
Meta Essence CYOA 91

Essence of a Valyrian Dragonlord

○You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene, smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. This is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the effect only around you and those close to you, making people around you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or maybe some other way.

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○As a Dragonlord of Valyria, you may opt to have pale skin, silver-gold hair, and eyes of either purple, lilac, or pale blue. And like the dragonlords, you may choose to become strikingly (and some would say inhumanly) beautiful and attractive, beyond the likes Daemon Blackfyre and Shiera Seastar. You win friends easily and women are drawn to you (and/or men if you so desire). Your body and appearance becomes your ideal, so unwanted hair won't grow, your physique and shape becomes flawless and as "equipped" as you would want

○You now know both the written and spoken form of High Valyrian.

○You are a warrior unparalleled, surpassing even Daemon Blackfyre and Aemon the Dragonknight combined at their best while using ordinary weapons, and you become even better when wielding a Valyrian Steel weapon. You are a master of all the weapons of the battlefield, and even unarmed, you are deadly. Your skill will never degrade. You may optionally receive a Valyrian weapon made specifically for you, being the perfect length and size while having perfect balance and weight for you, making it feel like a part of yourself.

○Optionally, you may also become a powerful Valyrian sorcerer, both mighty and skilled enough to consider yourself more powerful than gods when it comes to magic and sorcery, protected from any negative consequences from magic, as you draw magic from the dragon you are bonded with. You know and have mastered all the magic of Valyria, from creating and shaping dragonstone, to creating and using dragonglass candles for a multitude of different purposes, and creating and smithing Valyrian steel. You are also able to control dragons using only your sorcery to make them do what you want, without needing any whips or dragon horns, whether they are bound to you or not. You can control Dragons, breed them, hatch them, and communicate with them on a deeper level than anyone else. You are also able to quickly learn and master any form of magic you come across and have access to.

○Optionally, you may also find yourself unparalleled when it comes to Blood magic. Anything you can imagine when it comes to Blood, you can most likely do, with some trial and error.

■Manipulate blood and fire at your will, for example using it to pull all the blood out in an instant to rip anyone apart from the inside, or instantly combust someone.

■Use blood to fuel your magic, from your own blood, or others, without having to draw upon magic from your dragon.

■Create a ruby orb of crystallized blood that binds the bloodline of anyone who's blood touches the orb to you and your line, making them unable to betray you and allow you to control and manipulate them however you want.

■Mold and shape flesh and bone with ease, from simply altering someone's appearance, to healing any wounds or defects, to creating incredible monsters, or to simply alter their senses to make any touch from you incredibly pleasurable.

■Sacrifice the blood and life of others and use it to enhance yourself, granting you longer, possibly eternal life filled with youth and vigor, or enhance your strength and speed beyond any ordinary man, or to heal yourself from mortal damage. Or do it to someone else.

○Optionally, you may also find yourself unparalleled when it comes to Fire magic. Anything you can imagine when it comes to Fire, you can most likely do, with some trial and error.

■Generate and shape fire at your will, to create weapons out of fire to cleave through your opposition or even summon enormous pillars of fire to devastate armies.

■Draw heat out of others to instantly freeze them.

■Make yourself immune to heat and fire.

■You can make your fire burn the same heat as Dragonfire.

○Optionally, you may choose to become an incredible smith, with the ability to create and forge Valyrian Steel without dragons and their fire, using only steel, you skill and your magic. Your skill as a smith is unsurpassed among mortals, some would even say the gods would be impressed by your incredible skill, ability, knowledge and experience.

○Optionally, you may receive the ability to have Dragon Dreams, which is a premonition-like dream ability that shows you the future in the form of a dream. Unlike others who suffer from Dragon Dreams, you are able to use it at will, allowing you to view and manipulate the future through your actions. Whenever you go to sleep, you can choose to have a Dragon Dream, causing you to instantly fall asleep and see the future that is going to happen if you don't alter it. When you wake up, you then know what you would have done and what would have happened, and can choose to change it. The next night, if you choose to have a Dragon Dream, you will see where your actions will lead and how it has changed the future. If you are at a crossroad, or have a choice you have to make, you may see each of the path that your choices would lead you to and the future it would bring, allowing you to choose your path and your desires future. Do be aware that the future you see is set in stone unless you consciously and deliberately choose to change it.

