
Meta Essence CYOA 63

Essence of the Inventory

 By drinking this dark red potion you gain ownership of a transdimensional speakeasy, usually referred to as 'The Inventory'!

○You gain a speakeasy that exists outside of reality and beyond the reach of most entities. This place is practically impenetrable to any being you do not want inside, even a supreme deity could not pierce the barriers in place on this property. This also protects the Inventory from being destroyed, having its structural integrity undermined, or otherwise rendered unusable. Minor damage (such as bullet holes or damaged seats) is still possible, though the inventory is more durable than an average building in all respects.

○Any undesired damages to the Inventory will slowly repair themselves over time, and this regeneration speeds up greatly when there are no patrons inside.

○The speakeasy can be of your design (which you can change at any point), but it defaults to switching between the Poker Night at the Inventory 1 and Poker Night 2 appearances monthly, with living space on the second floor. As your needs change and grow the Inventory will expand with new facilities as needed. Patrons that have seen the Inventory before will always recognize it as such no matter what it looks like, though they will notice the changes as well.

○No matter their size or physiology, any entity will be able to comfortably enter and reside within the Inventory and communicate with any staff and fellow patrons. This usually takes the form of telepathically projecting anything they would normally say or reducing them to a more average size whilst they are inside. This effect can be extended to non-humanoids by transforming them into humanoids whenever you wish.

○The speakeasy takes care of the basic utilities automatically and requires no connection to any preexisting infrastructure to function. In addition it has functionally infinite, regenerating supplies of whatever mundane food and drink you could desire as well as consumables that have short-lasting, non-disruptive effects, including items from anywhere it has been before, and whatever supplies are needed to run the establishment.

○While inside the bar you and anyone you bring will not age, have any basic needs, or suffer from illnesses/diseases/curses or other conditions that'd render them incapable of casual interaction, though this doesn't stop anyone from feeling hungry, thirsty or tired. It just won't actually affect their health.

○You may optionally have the Inventory create servants of your design to tend to and run it, and you also may give it sapience to manage things. The Inventory is utterly and unwaveringly devoted to you, and cannot be influenced to change its mind otherwise. It may also form an avatar of your design (or its own if you want to let it choose), though this avatar will not be able to move more than a block away from the Inventory.

○This speakeasy has the capability to travel through the multiverse and can give you passage practically anywhere. It can insert itself into these places or simply open a portal for you to travel through.

○You can have the Inventory building appear in multiple universes at once simultaneously, allowing characters from multiple different universes to mingle and for you and anyone you allow to exit into any universe it exists in, anyone not invited simply exiting into their own. The inventory also provides a fate-bending effect that draws in any characters that you want to see inside at the right time to interact with any other character(s) you wish, though sometimes it may take a while to work as they will have to reach the Inventory first.

○Any additional essences will add functionality to this one in the form of additional rooms and facilities depending on what the essence was.

○Any kind of game that would be classified as 'gambling' can be played in the Inventory by any of its patrons, even lewd games such as Strip Poker. All the necessary materials will exist in the Inventory when they are desired, and all players will be able to participate even when they'd normally be prevented from doing so by things like biology or the metaphysics of their world. A hidden mental compulsion draws people you want to see in a certain game towards that game and once a game is joined, another mental compulsion can be applied to the players at your whim, making them want to keep going until the end of the game, making up excuses to keep going. It also prevents the players from becoming violent or hostile to eachother, and allows them to enjoy themselves even if they normally wouldn't. The 'keep playing' effect and the one that draws people towards games can be discarded entirely, but only at the time of drinking the Essence.

○Any material used in the Inventory's gambling games will be indestructible (though retaining the same amount of flexibility) until the game's end. People's personal belongings do not count, even if the game includes them (again, such as Strip Poker).

