
Metal Storage Box

Spell_Check · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Then I hear the man say "Get in the you little Shiza!" then he slams the door and back to pitch black darkness I thought. Then I hear someone ask if there is anyone in hear. "Yes" i say back, "thank goodness" they responded, it sounded like a boy i got up and went to his voice and said "Are you ok" he replied with "no i just got kidnapped and put in here with you, i don't even know you. You could be working with him ``''How the heck would I work with him if I am stuck here? ``I replied ' good point' he replied. "I'm Frankie Fryleze" I said "Hey I'm Mark Smith" he replied. The clock turned on in the corner on the clock it says "20 days, 32 mins, 37 sec" The red glow shows the boys face, he looked a tiny bit older than me, maybe by a year. "He is so cute" I thought "Crap i need to get ahold of myself, we are both kidnapped and I need to find a way to get out of here. "How long have you been in here?" Mark asks

"6 days" I reply


"I know, we need to find a way out of here though," "I got an idea"

"What is it?" he replied

"What is it?" he replied

"Every Night he comes to feed me and some tell me stories of his life" I say "Creepy right? Anyway, We can use that to our advantage, because he has been talking about bringing someone else in here too . I waited because I knew that I couldn't do it alone. I need someone less to help me, that's why I was in here for so long" I add But the thing is, I didn't tell him what he did or was going to do to either one of us.

I was afraid for my own safety, not anyone else's. I didn't tell him that he was a convicted murderer and was on the run from the cops. Or that he wants to strike again. "Ok, are you sure we can do this?" Mark asks

"I'm sure" I replied in a positive-ish tone of voice. "This is gonna be the code for when you strike ok? 'Fun times'" I say Mark shakes his head in agreement. We wait what feels like forever, then he comes in. He brought the same stuff he always brought. He sat it down and walked over to me. I knew what was coming so I did what he always wanted me to do. When he started telling me a story about his life, I finally had enough and I said the code word "Fun Times" . That's when Mark swung the metal plait at the kidnappers head. He missed, by a hair.

The kidnapper got up and said "You messed with the wrong person boy" He picked up an ax, I didn't even know that was there. He swung...

With a heavy strike on Mark's head, The whole room turned red. But he didn't stop, he just kept going and going. He finally stopped and looked at me. "This is what happens if you mess with the wrong kind of person," he said with a devilish grin on his face. I felt hot tears run down my cheek. He comes to me and wipes the tear off my cheek.

"Oh don't cry" He said, then got up and left.

I was stuck in the lifeless body of Mark. But I see something shimmering in the little light left. It was a key.

"You are a genius" I thought I unlocked the door.