
Meta Essence CYOA 7

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Essence of the Affinities

●A complete replica of the planet in a sealed pocket dimension, accessible via portal or teleportation (this is accomplished by willing it,) to only you & those you allow. IT comes complete with Progenitor ruins, artifacts, & marvels. You can choose where to start your colony.

○Only you & those you designate can access this dimension & you can revoke access at any point in time.

○The planet will still have the hazardous conditions that make it toxic to ordinary humans, although you & your followers

○aren't affected by this.

○You have complete control of the planets lifeforms. They're unable to rebel, work or act out negatively against you.

●A STL spaceship that brought your faction from Earth. It still stocked with the supplies that you need to colonize the new world. You can summon it or its cargo to your location from anywhere. If destroyed or lost they'll simply be recreated next time you try to summon it.

●Complete access to the Tech Tree & wonders, (including DLC,) regardless of which of the affinities it belong to.

●Once you've conducted the appropriate research & have the required amount of resources needed you can desired object instantly assembled in a location of your choosing.

●Ability to change your affinity to any you've unlocked at will & back to your original form whenever you desire. You retain all the abilities of the affinities that you've unlocked regardless of what form you're in.

●You can choose to be the leader of any of the 12 countries that appear in game or design one of your own. Regardless you receive the following.

○All the skills needed for creating & managing a successful planetary government.

○A contingent of followers loyal to your cause & willing to do anything to see it completed.

○Completely maxed out on all virtues with all bonuses.

○All your units start at Tier 2, with the resources reflecting it.

●Can optionally choose to max out the tech tree, regardless of which of the affinities it belong to. Complete with resources & requirements to build it all.

●Can optionally be dropped into the setting, at the beginning of the game after arriving at planet.

Essence of Allocating Charges

●This allows you to take any charges, points, CP, slots, etc., & reallocate them to use on others areas that use them.

○For example in the Worm CYOA, you can take the charges that you don't use for Power Manipulation & use them in either Eidolon or Inspired Inventor.

●You can also store the aforementioned away indefinitely if you don't use them such as excess.

○This can be as simple as storing away excess CP in Jumpchain, points/choices in CYOAs, or charges in Essences.

Essence of Gravitas (Culture)

●A Culture Ship of your choice/design. As with all Culture Ships yours is fully capable of rebuilding the entire Culture from nothing. It goes without saying this is the most up to date database from the series. It can be summoned to you from any location.

○If destroyed, damaged, or lost it'll automatically be recreated when you next summon it.

●You can convert yourself into a Mind if you desire, if not you'll be provided with one to work with & manage your technology. The mind will be design to complement your personality & work with you.

●Your ship will have Grid & Hyperspace access regardless of the universe that you travel to.

●The ship is staffed with Special Circumstances Agents. All of whom are completely loyal, unable to rebel, work or act out negatively against you. If they're destroyed or killed their minds will be sent back to your ship until they have new bodies created.

●Your tech is blackboxed so nobody but you can reverse engineer it, without your express permission.

●None of your technology can be successfully corrupted or subverted by another force unless you build or modify it to possess such a weakness.

●You have full knowledge how this technology work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of data you have to go through.

●Can optionally be dropped into the Culture setting. Anywhere from the Founding of the Culture to Earth's Contact.

Essence of the Absolute Record (Halo - Forerunner)

●Your begin in the form of a Manipular or Form Zero (the first and simplest form, assumed by Forerunners at birth.) You can choose to induce mutation to become any of the rates (faction) that you desire, with the option to change any time that you desire. It will take time for the conversion, but taking months instead of years for the complete change.

○Once you've gone through the conversion, you can still access the skills of any rate that you've been before.

○You also receive a Set of Armor that change along with your rate. You could choose however to lock it in one form of your choosing or personally customize it.

●The skills of an expert politician that even the entire Builder Rate would be wary of crossing, & be able to convince the entire Ecumene to submit to Flood Infection.

●A complete replica of Installation 00, the Greater Ark that's positioned outside of the Galaxy, you can store it in Slipspace if you desire. It can be summoned to you from any location.

○The Ark's Database contains a complete Catalogue of Forerunner technology & information from its beginning until it's destruction in the Flood War. With your production capacity though it won't be long until you recreate the Forerunner Ecumene at its height.

○If destroyed, damaged, or lost it'll automatically be recreated when you next summon it.

