
MHA : Evolving : Chapter 11

' Izuku '


"Who are you?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes at the figure "What are you doing here?"

"Why?" the madman chuckled, "There are only two reasons whys someone goes to a school. They come to learn…or to teach." The pale man spread his arms, dark hellish fog appearing behind him as more and more figures stepped forward. Most bore distinct quirk mutations, all bore sadistically gleeful grins "And I'm here with a lesson for all the kiddies that want to play hero."

"Playing indeed." A deep voice echoed from the fog as it shifted, forming the crude form of a man, glowing yellow eyes shining from its dark depths "The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead. Our sources said All Might should have been here as well."

"It's so rude of him." As the man covered in hands spoke, Izuku narrowed his eyes, recognizing someone grandstanding, putting on a show. This wasn't the real villain's self, this was an act to him, a game. The villain wanted to be seen a certain way, so he was deliberately putting on a show.

"We go through all the trouble of getting so many new friends who wanted to meet him, and he doesn't even have the common decency to show up. Perhaps if I kill off a kid or two, All Might will hurry up."

"K-k-kill us?!" Mineta squeaked the diaper like 'bowl' on the pervert's costume possibly coming in handy for once if his whimpering was any indication, "T-the teachers will stop them, right?! I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

"Shut up!" Izuku snapped, eyes narrowing as he stared down at the villains who didn't seem to care about the class being there, who felt secure enough to monologue without fear, "Your whimpering isn't going to help anyone."

"Hey, why aren't the alarms going off?" Yayorozu questioned, the group huddling closer together as Thirteen ushered them back, Aizawa readying his capture weapon.

"They must have a quirk that's masking their presence." Todoroki spoke, expression apathetic "Or they've managed to attack the entire campus at once."

"No, that fog is someone with some sort of transport quirk." Izuku focused on the group, seeing how ragtag several of the villains seemed, some clustered in tight groups, others swaggering about on their own "If that's their way in or out they'd want him watching the group just in case."

"Good thinking Midoriya." Kendo nodded before glancing over her shoulder "Kaminari, is that radio for show?"

"No, but I still can't get through anyway." Kaminari frowned, bouncing one leg rapidly as he held as sparking hand to the radio over his ear.

"Meaning technopathy or electricity-based quirk." Izuku summed up.

"Good work." Aizawa tensed, goggles and weapon in place "Thirteen, get them out of here and get me some backup. I'll deal with this trash."

"What?" Izuku blinked, stunned at their teacher trying to fight them on his own, especially when everything Izuku knew about the man showed that he worked best with stealth or one on one.

Hell, even just standing up here to nullify the group while Thirteen used black hole on them sounded more viable. But also too lethal and with a risk of backfiring if there was someone with a quick that could counter it that Aizawa wasn't able to nullify.

"Trust me Midoriya, you can't be a pro with just one trick." Aizawa sent a confident smirk over his shoulder and in that moment, it was as reassuring as All Might's famous smile as it carried a message all its own.

Aizawa was their teacher, and anyone who wanted to hurt his students would need to claw their way past the man to even try.

"…Kick their ass Sensei." Kirishima grit his teeth, the redhead looking ready to throw down, only held back by Thirteen blocking his path.

"Count on it." Aizawa gave a thumbs up before he shot forward like a bullet, charging towards the villains as Thirteen forced their class to run back towards the doors, not about to waste the chance their Homeroom teacher had bought them.

They were barely halfway back when a swirling black gate appeared on the ground in their way, fog rising up with those piercing yellow eyes.

"A valiant attempt children, but there is no escape for you." The refined echoing voice escaped the fog "I must say, it's a pleasure to meet you. Students of UA Academy, some of the best and brightest in Japan, the shining future of our country.

We are the League of Villains, here to grace you all with a lesson on the reality of the world. Yet I see our deal 'Symbol of Peace' has failed to show up, how rude of him to cut class.

There must have been a change of plans, but it doesn't matter." The fog spread like macabre wings "I still have a role to play."

"Go to Hell." Todoroki's cold apathetic voice bit out even as ice rushed towards the smokey figure, encasing them in a cocoon of frozen spikes.

"Hah! Nice one Todoroki!" Kirishima grinned, arms hardening from adrenaline "Did you assholes really think we were just gonna let you tear this place apart?"

A dark chuckle was the villains answer, smoke escaping from the fog as it seemed to condense at the top of the spikes "You truly do live up to your school's reputation children. Still, you should be more careful. Otherwise…someone might get hurt."

"Get out of the way now!" Thirteen shouted, Izuku realizing that by having tried to stay at the back to stop any attacks from the rear, she was now prevented form protecting them without risking their lives up here.

"I'll scatter you across this facility!" the fog figure spread its form wide, tendrils of darkness shooting out, surrounding and them and whipping up the winds "To meet my comrades and your death!"


