up asking if he wanted to go through a tutorial on the attributes and parts of the system. Souta would have clicked it immediately, but he also saw at the end of the notice there was an option to do the tutorial later.

He was exhausted, lack of sleep, the strain from forcing himself to think about every option and decision had left him drained.

Too much information at once would do the opposite than inform him, instead bogging him down and also making his mind wonder more, sleep would be too hard to find at that point.


A small smile graved Souta's chubby face, light blue eyes sparkling with unknown power as he looked down at his open palms in thought.

This was the first step in a mile, the first drop in an ocean, and the first spark of a fire.

There was no going back.

"I won't regret anymore, I won't sit idle and let the world decide my worth." Souta watched his stubby fingers curl into fists.

He wanted to hop out of bed and do some pushups, but he knew that now was not the time, he was tired; give or take he would only be able to do a few anyways.

Tomorrow, that was when he would begin, and he would make sure he lived for a cause he wanted.

Souta decisively grabbed his covers and went back to bed, whispering one word to solidify every choice he made.


[ Published this chapter for the show of support, I thank you guys, it really means a lot.

The plan is three chapters posted every Sunday in one batch, and a fourth if I get a lot of votes and or comments.

Again, appreciate it a lot, hope you are enjoying the story so far. The pace is a little slow, but it will pick up gradually and then be quick.

That is all for now, PenguinMage out. ]