●You'll receive the following to serve as your support.

○A Contender Class AI is also provided to help you manage all your information.

■The AI is immune to anything that could subvert its loyalty from you such as the Logic Plague or Rampancy.

○A staff of Engineers to help support & maintain your equipment.

○Both are completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you.

●You'll be given both Domain, an esoteric quantum information repository that was once used by the Forerunners to contain vast amounts of knowledge, most notably their cultural & ancestral records & Slipspace (FTL Dimension) access, this follows you around regardless of the universe that you travel to.

○You can use Slipspace as a kind of hammerspace to store your things if you desire.

○The Domain starts completely void of information & is meant to serve as a repository for your information. So no Abaddon either.

○Only you & those you designate can access these dimensions & you can revoke access at any point in time.

○These realms cannot be destroyed, corrupted, or sealed.

○Slipspace Reconciliation is still a thing though.

●You can induce the same genetic mutations in others to change their form to any of the Forerunner Rates that you desire. It will take time for the conversion, but taking months instead of years for the complete change.

●Your technology is blackboxed so nobody but you can reverse engineer it, without your express permission. Neither can your technology be successfully corrupted or subverted by another force unless you build or modify it to possess such a weakness.

●You have full knowledge how this technology work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of data you have to go through.

●Can optionally be dropped into the Halo setting. Anywhere from the Genocide of the Precursors, to the Flood War.

Essence of the Academy Individual (Toaru)

-Consuming this Certain Scientific Essence will give you several boons.

●You're now an Esper aka Ability User, an individual who emits AIM (An Involuntary Movement), the phenomena where an Esper involuntarily emits an invisible energy field from their body, known as an AIM Diffusion Field. It's closely connected to the Personal Reality that is the source of their ability. It's an Esper's unconscious interface with reality.

○Much like Fräulein Kreutune, you're an entity untainted by both magic & science. Capable of forcibly modifying your brain in a variety of ways. This means, that you can use both magic & science without issue. Due to this series of events, you're now an exotic combination never seen before in the series. You're now part Gemstone & part Holistic Esper. With both of their strengths & none of their weaknesses.

○You possess the perfected version of Takitsubo Rikou's ability AIM Stalker. AIM Stalker's diffusion field would allow you to be able to freely control other Esper's AIM Diffusion Field/ Personal Realities. As Personal Realities were the source from which Espers powers & phenomenon were brought into the real world, controlling it would not only mean increasing or decreasing an Esper's level, it would also mean giving different kinds of powers to anyone, switch powers between Espers, or remove Esper powers all together. For example, Hamazura Shiage would be given the Meltdowner while Mugino Shizuri would be brought down to being a Level 0. Moreover, Dual Skill a previously impossible phenomenon would become reality. Furthermore, you can do it freely at any place you want. Essentially, you alone could out every function that Academy City does, becoming an Academy Individual and practically making the Power Curriculum Program obsolete.

■At first, you begin at Level 5 with the potential to become a Level 6 through either extensive training or going through a Level 6 Shift Experiment.

■Once you've reached SYSTEM, then your potential will be limitless. It would be possible for your power to affect any superpowered being such as Mutants, Novas, Metahumans, etc. Provided you understand where their powers stem.

■Access to all powers shown or implied in the series as well as possible extrapolations.

■Using AIM Stalker to create Shadow Metal. A rumored metal that doesn't exist naturally in the world. As well as Ability Body Crystals.

●Furthermore, you receive some additional abilities & enhancements to your being.

○The rest of Fräulein Kreutune abilities & her immortality.

■Complete invulnerability to conventional methods. No form of torture & trial, such as burning, crushing, & drowning will be able to kill or even harm you. As well as physical immortality with the ability to retain your youth. This doesn't mean that more exotic forms of attacks won't be able to harm or kill you.

■The ability of information absorption & to modify yourself to adapt to any environment. By scanning the conditions of, the information in your environment & the direction that leads to the most suitable environment for you. This ranges from simple observation to plain mimicry, where you're capable of mastering something just by viewing it & imitating the action. Once you've absorbed enough information, you'll grow from a collection of continuous though processes simpler than insects to a more complex & flexible one. Due to your physical limitations, your transformation will only occur after you've absorbed enough information which should take an estimated 2,000 years. However, with the advent of Brainwave Networks, this time can be reduced to three seconds.

○The Multi-Skill ability, that allows you to use the abilities of multiple Espers.

