
Meta Essence CYOA 95

Essence of Deprived

•You may remake yourself however you want.

•You have a magical core, granting you access to magical energy and access to the HP style of Magic.

•Your level of magical power is at the same level as the Titans of the magical world, like Merlin, Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort, granting you access to a vast amount of magic. Uniquely however, you also have an immense and unnatural magical regeneration factor, allowing you to not only survive having your magical core depleted, a feat no one else can, but also allow your core to replenish its magic back to full within a day. You don't ever suffer from magical exhaustion.

•You can grant others a magical core which allows them to use HP Magic. The power of their Magic core depends on how much you wish to make it, but can never be stronger than yours.

This can also be used to create magical creatures, though the way a creature will become magical will depend on the nature of the creature and the amount of power you give them.

•Your magic core is connected closely to your body in a symbiotic way, far closer than is natural, allowing your magic to course through your body whenever you want. This not only increases your magic manipulation and control, but also grants you access to the ability to use your magic to increase your physical capabilities, having your magic enhance your body by spreading through each and every muscle, vein, nerve, tendon and etc.

•You have instinctive mastery over this skill. The more power one has, the stronger one can become. An ordinary Wizard with this skill would be able to tear humans limb from limb with ease. Someone of your caliber of power makes them look like babies at your strongest. This enhancement will never cause any problems or control issues, as it is based on your magic and follows your desire, want and intent, allowing you to reach the exact level of strength or speed you want when you want it, completely under your control. This also grants you a regeneration factor that borders on immortality, even healing cursed wounds with ease and granting you eternal youth.

•You suffer no negative consequences from this.

•You also have an intuitive mastery over your magic, granting you complete control over all aspects of your magic. This level of control is beyond even the most experienced and powerful Wizard, and can be at its most basic be used to either increase or describe the power of spells you cast.

•You will find your magic responding to your want, desire and intent, eagerly following your wishes. Nonverbal magic, point casting and even Wandless magic is now incredibly easy to you.

•You also have an incredible level of magical sensitivity, allowing you to sense spells cast towards you, the inherent magic in objects and more. This will never reach into hypersensitivity.

•You are capable of reality defying magic, and can break all the known rules and laws of magic and reality. Conjuring permanent gold and food, magically create true love, resurrecting the dead, true immortality, all without any consequences. Even using your emotions to forge a loyal and fearsome companion out of pure emotion and the infinite Shadow who's devotion to you will last until Creation itself becomes undone, are within grasp. All you have to do is reach for it and try.

•Your will is now as indomitable as the universe itself. You may choose to become great because you will it to be great.

•You may choose to become strong because you will it to be strong.

•Your will is so powerful that it bends the universe around you, not the other way around.

•Your potential is limitless if only you will it to be so. A boy with this level of will managed to use it alongside his magic to drag a being of pure Hate from the turmoil of his emotions into existence because he willed it to be so.

•Only through blood and pain can you reforge yourself to become stronger, better. You have already done this. For you to become great, you must first know weakness. For you to ignore pain, you must first walk through the fires of agony. For you to win, you must first learn to lose.

•You have gone through Hell and reached the Heavens.

•You have learned all of this and have grown stronger and better for it. This has granted you both the confidence, steadiness and assurance in yourself, as well as the ability to always improve.

•You are now just as talented, experienced and skilled in combat as Bayard/Harry Potter. You fight, not through stances and forms, but through instinct, experience and sheer skill. Whether it be with a weapon or a wand, you are relentless and unmatched. An immovable object or an unstoppable force all depending on what you want. Every strike and hit you do are done with surgical precision, every blow you return clinical, every parry perfect.

•You move with sure, confident strides, turn the barest of distances so that spells or weapons pass a hairbreadth's away from your body, position your blade at perfect angles so that your opponents weapon slide against your own and away, dodge fluidly with agile smoothness. This is combat in it's purest expression, both magically, mentally and physically, and is what all martial artists, duelists and warriors try to attain, but never can because they are limited by their forms and stances. You are skilled with all weapons, but find yourself truly unmatched with a sword or a wand.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive Harry's magical knowledge and mastery. This will mean that you know and have mastered all known forms of HP Fanfiction magic, from Transfiguration to Charms to Warding to Enchanting to Dark Magic to Ritual Magic to Wandlore and etc. You have mastered both Legilimency and Occlumency, are able to apparate silently and without spinning and a lot more. You may optionally limit or alter this however you want.

