
Meta Essence CYOA 67

Essence of Etrian Odyssey

●You gain a free age and appearance change to whatever you like. You may also choose to be any humanoid race found in the in the Etrian Odyssey universe.

●You gain a near endless amount of enthusiasm and willpower, able to push through hardship where most people would give up and break.

●You become an excellent explorer with a wealth of related skills, such as how to set camps and cartography.

●You gain a body that's at least peak human (or whatever your race is) in all ways possible and able to fight against a variety of beasts and monsters.

●You have great luck in finding treasure or useful materials, with it happening easier and more often than normal.

●You have a highly developed sense of danger, easily feeling traps or powerful beasts and increasing in intensity the nearer the danger is.

●You have a considerable amount of charisma and skill as a party leader, coordinating with allies to cover one another's weaknesses or enhance their strengths.

●You have access to two different classes from the Etrian Odyssey universe (like Landskneckts, Medics, or Alchemists), being trained in a number of related skills and abilities like weapons or magic. The specifics of this depend on the classes you choose, such as Landskneckts being skilled swords(wo)men. Any specializations are up to you, such as being a fire focused mage.

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Etrian Odyssey universe become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with these characters (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else).

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Etrian Odyssey universe, at any point in the story. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even retroactively gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart).

○If you do this, you are guaranteed to meet the companions chosen above and develop whatever relationships are chosen (potentially resurrecting them if they are dead by the point you enter the story, which may draw attention).

○You may replace or self-insert into one of the protagonists of the games, gaining their memories and taking their place in the story.

Essence of Evangelion

●Above all else, you somehow have great emotional and psychological health and stability, requiring immense stress and trauma to even start affecting your mental state and decision-making ability. (It may make you look weird compared to the locals.)

●You gain a free age and appearance change to whatever you want.

●You have an Evangelion, an 80-meters tall biomechanical mech/kaiju that has an AT Field (a powerful soul based ability mainly used for defense). You have perfect compatibility with it, preventing pesky problems like becoming assimilated into it or it going out of control (at least when you are the one using it). Its specs are comparable to those of Rebuild's Units 1 and 13, and has a S2 Engine integrated into it, giving it effectively unlimited operational time. It also has the potential to Awaken. You may customize its appearance and color scheme however you want. It comes with a full set of equipment, like automatic rifles or progressive knives. You may choose if it also has Berseker and/or Beast modes.

●You have great mech piloting skills, allowing you to control your Evangelion effectively. To a lesser extent, this also allows you to use other Evangelions or mechs in emergencies, but it's not recommended.

●Optionally, you may receive copies of the Spears of Longinus and/or Cassius (1 each). You can change their size and weight between Evangelion-scale and human-scale at will. You may also summon them to your side if lost.

●Optionally, you may gain command and ownership of your own underground GeoFront. It contains a base able to maintain, supply, and repair Evangelions and other mechs you may fit inside, as well as dormitories, barracks, and other medical and research facilities. It is always stocked to do its duties and maintain its personnel. Don't ask how it may fit below a populated city, it just does. You may customize any details about it.

●Optionally, you may obtain a database containing all technological developments in the Evangelion universe, from cloning to the sadly abandoned Jet Alone mech project. Maybe you could do something with it?

●Optionally, you may become an Angel. This means you now have a S2 Engine and AT Field of your own. You may either design your own angel form (and gain several abilities from it) or remain human looking like Kaworu. Your S2 Engine and AT Field complement and enhance those of your Evangelion, if you remain in a form able to pilot it.

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Evangelion universe become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with them (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else).

○You may select a female version of Shinji Ikari as a companion in place of his normal version.

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Evangelion universe, appearing in any of its continuities/timelines, at any point in the story. This could be the anime, the Rebuild movies, the videogames, or one of the several mangas or novels. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart).

○If you do this, you are guaranteed to meet the companions chosen above and develop whatever relationships are chosen (potentially resurrecting them if they are dead by the point you enter the story, which may draw attention).