○Any currency given within the Inventory can be transformed into the equivalent amount in any other currency. Items can also be offered up in lieu of actual currency, and can be instantly converted after they have been won into an amount of currency equivalent to how much value they would otherwise have in their home universe, if the victor wishes. This can also be undone, but only whilst the winner is within the Inventory. If they leave and come back, they will need to have the same amount of currency to convert back. Casino Tokens are also counted as a type of currency, but only if they came from the Inventory. No exploitation of this can earn a person more money by default (such as entering just to convert their money into a more valuable material then leaving again), they must earn it. You and only you are exempt from the exploitation rule.

○Whilst you are within the Inventory you will have an aura of authority as the owner of the establishment. This aura will compel people to listen to you, especially in matters pertaining to the Inventory and any rules you have put in place. It isn't an absolute effect, but it also cannot be completely ignored, making people feel at least a little bad when they disobey you no matter what and scaling based on their personality. It also has a secondary effect that makes people psychologically incapable of stepping foot within the inventory for whatever period of time you state if you ban them from doing so, but only once they are outside of it (so you have to get them out first). Threatening to do so also amplifies the effect of your aura on the one you are threatening, but this becomes less effective as you do it more in the same trip, only resetting once that particular patron leaves and comes back or has actually been banned for a time.

○You or anyone taking care of the Inventory in your absence will instantly know of any law-breaking or rule-breaking activity that happens within. You (or they) may also retroactively put yourself in a position to stop the activity before it is completed. When you do this, the aura of authority you have in the inventory becomes an order of magnitude stronger to the ones that did the rule-breaking until you decide to let them go or they flee the establishment without you doing so. If they flee, the Inventory will seem to have a menacing aura to them, and the effect your aura has on them specifically will build up until they return, at which point the new full effect of your aura will hit them under the same conditions as before. They will also have a building feeling of anxiety and guilt until they return. You may disable this effect for any rule-breakers, but you must specifically decide to do so for each individual. The effect of the Inventory's aura and the rule-breaker's anxious guilt effect can be discarded entirely, but only at the time of drinking the Essence.

Essence of the Liminal Space

 By drinking this banana and wallpaper-flavored mono-yellow essence, you noclip through reality in just the right way to obtain a perculiar authority.

○Your body needs no sustenance, sleep, or breathing and feel no discomfort for the lack of access to these things.

■You can only be affected by the conditions in your pocket dimension to the extent that you wish to be, and cannot cause a death-like fate (such as permanent coma, insanity, identity death, actual death, etc.) to be inflicted on yourself unless that is your direct intent.

○You now have the ability to expand any liminal space that you are in into a full-on labyrinth based on the kind of space it is. This space can be made any finite size or even infinitely large when you create it, but cannot be changed afterwards except to return it to its former size.

■These labyrinths are not under your control at all, aside from returning them to their former state, but are generated as though they are a level of your pocket dimension with everything set randomly.

○Any and all liminal spaces that you encounter are copied and saved as a 'level' of a pocket dimension that is tied to your mind. These levels are infinitely expansive by default, but do not need to be so. The space needs to be completely empty with the presence of others unable to be sensed in any way (sight, hearing, etc) and you need to spend at least a couple of hours in the space at first, though these limitations slowly fade as your range grows.

■You are immune to any damaging or deleterious effect originating within the pocket dimension unless you willfully decide to be affected by them, including any objects, entities and effects you create outside of it using this essence.

■You can create new levels by mixing and matching elements of the liminal spaces that you have copied, though you cannot have two levels that are exactly the same in every way (layout does not count for this, there have to be elements that are different, missing entirely or added at least).

■You can cause the terrain and environmental conditions within your levels (or certain areas of said levels) to change based on other factors within the same level, any universal factors (such as the passage of time), or even have the level enter a certain state whenever it is entered or exited.

■You can control the 'order' of the levels and how one can enter or exit them, including ways that people could enter from the outside or skip from one level to another. Note that there will always be a possible, feasibly survivable way to go from one level to the levels next to it in the order, though these methods don't have to be simple, easy, safe or intuitive.

