
Meta Essence CYOA 72

Essence of the Boltgun

●The divine symbol of the emperor's wrath becomes something inextricably linked to your being, and becomes a part of you as your hand or foot.

●You obtain the ability to summon boltguns of any variant from concealed bolt canes or bolt pistols all the way up to heavy or storm bolters. You may discard a bolter and simply summon another one, but you may only do so once per day.

●You may also summon 5 fresh magazines per day, of any configuration, and containing any kind of specialist ammo type, though should none be specified, the magazines will simply be stocked with standard bolts.

●You may also once a day summon purity seal which will protect a target against corruption or mental intrusion.

Essence of the Chainsword

●The device that symbolized the distillation of mankind's brutality against a hostile universe becomes something inextricably linked to your being, and becomes a part of you as your hand or foot.

●You obtain the ability to summon chain weapons of any variant from chain fists all the way up to massive, two handed evicerator chainswords or chain halberds. You may discard a chain weapon and summon a new one, but only once a day.

●The chain weapon currently equipped will be maintained and refilled with fuel once per day.

●You may unleash an aura of fear and respect which will cause you to be taken much more seriously.

Essence of the Lasgun

●Humanity's standard issue weapon becomes something inextricably linked to your being, and becomes a part of you as your hand or foot.

●You obtain the ability to summon las weapons of any variant from digital ring weapons and las pistols to hellguns, lascannons and even modified industrial mining lasers. You may discard a las weapon and summon another one, but you may only do so once per day.

●You may summon 5 fresh lasgun packs per day of any configuration, including pistol power packs, hotshot power packs and backpack style power packs. Should none be specified, the standard will be supplied.

●You may also summon a new guard issue flak helmet and flak jacket once a day.

Essence of Eurobeat/Racing

By drinking this essence, you gain the ability to race with a vehicle really well, even when there ostensibly isn't even supposed to be a race or any ability to carry out a race.

●If you have a wheeled or tracked vehicle, you have the ability to modulate your traction.

●The first time you get into or onto a vehicle, you may choose to boost the vehicle's powerplant and propulsion systems. Yes. This also applies to animal drawn vehicles and wind blown boats as well. These changes are permanent.

●Any vehicle you get onto or into will gain driver and passenger seatbelts, front airbags, and curtain side airbags. At a higher tech level, you will also get an inertial dampener. These additions are permanent.

●Any vehicle you get into will be reinforced to appropriate safety levels.

●If you listen to eurobeat music, you will be able to go faster. Anyone directly observing you will be able to hear the eurobeat. You can turn this on and off.

●You will never run out of fuel or power for your vehicle while you are operating it.

●Maintenance happens offscreen, but you'll gain rudimentary knowledge on how to upgrade or tune up any vehicle.

Essence of Megameklab

You get access to the Megameklab, which looks and functions pretty similarly to the normal megameklab.

 -The application can either be downloaded onto a computational device with an appropriately advanced GUI, or can simply be projected out onto the air in front of you. You can expand, minimize, rotate, and toggle the transparency of the screen. You can even make it so other people can see and interact with it if you'd like.

 -You add 25 BV to your pool per day and can spend them on whatever you like. You can also use regular money in order to buy something at a rate of 1 dollar to the C-bill. The amount would automatically be deducted. Don't think too hard about where the money goes.

 -Upon purchasing an item, it will appear either in front of you, in a safe spot near you, or in a safe orbit above you.

 -You may also purchase a specific historical item if you'd like. For instance, you can simply buy a Mckenna-class battleship but you can also buy the SLS Mckenna's Pride if you'd like. The history doesn't cost anything extra.

 -Any item you buy can also come already crewed if you'd like. These crew start absolutely loyal and you can customize their appearance, personality and backgrounds, but after they spawn in, they become actual people and will have their own opinions, thoughts, and morals. For example, if you spawn in some Eridani Light Horse and tell them to massacre civilians, you're going to have a mutiny on your hands.

 -When purchasing an infantry unit, you may chose to get only kit or gain soldiers wearing it.

 -Spawned in humans will conform to the physics of the world and any changes that you've made to the world. You may also chose if they need to eat and other facts of life, though this needs to be set from the start and can't be toggled afterward

 -Bays and compartments don't come already filled. You need to buy an infantry unit to put it in an APC and you need to buy a mech to put it in a mech cubicle.

 -If you'd like, support personnel can also be purchased for one BV each.

 Expanded Ruleset

 -In the case of pairing this essence with a CYOA, you can, before starting the CYOA, pick or build a single unit at the very beginning at no cost. It is recommended that you use this to obtain personal conveyance, but it's not necessarily required.

 -You may at the beginning of your journey initiate a "campaign mode" of sorts in order to build up resources and forces more quickly than simply waiting for a long time to wait for the BV pool to fill. This is not necessary, but it could be fun.

 -Spawned in humans may also be modified using parts of any cyoa which allows you to construct your or a companion's body/skills/personality (eg. Be the Girl, Big Beefy Husbando, Battle Maid etc.)