Essence of Granblue Fantasy

●You gain a free age and appearance change to whatever you want. You may also be any humanoid race found in the Granblue Fantasy universe (Erune, Harvin, Draph, vampires, crystalians, etc.). (Yes, you may be an Astral if you want).

●Your physical abilities become superhuman, being able to easily fight monsters.

●You may choose a profession, such as being a mercenary or a doctor or a knight. You now have several years of experience in it and its related skills.

●You become a skilled magic user or alchemist, with the specifics being up to you (such as element, specialization, or nature of your magic).

●You become skilled with one or two weapons or fighting styles of your choice.

●Optionally, you may gain an airship. Its appearance is up to you.

●Optionally, you may become a Primal Beast, a type of (artificial) deity created (with a few exceptions) and used as tools by the Astrals. Primals are seemingly ageless and incredibly difficult to truly kill (with the oldest known being around 2000 years old). The powers of Primal Beasts vary a lot, often focused on an element or theme or purpose, such as shipbuilding or plants (the specifics are up to you). While not anywhere near Lucifer or Avatar or even the Primarchs, you are still on the stronger side of the spectrum, such being able to do stuff on the scale of creating nearly endless wolf familiars or shielding a whole island from continuous bombardment from a fleet of magitech airships. Astrals have no control over you, though.

●Optionally, you may obtain a weapon made from otherworldly Chaos Matter, such as a scalpel or sword. Weapons made from this material seem to bypass most forms of immortality, making it potentially lethal against Primal Beasts and other immortals (they also scramble nearby electronics, which may be useful against robots or cyborgs).

●Optionally, you may become the Captain (Gran if male, Djeeta if female).

○You gain their charisma, powers, memories, experiences, skills, abilities, and so on. You may choose if your personality mixes with theirs or not.

○Among the Captain's various skills and abilities are lock-picking, stealth, dancing, music instruments (harps, drums, guitar), golem creation and maintenance, martial arts and wrestling, horse riding, several forms of magic (elemental, healing, etc.), medicine, alchemy, ninjutsu, and mastery of several types of weapons (swords, daggers, spears, bows, guns, axes, staffs, scythes, and the like).

○You are a Singularity, a vortex of conflicting fates. This effectively makes you a blind-spot to prophesy and future seeing abilities. In fact, you seem to block people from seeing the future just by being near them.

○In terms of power, by the later parts of the story the Captain is powerful enough to fight Eternals with relative parity and beat them (each one an individual able to destroy mountains or snipe someone in an island from another island or comparable for their specialties), later being able to fight all ten of them at once. At your known strongest, you are able to block continent destroying attacks with your sword and fight and harm entities capable of such, even if you are not truly able to affect continents yourself.

○Your soul can hijack control of your body, making you more resistant to possession and other effects that would control your body.

○Your life and Lyria's have become inextricably linked together, making it so that neither of you can't truly die so long as the other is alive. Normally, this life-link would become (and make you) weaker the further you are separated from Lyria (potentially leaving you very vulnerable and in crippling pain if you were in different dimensions), but it has been upgraded and now works fine at any distance and even across dimensions. Your bond with Lyria also means that she benefits from other Essences you have, but to what degree seems to vary from essence to essence and in a manner appropriate to her.

○Lyria and Vyrn will never betray you (and viceversa).

○You have any pacts and contracts the Captain has made, such as with Primal Beast Cerberus and Automagod Pyet-A.

○You have the Captain's weapons, equipment, outfits, pets, animal partners, and the like. These include (but are not limited to) the six upgraded Seraphic/Primarch weapons (Sword of Valorblaze, etc.) and Seal Weapon Prototype Reboot (Automagod Pyet-A in sword weapon form).

○You gain ownership of the Grandcypher, an airship built by a primal beast of shipbuilding. It is around 200 meters in length and able to hold 400+ crewmembers with ease. It also may or may not be bigger on the inside, as it has several cargo rooms and every character that is part of the crew seems to have their own room on it. All of the crew's items and equipment come stored in the ship.