■You start off only being able to pull people in from outside upon touching them after or whilst successfully putting them in a vulnerable state (defeat, unconsciousness, sleep, ambush, etc.), but can slowly enforce conditions on reality that allow people to enter from anywhere in your range, with requirements that begin as complex and unintuitive but can be made simpler as your maximum range also grows.

■You can exempt levels from the order entirely and add them back whenever you wish.

■You can create and destroy copies of objects that were in the liminal spaces you have copied, and have the pocket dimension generate them automatically at any density and with any conditions you want.

■You can also generate these objects within your range.

■You can control what state the objects that you create are in, and with more variable objects like signs and posters you can change what is displayed on them.

■As your ability grows more powerful, you'll be able to distort the proportions, materials and properties of generated objects at will.

■Eventually, you will become able to copy any object that you come across as your ability grows.

■Upon meeting a species outside of your pocket dimension or having a member of the species enter your pocket dimension, you can make a non-sapient version of that species into a native inhabitant of any of the levels in your pocket dimension.

■You can also configure the anatomy of these creatures, as long as you make sure it functions (biologically speaking) and don't copy the anatomy of any other existing creature that you are aware of. That's what the mix-and-match is for.

■As with the levels themselves, you can create new species by mixing and matching elements of the existing species that you have copied, and cannot have two species that are exactly the same in every way.

■You can control the behaviors and instincts of any species created this way, as long as those instincts remain mundane and non-supernatural.

■You can use any entity in the pocket dimension as an avatar that you can completely control at will.

■You can instantly eject anyone from your pocket dimension at will, into any unviewed place within your range. You can do the same with any unwanted objects they may have brought in.

■The 'range' of the power starts of at half a mile in every direction, you can slowly increase the range as people stay inside of your pocket dimension, and receive a burst of increase equal to a couple of months when someone dies inside.

■You can project your senses to anywhere (or everywhere) within your range at will, able to be aware of everything within your range right down to the placement of objects from the tiniest screw to the largest generator and how many people are present with no difficulty processing this information whatsoever no matter how great your reach becomes. The same goes for anywhere within your pocket dimension.

■The speed at which the range increases is also granted a multiplier that increases based on how much interest and uncertainty surrounds your pocket dimension, taking into account any population that is aware of it.

■Once your range has encompassed the planet that you are on, it will start reaching into other dimensions and universes, allowing you to place entrance conditions and exits in them as well.

■Once you attain the range to encompass a small city, you can start adding supernatural effects and properties to the terrain, objects and created entities within your pocket dimension. This begins with simple effects such as food and drink that provides minor healing acceleration or that acts as a depressant, and grows stronger to the point of making powerful artifacts that can take the user back in time.

■The restrictions keeping the entities mundane and requiring biology that makes sense are lifted, and you can also add human-like intelligence to the entities within your pocket dimension and even to the levels themselves. Any sentient entity created this way will always remain loyal to you and act as you wish them to.

a.Sentient levels can control their own form to any degree that you allow them to.

■You can now create supernatural entities wholesale, though it is much easier with an existing supernatural effect that you have witnessed to base them off of.

■You have a mental library that catalogs every liminal space, object, entity and effect that you have created or copied.

Essence of the Living Weapon

 By drinking a grey, metallic fluid you've become the ultimate conduit of power known as the Living Weapon!

○If you wish, you can have a one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you. Includes things such as near/farsightedness, genetic diseases, etc.

○Your true form becomes a weapon of potentially peerless might, removing your sense of smell and taste and possibly resulting in odd quirks in the sense of touch (such as odd erogenous zones) due to literally being a weapon. In this state you are rendered mostly immobile (due to lack of limbs), but become practically indestructible and are capable of exercising your power and will into an aura that can subdue or scare any creature you could normally win an easy defeat over. However, you become drowsy and prone to sleeping for long periods of time varying from days to millennia depending on how likely it is that you'll be found when there are no living beings within 50 feet of you, and you become unable to use any ability that would let you move aside from direct, wingless flight, which is reduced to a slow, exhausting hover at best. You can survive indefinitely in this form but you mind will be assaulted with an urge to seek out and bond to a wielder, and this urge will grow stronger when a person approaches you until it becomes irresistible.

