
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
141 Chs

Obstacle Race!

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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🎉Chapter 100🎉

Word Count 1091


The Obstacle Race was about to begin.

It was very sneaky of them to put all of us in the tunnel.

I was leaning on the wall relaxing. Doesn't matter if they get a head start.

"Shisho how do you plan to finish this race?" Momo asks casually

(A/N Shisho-Master/Teacher. She changed it since they call their professors Sensei, she used to call Kodo that.And will call him Sensei sometimes out of habit. She said she will only call his name once he accepts her as his girlfriend/lover)

" Relax for a bit. Let them clear out. Then we just run past everyone. We have to show off a bit, but that won't be a problem. We could just fly all the way to the finish line but that's no fun" That and I think a lot of people will be disappointed with that kind of victory

Momo just nods and smiles.

While both of us were chilling the rest of the students were having a mental breakdown. All of them were jittery and nervous.

"START!" Midnight's voice spread from the speakers and that was the trigger.

Students started to push and pull eachother to get in the lead. It was absolute chaos.

Wow. Fucking morons. Then I felt cold air coming from below.

"Momo jump"

She immediately did so and I followed. A second later the ground was frozen over and a lot of students were trapped in ice.

Not a bad move actually. Looking at the crowd this won't clear anytime soon. I'll just use the walls.

I do a strong jump and land on the wall and another jump to exit the tunnel.

Momo does the same from the other side. We left two craters in the wall and some debris falling on people's heads.

When we came out we were greeted by some Zero Pointers and the mob-pointers.

"Momo an ordinary sword please"

"Hai" She just gives me a very basic European sword. The most common type.

[Momo Yaorozu. Quirk: Creation. She can make anything she wants as long as she knows the molecular structure]

Present Mic started explaining things for the crowd.

I grab the sword and do a casual vertical slash. The Zero Pointer in front of us was split in half. The other departments not knowing what I could do openly gaped at this.

[Kodo Shinichi. Quirk: Code. Allows him to manipulate Binary and Genetic code. The latter was only unlocked after his near-death experience with a villain. And can be used to turn into animals and animal hybrid]

Nice he said it exactly as I wanted. You see an Animal Transformation Quirk is very powerful. Especially multiple animals. People would just assume that that's the limit. Since Its way more powerful than a normal quirk.

[Todoroki has reached THE FALL and is quickly getting past it] Present Mic yells out, hyping the crowd.

[But for some reason Kodo and Yaorozu are still at the starting line. What are they doing?]

[Just wait and see] Aizawa said in his monotone voice

Huh, Aizawa trusts me. Guess saving him and the rest got me some brownie points.

"Well Momo. Let's take this to the sky" As I say that, a giant pair of wings appear on my back. These were my very basic bird wings. No need to show off my strongest abilities here.

My hybrid wings were a piece of art. I can easily outfly Hawks with them.

Momo focuses as some blades rip apart the part the gym uniform where the shoulder-blades are. Then the blades started to glow as they were being reconstructed and more metal started appearing. In about 20 seconds. She had some badass

Momo makes a jet pack. With a pair of wide orange turbine wings. I gave the design for the Generator Rex Jet Wings

I told her she could change it up and she did. Like me she has a special model she reserves only for extreme situations.

I thought her so well. We both blast off into the air.

[What the HELL they can FLY!] Present Mic says in an extremely fake surprised voice, he might have been surprised by Momo. But they already knew I could fly.

[Kodo can turn into animals. Of course he can fly. Yaorozu is a pleasant surprise though. Being able to fly is a great advantage] Aizawa spoke in his usual voice but i could sense some pride hidden in there.

[Doesn't that mean they could just fly to the end? Can they do that]

[Everything is fair as long as they stay on the course] Aizawa quotes Midnight

But winning that way is no fun. So we outflew everyone and landed right before the midfield.

Shoto was in the lead

"Momo. See you at the finish line."

I used soru and acrobatics to move around the landmines. Momo followed behind me

They can be easily spotted if you look hard enough. Even if we step on some, we are too fast to be caught up in the explosion

I was approaching Todoroki, and I grinned as a scene popped into my head

"On your left" And I passed by Shoto

"HuH?!" He was surprised that somebody passed him

Momo was right behind me

"On your left. Try to keep up" She says cheekily as she steps on the mine in front of Todoroki before using Soru to get away.

The result was Todoroki being sent flying back, coincidentally hitting Bakugo who was in the air behind him, making them both land on some mines and sending them flying again.

I zoomed pass the mines. Ironically this is one of the first training methods I developed. Gaoh's Ryuki from Kengan Omega. To step on one of the many small circles painted on the ground. Only one foot is allowed to touch the ground at a time. It was training designed to help you shift your center of balance from one leg to the other. It gets rid of wasted motions and makes you faster.

Which is perfect for the Minefield.

I exit the tunnel and I was welcomed by cheers from everybody in the stadium

[The first person back in the stadium is that man..] he lets it hype up a little before screaming out [KODO SHINICHI]

I wave my hand at the crowd.

Momo arrived a minute after me.

"Well done" I give her a smile

"Sigh I'm still no match for you Sensei. Even after you holding back a lot" Momo says dejectedly but still gives a bright smiles

Todoroki followed up as 3rd.

Bakugo 4th. Ibara 5th, Midoriya 6th.

Ohhh. Not even in the Top 5. Auch. Guess Plot Armor isn't working properly

Well, now I just have to wait a little for the Team Event to Start.