○By default, your body transforms into the Captain's, but you may opt out of this.

○Optionally and only if your body transformed into the Captain's, you may gain to ability to change between Gran/Djeeta at will.

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Granblue Fantasy universe become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with these characters (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else). If you are not the Captain, you may choose if the Captain is Gran or Djeeta (or both, however that works). This does not include Crossover characters except as noted (in most cases, they simply went home).

○If you are the Captain, then by default your relationships with these companions is whatever relationships (if any) the Captain has with them, but you may still choose it to be whatever you want.

○If you are the Captain, then Lyria, Vyrn, and all other members of the Captain's crew will automatically become your companions. This includes non-crew Playable characters with friendly relations with the crew and Crossover characters that became stranded or choose to stay in the Sky Realm and joined the Captain's crew (such as Lelouch from Code Geass and several terribly lost Idolmaster girls who at least gained magic from being isekaid).

○If you are the Captain, you may not choose yourself as a companion unless you don't have the ability to change between Gran/Djeeta. This will get you Djeeta if you are Gran and vice versa. Hope you enjoy having a sibling / AU counterpart.

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Granblue Fantasy universe, at any point in the story or timeline. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart).

○If you do this, you are guaranteed to meet the companions chosen above and develop whatever relationships are chosen (potentially resurrecting them if they are dead by the point you enter the story, which may draw attention).

○If you enter the Granblue setting as the Captain, you will self-insert into them and take their place in the story (you must enter the setting at a point in the timeline after forming a life-link with Lyria). This will guarantee that you obtain the Grandcypher and meet the various characters and crew members the Captain encounters over the course of the story (assuming you haven't already done so). (This makes crew recruitment gradual rather than all at once).

●If you go to any universe that has have crossovers with Granblue Fantasy (or meet the characters involved in some other way), you may choose to have the characters involved in those crossovers remember such events.

Essence of the Captain (Granblue Fantasy)

○You become the Captain from the Granblue Fantasy universe (Gran if male, Djeeta if female), and gain their charisma, powers, stats, memories, experiences, skills and abilities.

○If you want to, you may retain your current body instead of transforming into the Captain's (stats remain the same).

○Among the Captain's various skills and abilities are lock-picking, stealth, dancing, music instruments (harps, drums, guitar), golem creation and maintenance, martial arts and wrestling, several forms of magic (elemental, healing, etc.), medicine, alchemy, ninjutsu, and mastery of several types of weapons (swords, daggers, spears, bows, guns, axes, staffs, scythes, and the like).

○In terms of power, by the later parts of the story the Captain is powerful enough to fight people that can destroy mountains or snipe someone in an island from another island with relative parity, and later can take on 10 such individuals at once.

○A blue-haired girl named Lyria and a small red dragon called Vyrn join you in your travels. Because of unusual circumstances, your life and Lyria's have become inextricably linked together, making it so that either of you can't truly die so long as the other is alive. Lyria and Vyrn will never betray you (and viceversa). Your bond with Lyria also means that she benefits from other Essences you have, but to what degree seems to vary from essence to essence. Normally, this bond would become (and make you) weaker the further you are separated from Lyria (potentially leaving you very vulnerable and in crippling pain if you were in different dimensions), but this essence upgrades the bond so that it works fine at any distance and even across dimensions. Lyria and Vyrn retain any canonical abilities they have, such as summoning primal beasts.

○You have any pacts and contracts the Captain has made, such as with Primal Beast Cerberus and Automagod Pyet-A.

○You have the Captain's weapons, equipment, outfits, pets and animal companions, and the like. These include (but are not limited to):

■The six upgraded Seraphic/Primarch weapons. These are the Sword of Valorblaze (Fire), Wand of Charmtide (Water), Gauntlet of Proudearth (Earth), Ring of Wandergale (Wind), Harp of Everlore (Light), Scythe of Darkherald (Dark).

