
Meta Essence CYOA 70

Essence of Basic Human Decency

 This essence tastes of freshness, reminding you of cool summer breezes, pure ocean air, and the feeling of being healthy.

○You now understand all things to do with how to treat people kindly like people as if you were a person of the land. You also easily recognize other people with the same values so you can surround yourself with honest people.

○You see the worth of hard work, both yours and others, and why being ungrateful only makes you look ugly instead of powerful.

○You recognize the value of a promise, especially your own, and how it weakens your position in the eyes of others when you break them.

○You know why fairness is important and why cheating others is not a good solution in most dealings, as well as why treating anyone in a lower position from you decently is a good thing, as long as they are not physically hostile to you.

○You see how generosity towards others is important but also when frugalness is needed to grow, just as rain will grow crops or drown them.

○You gain insight into the value of human life and how it's wrong to treat the autonomy of others like window dressing that's only there to serve you.

○You understand the value of serving others and paying back the good that is done for you, why community is important instead of trying to stand above everyone.

○You recognize why kindness and good hospitality is worth more than gold and why honesty is worth a kingdom, how lies and hatred can quickly bury it.

○You know why directness and speaking plainly works better for trading and negotiations than deceiving customers, contractors, and clients, and how it opens doors to continued business.

○You gain enlightenment towards the inner beauty of others, how imagination sparks innovation, and how gentle guidance transforms but too strict an edict smothers.

○You are not made weak by this understanding. You know why violence and the taking of lives should be a last resort but also when it simply must be done, like removing weeds from the garden or protecting your fields from pests.

○Though you might be friendly when approaching others, you have a titanium spine when it comes to standing up for yourself when you need to show it.

○You're also very shrewd about the intentions of others. You can spot a cheat and a con a mile off, can tell when you're being dismissed and marginalized, and just about any time someone intends to treat you or others like trash or an easy mark.

○You'll find, in such times when you have to deal with such people, that you can out con the con, beat the cheat at their own game, put the Karen in their place, and generally set them straight.

○You are not compelled to act like an angel with your new epiphanies, only that you will now realize why a mob might show up outside your house when you tax the economy into oblivion.

○You may share the effects of this essence with anyone you care to, you may at will cast its effects at range on any person who's an asshole that you would desire to. Watch the Xianxia protagonists weep from their hubris.

○You also are a breath of fresh air to anyone you meet, able to radiate an aura of wholesomeness that inclines the general populace around you towards the same values gradually over time and with effort on their part. You are able to leave behind permanent fields of this aura that have the added effect of making any ill intentioned people entering the field feel as though their evil intentions will blaspheme something sacred, just as one might feel when entering an old and gothic church rich in history.

Essence of Final Fantasy

By drinking this cold air tasting Essence you gain all the powers and classes of the Final Fantasy series.

●You now have access to all classes in the series in the form of spheres which are tied to your very being and cannot be stolen.

●You may 'equip' up to four spheres at a time to mix and match your classes or any singular sphere. Your clothes will become the classic costume of the respective classes with weapons as appropriate, although you may choose not to manifest the costume if you don't want to.

●Each class starts at level one with its full capabilities being gradually unlocked as you level, among other things this means you have all the summons and every version of them from every game in the Summon class; you just have to practice to acquire them without having to fight the summons to prove yourself worthy of them. The summons won't cause you any memory loss when you use them and are completely loyal to you.

●By taking on the powers in the spheres you gain intuitive knowledge of how to use all their skills as you level, this means you'll know how to wield a sword properly and fight with it as a Knight, learn to focus as a Monk, know the chants to cast your magic from the Mage, acquire magical theory from the Geomancer, gain the flexibility of the Dancer and Thief, learn stealth from the Ninja, and all those other things related to each class. Any skills that overlap will develop faster when classes like the Dancer, Thief, and Ninja are combined.

●Even after you have unlocked all the capabilities of each class it is still possible for you to go beyond their skills and experiment with spell creation, though anything that results in you transforming into an eldritch monster of Big Bad End Guy proportions is on you.