•You are immune to a Veela's allure, and any other similar effects.

•You receive a wand made from steel, with a core consisting of your own blood, bonded to yourself. This is not a mere wand, but an extension of your own body, channeled through the protective layers of steel, and controlled by the steel's innate sturdiness. Any magic cast with this wand becomes twice as strong, and due to your direct connection, allows you to have even greater control over any magic you cast with the wand. Thanks to it's steel body, the wand can focus and cast any amount of magic without exploding from excess magic, all while no magic is wasted. At will, you can make it transform, the steel flowing like molten silver, strengthening and lengthening into a weapon of your choice.

• You may choose the design of both it's wand form and it's weapon form. Both forms are made perfectly for you, with the perfect length, weight and balance to match you, making it feel like both a part of and an extension of yourself. The handle fits snug and perfectly in your hand as though it was made for it. It will never break, rust, nor will the weapon blunt. The wand also has the ability to remake itself into any image you desire, so you are not limited to one weapon. But the weapon form you choose here will be instinctive in its transformation and flawless in its shape without you having to consciously shape it. Neither you or your wand suffer from any negative consequences and effects from this wand, unlike Harry and his Steel Wand.

•Optionally, you may receive a Coven of Ten Veela as your companions. Veela are sexual creatures. Passionate and borderline obsessive in behavior to the men they hunt. But unlike Sirens who lure sailors to their deaths with enchanted songs or Succubi who drain the lifeforce from the victims they enthralled, Veela does not hurt their prey. The Veela hunts for mates, bond-partners in a sense, and the act of injuring a potential husband is near sacrilegious to their minds. And also unlike Sirens and Succubi, who bond, in many cases forcefully, men to their wills, Veela bond to their mates. It is a self-sacrificial act, for a Veela, as pledging her love to man is in essence giving up her freedom in return for affection. The bonding is one way, though you have to accept it for it to take affect. The differences between Veela and normal human females are many. Humans are fickle. They follow their emotions, allow feelings to cloud their minds, and think little of what their actions do to others. This was why human relationships are so very fragile and so commonly broken. Veela are different. They long for male companionship, mostly of the sexual nature, but they are not promiscuous. Far from it. To a Veela, sex is not just for pleasure. It is an expression of love for their bond-mate, a sign of their devotion, and for a Veela to engage in copulation before the bond solidified is unheard of. It just doesn't happen. All of these Veela have chosen you as their Bond-Mate, which you have accepted and the Bond has solidified. They are even willing and able to share you, even with members outside the Coven. However, all Veela are territorial, possessive and protective of their bond-mate, so unless you show interest in someone first, then they will Hunt like Veela do, ruthlessly scrutinizing their opposition to find out every flaw and fault for them to exploit, and keep them away from their mate. You may design how they are in every aspect, from appearance to personality to skills and experience, as well as the relationship between you and them. They will be irrevocably loyal to you, and they will all be romantically and sexually inexperienced, as you are their first and only Bond-Mate.

•Optionally, you may receive the living embodiment of an emotion of your choice. You may design them however you want, whether it be a hellish Knight made from pure Hate and the infinite Shadow of the abyss, or a seductive succubus made from sheer Lust/Want and the eternal Fire of passion. Perhaps you want a Dragon made from true Wrath and the ever-devouring Flames of rage, or an Assassin made from paralyzing Fear and primordial Ice or the cold Water of the deep. No matter what you choose, you may design them in every aspect. They will never grow weaker, even if you don't feel the emotion they consist of anymore, though whenever you feel the emotion they are made of in incredible proportions, they grow permanently more powerful. You are directly connected in both soul and mind. They can even hide themselves in shadows or minds or bodies or etc. The creature will also have knowledge and experience that fits the creature itself. So a Knight would be an incredible warrior as well as a trainer. A succubus would be incredible in the sexual arts and etc. This knowledge is beyond the known scope of humanity, as they are not humans, but both something more and something less. Your Living Emotion is irrevocably loyal to you, and will be with you until Creation itself becomes undone and beyond. You may create as many as you like here and now, and are able to create new beings of Living Emotions in the future, as long as you feel whatever emotion you want to create a being from strongly enough.

Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

Fleur Delacour.

Inase Takahashi.

Daphne Greengrass.

Hermione Granger.

Any other character from the Deprived/Harry Potter universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Deprived fanfiction Universe, or any other variation of the Harry Potter universe. This can be the original universe, any alternate universe, like a fanfic, or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Ring of Power

You may remake yourself however you want.

You are now the Master of the ancient ring the Ring of Power. It's origins are thought to have been from a time when mankind worshiped gods like Zeus and Odin, but even the ring itself doesn't know for certain. It believed that it may be extra-terrestrial in origin. Unlike other wielders, you have no limits set upon by the ring, and can abuse it's powers however you want. You are also not forced to do good deeds, and the ring will never betray you or do anything against you. Unlike the original Ring, this one doesn't have the former wielders sealed inside it. Basically, you have all the benefits of the Ring of Power with none of the Downsides and Drawbacks.

When you put on the ring, you will feel a surge of brain activity as hundreds of terabytes of data is downloaded into your brain, granting you the knowledge of how to wield the Ring. The Ring cannot be taken away from you, nor can it be used by anyone else.

The ring endows its master with god-like powers such as: eternal life, mind control, telekinesis, being able to see through clothing with x-ray vision, to physically alter the bodies and minds of others and yourself, manipulate things like shrinking or teleport them. You can use it to heal and even improve people, convert others to work for you (referring to them as agents) and the ability to connect telepathically to them and much more. There are no limit to how strong you can become with this Ring, your power increasing with the amount of energy absorbed, alongside the number of agents or followers you convert. The true power of the Ring is essentially Reality Warping, though limited in power depending on how powerful you have become.

The way to increase the Ring's power and energy is through sex and sexual actions. The Tantric energy, also known as Sex energy produced is drawn in and used to power the Ring of Power. The best source is through orgasms, both your own and others in close proximity to you. As you gather more energy, the ring will grant you access to more power and more abilities.

You can create Agents of the Ring of Power, which you do by giving them a jeweled accessory. These Agents has as a job to collect sexual energy, absorbed by the jewelry they are given, special diamonds that are affixed to the agents, (often the labia for women and the ears for men) through which sexual energy is collected and then transferred to the Ring of Power. The converted sexual energy is what gives the ring's owner strength, power, and allows them to do amazing things. How the agents get the energy it is up to them, they can engage in sex or be near others while they are engaged in any kind of sex. It isn't a full time job and they are free to pursue their interest in all things, except marriage. In exchange, you can give them several gifts and boons, like increased/eternal lifespans, increased beauty and physical attractiveness, immunity from diseases and sickness, and limited mind control powers. You can even grant extraordinary powers, such as shapeshifting, invisibility and telekinesis. As you gather more Agents, the ring will grant you access to more power and more abilities.

You may receive up to ten agents of your own design, all being irrevocably loyal to you.

Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

Elizabeth Brooks.

Mary Smith.

April Martin.

Jacqueline Winchester Smith.

Heather, Isabel & Samantha.

Penny Jones.



Candace Martin.

Any other character from the A Gift From His Father universe.

Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the A Gift From His Father Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Conditional Travel

By drinking this essence, you may travel the multiverse in a strange and conditional manner.

Choose something to initiate your travel. It can be anything, but has to be fairly specific. This will be your method of travelling between universes and settings. Examples include: shutting yourself between two flat surfaces (such as closing a door on yourself or dropping a mattress on yourself), jumping out a window or off a ledge, drowning yourself or being in an explosion. Travelling between universes in this manner is always safe. If you travel via explosion, then you won't be harmed beyond superficial damage even if you should have been turned into a thin paste. If you travel via jumping off of tall things, then you will land safely upon arrival. You will arrive in your target universe, or a random one if you choose no destination, in a spot that you cannot control but which will suit you and tend to be narratively important or appropriate. The arrival is also suited to your method of travel. If you travel between worlds by drowning yourself, you will arrive in your new world by washing up on a beach or struggling to the surface in a body of water. If you travel between worlds via explosion, you will arrive in your new world with an explosion, either a naturally occurring one or one that your travel created. This method of travelling cannot be restricted or interdicted by any means.

