
Metal Gear: Shadows of Legacy

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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Infiltration and Intelligence Gathering Part 1

Time skip: 2 year later

Location: Outer Heaven, 1988

Today is the day. Kyle will be assigned his first official mission. He had been summoned by Big Boss to be briefed. As the door opened to the briefing room, Kyle saw its walls adorned with maps and screens; in the center of the room, there was a moderately sized table. At the head of the table was Big Boss, to the left was Ocelot, and to his right sat an unfamiliar figure.

"Kyle," Big Boss's voice was a steady anchor in the room, "I've called you here for an important assignment. Please, have a seat."

"Allow me to introduce Frank Jaeger," Big Boss's gaze shifted to the cybernetic figure beside him. "Gray Fox is one of the finest operatives I've ever had the privilege to work alongside."

Frank's visor obscured his eyes, but there was a hint of acknowledgement in his stance—a silent acknowledgment of the introduction. Ocelot leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing at his lips. "Kyle, you're about to embark on a mission that requires the utmost discretion and finesse. You'll be working closely with Gray Fox here." Kyle's eyes shifted to Frank; there was a hint of nervousness churning within him.

"Due to the Angolan Bush war, we were hired by Jonas Savimbi to infiltrate an MPLA controlled airport and gather intel on their trooper deployment and what artillery they're going to bring with them."

Big Boss's voice brought him back to the present. "I am assigning this task to you. Upon successful completion, we will receive the second half of our payment."

Kyle's attention sharpened, the gravity of the mission sinking in. This wasn't a training exercise or a routine assignment; this was a pivotal moment that could shape the course of events.

"Gray Fox will serve as your mentor and guide," Big Boss continued. "His experience is invaluable, and you'll learn much from working alongside him."

Frank's exoskeleton emitted a soft hum, the sound a testament to the enhancements that had transformed him into a living weapon. Kyle couldn't help but wonder what led to Frank being encased inside that exoskeleton.

"The facility is heavily guarded," Ocelot interjected, his tone serious. "Stealth and precision will be your greatest assets. Gray Fox will assess your abilities and report back to me on your performance."

Kyle nodded, a fire ignited within him. This was his chance to prove himself—to show that he was capable of rising to the challenges presented by the shadowy world of espionage and warfare.

"As you embark on this mission," Big Boss's gaze held a mixture of intensity and reassurance, "remember that you carry the weight of our cause on your shoulders. Your success could be the turning point in this conflict."

Frank's exoskeleton shifted slightly, his presence a formidable reminder of the path Kyle was about to tread. The room was charged with anticipation—a shared understanding that the mission ahead was one of profound significance.

"Dismissed," Big Boss's voice was a final directive, and with a sense of purpose burning within him, Kyle rose from his seat. As he left the briefing room, the weight of the mission settled over him, mingling with a surge of determination.

Author's Note: Sorry the chapter is kinda short