 -"Campaign Mode" unlocks a "modifier" which forces all units other than capital units or dropships to spawn inside bays.

 -You can toggle "normalization" off and on. This makes it so that people will simply shrug and accept machines or people popping up out of thin air or anything anomalous that happened as a result of the Essence. The default is "on".

 -You can toggle automatic repairs/maintenance, meaning the machines will simply maintain themselves. Normally Battletechnology is rugged enough that they don't need a lot of maintenance and repairs are easy even after the machine gets shot to bits. This however makes it so that repairs and maintenance are wholly unnecessary.

Essence of the NCR Ranger

By drinking this essence, you are charged to embody the hopes and dreams that founded the New California Republic, and the courage and conviction to uphold and maintain those hopes and dreams in the face of unspeakable hardships, cruelty, and evil. In the process, you will accept the accompanying shackles. You shall do no evil. You shall ever always give your best effort. You shall brook no tyranny, and you shall strive for the rest of your life to make the world a better place in whatever way you can. Be aware that you will be instilled with the intimate knowledge of what this entails. Knowing this, you must fully, wholeheartedly accept the limitations and responsibilities both. There is no shirking. There is no rules lawyering. You will literally be incapable of such cowardice. This is the last chance to back out. Should you do so, then the essence will simply become inert. Should you accept, you shall be furnished with the following to facilitate your duties.

●You will be equipped with a suit of Desert Ranger combat armor worn in the old days by the United States Marine Corps. It will protect against energy weapons damage in addition to its ability to sustain kinetic impacts by multiple 12.7mm rounds with only minor kinetic transfer. It is also sealed against Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, and Radiological hazards including those introduced by WMDs. When you need it, it'll be there in as perfect a condition as the day you got it.

●Your helmet contains a heads up display and sophisticated sensors and computers which enable it to track a vast array of vital statistics, general health, the health of others, and even weapon aim. A compass and motion tracker is also present. It can also see in low light conditions, infrared, and ultraviolet. It is able to provide the same protections as the rest of the armor, and is powered and maintained by your strength of will.Again, when you need it, it'll be there in as perfect a condition as the day you got it.

●Your signature weapon is the Colt Single Action Army, a six shot revolver chambered in .357 magnum and it is as bound to your soul, as much a part of you as your hands or your legs. You shall find it always in reach, even if you leave it at home or if it is destroyed. All you need to do is reach down to your hip and mean to draw it. It'll be there, as shiny and perfect as the day you got it, just like always.

●You will be provided with an M4 carbine chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. You will be provided with a scoped Trail Carbine, a lever action rifle chambered in .44 magnum. They're kinda nice.

●You inexplicably never seem to run out of ammo.

●You are skilled, very skilled. You immediately gain experience, muscle memory, and honed practice in all manner of skills from firearms handling to stealth to lockpicking to survival to mechanical repair to science to even non-violent conflict resolution. It's not as much as what Veteran Rangers get, but it's still enough to put you heads and shoulders above your fellow man.

●Should it be necessary, you will be granted an extended life.

●Free genetic scrubbing. Is nice!

●You become hardened up with physical abilities up to peak human ability, or at least striking a happy optimum balance. You also just generally have greater durability than anyone else. Anime physics automatically applies whenever it pops up.

●And should your efforts not be enough, you may recruit others to your cause. You may create numerous iterations of the NCR Ranger Essence to give to those who are trustworthy.

●Should you survive for 20 years, your essence will upgrade automatically to that of the Essence of the NCR Veteran Ranger, though you can choose if the upgrade is immediate or in a ceremony.

Essence of the NCR Veteran Ranger

By drinking this essence, you are charged to embody the hopes and dreams that founded the New California Republic, and the courage and conviction to uphold and maintain those hopes and dreams in the face of unspeakable hardships, cruelty, and evil. In the process, you will accept the accompanying shackles. You shall do no evil. You shall ever always give your best effort. You shall brook no tyranny, and you shall strive for the rest of your life to make the world a better place in whatever way you can. Be aware that you will be instilled with the intimate knowledge of what this entails. Knowing this, you must fully, wholeheartedly accept the limitations and responsibilities both. There is no shirking. There is no rules lawyering. You will literally be incapable of such cowardice. This is the last chance to back out. Should you do so, then the essence will simply become inert. Should you accept, you shall be furnished with the following to facilitate your duties.

●You will be equipped with a suit of Elite Riot Armor worn in the old days by the most important and elite members of the Los Angeles Police Department. It will protect against laser, plasma, and radiological attacks in addition to its ability to sustain kinetic impacts by multiple .50 BMG rounds with only minor kinetic transfer. It is also sealed against Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, and Radiological hazards including those introduced by WMDs. It also incidentally provides firearms skill, critical luck, and makes you ever so slightly more convincing. When you need it, it'll be there.

●Your helmet contains a heads up display and sophisticated sensors and computers which enable it to track a vast array of vital statistics, general health, the health of others, and even weapon aim. A compass and motion tracker is also present. It can also see in low light conditions, infrared, and ultraviolet. It is able to provide the same protections as the rest of the armor, and is powered and maintained by your strength of will. Again, when you need it, it'll be there.