○You can prevent your urge to obtain a wielder from growing stronger normally by setting requirements that your potential wielder must meet in order to be considered 'worthy'. However, these requirements must be feasible, and if someone who meets them wishes to wield you then the urge will come back at an unbearable strength. Note that this urge doesn't dictate how you must act towards your wielder, it only urges you to let them wield you. You may use challenges and trials in this as long as they are possible, even ones of your own making, but you must let your wielder challenge them if they request it.

○You may also make a contract between yourself and a wielder that doesn't meet your standards of 'worthiness' under normal circumstances, allowing them to use your abilities under certain conditions or until a certain time limit has passed or an objective (that they truly desire to complete much more than they desire to keep you) has been completed.

○If someone you deem 'unworthy' dares try to lay a hand on you whilst you are unbonded, you may use any of your abilities to punish them, including movement abilities if you intend to attack them directly, bypassing any defense that they have aside from their plain durability. Also, even if you do not have the capability normally, you may put a curse on them that is as hard to break as you are powerful, doing things like sealing away senses, causing constant pain or sending them into a berserk state. Note that if someone manages to overcome whatever you do to them, they may use your abilities at half power.

○You are able to 'bond' to a wielder regardless of their consent, but they must be capable of wielding you as a weapon, even if only barely. Upon a potential wielder approaching you, a preliminary bond will form, allowing you to communicate through directed thoughts for as long as they stay within your 50 foot range. Once bonded, your bond will expand and grow stronger, mentally tying you to your wielder and allowing you to feel eachothers emotions, mental state and share any thought you don't purposely conceal. You may change your form to better suit your new wielder at this point, and this will become your 'default state' until your bond is severed. You may also modify your wielder's body to an extent, allowing you to make cosmetic changes so they better fit you if you wish. Any powers and abilities you have that'd let you move, including essence based ones, are only fully usable once you are bonded.

○At the moment that you make your bond you must choose between two different power schemes. The first of these leaves you as just a weapon, but allows you to grow slightly faster in the beginning. The second allows you to give your wielder a 'Transformation', boosting both of your powers temporarily and giving your wielder armor in exchange for starting with a slower rate of growth. You may also select a theme for yourself at this time, sealing away or dampening any powers that don't follow this theme in exchange for a corresponding boost to everything else. This theme also dictates your color pallet to an extent.

○You have an uncanny ability to shapeshift your form into any mundane object or even multiple, and this includes appearing as another material if you wish, though the properties and smaller details of your form generally won't change unless necessary. With this you can modify your default state in any way you want, turning into a pair of gauntlets, a frying pan, a shotgun, or a combination of all, the possibilities are immense, but be mindful of your wielder. Notably, it's easier to change into something that your wielder has an affinity with than something they don't. You magically generate any required ammunition using your wielder's energy, though unless you or your wielder modify it yourselves it'll all be generic ammo.

○When you and your wielder hit a major milestone of strength, you have the ability to 'Ascend', taking on a more powerful appearance and consolidating your strength, elevating the raw power of all of you and your wielder's abilities to roughly the same level and gaining some passive enhancements to all parameters as well as some special boosts. This 'Ascension' applies to your wielder as well if you chose to give them a transformation, also modifying their transformed appearance to the same tune. There are as many ascension as there are milestones of power to hit.

○You are able to hide yourself within your wielder's body in a couple of ways: You can dissolve the majority of your physical form leaving only a glowing tattoo on your wielder's body, or becoming an innocuous accessory that doesn't seem to hold any power.

○Once you are hidden, it's near-impossible for even the keenest, most refined scan to detect you no matter the mechanics or method used. You toggle this ability on and off.