●As you level up the gear of each sphere levels with you ensuring your Paladin or Dark Knight won't be equipped with trash tier stuff at level 50. You do not lose any previous gear and may manually equip anything from the lower tiers from any game in the franchise. Eventually you'll be able to acquire any weapon, armor, or accessory for your classes from each game, including those stupidly difficult final weapons that you tracked down ingredients to forge.

●You have every Limit Break for the classes at your disposal and can create a unique Limit Break for yourself, the ultimate form of which you will succeed in unlocking though it won't come to you immediately.

●You also have a network of Add-ons similar to Skyrim's perk trees that grant Support Abilities which you can flip on and off between battles as needed. Certain items like weapons or jewels will help you unlock these slots allowing you to acquire things like Auto Reflect, change the abilities of summons, gain specific boosts allowing you to kill specific enemy types faster such as Bug Killer, double the effects from potion type items, and much, much more.

●You can induce random encounters where you'll be pulled into an illusory space resembling locations from the games to fight monsters from the series appropriate to your level, which will drop items from the games you can take with you. The drop rate for items will be high enough to net you a decent stash of restoratives in just four fights. Bosses can be found in these spaces if you go looking for them and they will drop higher end items like the invincibility granting Hero and party invincibility Holy War, you need not attempt to fight them until you're ready and can still leave the space whenever you want. After you have defeated the boss of the illusion you can re-enter it any time you desire to farm items. Treasure chests can also be found in these spaces if you go looking for them which may net you higher grade items the regular monsters don't drop, these chests reset with different items in them after the boss is beaten.

●As is traditional for Final Fantasy protagonists you can carry all your items in an expanded inventory, your choice of type from the series, allowing you to carry up to 999 potions and more as necessary. Items such as potions and whatnot have no shelf life even outside the inventory allowing them to be stored indefinitely.

●You can grant anyone a copy of one of your spheres and take back those copies if they misuse it. The leveling system and Add-ons apply to them and they will register as in your party during random encounters when accompanying you, allowing them to grind for experience and get items from monsters.

●Your powers are immune to being suppressed, nerfed, stolen, shut down, or destroyed against your will.

●Finally, you gain your choice of airship from the franchise that is capable of flying you to other universes. It comes with protections that allow you and any companions to fly through space even if it has an open air deck, a nesting area ever stocked with chocobo feed and a ready to hatch immortal Golden Chocobo, always stocked food supplies and fuel, room for an entire cast of characters, and guarantees that if your airship breaks or is destroyed it will be restored to you good as new.

●Upon drinking this Essence you may choose to visit any of the worlds from the games, yes that includes Dissidia, at any point in their plotline.

Essence of Hiding

 Smells like stage smoke and tastes like water.

 By drinking this Essence you gain supernatural skill at hiding.

○You now know all the mundane ways of hiding whether that's through camouflage or in plane sight with disguises.

○You know all the mundane methods by which people will try to find you and mundane ways to counter them.

○You also gain incredible skill at sneaking and stealth which you'll only get better and better at.

○The real power of this Essence is the pool of energy you gain with it which has a frequency focused towards stealth, making attempts at them more powerful. Any other energy pools you possess will be wrapped within this veil of stealth energy so they stand out less.

○You could do all kinds of things with your pool. You could hide your scent, your energy signature, your soul, from all human senses, your very existence from the universe itself, from even memory itself, and with time and practice could hide yourself from all means to find you. Not even ROBs or the 4th wall could locate you if you wanted to stay hidden.

○You can also hide in any way that you can be hidden. Fold dimensions around you, use illusions on the senses, telepathy on the mind to ignore you, outright invisibility, blend in like a chameleon, SEP fields, even hide parts of yourself like traits, thoughts, gender, limbs, etc. Any and all means that you could manipulate for stealth you can do. This does not give you any other spells or powers that are not meant for stealth such as fireballs, teleportation, telekinesis, durability, and other things like that.