' Ururaka '

Groaning Ururaka sat up, seeing a wincing Shoji withdrawing his extended tentacles from where the wall of shadows had been, several of the branching limbs ending in bloody stumps. At her side, she saw he also managed to grab Iida, Sero, Aoyama, Kirishima, and Thirteen.

"Hmm, it would seem more of you managed to escape my warp gates than I anticipated." The void like figure chuckled "I do so love surprises. They keep things…entertaining."

"Iida." Hearing the commanding voice of her Idol, Ururaka glanced back to see Thirteen was staring dead at the villain even while talking to the engine quirk bearer "I have a job for you."

"Yes Thirteen!" even in the dire situation, or perhaps because of it, the bespeckled student seemed eager to latch onto the instructions of an authority figure.

"I need you to run back to the school and get help. Whoever is jamming our communication, it hasn't stopped even with Eraserhead cancelling quirks left and right, they have to be well hidden.

It would be faster for you to go and get help than for us to find them." Thirteen gave her orders as Ururaka felt a surge of hope, Shoji had managed to get the perfect person to escape and help them.

"But…but I can't!" Iida protested "It would be disgraceful to just run away and leave you all behind! To run away like a cow-" his statement was cut off by a harsh backhand from Aoyama who, for once, wasn't smiling.

"Then stay here, 'act brave' and we can all die." The Frenchman spat, clutching his stomach as if in preparation, Ururaka remembering him mentioning pain from using his quirk for more than a second "Our classmates, our friends are out there fighting for their lives while you protest getting help!"

"We'll tear those gates open." Shoji growled, new arms growing even as blood coated her massive classmate's body, "So you'd better do your job too."

"But I-" Iida began even as everyone ignored him, Ururaka slapping him harshly on the back.

"There, I took your gravity." She tried to keep the focus she saw in Thirteen, even if she knew full well she was faking it "Sero, you thinking what I'm thinking."

"Ururaka, you're a mad genius." The tape user let out a grin, catching onto her plan as she and her classmates let out battle cries, charging the villain from all sides as she could feel his sneer.

"Even if it is your only option, do you truly think it wise to strategize in front of your enemy?!" the fog blasted forth more bursts of darkness.

"It won't matter if you know what we're planning or not when I'm done with you!" Thirteen's suit snapped open a finger cap, the wind tugging at Ururaka's hair as the dark clumps of mist and fog were sucked into the pro hero's suit "Black Hole!"

"Black Hole." The fog figure seemed to be pouring out more and more mist, possibly trying to make a barrier to shield himself from Thirteen's quirk.

"The Quirk that can suck up anything and turn it to dust. A truly astounding ability…a shame it's wasted on one such as you. One who avoid combat, focuses on saving people from nature's wrath. It's left you with next to no fighting experience,"

Ururaka saw the smug gleam appear in those yellow eyes "or battlefield awareness." As he spoke, a warp gate appeared at his front and Thirteen's back, her suit cracking apart from the redirected force of her own quirk "You've turned yourself to dust!"

"I'm sorry," Thirteen's weak voice was barely heard over the dying wind as her quirk cut off, her body falling limply to the ground "he…got me."

"No!" Ururaka screamed, charging at the monster that had just done that to her idol.

"Iida go!" Shoji let out a savage snarl, charging with her and Kirishima while Sero wrapped a string of tape around Iida, swinging him for momentum to throw at the doors.

"How cute, a sheep thinking it can escape the wolves!" the fog figure laughed, focusing on Iida as Sero threw him, the white armored student flying at the doors, propelled even faster when he finally turned on his engines.

"All I see is a mangy dog!" Shoji yelled, leaping at the warp gate appearing in Iida's path, actually cocooning it within his wing like membranes, showing the warp gates acted like fog rather than just looking like it.

"You insolent pests!" the warper snarled, flaring out his shadowy body, stretching like a striking cobra towards a running Iida, "I've had enough of you!"

"And we're sick of you!" Ururaka snarled, running up and slapping her hands on the metal brace she saw gleaming even through the fog, feeling her quirk take effect meaning her hunch on him having a physical body had been right "Keep running Iida!" she shouted, throwing the villain skyward, Sero launching some tape to make a rope.

"Now get lost!" Kirishima grabbed Sero's tape rope, swinging it around as he hurled the mist villain skyward, the group managing to buy Iida enough time to escape out the door and back towards campus.

They didn't have much of a chance to celebrate though, as the shadowy figure vanished through one of his own warp gates, the sudden change in something affected by her quirk dropping Ururaka to her knees, bile surging past her lips as her classmates rushed over, some to check on her and the others to try and help Thirteen.

She wasn't sure how long she knelt there, heaving out her breakfast and trying to make the world stop spinning before an angry roar snapped her from her thoughts.

Feeling Kirishima pull her up onto her feet, Ururaka walked over to the top of the steps to look into the courtyard where she could see Aizawa laying on the ground unmoving, and Midoriya charging in, transformed and furious.


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