
Meta Essence CYOA 77

Essence of Racial Creation

 Upon drinking this essence you gain a one-time opportunity to create a race to your specifications.

 You can give them any capabilities that you want them to have, this also counts for how they look, government, magic, lifespan etc.

 The created race will acknowledge you as their creator and loyally follow you, if you are a god or want to become one they will worship you for it, your portfolio is up to you, so to speak.

 You may choose to become the same race that you created.

 Optionally you may choose to create them in another world, this will give you the capabilities to go to them.

 You may also choose to gift them any capabilities that you have, the degree is up to you.

Essence of Reproduction

 By drinking this essence you become capable of reproducing with anyone regardless of gender or species, the only thing that matters is that they are sapient, you may even initiate parthenogenesis if you want.

 You may choose if your children are completely of your own species, your mate's or a hybrid that embodies the best of both species.

 Your Fertility is completely under your complete control, making you able to impregnate or be impregnated.

 You can make healthy children with anything even theoretically able to reproduce, including those that are sterile, and set how much of each parent the child's DNA favors, up to 100% of one or the other, along with their gender.

 This will also allow you to break the mold with the first male child in an all female species.

 This essence ensures that all pregnancies caused by the recipient of this essence, that they are all complication and pain free, you may even choose to make it pleasurable if you want to, as well as setting the length of the pregnancy from normal to 1 hour at most.

 You may choose to pass this essence and other essence's on to your descendents whether at full power or reduced.

 And for last, none of your descendants will ever suffer from genetic flaws or complications in relation to their parentage.

Essence of The Demiurge 

 You now hold a boundless inner world, a personal reality contained within your existence and within which dwells a limitless source of knowledge and omnipotent power personified by an inner alter ego.

 As an extension of your own soul, this sentient manifestation of your power is completely bound to you, making it impossible for them to ever betray you or for something to remove this power from you.

 Having only your own interests at heart, this being acts to protect you against any threat and will lend you all of the power you need to achieve your ambitions, it will also insure that your reality altering powers do work the way you want it to in spirit.

 Physical threats against you will be answered with instant recovery and massive empowerment, while mental intruders will feel the almighty wrath of your personal guardian and learn the true meaning of suffering, not that they can do anything to your mind or soul, as your guardian will protect it, it will also intervene if you find yourself in a figuratively bad ending.

 This inner world is basically a demi-plane wherein you hold nigh-absolute power over all aspects of reality, and although nominally contained within your soul, it can also be projected into the real world to overlay itself upon existence.

 In simple terms this essence gives you the ability to create something from nothing but your imagination, regardless of whether that something is an actual material thing or a force being exerted, it also allows you to edit already existing things to your desire.

 This power is initially controlled only through your subconscious instincts, though it's possible for your conscious desires to be focused enough to trigger it.

 Your inner alter ego also has a mind of its own regarding to what it feels you need, and has no hesitation about making use of itself to protect you.

 They can control the edge of your inner world to manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality for you, blurring the border between them to make an imagination real.

 With this, fantasies can be brought to life as independent existences, or infused into reality in more subtle and permanent ways.

 They can also turn this back upon itself by isolating fragments of reality and making them into fantasies, causing them to vanish as if they never existed.

 By combining these aspects they can remodel existing things to your liking, or replace them with novel creations as you desire.

 When using these capabilities at their fullest power, the border between fantasy and reality becomes so thin that it might as well not exist, the affected area is no longer bound to reality and instead becomes an extension of your inner world, a place where fantasy and reality are one and the same.

 In this impossible realm unbound by any rules, anything can be realized, and things like wishes and miracles are no longer just metaphysical concepts, but things which can be actualized.

 This lets you create anything just by imagining it into being, and that which you create this way is permanent and its existence irreversible except by you; entities that you summon forth act either as extensions of your inner alter ego, synchronizing with your memories and emotions, spontaneously adjusting to intuitively satisfy and obey your every need and desire, or have their own fully fledged ego's with loyalty permanently ingrained into them.

 You can control them completely if you want or give them free will, you can empower them in order to meet your expectations or remake them to fit a different purpose.

 To create things you need only come up with a rough idea of the appearance, function, and effects desired, and then focus your will to make it real.

 Your power will act to fill in whatever details are missing; these conditions work as a fail-safe system that protects you from unintentional uses and any potentially unwanted side-effects.

 Your alter-ego will teach you overtime how to use your powers to their full capabilities, it is also capable of manifesting in your nearby area, and generally help you be the person you want to be, regardless of what the rest of reality thinks/wants.

 You can also apply this power directly to yourself to alter or enhance your own existence, you also have the capability to travel throughout the multiverse and can move yourself practically anywhere or anywhen that you can properly imagine, either by inserting yourself into the history of the place, simply by opening a portal for you to walk across directly, or creating a reality, multiverse or omniverse on your own using your power.

 You may at will propagate certain changes into the omniverse like being known as the creator of certain species (they will recognize you on sight) or having created their reality, simply put what you propagate is up to you.

