this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything
' Izuku '
Sitting back in his chair Izuku stretched, the case with his 'hero costume' next to the desk.
"Did you have to change back before I could get here?" Mina pouted at him as she and Kirishima sat beside him, their group having gone second.
"I want my eye candy!"
"You have Kirishima's abbs." Izuku snorted, tossing a balled-up wad of paper at Mina as it bounced of the pinkette's forehead.
"Blegh!" Mina made a face "Kiri's like my brother! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Not going there so it is your duty, oh Fluffy Buddy, to provide me eye candy to sustain your Alien Queen!"
"Think she'll do this to Tetsutetsu as well?" Izuku asked Kirishima, studiously ignoring their bombastic female friend.
The shirtless redhead chuckled "But that might be because she's been hyped all week to meet Tetsutetsu and Yanagi."
"Didn't they say they were bringing Tetsutetsu's old friend to the Karaoke bar too?" Izuku frowned as he remembered talking to their friends from 1B in the gym the day before.
"yeah, yeah!"
Kirishima nods as Mina finally stops pouting "That'll be fu-" before Kirishima could finish, the door opened to reveal Mr. Aizawa and the last group, All Might following behind.
"Alright everyone, here's how this is going to work." Their tired Homeroom teacher sent the last team to their seats before gesturing to the board "We'll watch the footage for each fight.
Nobody is to talk during those viewings, nobody." Aizawa's red eyed glare made it clear this wasn't something to test him on.
"Afterwards I'll allow any initial questions before I have each side explain the reasoning for their actions, I'll give my own breakdown along with All Might, and then we'll open up for any Critique's from you all.
That said, here's the footage from the first team."
The video didn't take long at all. It showed Izuku and Shoji making their plan, the three heroes leaving their bunker starting points, Izuku taking out Kaminari, Iida meeting up with Mineta, before Izuku took them out as well.
Given the time between the other teams arriving he was positive that first round had gone the fastest. "And there we go!" All Might let out a big belly laugh, "Now students, any questions or comments before we hear from the teams?"
"Sir!" Iida shot to his feet, one hand raised high and the other chopping mechanically at the air "I feel Midoriya, and his partner should be punished for violating both the rules and the spirit of the exercise!"
"Interesting." Aizawa sighed, "Midoriya, anything to say in your defense?"
"Simple, what I did never went against any rule we were given."
Izuku felt his eyebrow twitch irritably at Iida harping on him again, his friends at his side helping him keep his cool "Added to that it plays into what I mentioned earlier.
Heroes trusting people just because they're wearing a cape, trust like that could be easily taken advantage of."
"Could you elaborate on that Young Midoriya?" All Might frowned, the paragon Hero probably not used to people saying trust in heroes was a bad thing, except for anarchists and villains at any rate.
"There are hundreds of heroes in Japan alone." Izuku shrugged "And at least a chunk of all Villains were heroes or sidekicks at one point.
It makes sense if a Hero or Sidekick is planning to turn villain then they'd plan their 'reveal'. But even not counting that there's room for people claiming to be a hero when they really aren't as there's no way to know every hero in Japan without a memory Quirk, let along if someone claiming to be an international hero arrives.
Then there are people with illusion, shapeshifting, perception altering, and mind control quirks. Like the Golden Sun incident Mr. Aizawa delt with a few years ago."
"…The what?" Kaminari frowned in confusion, the lighting quirk user having at least taken his loss better than the rest of that hero team had.
"A major villain event in Germany a few years ago." Aizawa eyed him, likely surprised that Izuku had even heard of it "A Villain was planning his reveal and setting up things for a while.
His quirk was a mind controlling one, allowing him to 'infect' a person with his quirk and have them go about their lives until the 'trigger' went off and they obeyed him mindlessly. This villain spent months building a cult in secret and infecting as many heroes as he could in the area, he was based in.
When he made his move and heroes started coming in to stop him, those not infected weren't prepared for their fellows to attack them from behind. I got called in due to my ability to nullify quirks. I'm surprised you know about that Midoriya."
"I'm a Quirk Nerd sir. Studying them, breaking them down. Learning how to improve or counter them. It's something I've been doing for as long as I could understand what a Quirk was."
Izuku nodded to him as the class muttered about the explanation and the scenario given "But I knew that people trusted like that, so it felt like a good idea. Not to mention I knew that with my quirk I had a decent chance of escaping should the ruse fail, Shoji staying by the bomb as a precaution.
When Shoji figured out who our opponents were it felt more assured as I knew Mineta would latch onto Iida for a plan and Iida would go by the book."
"I see." Aizawa nodded "And you're right, that is a problem that I hope we can get out of everyone's system while in UA. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, all of you."
