this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything
' Endeavor '
Frowning softly, Endeavor flipped through the newspaper, his reading glasses in place as he saw all the articles about crime statistics.
The USJ attack had made waves, not only emboldening villains all over the country but with so many street level criminals and thugs taken off said streets in the aftermath the areas they 'controlled' now lay unprocected causing a power vacuum in the criminal underbelly.
Making note of where the worst cases seemed to be, according to the day's paper at any rate, Endeavor started planning out more strict patrols to bolster security for the civilians.
In their own chairs in the living room, Fuyumi nervously worked on a paper of some kind, possibly a thesis for her courses, while Natsuo just texted grumpily, sending the occasional unhappy look Endeavor's way, seeming to think that it went unnoticed.
Hearing the door open with a loud impact, Endeavor shot to his feet, flame beard igniting while Fuyumi and Natsuo looked wide eyed…only for Shoto to run into the sitting room "Mind the door Shoto." Fuyumi scolded with a sigh now that it was clear it wasn't a ballsy burglar.
"What is going on with my quirk?!" Shoto ignored his sister, staring Endeavor dead in the eye "Why does it keep doing this?!" with a small-pinched expression of concentration, Shoto's hair became a long mane, one half ice and one half fire, a pair of oni like horns rising from his forehead.
Natsuo dropped his phone in shock while Fuyumi let out a startled squeak at her youngest brother's new hairstyle.
"It would seem you've already developed your first vent." Endeavor nodded unphased "I'd wondered if your ice would be reflected once you developed one, assuming you even did."
"What on earth is a 'Vent'?" Shoto narrowed his eyes as Endeavor rolled his own, taking off his reading glasses with an exasperated sigh.
"It would seem you failed to listen when I explained this before. Do you just ignore everything I state about flames and their uses?" the silence was telling as Endeavor let out another sigh.
"A vent is an aspect of flame quirks that achieve a certain level of power. It's pushing a portion of your energy out in a singular stable method that can be maintained to take up energy and let you bleed off excess power.
Given the USJ and the training you've been doing since I'm unsurprised you've already developed one, you were always meant to be stronger than me."
"But…why does it look like that?" Fuyumi frowned as she eyed the now identified 'vent' atop Shoto's head.
"Vents are shaped by the intent of the quirk user when they first manifest." Endeavor's expression soured somewhat.
"I'd say you were angry and trying to intimidate someone so your quirk manifested something you associate as ominous.
If you wish to change it you should focus on forcing the vent into whatever shape you do want and do it fast or you'll be stuck with that." His bear flickered mockingly "That's why I'm stuck with this stupid thing."
All three of his children blinked in bewilderment at his statement "Wait…you know how ridiculous the fire beard looks?" Natsuo forgot his own vitriol for a moment out of sheer bafflement.
"Despite what many would assume or imply I'm no fool Natsuo. I'm well aware…now, how stupid it looks but when it manifested I was a teenage boy, unable to grow facial hair.
And I wished to look like my older brother who I remember had a rather impressive full beard." Natsuo's snickering was only cut off by his sister cuffing him upside the head.
' Aizawa '
Sending glares at the still cowering All Might huddled in the corner, Aizawa removed several files from his stack of 'Candidates'.
"I'm dividing these into three categories. 'Currently Viable', 'Not without some work', and 'Why the hell are they here you fucking moron?!'."
"Language." Recovery Girl scolds but doesn't protest the concept of the designations.
"Let's start with the hard no options." Aizawa slapped down a stack of folders "Bakugo, Monoma, Tokoyami, and Midoriya."
"Their quirks-" All Might began only to go silent when Aizawa gave him a hard look and a raised hand for quiet.
"Bakugo is rude, brash, and hyper aggressive. He already has a superiority complex and is someone that we think to have been a physucailly abusive bully even if we have no evidence. Giving him that kind of power would let it go to his head.
Plus he sweats nitroglycerin, we don't need his explosions any bigger than he can already make them honestly. I can already feel the amount of explosion insurance policies growing once he makes his Sports Festival Debut."