■At the moment you can only hold 8 powers at any given moment. But, this limit will increase in proportion to the number of Level 5's you possess.

■In addition, much like the cyborg Rensa, you can reproduce any Espers ability with your range limit. Your range is the diameter of Academy City. It's possible to use a brainwave Network to expand this. Unlike the 8 powers you're capable of holding, any power you use with this method will require 0.7 seconds to switch.

○Genius level intellect equivalent to that of the entire Kihara Family. This includes their natural aptitude for science but not their questionable ethics & morals.

■Immunity to having your memories destroyed, altered, erased, otherwise tampered with, or negatively affected.

●The skills of an expert Chessmaster & manipulator capable of launching & micromanaging a complex decades-long plan. Then succeed, even while multiple people do the exact same thing.

○You become more farsighted & better able to see the big picture while focusing on the little details. Being very good at planning & strategizing. As well as an intuitive understanding of how to capitalize on victories & recover from defeats keeping your plan on track.

○Skilled at improvising & thinking on your feet. In addition to being a masterful actor, able to play any role & present any personality you choose. You will be aware of anyone attempting to read your mind or sense your emotions & can immediately create false thoughts, feelings, & even memories that will show any mental scan exactly what they want to see. While keeping your ability to feel undiminished, they rarely cloud your judgment.

○Manipulating people & gaining a complete understanding of their mind, how they think, what motivates them, their core values, & how they tick is revealed to you. Including ways to turn them from their lines of thought to yours. Subtlety, misdirection, &U determining others' capabilities & how they'll be of use to you comes much easier to you.

○A master of the Hannibal Lecture, with but a few words you can completely crush & reshape another's worldview & beliefs. With cruel insults & sweet promises, you can wear down even the most stubborn resistance.

●You will gain all necessary physical & mental faculties to process, comprehend, and, utilize these abilities while maintaining uninterrupted consciousness.

●You have full knowledge of how these powers work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of powers you have. Meaning that using your powers & abilities is as easy as a University Professor solving basic arithmetic.

●This Essence works in symbiosis with all your powers & those gifted by any other Essences. It will not cause any unforeseen conflicts or negative side effects.

●Your powers cannot be suppressed, severed, copied, corrupted, altered, nullified, affected negatively against your will, or be used to harm you without your intention & will not malfunction or go haywire. These abilities function as is regardless of what universe you're in or their laws, concepts, etc.

●The ability to create a portal or teleport from any location to a pocket universe that contains a fully functioning complete replica of Academy City.

○This realm cannot be destroyed, corrupted, sealed, or entered without permission.

○Only you & those you designate can access this dimension & you can revoke access at any point in time.

○The pocket universe follows most of the physical laws of the normal world follows & its landscape resemble that of the normal world with features & objects recreated but with no sentient entities. Except for those given to you by this Essence.

○This pocket universe is capable of seamlessly integrating with any existing bases, territories, realms, dimensions, pocket universes, etc. that you possess.

○You're capable of projecting replicas of it to any destination outside of the pocket universe.

○If anything should happen to disable you. You'll be recalled back here or a pocket universe with similar conditions of your choice. This will only be done though if it's in your best interest & to avoid anything that would inflict a sudden or unexpected effect that you consider harmful or undesirable, which was specifically intended as such by the inflictor.

●Additionally, you receive the rank of General Superintendent & Board Chairman of Academy City. Giving you full control of Academy City's systems & access to all of the City's assets, resources, & experiment information shown in the series.

○This includes things created by people who reside in Academy City as well as any magical resources. This includes but is not limited to: Dark Legacy, Endymion, FIVE_Over, the Exterior Substitute Brain, UNDER_LINE surveillance system, power suits such as the Processor Suit & Anti-Art Attachment, information on the Level 6 Shift Experiments, etc. As well as the following.

■The Tree Diagram, a supercomputer so powerful that rather than forecast weather it accurately predicts it. It does so by predicting the movement of the particles in the atmosphere of the entire globe & calculates one months' worth of weather in one go. Another use is to aid researchers with their experiments, such as drug reactions, physiological reactions, electrical reactions, etc.

■The Windowless Building, the base of operations for the Former Chairman of Academy City. It's capable of concealing others from being detected by every magician in the world. It possesses a fully enclosed environment with a strange spatial structure that surpasses Euclidean geometry. The building is not open to the general public & is constantly protected by strict security. Since there are no entrances into the building a teleporter is required as a guide into the building. It can also produce its own oxygen, self-sustaining & is designed to be able to withstand nuclear & Earth-shattering attacks.