●Your signature weapon is the Ranger Sequoia, a 5 shot revolver chambered in .45-70 Government that is engraved with the words "Against All Tyrants" and it is as bound to your soul, as much a part of you as your hands or your legs. You shall find it always in reach, even if you leave it at home or if it is destroyed. All you need to do is reach down to your hip and mean to draw it. It'll be there, as shiny and perfect as the day you got it, just like always. If magic ever pops up, you can fire conceptual rounds if you want, though that excludes specialty ammunition. Incidentally, you can toggle the helmet settings so that it will draw a trajectory line though it only works for the Ranger Sequoia.

●You will be provided with an M4 carbine chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. You will be provided with an M82a1 Barrett sniper rifle chambered in .50 Browning Machine Gun. They're kinda nice.

●You inexplicably never seem to run out of ammo.

●You are skilled, very skilled. You immediately gain at minimum 20 years of additional experience, muscle memory, and honed practice in all manner of skills from firearms handling to stealth to lockpicking to survival to mechanical repair to science to even non-violent conflict resolution on top of the skills that you've already accumulated. You can chew nails and spit napalm (not really) and you are every bit as bullshit as even the most sue-ish main character. Your plot armor will falter if it becomes narratively convenient though. (in which case, your regular armor should be more than sufficient against most threats)

●Should it be necessary, you will be granted an extended life.

●Free genetic scrubbing. Is nice!

●You become hardened up with physical abilities up to peak human ability, or at least striking a happy optimum balance. You also just generally have greater durability than anyone else. Anime physics automatically applies whenever it pops up.

●And should your efforts not be enough, you may recruit others to your cause. You may create numerous iterations of the NCR Ranger Essence to give to those who are trustworthy.

Essence of the Special Homeland Division

By drinking this essence, you will become a member of the Strategic Homeland Division, a special unit normally activated by executive order from the President in case all other forms of public protection have failed. The essence will bind your loyalty to the legitimate government of the United States of America, and you will gain a devotion to the spirit of the ideals stipulated in the Declaration of Independence, and those rights enumerated by the constitution and bill of rights. These will be necessary as, should you be activated, you will be responsible for ensuring the continuity of government of the United States of America. Should there be no government, having dissolved or having not existed in the world you end up in, you will be tasked with restoring or establishing a new government along those lines. In instances where executive order 51 does not exist, activation can still occur anyway should the right conditions be met. Also, you get retroactive citizenship.

●You will gain incredible resistance to all forms of mental trauma or manipulation, even up to and including magical, arcane, anomalous or otherwise esoteric means.

●You will gain confidence, and a boost to your judgement and decision making abilities. While you do not gain a boost as to making the correct choice, the choices you to make will be decisive and well reasoned even under stress or time limitations.

●You will gain the ability to quickly adapt to changing situations, as well as gain an astonishing aptitude for improvisation, problem solving, and lateral thinking.

●You will have extensive knowledge of computer programming, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, geology, biology, physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, psychology, and systems engineering. These will not atrophy over time,

●You will also gain a comprehensive knowledge of the history of the USA.

●Your physical attributes are now enhanced, putting you at near peak human strength, stamina, speed, flexibility, reaction speed, and senses. These will never degrade no matter how long you play couch potato.

●You will also gain an astonishing sense of spatial awareness extending out as far as your senses can track.

●You will gain an innate immunity to diseases up to and including magical, arcane, anomalous, or otherwise esoteric diseases. You will also gain an extreme resistance to poisons of all kinds, though while even the most powerful won't kill you, they can make you feel like crap for an extended period of time.

●Your Fight/Flight response is adjusted to become more decisive. You will never freeze up, and while you will be able to respond rationally, what responses you do will be enhanced by your fight/flight instincts.

●You will gain a smartwatch which contains an atomic clock, a compass, radio, sensors, computer uplink, radio relay, satellite relay, and advanced computing hardware. Should it be lost or destroyed, it will reappear on your wrist. You can pass it to other people should it be necessary, though should it be stolen or obtained illegally or in bad faith, it will explode violently the moment it is used.

●You also gain contact lenses which you can summon at will with an endless supply of new ones should your old ones be lost or damaged or just not on your person.. The contact lenses act as an additional scanner on top of the watch's own scanning tech. They also contain augmented reality technology which provides a heads up display, high definition video playback, and other plot relevant features. While you can wear glasses over them, they are vision correcting so glasses would be an aesthetic choice. You can also pass them to other people and they will even provide limited functionality. Like the watch though, should it be stolen or obtained illegally or in bad faith, it will explode violently the moment it is used.

●You will also be able to summon and dismiss the Division's full array of weapons, and other hardware such as radios, relays, headsets, computers, body armor, medical supplies, and copies of the ISAC artificial intelligence program.

●When activated, everyone around you will recognize you as a lawful representative of the government of the United States of America even in cases where the USA doesn't actually exist. Don't think about it too hard.

●Should your efforts be insufficient, you can summon additional instances of this essence at a rate of one a day to give to other trustworthy persons.