
Metal Storage Box

Spell_Check · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5

2 weeks later, They never found out what my kidnappers name was. I got to go home, I was back in my own house, my own bed, with my dog Vixen. I missed my room, and everything in it. As soon as I saw the picture I made of Me and Wyatt, I started to cry. Vixen came up to me and started to lick my tears away off my cheeks. "I'm ok , Vixin," I told her.

She just looked up at me and started attacking my hand. I lifted my hand from her mouth and gently placed it on top of her head and gave her a little pat. The next day I had to go to school, but my parents were already gone. I looked and Wytt was sitting on my coach playing on his phone. on my coach playing on his phone.

"Wyatt?!" I was surprised and confused.

"Oh Hey" He replied

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, your parents asked me to walk you to school."

Ok I should get ready then"

I got ready we walked out said and i started to tear up Wytt come over and gave me a hug

I said "Get off me, you're hurting me" sounding embarrassed . He looks at me and smiles. Then we went back to walking. We saw something laying on the sidewalk. It was a body, not just anybody, it was Mark's body. There was something that was written on the ground in front of him "I told you, you can't and never get away from the Devil, Frankie" it was written in blood… his blood.

"We need to get out of here…NOW" Wytt said sharply while grabbing my arm and running. We kept running until we couldn't run any longer.

"Wytt… Where are we" I asked

"I…I don't know Fra" He responded

And I just realized we were getting lost and it's almost night

"Wytt, I'm cold and hungry" I said almost starting to cry

"I know" Wytt said has he hugged me

We sat down together huddling and soon fell asleep. When we woke up it was morning.

"It wasn't a dream I guess" Wytt said

I was too tired to reply, so I didn't say anything. Wytt made me wake up by pulling on my arm. We started to walk deeper and deeper into the woods, then I felt a little droplet of water on my head.

"Wytt" I asked "Is it raining?"

"Yeah" Wytt responded

"We are lost, cold, and Now it's starting to RAIN!" I said while rain or tears are running down my face. My stomach starts to turn.

"I'm getting a weird feeling Fra" Wytt whispered.

"What do you mean Wytt" I whispered back

Then we hear a CRUNCH

"Wytt what was that?" I said barely in a whisper

"I don't know" he said back in a quiet whisper

We heard it get louder and louder, then it stopped dead in its tracks.