○You can freely summon these items to your location or any other via teleportation or constructing them from local resources by visualizing it with your mind &/or thinking their name.

○If destroyed, damaged, or lost it'll automatically be recreated when you next summon it.

○You possess full knowledge of how to operate, repair, & build these items.

○It's blackboxed so nobody but you can reverse engineer it, without your express permission.

○None of your technology can be successfully corrupted or subverted by another force unless you build or modify it to possess such a weakness.

●The ability to empower others by creating an AIM Field within them producing either artificial or Holistic Espers. They still possess the lack of ability to use magic without harming themselves with the backlash. Alternatively, you can crystalize the concept of science within their minds to create a new member of the Kihara Family. By doing so they receive a natural aptitude in science but at the cost of their morals & ethics.

○Espers & member of the Kihara Family that you create are unable to use their bestowed powers to hurt you in any way.

○You're able to instantly recall back these powers whenever you desire regardless of distance or location.

●The ability to summon or create Artificial Angels or AIM Beings like Aiwass & Fuse KAZAKIRI. They won't require AIM Fields to appear or maintain their existence. As well as craft Elements, s type of artificial lifeform that are hybrids of magic & science.

○They're completely loyal & unable to plot, plan, rebel, or work against you even indirectly or through setting up Rube-Goldberg plans.

●You won't be alone, several companions are here to help you.

○Heaven Canceler, an exceptionally gifted & benevolent physician. His great medical ability & experience allows him to heal practically any sickness or injury, even if it's terminal. He's said to be so skilled that he can distort God's rules. There are limits he's unable to bring back the dead, heal specific brain-related injuries, & his patients have to be human.

○Rensa #28 & #29, cyborgs created for the contingency event that all Level 5 Espers rebel against Academy City with abilities to counter & defeat them.

○All 20,000 Sisters of the Misaka Network.

○All 5000 members of the Kihara Family. The largest gathering of scientists that work for Academy City. Forerunners of the most twisted human experiments. They're dedicated to the pursuit of science whatever the cost.

○When not in active use, your companions will dwell in the pocket universe given to you by this Essence or in any others that you designate.

○They're completely loyal & unable to plot, plan, rebel, or work against you even indirectly or through setting up Rube-Goldberg plans.

●Using this Essence in conjunction with the Essence of the Secret Chiefs will unlock new possibilities.

○Espers you create will now be able to utilize magic much like you're capable of doing without harming themselves.

○Being able to fuse with theoretical possibilities of yourself for a variety of prospects. Such as extra lives passing off any ailments, damage, or deaths onto them. This is done automatically when you're inconvenienced such being unconsciousness, sealed, bound, etc.

■Alternatively, you can release them forming an instant army, use as ritual sacrifices or body surf them moving your conciseness to different ones. You're capable of guiding them to a broad extent though you're unable to fully control them.

■This has the additional benefit of giving you a Brainwave network much like the Misaka & Level Upper Networks. You serve as Admin. Of this network. Allowing you to gain additional computation & calculation power, store memories in the network as either a back-up or distribution of it through those in the network, & the ability & the ability to offload your mental faculties to the network. This also allows you to interface & connect to hiveminds, gestalts, similar brainwave networks, etc.

■This gives you perfect memory with infinite storage, instant recall, efficiency, & indexing.

■The ability to hold practically infinite trains of thought & the equal ability to multitask.

■A mental firewall that prevents your network from being hacked, subsumed, assimilated, destroyed, etc.

■The ability to connect Espers to this network. Once connected, an Esper becomes able to use it as a means to request specific calculations to be performed. By doing so, the effectiveness of the application of their ability becomes far greater than anything they could achieve independently.

■In times of need, you're capable of calling upon the Will of your network for assistance or it may manifest on its own accord. It's capable of possessing all those connected to the network, except for you.

○A complete understanding of the various Aeons. Including how to institute new ones, the ability to affect beings from different ones with your powers, & using abilities from other Aeons such as Bi-location.

○The knowledge & ability to embed a new Artificial Tree, like Clonoth upon the world. What this tree represents is up to you.