○You are naturally much harder to detect even if you don't have powers and any stealth based spells or powers receive a boost from this effect.

Essence of Mr. Clean

 Tasting like soap, this pure white and sparklingly clean essence gives you several boons.

•You become a paragon of clean living and a warrior against grime wherever it can be found.

•Everything about you is clean. Your teeth sparkle from how white they are, your body actively repels dirt, harmful microbes, corruption, and grime, even your language is clean (when you want it to be) and you're more resistant to temptations.

•Your body is in the peak of health, immune to illness and disease, and symmetrically perfect, no crooked teeth or eyes, not a bone out of place, or anything that would make you unpleasant to look at. You're also in great physical shape, baldness optional.

•You have a professional amount of knowledge for how to clean anything without destroying it. Anything and everything you set your mind to cleaning.

•You can conjure any supplies you'd need to clean with or will the intended recipient clean at both touch and range and you can target multiple things to do so. You can clean an alley or an entire house with everything in it this way.

•You can reverse faded and washed out colors, eliminate mold, mildew, rust and other rot, make everything shine with new life and polish, cause surfaces to be instantly waxed or buffed, etc. If it can be cleaned it will be to whatever level you desire in the exact manner and treatment that is best for it, right down to the atomic level if you like, though anything that can resist this can take multiple cleanings.

•You have general maintenance skills and upkeep knowledge for any building, piece of equipment, vehicle, or janitorial work you encounter, enough to make you a good and experienced repairman, just to round out your powers. You can even instantly and at will repair small things like holes, dents, and wires that you might find in walls.

•You have an aura that also actively cleans things around you, which makes you sparkle and shine from the sheer clean you exude. Corrupted beings find it difficult to remain in your presence as your aura begins to consume theirs. This can be toggled off along with any other part of this essence, or dialed down.

•You do not lose your clean powers to corruption. If you do get corrupted your own abilities will work to clean the corruption from you no matter how deep it goes.

•You have a newly sparked work ethic and sense of purpose that inspires you to live in a healthy, clean way. You will find it much easier to find the time to do the things you want to, such as exercising and playing games while pursuing a career.

•Your powers are effective against anything that isn't clean from dust covered furniture to undead monsters to things that corrupt and rot everything they touch.

•You read as a pure being wherever it counts and can make this a reality if you so choose, your very character and mind itself dropping all vices or anything else you believe impure. You may reverse this at any time.

Essence of Personalized Financial Management

 The vial holds what looks like fresh printed money.

 By drinking this Essence you receive these boons:

○A floating, digital, interactive, financial system with an intuitive UI tailored to you through which you can store, withdraw, and manage funds allowing you to be your own bank and do all the business that a bank and having an account allows you to do.

○Set up different independent legal accounts for both savings and checking, make accounts for personal and business use or even for retirement funds, windfalls for emergencies, church funds, whatever you need and set the amount of money you want transferred between them which you can adjust at any time. This includes any old still open accounts that you have with any banks so that you can transfer your funds to your new account/s and close the ones in the bank.

○A credit/debit card, checkbook, and banking information, along with personal information such as your birth certificate and your social security number, that would allow you to conduct your business and spend, transfer, or deposit your money via any means whether through a bank or ATM, will appear in your hands or next to you. You can recall your card, checkbook, and information to you at any time, if you lose them somehow, and they will appear in your hand or in your digital storage.

○If you become or have been homeless for a significant time, this collection of your personal information will make it easier for you to reenter the system if you want to.

○You can receive paychecks, buy things online, fill out loans, cash checks and bonds, etc. by giving your account number. Your account/s cannot be hacked into, no one can pull money out without your permission, nor transfer funds without your permission, the government cannot steal from you, your money in any accounts you create will not be taxed, and your assets cannot be seized and no one will find this suspicious. Your account/s number/s is protected from anyone trying to see how much money you have and no one will question you about it or where you're getting your funds. Alternatively you may allocate a certain amount of funds to be visible for the purposes of transactions which will replenish itself from the rest of your hidden finances. In addition any other personal information you have is protected from people trying to steal your identity or otherwise use it illegally. You will be immediately alerted if anyone tries and can forward their attempt to a responsible legal authority or retain a list if such isn't possible due to things like oppressive or criminal governments.