 Entire universes could be born from your stray thoughts, and the multiverse itself has become your waking dream to wander through.

 The reality contained within yourself cannot be influenced by any others aside from your own power, as such it is completely inviolable.

 If needed you may link, incorporate and create other realities, essences, powers and such to your demiplane in the exact manner that you imagine it.

Authors notes.

 This was inspired by R34 Economy Mortaegus's Mod.

 This essence was made to give someone omnipotent powers, without actually getting your own omnipotence, unless you work for it, otherwise it's wish fulfillment more or less.

 You may also use your demiplane as a Afterlife for all those involved regardless of distance between you and them, this does require you to link those involved or their entire reality, multiverse, etc.

 You may optionally give your power its own personality, the choice is yours, beware what kind of personality you give it.

 A word of warning, there is no real distance limit on this power, so be careful of how far you go, and how you imagine altering reality.

 This essence allows you to also create the effects of other essence's as per your wishes, whether this is an essence in full, partial or altered is your choice, you just need to imagine how they would work on you, same goes for other capabilities.

 You may optionally(severely suggested) incorporate Esper's Essence of Basic Human Decency, for an increase in personal life quality, figure out why yourself using this essence.

Essence of Teamwork

By drinking this essence any teamwork that you require and participate in, now works to the best of the capabilities of all involved.

Essence of The Guaranteed Afterlife

 By drinking this essence you get a guaranteed afterlife for you and those you know.

 Regardless of what happens all those souls that lived in the reality you were in end up here.

 This afterlife exists according to your tastes and grows as more beings enter it.

 It is managed by a hypercompetent deity, it is capable and more than willing to create all kinds of interesting and fun experiences in the afterlife, it will never have trouble managing and expanding it in all the ways it can imagine, it will even take suggestions.

 Even if someone is tossed/banished/kidnapped from their reality it will still collect their soul for this afterlife.

 Said deity is so good at its job that everyone enjoys their stay in the afterlife, even if it has to chastise you and others for your sins first, there is no getting away from this.

 The afterlife will restore your soul and mind regardless of damage or alterations that others have done to it, not even the full obliteration of yourself can stop this.

 It does this for the rest of the people in the realities that you existed in and go to as well.

 Yes that's right, you get to reincarnate as much as you want, be aware you will be the equivalent of an virtual reality idol in the afterlife, as others get to watch you live your life.

 Others, at least those willing, can reincarnate as well.

 You can customize exactly how you want to reincarnate, you may even choose to have your loved ones with you.

 If you choose to go with your loved ones you get a guarantee that you will meet up with each other and fall in love again, even if you no longer remember your past in the afterlife and beyond.

 The way you reincarnate is up to you and the deity, it will put some lighthearted pranks in your reincarnation, but you will laugh about them afterwards, it may even throw some challenges at you.

 If something goes horribly wrong, said deity is capable of hitting the kill button on the reincarnation and dragging said person back into the afterlife no matter what, It foresees this with an instinctive future sight, so consider fates worse than death survivable by way of afterlife.

 Said deity and Afterlife are eternal, for a full explanation of Eternal, see Wanderer's Essence of The Eternal.

 The afterlife cannot be broken into, it is fully capable of managing all souls from all realities/multiverses that you have lived in.

 Optionally you can be the described deity, how that works is up to you.

Essence of The Final Lesson

Inspired by Honkai Impact 3rd (Himeko Murata)

So many lifestories end tragically, families killing each other, friends and comrades sacrificing themselves for nothing, and the fact that people can be their own worst enemy, it seems that hope is petering out slowly.

No more.

By drinking this essence you choose to no longer accept that.

You become inviolable at your core, as a person that is.

This means you have an inviolable sense of self, boundless willpower, and an unrelenting, unflinching resolve to carry out whatever you wish to do, even in the face of certain death with all the odds stacked against you.

As long as you are alive, you will continue on, and you will never quit, not if you can help it.

Even if you have to sacrifice yourself in the process, you will achieve whatever you set out to do, without any hesitation.

Your will to push on will surpass even those of legend's, enough to last just that extra bit longer, even when you're on death's door, to do what you need to do, and this is even stronger when it is for those you truly love.

Even if you are not pushing yourself very hard, as long as you hold your bonds close to your heart, everyone benefits.

They grow better as a person, find new talents or heightened skills, maybe even manifest new powers, and all of it is to protect their friends.

No… at this point, the bonds between you can only be described as family.

The world may be ugly, but there is still beauty to be fought for in it.

The following things are completely optional and can be ignored if you want to.

1.You gain an increased ability to teach others life-lessons in the manner that you want them to.

2.You gain Red hair and orange eyes.

3.You get the Life and combat experiences of one Himeko Murata, adjusted to your bodies capabilities, you may choose if this is conscious or unconscious knowledge.

4.You may choose to go to the Honkai Impact setting as per your wishes.(this includes the entire verse)

Authors notes.

About 3. you may choose to receive the experiences of Himeko from the previous civilization as well if you want to, you may also choose to be their full reincarnation.