
Meta Essence CYOA 73

Essence of Connections

 A glass mug with a heart imprinted on its surface. Tastes like friendship, and something more.

•You are imbued with the power of Connections, a powerful source of infinite energy now roils within you heart.

•While Connections is infinite how much power you can draw from it is not. Connections work through the link shared between relationships.

•It is possible for you to form a link with anything and everything, as long as it is meaningful in some way to you. This could be friendships, romantic lovers, a favorite movie or even a particular meal at a restaurant that you liked a little.

•The more meaningful the bond, both ways, the stronger the power you can draw from Connections. Meaningful relates to both you and the target itself, so if the target is inanimate you will be the one providing most of the power to the link. A mutual love interest will provide a magnitude higher than one-sided pining, but both would create a link that could be empowered.

•You are able to reinforce the power of your link by further interacting with the target of the link. Each instance of interaction working to increase how much power could be drawn from Connections through that link.

•By choosing to empower a link with the power of Connections, you gain two distinct power relating to that link, one power is an active while the other a passive. Actives need to activated while passives work without needing input from you. You are able to turn on and off any passive if you so choose.

•The kind of power created is entirely dependent on the target of the link, while how powerful it is depends on how much it draws from Connections.

•The feeling of establishing a link feels like a rush of euphoria, like reexperiencing the best parts of the relationship all over again, all compacted into a single moment. The target of the link will not feel this establishment unless you want them to.

•You are able to grant both passive and active to the target of the link, if doing so their use of either will not detract from your share of the link.

•A link, once established will never degrade no matter what happens to the relationship that you share with the target. Its power will stay even if the target had been taken away by the whims of time.

•This power is yours and yours alone, and cannot be taken from you in any way unless willingly under a clear mind. That said, should you wish to share it you can do so fully and utterly, creating a new source of Connections within any that you choose.

•As a bonus, you have been granted complete and utter freedom from the forces of ennui or boredom, able to experience all the joys of life without degradation. Every good moment will stay just as good for you, at a minimum. This power too, is free to share as you wish.

Essence of Essence of What and If

 Two simple bottles filled with liquids of undescriptive color. Drinking one will drain both and fill you with the memory of choosing the other. Tastes like a hollow ache and agonizing indecision.

•You are swiftly, painlessly and carefully taught a Lesson that was once learnt in a way that was quite the opposite.

•As a consequence of this Lesson you gain completely and perfectly limitless multitasking. You are able to think as many thoughts as you want. You are able to process as much data as it is ever possible in just as quickly as said data is introduced.

•Your mind is no longer confined to its meatflesh and is able to think even when half destroyed. You can store as much data as there ever will, would, can exist. This data can be, and is, accessed instantaneously, at all times. You can never forget anything, even if you want to.

•As a considerate bonus you also gain perfect mental health. Your perception of time can be anything you will it to be without detriment to your actual processing speed. You can perceive at normal human pace yet still have a fast enough reflex to catch a bullet with a normal human body. You will never grow tired of life, ennui will never affect you, boredom does not exist unless you want it to. You have complete control over your mentality and can choose to enjoy anything, even if it is merely menial labor.

•You gain mastery over the first half of the Lesson, mastery over What. This ability allows you to concentrate on an event and know every single action that led up to that event down to the movement of individual atoms if you wish. Acan be used for any event, big or small, from the steps that led up to a war to the muscle movements that threw a ball through the goalpost.

•The second half of the Lesson is yours to do with as you will. You gain the ability known as If. Any event that has a conceivable alternate path, you are able to create a branch off of it known as If. Your complete control over If means that you have free will over reality by implementing as many alternate If paths as you want. A path where where that ball did not hit the goal, a path where that soldier did not take the shot, a path where you chose to pack lunch that day.

•Your mastery over the second Lesson means that you are able to reverse an If should you wish to.

•While the Lesson is over it does not mean there is nothing left to learn. You gain additional mastery over a technique developed after thousands of years worth of effort, you learn the ability, If Only.