○Your checkbook has infinite checks and you can conjure any papers you need regarding finances that you conduct or participate with such as spending, proof of debt, contract loans, etc.

○You have access to an organizer that automatically keeps track of any debt, employee pay, or bills you accumulate, or anything else you are financially responsible for, including your own spending habits and expenses. It will also keep track of any debts owed to you, such as loans and job earnings, and when checks are cashed, bounced, or destroyed. You can use this organizer to pay those debts and bills in full instantly with your account funds, as long as you have enough, without having to mail or pay online directly and you'll never get catalogs or emails from people trying to get you to buy things or scam you because you have money, all payments made in this manner will be valid with the funds showing up where they need to be. Comes with a built in calculator.

○You can create valid currency from your account funds out of thin air if you can't find/have access to a bank, ATM, or use your checkbook and credit card. You can also deposit funds directly into your account/s for similar reasons.

○Your money will collect interest and no amount of cash collected this way will upset the economy, in fact it will help it with any extra money being absorbed after a few weeks no matter how much you spend and leaving behind only positive effects.

○You are able to seamlessly break down your funds into smaller currencies as well as exchange them with other currencies so that if something happens where the currency changes or you encounter new ones your money will change so you can continue to buy and sell things, this includes digital currencies.

○You cannot change your money into older currencies in order to get authentic Spanish gold coins or similar, the exchange only occurs for money that is in use on the market or similar currencies. Or, if you should visit other worlds you can exchange your currencies for any of theirs that are in use and vice versa. The exchange rate is always accurate to the current value. The amount of money you spend will never be flagged as suspicious in any system no matter how much is spent.

○You can only store funds with these accounts, not priceless paintings and artifacts, though you'll be able to store gold, silver, your coin collection, other precious goods of those types like copper, your investment folder/s and papers, and always be able to check their market value at any time. If things in your coin collection are basically worthless, such as being a recreation rather than authentic, you can exchange them for the full value of their metal. A gold coin is still gold after all. This works for similar currencies as well.

○You're also able to see what you're paying in taxes no matter what it is, whether from bills, groceries, or what they take out of your paycheck, and see what your total earnings are due to this. You'll be alerted whenever this changes so you can plan accordingly or complain endlessly.

○Your taxes; such as for your home, job/business, or other tax deductible thing that does not solely involve money; can be done either automatically by your system or manually. You'll receive your tax form/s through your system and your receipts/papers will be automatically sorted according to account and what you need to fill out, if you choose to do so manually, so donations will be sorted under donations from your personal account and gas according to business, etc. or however you used your funds. Your tax form/s will also come with handy information bubbles which you can expand and receive descriptions for each thing on the form and how to fill them out. Anything highlighted on the form/s is what you need to fill out for the form/s to be valid. Once properly filled out the form/s will be sent while you retain a copy, any return tax form/s will be automatically added to a folder even if it was mailed digitally and you'll be notified immediately of any funds owed.

○Any financial or personal paperwork that you would need printed for legal purposes you can create such as copies of your receipts, tax form/s, personal information, contract loans, etc. but it can only be for things that you have. You cannot create new identities with birth certificates or fudge things on the copies to deceive the courts or whatever.

○You can make anonymous donations, with your receipts being the only thing to show that you made that donation.

○For the purposes of keeping track of your finances you have a perfect memory that is retroactive, clarity of thought that doesn't lose track of what you're thinking, and you find working with numbers to be easier.

○Finally, you can create a will for the purposes of distributing your funds to anyone or any organization you care to and your money will be seamlessly transferred upon your valid death (i.e you stay dead and are not revived in some way) after three days with valid certifications. Possessions will still have to be handled the normal way.