Aizawa's gaze went around although seemed to linger in Izuku and the back in his seat Iida "And just a heads up, that that particular trick won't be allowed in future exercises as this is meant to be learning how to handle various scenarios. Are we clear?"
"Yes sir." Izuku sat down as the next video started, Iida and his teammates having nothing else to add and the class having very little to 'break down'.
The second fight was Mina and Kirishima as Villains against Sato, Hagakure, and Aoyama where his friends had taken full advantage of their allotted time, Utilizing Mina's Acid to destroy any stairs for the Heroes to climb while Kirishima used his quirk to break apart rubble for projectiles.
In the end, those weren't needed as none of the Hero team had a method to get from one floor to the next without the stairs, their one attempt to hoist one person up being met with hail of thrown rocks from Kirishima.
"Alright then. Heroes, what was your plan going in?"
"We planned to stick together." Sato sighed "We figured Aoyama and I could draw attention and hold the villains in a fight while Hagakure used the mayhem to get to the bomb. We didn't think they would, or could, destroy a way for us to follow."
"I see, and villains?" All Might turned to a grinning Mina and Kirishima.
"We have Izu-bro to thank." Kirishima slapped his back hard "I never would have thought to use my quirk to make projectiles before. Plus, I could grip the rough edges safely thanks to it.
We even planned to have me jump down and fight if necessary, knowing I could get back up thanks to how sharp my fingers get when hardened, they can act as climbing gear."
"And I never would have thought to use my Acid to set traps or destroy ways to be followed." Mina admits "I only ever thought to toss it around me or slide on it. Izuku even thought of some awesome ideas for support gear to use my acid more effectively, aim it, or even store it!"
At the stunned looks from his classmates Izuku just shrugged "Like I said, I'm a quirk nerd. Analysis is a skill I've spent years working on."
"Any suggestions for either group?" Aizawa looks around as Izuku raises his hand after most of his classmates frown, unable to think of any ideas.
"Other things Mina and Kirishima could have done would involve using acid to destroy part of the floor around the bomb to make it harder to get to if the enemy team got up the floors, or even get it onto the roof.
Another idea would be to find a level of acid that would hurt skin but not Kirishima's hardened form, have Kirishima go to the ground floor and fight while Mina dripped acid through melted holes in the floor to provide support and sow chaos amongst the heroes.
For the Heroes I saw Sato boosting his strength yesterday and Aoyama managed to get propelled with his laser which we saw is strong. They could have had Sato throw the others up or Aoyama use his quirk to propel himself up or even destroy part of the roof to have another entrance that wasn't being watched."
Izuku eyes flit about, fingers rapidly tapping his thumb as he ran through scenarios in his head, tuning out most of what was around him.
"You also gave few restrictions so one option would be to have the heroes go into the building next to the one with the bomb and jump from one roof to the next or through a window that they could have broken first."
All Might coughed, bringing Izuku out of his hyper focused state "Thank you Midoriya."
Looking around, Izuku saw the wide-eyed gaping expressions of his classmates at his rapid flow of information. Only his friends, who'd already seen it, and Todoroki, who didn't seem to care, weren't at least looking wide eyed.
Well, he assumed Hagakure was doing the same given how her uniform was positioned for 'body language'.
The third team had been Jiro and Tokoyami as the villains against Todoroki, Yayorozu, and Kendo has the heroes.
Todoroki had frozen the building, entering without waiting for the other heroes to even arrive, resulting in the girls having to run in and help him, Todoroki having been caught off guard when Dark Shadow could still attack him, and Jiro was able to use her vibrations to break the ice around her feet and attack.
The heroes still won but it was a very close thing. The main issue that had been brought up, Izuku not even needing to do so, was that Todoroki failed badly when it came to teamwork. A statement that the ice user didn't seem very satisfied with.
The final round, Ojiro and Koda as villains against Sero, Asui, and Ururaka as heroes had been an interesting one to watch given how much mobility the hero team had while the villains were primarily strength based given Ojiro just had his tail and no support gear while Koda's quirk needed animals on hand to work.
The two villains, with what they had on hand, couldn't keep up with the superior numbers and mobility. Izuku's only advice, which others shared, was for Ojiro to get some support gear and Koda to maybe look into permits for animal sidekicks.
The Hero team hadn't had enough opposition to really critique this time around.
"And that's it for the day." Aizawa nodded
"I'll have your grades from today ready by Monday. Speaking of, be ready as Monday's class will have quirkless sparring for your hero period. I want all of you able to function even without a quirk on hand. Dismissed."
Mina jumped to her feet, linking her arms with his and Kirishima's "Come on boys, we got things to do!"
if you want to read ahead of the public release you can go to p treon :