○As a Valyrian Dragonlord, you are highly resistant to heat and fire, though not immune without magical aid.

○Optionally, you may choose to become an incredible bard, with an amazing singing voice and a masterful skill with any instruments you come across, including your voice. You already know how to sing and play any song you have ever heard, able to use any instrument you have and a little bit of magic to create the same sounds and effects as the music you are recreating.

○Optionally, you may choose to be the exception to certain laws that would limit your relationship. Incest and polygamy would be two examples where the rest of the world may not be allowed, but you are the exception and is allowed. This always works in your favor, never against it.

○You have a chest containing Valyrian dragon eggs, kept in stasis and waiting for you to hatch and bind them to someone. Whenever you close the lid, the chest is refilled with new eggs if you take any out.

○You have a book containing all the knowledge of Valyria and their entire history.

○You may opt to be a member of one of the 40 great dragonlord families, and may design your own family to your exact desires should you want to, from it's members to your relationship to how rich and powerful it is to how many dragons they have and anything else.

○In order to keep their bloodlines pure, the dragonlords customarily wed brother to sister, often the younger brother to the older sister. You and your line suffer no negative effects from Incest, and you may design your own family member to be your wedded partner, even creating as many as you want. You may design how they are completely, from appearance to personality to skills and experience to your relationship. They will however be irrevocably loyal to you.

○As a Dragonlord, you have been bound with your very own Dragon, through several Binding Spells that cannot be broken. You may design as you please, from its coloration and size to its temperament and personality. It is bound so that as along as you are alive, so will it be, allowing it to survive mortal wounds and live forever as long as you are alive. Your dragon is also far stronger and more powerful than any other Valyrian dragon of the same size and age, and in time will surpass any Valyrian Dragon ever (non-god)

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Daenerys Targaryen.

■Shiera Seastar.

■Ashara Dayne.

■Arianne Martell.

■Sansa Stark.

■Margaery Tyrell.

■Cersei Lannister.

■Myrcella Baratheon.



■Visenya Targaryen.

■Rhaenys Targaryen.

■Nymeria of Ny Sar.

■Any other character from the ASOIAF universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the ASOIAF Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Game of Thrones

•You may remake your body however you want.

•You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene, smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. This is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the effect only around you and those close to you, making people around you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or maybe some other way.

•You have become a Swordmaster equal to Jamie Lannister and Prime Arthur Dayne combined. You may optionally be just as skilled in a different weapon instead.

•You have become just as talented at music as Rhaegar Targaryen, being an excellent singer and a master of any instrument you come across. You also become an incredible story teller.

•Optionally, you may become able to turn as terrifying as Tywin Lannister at will.

•Optionally, you may become a spymaster equal to Varys.

•Optionally, you may become a Valyrian. This grants you an immunity towards fire and heat, not to mention an almost inhuman beauty and grace.

•Optionally, you become able to Warg. This gives you the ability to enter the minds of animals and perceive the world through their senses and even control their actions. You have mastered this skill fully, able to enter the mind of an animal at will.

•Optionally, you become an greenseer, making you able to use the ability known as Greensight, which is the psychic ability to perceive future and past events in dreams.

•Optionally, you may receive the knowledge on how to create wildfire.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own Valyrian Steel sword. It will fit you perfectly, being the perfect weight, size and balance to feel like an extension of yourself.

•Optionally, you may receive ten faceless assassins at your disposal. They are all irrevocably loyal to you.

•Optionally, you may receive three irrevocably loyal and obedient valyrian "dragons". These Dragons possess awesome and devastating power, capable of laying waste to armies and burning entire cities to ashes, yet have been bonded to you, making them completely tame when it comes to you. You don't have to speak High Valyrian to order your dragons.

•Optionally, you may receive an army of 10.000 irrevocably loyal Unsullied.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Daenerys Targaryen.

◦Cersei Lannister.

◦Ashara Dayne.

◦Arianne Martell.

◦Sansa Stark.




◦Margaery Tyrell.


◦Myrcella Baratheon.

◦Shiera Seastar.