•Due to the nature of reality, it was not possible to implement contradictory Ifs. After all, a person cannot choose to walk the right path and the left one at the same time. If Only lets you merge these Ifs in any way that you wish, gaining the benefit of multiple Ifs. A soldier can fire that bullet and miss, yet their target is still dead because you merged the If where they had hit. The ball missed the goal and the star player walks home with the trophy. You can choose not to bake a cake and yet still have it. You can eat the cake and yet it stays whole. This ability frays the fabric of reality and will not make any sense to those that are affected, except for you.

•The Lesson is a brand and its existence testament. Nothing anyone can ever do will remove it from you. Any attempt to steal or copy it from you will relay a half taught Lesson, leaving the victim in eternal indecisiveness.

Essence of The Affection Multiplier

 A bottle in the shape of the multiplication symbol x. Somehow drinkable in one gulp. Tastes like multiple types of fruit all at once.

•You receive the social enhancement system known as the Affection Multiplier. A System that equates emotional connections to a numerical value and increases the rate at which it is gained.

•Starting out your Affection Multiplier is weak, only increasing all affection gain by a factor of 5.

•As you build relationships with other people you will gain points that can be used to improve the system and increase the Affection Multiplier. You can buy upgrades such as perks that keep your relationships from ever going into the negatives, or even the ability to convert points to affection score.

•By default this system only builds up, so it won't multiply negative relationship gains, only positive ones. This can be turned off or upgraded in the shop to provide a more customizable experience.

•You receive a way to keep track of your various relationships, whether a phone app or straight up status menu that only you can see. This medium can be changed at any time and will only be accessible by you.

•This system is yours and yours alone, without permission it cannot be copied, stolen, disabled or removed in any way.

•As a bonus, you receive a special perk that prevents your relationships from ever stagnating or degrading due to time or neglect. Your friends and lovers will stay so all the way to the end of the universe and the birth of the next.

Essence of the Maker

 A bottle shaped like an intricate hammer. Tastes like hard work and effort.

•Through powers born from struggle and self reflection you become a Maker, a Pylon connected to the roots of creation itself.

•Every time you perform an act of creation, a link towards that creation is connected from creator to it, and from it to its creator. The strength of this link is tied both to the effort the Maker took in the conception of the creation, as well as their own personal attachment to said creation. A shoe that was toiled on for a day's time but made with detachment will be about as strong as a special gift created in a few hours. A treasured artifact forged over the span of years would form a truly strong link.

•A Maker's will is eternal. A link once created can never be uncreated through any means except by the wish of the Maker themselves. Likewise, the link will never weaken no matter how the Maker will come to feel about the creation later on.

•A Maker is their creation. Every link bolsters the Maker's own abilities. How and what this effect is depends on the item that is linked. A winter glove would keep the Maker warm even if it is miles away. Sharp knives could confer their sharpness, making it so that the Maker could cut string with their own fingers. A link could be put into strengthening existing abilities or providing new abilities wholesale. The quality of the abilities granted depends on the quality of the item itself and magnified by the strength of the link the Maker has with that item.

•A Maker's craft is their Maker. This link works both ways, and the Maker's own link can strengthen their creation in kind. This effect takes nothing from the Maker and can be turned on and off at will. A shadow of the Maker's power is connected through everything they are linked to, boosting their creation's abilities. The Maker has free reigns over how this boost works, and whether it would merely enhance the item itself or grant whole new powers altogether. If the Maker had a fire powers, a pair of gloves could either better protect their user against heat, or shoot fire from its fingertips. How much power the Maker can provide the item depends on their link.

•A Maker is Creation untethered. And Creation grows. While A Maker's link cannot degrade, this does not mean it cannot grow. Quite the contrary, any link has the ability to grow without limits. The maker is able to increase the power of the link by using the item with satisfaction. On the other hand the Maker could also give the item to someone else. The Maker can harvest the satisfaction from anyone who uses their creation to grow the link. Should a creation improve itself, the abilities that it grant would also update and improve what it grants to the Maker. Abilities given through the link will never worsen, so even if the item were to be destroyed the link would still grant abilities as if the creation was at its peak.

•This power is intrinsically linked towards its user and can never be taken away, stolen, copied, altered without consent, etc, etc. Even if mind controlled and their soul and will was stolen, the Maker will always be a Maker.