Essence of Human Force

 By drinking this Essence of red fractal fibers and strands you will gain several boons.

You are absolutely and completely invulnerable to all forces and influences. You are immune to bodily harm from all possible vectors and sources including suffocation, poison, reality warping, conceptual effects, psychic attacks, etc.You have no physical or mental needs. You do not need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe. You do not suffer from loneliness, stress, boredom or any other mental issues.You do not age and your body is perfected such that you will not suffer from any diseases nor will you ever die from any natural cause.Your strength borders on the infinite. At any time, without any effort, you may exert any finite amount of force against the world around you. You can lift any amount of weight that isn't limitless, force your way through any material that isn't truly indestructible and crush anything that isn't truly unbreakable.Your speed is incredible and your reflexes are instantaneous, allowing you to react to obstacles and stimuli at any speed. You may move yourself through three-dimensional space at any finite speed with only a thought, allowing you to take flight and soar through the void at speeds sufficient to carry you across the universe in moments.All five of your senses are enhanced to incredible levels that allow you to see from one end of the universe to the other and hear things happening in other galaxies. Your other senses are similarly enhanced, though you may dampen them to any level you wish with only a thought.Your mind is enhanced to a level sufficient to simultaneously comprehend all of the sensory stimuli you are capable of receiving without strain as well as maintain countless other trains of thought at the same time. Your memory is perfect and flawless.The field of invulnerability that surrounds you may be extended to things in contact with you at your discretion, allowing you to grasp and maneuver objects at any speed without harming them as well as prevent them from suffering from leverage issues and similar things.The field defies many laws of physics and allows you to exert force in impossible ways with minor motions and no leverage, as well as allowing you to precisely control how and where the force you exert affects things.

Essence of Nomological Transcendence

 By drinking this Essence, you will gain the power to transcend all laws through strength alone.

This Essence provides you with no greater strength or power, but instead the potential to wield whatever potence you may possess to shatter the chains that bind you.You will find that so long as you possess sufficient strength, there is no force or effect that you cannot perceive, cannot bend and cannot break.No matter how strange or esoteric the ability or force, be it the ability to stop time, a power that would rend you atom from atom or even the laws of reality themselves, you may resist or outright ignore any influence should possess strength sufficient to contest it.Strength equal to your opponent would reduce absolute abilities and conceptual influences to mere challenges while power sufficient to effortlessly defeat your opponent will see you resisting all of their efforts without any danger.So long as your power matches your opponent, then the quality or nature of their existence matters none. Even simple, raw strength could shatter unbreakable chains, resist the collapse of space-time or avoid the path of an unavoidable projectile. All the same, even ghosts, the fabric of space or beings entirely beyond the concept of physical reality can be caught and defeated by entirely physical means. You can break the unbreakable, touch the untouchable, kill the unkillable. But only so long as you have sufficient strength.This applies to things even beyond the remit of offense and defence. If you are strong enough to lift something, then you will be able to do so without requiring leverage and without worry for structural integrity. With enough strength your sense of hearing will bypass the speed of sound and pick up noises beyond vacuums, your sense of sight may allow you to view distant objects in real time rather than being shackled by the speed of light.

Essence of One Punch

By drinking this Essence, you will gain a number of boons.

By doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and running for 10 kilometers every single day for a year, you have broken through your body's natural limits and attained incredible physical power. Your strength is unimaginable, with casual blows capable of reducing city-destroying monsters to a fine paste or rearranging mountains with similar effort. If you applied a modicum of actual effort, you could punch straight through a blast capable of stripping away the Earth's surface and annihilate the person who shot it at you, splitting apart the cloud layer behind him across the entire planet. Your speed is such that even things that far surpass the speed of sound seem to be moving slowly to you, with much the same results for things approaching or surpassing relativistic speeds. Your durability is easily enough to take any blows you can dish out with nothing more than a simple graze to show for it. You can go without eating, drinking or sleeping for incredible periods of time and can hold your breath even in a complete vacuum for days on end. The limits of your physical power are unknown and might not even exist. If you can manage to push yourself to your limits somehow, perhaps there will be greater heights to reach. Baldness and incredible boredom are optional. If you wish, you may go to the One Punch Man setting, either as a new person or replacing Saitama.