○Most importantly, you're able to choose either Imagine Breaker or World Rejector to be grafted onto your non-dominant hand. You're still able to use your abilities as normal with the opposite hand as long as it's active. But you're unable to teleport or use any ability or item through the active arm. Additionally, you're able to toggle it at your discretion or channel it into an object. With time you'll be able to unleash its true potential.

Essence of the Affinity Gene (Night's Dawn)

●Like all Edenist you have an Affinity Gene, that allows a quasi-telepathic link that was developed by the Edenists in the late used to communicate mentally with each other, with their habitats, Bitek constructs, & Voidhawks.

○There are two modes of communication. One is a secure person-to-person mode for privacy, the other is communal, allowing all Edenists in a given location to pick up on the conversation.

○It has been further developed to allow direct control of non-sentient computers.

○You're able to movie your conciseness through your constructs at will either taking direct control, remaining a passive observer or distributing your mind through them as a network or backup drives.

○Your Affinity Gene will protect you against possession, Xenoc Energy Viruses, Persona Sequestrator Nanonics or anything to subvert control of your body. if something tries to subvert you against your will, you Affinity Gene will activate isolating the possessor in a mental lockbox & giving you access to their abilities or just outright shut it out.

○Your Affinity Gene cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will & will not malfunction or have control loss of.

○You're able to toggle this to prevent broadcasting your thoughts if you desire.

●You'll gain expert piloting skills & captaining skills equivalent to that of Calvert Brothers.

●You'll also have a choice between a Voidhawk or Blackhawk Egg to incubates as a ship for you.

○Unlike other Voidhawk/ Blackhawk yours is immortal & will continue to exist until destroyed. At which point it will leave behind a batch of eggs to regrow into more Voidhawks/ Blackhawks.

●You also get a Bitek Habitat equivalent to Tranquility as a base in orbit around a gas giant of your choice. With its own teleportation safeguard in case of attack. It's fully staffed with Serjeants & other Bitek Constructs needed to keep everything running smoothly.

○Unlike otherHabitats yours is immortal & will continue to exist until destroyed. At which point it will regenerate around a gas giant of your choice.

○The habitat comes with facilities capable of growing any Bitek construct or habitat ranging from chimps, serjeants , voidhawks, or even another habitat.

○This habitat come with Alkad Mzu, constructor of the Alchemist. She'll be confused at the situation but will adjust accordingly.

○The Bitek Constructs that you create are completely loyal, unable to rebel, work or act out negatively against you.

●You can give others Affinity Gene & include them into your consensus. Regardless you can choose to close yourself off to them at any point if you desire.

●Can optionally be dropped into the Night's Dawn setting. Anywhere from 2090: the completion of the Eden Bitek habitat to, 2610: the opening of the Beyond.

Essence of the All-Father (Marvel)

 - By consuming this essence, you have obtain and bonded with the Odin-Force.

●You gain the vast amounts of magical energy that is the Odin-Force. This power is represented as Odin at the height of his power. Odin's power is such, that it has stated that at his peak, it is equal to the likes of Galactus & was capable of battling the conceptual entity Infinity, who large enough that it could crush planets in its grip as if they were pebbles, his mere limbs stretched as far as galaxies. Odin's battle with Infinity destroyed entire galaxies and countless worlds. When awoken from his trance by Thor, Odin swiftly got rid of Infinity and with one simple act was powerful enough to restore all the damage Infinity had caused across the Universe in moments.

●The Odin Force is capable of a number of feats including:

○Creating a galaxy and then destroying it.

○Create Uru weapons to empower champions.

○Resurrect the dead.

○Fight on several planes of existence simultaneously.

○Transporting the entire human race to an alternate dimension.

○Casting foes into deep space with a thought.

○Read minds from across even dimensions.

○Manipulate matter for a number of purposes, erecting nigh impenetrable force fields, barriers which can shield entire cities.

○Stop time itself, and allow one to travel through time.

○Even the ability to grant human beings the gift of immortality.

○Placing multiple permanent enchantments on items, liker Mjolnir, lasting until he himself cancels them or they are overpowered by a superior enchantment.

●You can rename it to your own name if you like.

●Your physiology is changed to that of an Asgardian. Which includes the following abilities.

○Superhuman strength capable of lifting around 90 tons without supplementing your strength with other powers.

○Superhuman speed capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than even the finest human athlete, enabling you to run 111-115 mph.