Essence of the Moonlit Manor

 A bottle shaped like a key, it contains a dark red liquid. Tastes like blood and family.

•You come into possession of an old Victorian era castle. Though it may look ancient the insides are in impeccable shape and is kept perpetually spotless.

•You are in possession of a key that deems you as the castle's sole proprietor. This key also provides a host of benefits as befitting the castle's owner.

•The castle is eternal, so too is their host. Just by being in the castle the owner is healed of all wounds they wished healed, this includes all ailments from magical to spiritual to even the wiles of age.

•The castle is not landed, for it is everywhere and anywhere the owner wishes it to be. Just by calling its name, which you can choose, the castle's owner can cause the castle to appear at any place they will. This can be merely parts of the castle, such as a door or a room, or even the entire building. Furthermore, it is possible to manifest the castle on top of the owner's current location, causing the castle to swallow up anyone within the area. 

•The owner of the castle holds complete control over its interiors, able to shape and morph furniture and rooms to their content. The owner is able to expand and shrink rooms to any size they wish. It is within their right to make a trip to the kitchen a single step or to have each individual crack on the floor hosts to entire universes. 

•The castle holds a host of shades it considers servants. Shades are completely loyal towards the owner and will never go against their wishes, even involuntarily. 

•The owner is able to generate any number of shades they wish, following any makeup and design form personality to every cell that makes up their bodies. 

•The owner is undying, upon death they are able to be revived within the castle's walls as many times as they wish. 

•The castle holds an unlimited amount of any mundane resource that the owner could desire. Any that it does not hold can be added to its supply by sacrificing said resource to the castle. At which point that resource will be added to its infinite storeroom.

•The owner is able to share the castle's benefits with anyone they wish, as well as take those benefits away at a whim.

•The owner's hold of the castle is absolute, and can never give it up. Even under complete soul death and antihalation the castle will never leave its owner, and will bring them back until the day they wish it not to. 

•As an added bonus, should you ever separate from those you love, you will be assured that they will be well taken cared of, safe and sound until you return.

Essence of the Points Game Power Service

 A "bottle" in the form of an alien gaming console. On the screen is a table with a bright red potion. Tastes like strawberries

•You are designated the only user of the Points Game. An above dimensional Service that provides you with the power to control and manipulate Points.

•You are able to instinctively comprehend the net amount of personal and external Points that anyone or anything currently has.

•A Point is an arbitrary tally that indicates a thing's current status. There are two types of Points, negative and positive. Positive Points indicates anything frivolously considered beneficial to the holder while and negative Point is anything that the holder believes to be negative.

•As a new user the Points Game has designated you as a beginner, limiting your power. For now you are only able to manipulate Points in small ways. As a beginner your only ability is to add negative and positive Points in interactions that you yourself are a part of. Points can only be added in interactions that already hold them. How much you can add is limited to Point value of the original interaction. For example, throwing a birthday party generates positive Points. Because you are a part of this interaction you can add positive Points to this interaction equal to how many positive Points the party generated. You can only add negative Points if the party somehow generated negative Points, and only up to how much was generated. Points added can only be given to those that it was generated for. So you cannot paint a house and give the Points added from that to yourself.

•Points are arbitrary and the benefits of the Points you add does not have to match the benefit of the Points generated from an interaction. A Point is a Point, no matter what it was that generated it. Back to that birthday party example, happiness is considered a benefit and the happiness from the birthday person generates Points. If you were to use the Points generated and added positive Points, it could be with any benefit you want. You could give good luck, heal their wounds, even add money to their wallet.

•The benefits or drawbacks from positive and negative Points must be experienced by you first before you can add them as Points. Unless you can already fly you cannot add able to fly Points.

•The Points Game is a brute force reality changing Service from well above dimensions. It does not need to follow reality. You can work out and add run fast Points from the Points generated. Doing so will make you run faster than you could before, even well beyond the realms of humanity.

•Over time as you use the Service it will confer to you higher and higher authority. Eventually you would be able to freely add and take as many Points as you want.

•The Points Game Power Service is keyed to you and only you. Any attempt to steal, copy or any other weird power thing to try and take it will end in failure and tears. No, not even time travel. Especially not time travel.