○As a very small gift you do have a separate storage for your family tree, as far back as you or someone in your family was able to trace, and family photos plus newspaper clippings, physical and digital, that you have or lost, with it being automatically filled with your pictures and each one properly labeled according to what or who is in them, the time it took place, birth and death dates, any events, and arranged on your tree properly. Copies can be handed out to other members of your family as liberally as desired and they cannot be marred nor lost in any way. Your photos and tree are automatically transferred to your next of kin or appear in a box at a record hall that handles that sort of thing if you have no other family.

○TL;DR, This Essence basically allows you to do all the things with your money and personal ID as you would normally be able to through legal and legitimate means with cash, card, checks, banks, currencies, and ATMs, etc. while protecting you from anyone trying to do illegal things with your funds/investments including murder or exploiting you.

Essence of Silly Hats and Costumes

 Looks like various paint colors swirling around within, tastes like various fabrics.

 This essence grants you several boons:

○The ability to conjure silly hats and costumes on anyone and everyone all over the world.

○The apparel you conjure can range from dollar store standard to professional Hollywood designed costumes in quality and anywhere in between.

○The types of apparel are not limited to what currently exists, if there is a unique look you desire you can create it on the spot.

○You have an eye for fashion, you know what will look good on someone, what would humiliate, what would be funny, ironic, or weirdly fitting and everything else besides.

○You can set some clothing related curses when granting your victims your apparel. You can make it so whatever you stick them with can't be taken off nor easily hidden, if you conjure a dick shaped hat on them they have no choice but to parade it openly no matter how much they try to conceal it under other hats or destroy it.

○You can layer an effect over a person that causes them to sound like the character they're dressed as even if the costume is trash quality. You could also give them a suitable voice if the costume isn't based on any particular character.

○The types of hats you can conjure include bandanas, visors, helms, helmets, hoods, crowns, headdresses, tiny hats, giant hats, tinfoil hats, newspaper hats, floppy hats, stiff hats, and hats of all other types and mundane fabrics.

○Costumes likewise can be anything from your D&D character, to astronaut, to 1920s well dressed criminal, to Darth Vader, and whatever alterations you want to make like extra accessories, or different even glittery colors, to an alternate cape. In other words, you'll be the ultimate cosplayer.

○As good as these things will look they are largely non functional outside of the stuff made out of regular clothing. Your Iron Man costume can't fly nor have a working holographic screen in the helmet, that astronaut costume won't keep you alive in space, the arm cannon on your Samus costume doesn't actually fire, nor will any sci-fi armor be all that protective, even the medieval knight armor is made of subpar if good looking material.

○Should you find yourself in other settings your access to unique fabrics will grow but your costumes and hats will always be inferior to the real thing even if you do get them to look exactly alike.

Essence of Telecommunications

 The vial appears to hold strands of light and tastes like iron and plastic. It grants you these boons:

○The ability to see signals from technological sources and interact with them mentally.

○You can access any signal and read it which will pull up digital looking screens for video and photographic sources and be able to hear audio across bandwidths essentially hacking them without tools.

○Because this is done with your mind no one can detect your intrusion or piggybacking of signals via technology alone and cannot stop you from getting into their systems as you completely circumvent digital security. It doesn't eat up any traffic space either. No one can see what you see either.

○You can pull up multiple 'screens' without any lag and watch a football game being broadcast from Brazil, a singer at an opera house in Europe, and a news feed from Japan all at once.

○You can also track these signals back to their source like a cable, server, or phone; prevent them from reaching their destination, even alter texts and emails en route.

○You're able to form and send your own signals as well. You can call up your favorite pizza place, shoot a text to your girlfriend, or send a video of your wrecked car to your mother.

○You have a touch of technopathy because of this power allowing you to control machines that give off communicational signals. Control your computer and form words on a digital page at the speed of thought, properly spelled too. Change the radio station without touching any dials and turning someone's phone off just to annoy them.