○Superhuman agility, reflexes, balance, and bodily coordination, have been conditioned to levels that are far superior to the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

○Superhuman stamina, highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human, enabling you to sustain almost indefinitely. As a result, you possesses superhuman stamina in all physical activities. You could exert yourself at peak capacity for months before fatigue would begin to impair you.

○Superhuman durability, your skin, muscle, and bone tissues are about 3 times as dense as those of a human beings. Allowing you capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, and powerful energy blasts from cosmic level beings without sustaining injury, however, though to what extent is unknown. As well as immunity to all known Earthly diseases and infections.

○A regenerative healing factor capable of regenerating massive tissue damage or loss to a degree far beyond that of most other Asgardians, even of being able to regenerate missing limbs and organs, faster and with much more efficiency.

●You are immortal and undying, requiring neither food nor water or any other thing needed mortals to survive. Even if completely reduce to atoms, have your existence completely erased, or zero summed you'll merely reform in your realm.

●Completely fluency in the Allspeak, a universal language in which what you say is understood by every species in their own native language. This allows you to speak every language including dead ones, eldritch ones, or even in computer code. Everyone will hear you in a way they were accustomed to & with the right accent, whether that be concise and to the point, a lewd Englishman, and a total thug.

●An Asgardian weapon as a Symbol of Office. This weapon can be of any design of your choosing, (IE: Sword, Hammer, Spear, Axe). The artifact is made of the mystical metal Uru, that capable of channeling your personal energies, though possessing no abilities of its own. You can manipulate energy for various effects, including projection of concussive force, creation of force shields, levitation, molecular manipulation of matter, matter-energy conversion, illusion-casting, and inter-dimensional teleportation. You commands the life energies of the entire Asgardian race, and can absorb any and all of their life energies into your person at will, even to the point of restoring life to a dying Asgardian.

○If destroyed or lost they are automatically recreated in your realm.

●A set of Destroyer Armor. A mystic armor made of Uru that could contain vast amounts of Godly energies. You can cast your essence & that of those whom you empower into the suit to increase its size & power.

○It can be switched to autonomous mode still retaining all its abilities as though someone were piloting it.

○Only you & those you designate can pilot the armor without losing their minds to the violence.

○It's completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you regardless of who's piloting it.

○If destroyed or lost they are automatically recreated in your realm.

●The ability to create a portal from anywhere to an complete model of the Realm of Asgard. Asgard is not a sphere like the Earth, but a relatively flat landmass suspended in space.

○Asgard does not rotate about its axis, nor does it revolve around a sun. Asgard does have intervals of night and day, so some object or force functions as a sun. There is no evidence of changing seasons, however portions of Asgard are in perpetual winter while others are in perpetual summer.

○While Asgard's gravity is roughly analogous to Earth's, common matter is considerably denser on average. For instance, a chair made of Asgardian wood is heavier and stronger than a chair made of Earthly wood. Rock, water, flesh, bone, steel: all matter is denser and thus more durable.

○If anything should happen to disable you can subconsciously recall yourself to your realm.

○You have complete control of everything in this realm. From the flow of time to the color of the sky.

○Only you & those you designate can enter this place.

○This realm cannot be destroyed, corrupted, or sealed.

●You become a Master Tactician capable of the following.

○Your planning skills will be greatly increased. Expect most plans you make and execute to largely go your way, or at least in a way that is favorable to you.

○Making and sustaining alliances becomes easier for you.

○You become very good at planning and strategizing.

○You are also skilled at improvising and thinking on your feet.

○You are capable of both seeing the big picture and focusing on details.

○Determining others' capabilities & become an excellent ) judge of character comes much easier to you, but don't expect your assessments to always be completely accurate.

○You are very good at subtlety and misdirection.

○Determining others' capabilities & how they'll be of use to you comes much easier to you.

●You receive inherent & intuitive knowledge on every form of combat with every kind of weapon in existence be they medieval weapons or futuristic technology.

●Gain practically infinite trains of thought and ability to multitask.

●You gain perfect/ infinite memory storage & processing power with instant recall, indexing creativity & learning capability.

●You have full knowledge how these powers work & the best ways to use them.

●Your powers can never be taken away, suppress, weaken, or copied in any way.

●People who you bestow powers upon cannot hurt or plot against you in any way and you can instantly recall back those powers whenever you want.

●You won't be forced to enter the Odin-Sleep from constant use of your power. You can rest at any time to regenerate your power.