◦Any other character from the GoT/ASOIAF universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of GoT/ASOIAF, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Augment Gothic

•You have undergone a rather amazing amount of successful genetic resequencing, even what might be considered genetic sculpting. It's a work of art, the masterwork of a geneticist far more skilled than anyone alive today, or perhaps using technology and techniques beyond our current understanding,

•You'd have to go back to the era of Khan, during the Eugenics Wars on Earth, to find genetic enhancements this comprehensive. Everything has been enhanced, making you as different from regular humans as humans are from monkeys, yet you are still human. You are not so different that you would be unable to have children with humans. In fact, your physiology and DNA are so robust you wouldn't struggle with impregnating virtually any but the most extreme outlier examples of the humanoid races the Federation has encountered. You might be the future of the human form, if humanity were extraordinarily lucky as a race, after hundreds of thousands of years of hard evolution.

•For one thing, you stand just over 6 feet 6 inches (a little over 2 meters) tall. For another, your face is now completely symmetrical, your cheekbones, jaw, and chin more defined, giving you a rugged, handsome look. You now have the body of a fitness/underwear model - a defined musculature without the over-bulging of weight lifters – the kind of body type that only movie stars who are basically paid to get professionally sculpted can achieve. You now sport rock hard pecs, wide shoulders, jacked arms and biceps, and 8 pack abs, with that distinctive V-shape leading to your pelvis, and sculpted legs that looked as strong and thick as tree trunks.

•And, if you are a man, you will find your penis having become huge and perfect, in length, girth, and shape, with that distinctive arch to hit the g-spot just right.

•Your skin is missing any moles or other blemishes, and the hair on the top of your head and eyebrows are the only places you still have hair.

•It is the body of someone blessed at birth with extraordinarily good genes and with a dedicated lifestyle to both achieve and maintain it, like someone who was at the height of their training for the Olympics that was to take place next week.

•On a genetic level, a bunch of junk DNA left over from the evolutionary process have either been removed or repurposed entirely. Every organ has been enhanced to superhuman levels. You literally now have cat-like reflexes and an incredible sense of balance, making your reaction time and agility off the charts.

•Your muscle fibers are incredibly dense now too, but also supple. You could wrestle a silverback gorilla without much effort. In addition to increased density, your muscles are also far more efficient than they should be – lactic acid will now take much longer to build up and leave them faster.

•Your kidneys, which are responsible for maintaining overall fluid balance in the human body, regulating and filtering minerals from blood, filtering waste materials from food, medications, and toxic substances, has been seriously enhanced. You could drink salt water and still be fine, even contaminated water. Your enhanced kidneys, working in conjunction with your enhanced gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, which are extremely efficient, will mean you will either need to go to the bathroom far less than a normal human, or not at all, depending on what you eat.

•Your lungs works perfectly now, pushing air in deep, regular breaths and are enhanced with increased overall capacity and defenses against airborne toxins and contagions (you can run like a cheetah for miles without needing to take a rest).

•Your stomach can digest most organic matter and would work in tandem with your super-liver and kidneys to prevent most poisons and toxins from affecting you.

•You heart, arteries, and veins are more elastic, durable, and muscular, which will prevent you from bleeding out if you are wounded. That has added benefits, like preventing your arteries from getting clogged.

•Stem cell production is off the charts, allowing for quick cellular regeneration (with enough time, you can even regrow a limb!) and your immune system is like a jealous lover, destroying every foreign contaminant without mercy.

•The list goes on, but some of the highlights are that your skeleton, joints, and every organ is laced with a network of naturally produced carbon nanotubes, meaning you can now withstand some pretty extreme punishment without organ damage or rupture. Your skin has also been enhanced, making it surprisingly resilient, making you able to shrug off most cutting slashes with little to no damage and the nanotubes will work like organic clamps, keeping the skin together long enough for the cellular regeneration to heal with no scarring. The denser skin structure also helps with reducing radiation damage, but this also means you won't tan well. The skin upgrade don't make you invulnerable, but it can help keep you alive until help arrives. What is interesting about the skin nanotubes is the side benefit of being able to divert energy weapon beams throughout the nanotube network, allowing it to weaken or even dissipate the energy of a stun shot. Augments can already withstand a stun beam without any effort, but you can take on a beam set to kill.

•You are also a long-lived augment, your regeneration having affected your chromosome's telomeres so that they remained long. You aren't immortal, but you are as close as you can get and still be human.

•The one drawback that would usually come from this demigod-like body is the need for a lot of calories. But you only need to eat the same amount as a normal human, and your body will keep itself in tip-top shape with no effort.