○You can sense what's wrong with these devices' software and can diagnose when they have conflicting code with other programs or when they're infested with digital viruses, malware, spyware, Trojan horses, etc.

○You are given a robust multitasking ability that allows you to have multiple branching thoughts and process everything as if you gave each one your total undivided attention.

○You have a perfect memory and infinite storage and can recall anything you experience instantly with perfect cross referencing. These memory features are retroactive and you may selectively let certain memories fade or lock them into a mental folder that's been properly labeled with a note telling you that you have done so. No one can force you to recall those memories nor can they read those memories as long as they remain in storage.

○You are immune to any dangerous memetic signals or any mental influences that could attack you through this power, including backlash if such is possible. It also becomes impossible to lock you into a virtual reality and trick you into believing it's real as you'll be able to detect the signals around you and manipulate them.

○You can turn your power on and off or dial it down when you need to. Your power cannot be stolen, shut down, or copied.

Essence of the Default Form

This essence smells like cedar and tastes like fiber, granting you these boons:

●Your body is brought to a completely healthy state, mentally and physically, and reverted to its biological prime. This becomes your default form.

●Whether you were human or something else, the body you were first born in, in your first life, is a form you can always change back to, even if you've since become an undead or a cyborg or a living plague or a god.

●Your default form is untouched by any changes that go beyond your species' peak, always resetting if you try to 'upgrade' it.

●Your default form can change, it can grow stronger, more beautiful, and even age but never beyond what your species is capable of.

●Though your form ages, it is always reset to its biological prime when you change into it, plus any improvements gained from the above benefits.

●The only exception to this is your maturity; your emotional, intellectual, and spiritual maturity is allowed to go beyond the peak of your species so that you grow in greater wisdom, compassion, and understanding…or other things.

●You do not gain psychic powers or any other powers from this maturity unless your species was always capable of it, and even then those powers cap at your species' peak.

●You will always improve for the better, though you can choose if this is only for yourself, your maturity quickly develops in the direction you would approve of. If you want to be evil, you'll achieve gains towards that, and if you want to be good, you'll achieve gains towards it. If you change your mind you'll find yourself able to work in that direction for redemption or a slide into wickedness.

●Any outside influences that try to corrupt you in either direction, try to bind you mentally and metaphysically, or even physically alter your mental state, will be reversed when you change into your default form. No being can force you to change by any exotic means, they can try to persuade you but it will have to be normal and not super persuasion.

●As your default form has no exotic energies, beyond what your species possesses, any powers you take into yourself through other alt-forms have no influence on your default form.

●This doesn't mean there is nothing that can influence your default form, you could give yourself amnesia but no one else could, whether deliberately through some means or by accident, and it would affect you as memories are not purely physical. Any injuries your default form sustains will never be crippling and heal perfectly, so even if you did get amnesia it'll never be permanent 10 second constant memory loss.

●Another thing to note; if you're cursed into another form, as in straight up turned into a cat or sword that's meant to be permanent, until the curse is broken you won't be able to change back to your default form. This does not apply to temporary changes, only permanent ones.

●You will however, always be able to find a way to break the curse before you die of old age and any curses that change you into an inanimate object are far less harsh than they have any right to be. You'll still be the object in question but instead of being a sword that can't think or move, your mind will still be present and maybe you can float and attack on your own. Basically, instead of being cursed with suck you'll be cursed with cool.

●Also, if any of those curses rely on the caster reversing them, you will be able to find an alternative if killing the caster doesn't work.

●Note: The peak for your default form is only the peak of your particular species from your particular universe, not your species capabilities across the entire multiverse. Being a human from a mundane Earth will not grant you the ability to train up to Batman's physical peak human bullshit or become psychic just because humans in another universe are psychic. The only exception to this are for beings that are multiversal as their default nature, such as Marvel's Eternity, DC's Darkseid, and Worm's Entities. This essence is meant to provide a way for those who use it to go back to what they originally were if they took another essence that transforms them without a way back or if they don't want to be some other form that was thrust on them.