■Seal Weapon Prototype Reboot (Automagod Pyet-A in sword weapon form).

○You gain ownership of the Grandcypher, an airship built by a primal beast of shipbuilding (basically a minor deity, for all intents and purposes). It is around 200 meters in length and able to hold 400+ crewmembers with ease. It also may or may not be bigger on the inside, as it has several cargo rooms and every character that is part of the crew seems to have their own room on it. All of the crew's items and equipment comes stored in the ship.

○All members of the Captain's crew join you, appearing alongside the Grandcypher. This does not include Crossover or Fantasy characters (Fantasy characters being those that are explicitly non-canon, possibly from being part of a specific crew member's delusions). At your choice, Crossover characters that have become stranded or choose to stay in the Sky Realm and joined the Captain's crew also come along (such as Lelouch from Code Geass and several terribly lost Idolmaster girls who at least gained magic from being Isekaid).

○Optionally, you may insert yourself into the Granblue Fantasy world as the Captain, at any point in the timeline after Lyria forms a lifelink with the Captain. If you do, you are guaranteed to obtain the Grandcypher and meet the various characters and crew members the Captain encounters over the course of the story (assuming you haven't already met them by that point), but this makes crew recruitment gradual rather than all at once.

○Optionally and only if your body transformed into the Captain's, you may gain to ability to change between Gran/Djeeta at will.

Essence of the Hero (Dragon Quest)

●You gain a free and appearance change to whatever you want.

●You become a Human/Celestrian hybrid (you also may or may not have Zenithian blood and other things mixed in). Unlike normal Celestrians, you have no problems rejecting orders from superiors or otherwise defying or attacking them.

●As a Celestrian, you have a pair of angelic wings that allow you to fly (you may have these wings disappear and reappear at will). You may also become invisible to normal mortals at will (but not to monsters or other supernatural entities).

●Your body becomes at least peak human in all areas, in fact being powerful enough to fight against various monsters.

●You have mastery of various weapons, such as swords, clubs, whips, boomerangs, and more.

●You have mastery of various magic spells in the DQ series, allowing you to set your enemies on fire or electrocute them, healing allies of injuries and poison, and even resurrecting the recently deceased. One of the most notorious spell in your arsenal is Zoom, allowing you to teleport to places you have been before (beware ceilings though).

●You are a skilled monster tamer, easily able to turn monsters to your side.

●You have various items used by the protagonists of the DQ series, including (but not limited to), a lamb that can turn night into day (but not viceversa), a magic carpet that can fly over plains and water, the Zenithian equipment (Sword, Shield, Helm, Armor). You also have a small stock of Yggdrassil leafs, allowing you to resurrect the dead in emergencies (these leafs restock a few days after being used).

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Dragon Quest series become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with these characters (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else). Some potential companions include (but are not limited to):

○DQ1: Princess Gwaelin

○DQ2: Princess of Moonbrooke

○DQ4: Meena, Maya, Alena, Eliza, Rose, Orifiela

○DQ5: Bianca Whitaker, Nera Briscoletti, Debora Briscoletti, Cleohatra

○DQ6: Milly, Ashlynn, Tania

○DQ7: Maribel Mayde, Wind Spirit

○DQ8: Jessica Albert, Princess Medea, Red

○DQ9: Erinn, Patty, Stella, Queen Voluptua, Celestria, Pavo, Sellma

○DQ11: Genma, Jade, Serena, Veronica, Grandmaster Pang, Krystalinda, Michelle, Queen Marina, Miko, Queen Frysabel, Mia

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to any work in the Dragon Quest series (be it any of the games, manga, anime, or even something else), at any point in the story or timeline. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart).

○If you do this, you are guaranteed to meet the companions chosen above that live in that world and develop whatever relationships are chosen (potentially resurrecting them if they are dead by the point you enter the story, which may draw attention).

○You may replace or self-insert into the protagonist of the work you entered, gaining their memories and taking their place in the story.