
The result

I was on the top of three bodies, from my hand I can feel the spike hair of Bakugo and the slim body of Izuku, this didn't happen in the original show

It was my own actions that modified the history, forcing this three guys to use all they have to try and win

And the result, this is the most equal run this tournament has seen, after I end up my slingshot it took only 3 seconds to reach the stadium, from my perspective it seemed that the time was in slow mo but for the rest, it was a blink

I can hear distant cheers as I stand up and jump to the floor, some grunts come from the pile of Bakugo,Deku and Todoroki but I honestly don't care


I look back to see the other students already entering the place, but that is not important, in the big screen that display the whole festival the moment we enter to scene is getting repeated again and again

-Akuma....can you help me?-

I blink and look back to see Izuku with a nervous smile as Todoroki is trying to get up with a annoying look on his face, for some strange reason Bakugo isn't moving but anyways I don't waste time and grab Izuku from the hip and lift him up

I make him stand up as Todoroki move away Bakugo, I grab him to see what's up with him, I get surprised to see he is looking at me with a lot of rage


-oh, you cannot move? Is that a result from using all your power? What a pity-


I correspond his feelings by dropping him into the ground as I clean my hands, I can see him struggling to get up but he finally manage to do it, I try to laugh at him but I got interrupted by the official announcement


-The winner is....Izuku Midoriya -


-What the fuck....-

Sigh...even after trying everything I can't beat him? Is he blessed by luck or what?!

I bite my lip as the crowd start to scream and cheer Izuku, I never once cared that much for my results, even in my other life, being the one in the middle, being the last, the second, never bothered me, but now I'm feeling such impotence I feel I want to cry, it's such a strange feeling

I scratch my head as the official announcement come of, I look at it and get some recomfort, but it's still the same

1.- Midoriya Izuku

2.-Matsumoto Akuma

3.-Shoto Todoroki

4.-Bakugou Katsuki


I look around and see a lot of students stretching and celebrating, my mind is spinning, it's very very annoying

-Sigh....I'm not going to let this fuck this whole thing...there is still other two stages....-

-whoa?! Akuma was second! You did very well!-

Izuku was looking at me with a bright smile as he started to talk about the event, tch, I really cannot hate him, he is a little to much innocent

-Yeah, you passed me last second I guess, well, lets expect your win doesn't backfire-

-What do you mean?-

-Well, do you really think they are going to let the center of attention be free of any consequences in the next stage?-


I laugh at him as he start trembling with a nervous look on his face, I, who was pointing at him while telling him that stop and tap his shoulder

For the next stage everyone is going to focus on him, after the U.S.J attack I realized that one plan is not enough to counter whatever this world have for me, so, I started planning every possibility since then

Well, considering the actual situation, there is three main paths I can follow at this moment, ally with Izuku and win the game easily, ally with anybody else and use my quirk to make a impenetrable dome with strings and ensure my pass without any problem or....I can make a team to and act more agresive to actually play the game

To be honest, the first two are the most beneficial, without problems and what my old self would chose, but that is pretty boring if you ask me

The next stage starts as Midnight gets on the platform and start explaning all what is going to happen, as she says the point system I can sense a change in the atmosphere, the one that was so cheerful is now full of animosity towards one single person

The free pass to the last part of the Festival, Izuku Midoriya

A wide smile starts to appear in my face as I look at him, who is having a hard time to mantain his composure against this crowd

Well, since I'm not going to help him it's normal to look at him as my enemy right now, also, I already chose who I'm going to pick considering the fact that the 1-B class is trying to win against us

It's a shame that I'm not going to be able to be with Kendo but that's how the world work

The people around me start forming in groups, I don't want to yet interfere so I just stand there with a confident smile, the guy I chose is not ready after all

-Yo! Akuma! Do you want to enter our team?-

I hear the voice of Kirishima calling me from behind, as I turn around I see Bakugo looking away from me, huh, is he ashamed ?

-I'm sorry, I already chose my team-

They both look surprised, now even Bakugo is looking at me somewhat perplex

-HUH? That quick? Are you planning to be with Midoriya?-

-Fuck n....I mean, no, I'm not going to put me in that position -

-So who then?-


-Don't be hurt because I reject you Bakugo, it's the best that way-

-HUH?! WHO..!-

He gets interrupted by Kirishima who starts dragging him away before he says anything stupid

-Good Luck anyways Akuma-

He says as he waves me while moving Bakugo by force

After walking some time I finally see my guy, I start walking but someone grabs me by my shoulder


-I can hear you Uraraka-

She is still shy to me, I mean, we don't interact much so it's normal, her determined eyes makes me see that she is trying to help, so I think is because they need one more

-So...I'm with Izuku and this Mei girl, both of them ask me if you want to join us, we have a plan and...-

-Sorry Uraraka, but I'm already decided, you should ask other than me, I'm excited to see what you can do to defend yourself -

I say with a more agresive smile, she tremble a little but finally looks at me decided

-Yes! Let's give our best-

What a cutie, she says that while escaping like a little duck, well there is not much time left

I open my stomach and pull out a little notebook I put inside me before the Festival, I finally touch my objective and show him what i wrote

He looks at me like I'm crazy, of course I am , this purple haired is a menace but that precisely what I want

I chose you, Hitoshi Shinso

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Author here!

I'm sorry for not updating anything, I was doing a bunch of stuff in my personal life and also I watched all three seasons of Re Zero for the first time

Anywho, I'm back again, hope you like it!