"…Fair." The others in the room allowed with an awkward wince.
"Tokoyami is because his quirk is already volatile and sentient. Just being in a dark room has him struggling to control his quirk from going on a bloody rampage at times so super charging that isn't a risk I'm willing to consider."
Aizawa ticked off another candidate "While Midoriya and Monoma have some different reasons they do share an important one.
Midoriya already has problems controlling his temper, I wouldn't want a major increase in his power till he gets a better grasp of his emotions. Monoma has a superiority complex much like Bakugo. However my concern is how the government would respond if either got the quirk."
"You're worried they'd be weaponized." Nezu's tone was dark, although given the principal's history with being a literal lab rat it was understandable.
"You said this Quirk, this 'One for All' enhances both the user and their original power." Aizawa tapped the two student's files insistently.
"Think about what that could potentially do to these two. Monoma could copy a quirk that was stronger than the original, or permanently keep the quirks he copies, if not both.
If Midoriya has it then I could see his resistances developing rapidly while paired with All Might Strength. Who knows if he could even truly die at that point.
That kind of offensive and defensive combination would have the government wanting to use him as a weapon of war against other nations, labelling him a villain if he refuses.
Other nations would be desperate to try and poach him or send women to seduce children out of him, something he'd be at risk of already. No, there would be too big of a target with Midoriya getting it."
"I hadn't considered that." All Might admits sheepishly before giving a million watt smile "Only further proof that I was right in wanting to bring you into our confidence."
"Moving on." Aizawa ignored All Might, hiding his amusement at the giant man sulking, "Those who would only be possible after getting some work. We have Shinso, Iida, Todoroki, and Kaminari. Thankfully for you, most of them seem to have at least started on that.
Kaminari is working on improving not only his control but sharpening his mind ever since the USJ, the incident having served as a wake up call. Todoroki has his own hang ups but I've noticed him seeming more relaxed than he even was before the USJ so I hope he's getting over the hang ups he has with his both sides of his quirk.
Iida is too quick to judge something and too inflexible, although he's seemed lost in thought at all times since the USJ so he's hopefully considering those factors for himself.
As for Shinso yes, his heart is in the right place for wanting to be a hero and One for All could work well with his quirk, assuming the general public didn't become terrified of him, but at the moment he has no drive or work ethic.
He never really tried in the entrance exam, resigning himself to failure when he saw he was fighting robots rather than trying to find a work around. Even Mineta managed to muster up the motivation to take the machines on."
"So, keep an eye on them and offer some nudges in the right direction when needed." Gran Torino nodded, "And the rest?"
"And finally there's those currently viable." Aizawa nodded "Togata, Hado, Kirishima, Kendo, Kamakiri, Shoda, Tetsutetsu, Tsunotori, Yanagi, and Shiozaki. All show some level of viability on the factor of Quirks and apart from Kamakiri being a bit of a competitive fighter I don't see much issue."
"Any top picks?" Nighteye leaned in, clearly hoping to hear something specific.
"A few stand out above others." Aizawa admitted "Togata and Hado are excellent heroes but they're close to graduation.
Time they'd have as students where they could dedicate to mastering this upgrade would be limited. Plus it would be harder to explain given they're already decently well established.
From the fist years Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are both good candites with similar defensive and offensive abilities, Yanagi had a good quirk to upgrade in a way that wouldn't be connected to All Might's to help hide the true nature of your quirk, Shoda would have a terrifying level of compatibility with the power, and admittedly Kamakiri would be a good choice.
Granted, I'd say Kamakiri would need to calm down the competitiveness but his pure physical combat style would match with yours All Might."
"Well, at least we're better off than we were before." Detective Tsukauchi groaned as he got up "Well, I'll leave you all to confer, I need to get back to the precinct. Small time crime and villains have been on the rise since the USJ, but let me know if any more progress is made."
AN: No Izuku this time, but as I said, computer situation is limited. Next chapter is very much Izuku centric though.
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