•Your mind works faster and better, and you can at will turn of your emotions, entering a state of cold, clinical behavior.

•Whenever you get within something like 10 feet of a humanoid woman their nostrils will flare a tiny bit, and the visible interest in them will ratchet up several degrees. Many of these women, especially the unattached, single ones, will find any excuse to stop, and chat, and touch you, like they are confirming you are real, sending all kinds of signals that they are sexually interested in you Humanity, and the other humanoid races, has some instincts buried in their DNA that is still not understood, and which you naturally trigger as a strong alpha male capable of giving them unusually strong offspring. It is as if there are sensory cues that your body is giving off that signal that you are further along the evolutionary chain, yet still compatible with them.

•You have also received any other augmentations and abilities that Gothic has, but are not mentioned above.

•You have the same skills, experience, knowledge, training and etc as Augment Gothic in chapter 25.

•You also receive your very own copy of Gothic's ship: The Marauder-class Corvette from Star Wars, nerfed quite a bit by being shrunken down to less than a quarter of its normal size and adapted to better fit in with the Star Trek universe's technology base, though it does look mostly the same visually. It is 45 meters long, and 15 meters tall, with an impressive wingspan, which holds most of its weapons. It is not a capital ship by any means, more of a super runabout really, but definitely larger than a standard Runabout.

•The standard Star Wars design, came standard with 8 double turbolaser canons for weapons. As that technology doesn't exist in the Star Trek universe, those weapons have been replaced by Klingon-style disrupter canons like you'd see on a Bird of Prey, two fore, two aft, two port, and two starboard. The ones on the wing, though, are not the overlarge version of that weapon that reached past the midpoint of the ship really. And the shuttle/fighter launch bay, which had sat directly below the cockpit in the 'snake's head' is more akin to a smallish cargo bay now, which would barely be able to fit one small shuttle at most. It has a loading/boarding ramp to this cargo space, which it can lower where you'd enter the ship and load cargo. Two smaller storage bays are at the rear of the ship, to either side of the large ion impulse engine. Each has its own door which opens at the rear for easy loading.

•It also has a permanent bedroom for the captain/pilot in the shaft of the ship, between the cockpit and the rear wing section.

•What is definitely not standard for the design are the two warp nacelles tucked directly under the ship, in the wing section, on either side of the large ion impulse engine. There is no such thing as 'hyperdrive' in the Star Trek universe, so warp drive is a necessity for interstellar distances.

•Its impulse drive is at the rear of the craft, in that large engine style of the Star Wars universe. For a smallish ship of lower mass, this gives the ship an incredible amount of thrust while at sublight speeds.

•That much higher than normal sublight speed, combined with the vessel's maneuverability, means that in a ship-to-ship engagement, where everything else was close to equal, you'd have a serious advantage. Should you face a craft that totally outclasses yours, you should have enough speed to run away and/or enough maneuverability to make getting hit by targeted weapons' fire very, very difficult. Even its warp drive is more powerful than that of a standard runabout.

•The ship's control systems are different too, but not so different as to require a great deal of time to figure out. It is a better design and layout than standard Federation controls, being very easy to pilot, with simple, intuitive controls and its built-in neural uplink, a device which allows your brain to connect with the ship itself using a helmet-like device. This allows you to control the ship with your mind alone if you wish to, with no need to even touch a control console. The neural link has no negative side effects, and can be used to it's full potential thanks to your Augment nature.

•The ship also has a Fabricator capable of creating anything you have ever eaten or drank before.

•The ship has no cloak function, but can hide from long range sensors.

•It has a sort of 'notice-me-not' or 'nothing-important-here' field surrounding it, preventing people from thinking the ship weird.

•The ship also has anything else Gothic's ship has.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Annika/Seven of Nine.

◦Dr. Beverly Crusher.

◦Kira Nerys.

◦T'Maz (near identical descendant of T'Pol).

◦Ro Laren.

◦Jadzia Dax.

◦Any other character from the Augment Gothic universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Augment Gothic, or a variation of it. This can be the original Star Trek universe, any alternate universe, like another fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new. You will find that the world of Augment Gothic is close to the world of Star Trek, with certain changes. Like Dr. Crusher looks more like a green-eyed Christina Hendricks, and Seven or Nine never became Seven of Nine, and instead stayed on earth as a Librarian.