○You cannot be separated from your wielder unless whatever force is trying to do so overwhelms the combined power of you and your wielder, kills your wielder, breaks you, or if you or your wielder decide to leave the bond yourselves. If you ever decide to leave your wielder, you can choose if your parting would harm or kill them, and can automatically exclude them from your 'worthiness parameters'. If your wielder leaves you, you can cause them a degree of harm but not kill them. Note that your overall power is 'Sealed' back to the condition that you started in once you leave your current wielder, allowing you to use its full might for the purposes of your aura but nothing else until it's naturally obtained once more or in emergency situations, becoming active along with your wielder's durability buff.

○You are able to multiply your wielder strength, speed, agility and any other corporeal aspects many times their normal capacity, the amount you can unleash is limited by your overall power and how much stress your wielder's body can handle. Of course, you can ignore the second half of this and allow for physical feats surpassing even gods, but this will be at the expense of your wielder's body.

○You are immensely tough, able to withstand forces that would destroy a planet, survive at near absolute zero temperatures and the heart of the sun. This durability scales up with your level of power and you are able to protect your wielder from a similar level of punishment, but only as an emergency measure that will exhaust your power afterwards. This emergency protection can last as long as it takes for your wielder to be removed from the situation that necessitated it, but not a second longer. This protection comes along with all of the power that you collected with your previous wielders being accessible again all at once, but the power can only be actually used if your wielder has an immense amount of willpower.

○You can also permanently absorb weapons, materials used to create weapons and even esoteric substances like Fairy Blood directly into your body to enhance it. (e.g: You can absorb Adamantium/Barbadium into your steel and make it just as durable as that metal or you can absorb an armor that nullifies harmful magic to grant your weapon body that ability.)

○You are able to absorb, copy or steal any inherent power, knowledge or ability your wielder has, no matter if they are metaphysical or incorporeal in nature. For example, you might absorb the Gamer power if your wielder has it, or the capability to use Chakra, or produce mana. As long as your wielder has them you are able to steal or copy them for yourself. However, this does not allow you to use them all initially, as they will become 'Records' that will grant you knowledge of what the ability is, but won't let you use them without harming your wielder until you reach a level of power that is 'reasonable' for them to have that power, though what is 'reasonable' is up to you at the time of drinking this Essence. The same rule applies to your own powers, to a slightly lesser extent.

○You can absorb and learn new powers, skill, or abilities by killing others, dealing damage to others without killing them only gives a partial effect proportional to their injury, while full murder grants everything they have. These obtained boons are subject to the 'reasonability' rule above. You can even acquire memories of the target by the same means, which is not subject to the 'reasonability' rule. You can harm your own wielder to the same effect if you want.

○You do take on the weaknesses of anything you absorb into yourself, but these weaknesses can all be trained away with enough exposure.

○You have influence over your wielder's body, mind, soul and any other aspect of their being. This allows you to shape then how you see fit over time and training, and also allows you an instinctual understanding about how to make any changes you want to without harming them. Be warned though, it is possible for your wielder to detect the changes that you are making if they are too overt. However, any change you make require time to appear and settle, with changes to the mind and body ranging from near instant to taking months, and change to the soul or other deeper aspects taking between hours and years to change depending on how much they stray from the wielder's core nature.

○You have a telepathic link to your wielder that allows for communication and for you to detect eachother's location, emotions and general mental state. This link his essence based and can never be broken, blocked or disturbed unless you allow it or your bond is broken entirely, though you may suppress it for training purposes.

○Any ability, power of skill you have can be transferred or taught to your wielder, even if their bodies shouldn't be capable of using it, once they are strong enough to handle it. You can choose how to ability manifest. Incidentally, you can give your wielder nothing and use the ability yourself, though there'll always be something hinting that they're not the one using it and things that require a humanoid body won't work. It's up to you.

○You do not have any major vulnerability, but if you have selected a theme then powers of an opposing theme that would be strong against it annoy you more than others, they give you the equivalent of a throbbing headache. For this fact, it becomes slightly more difficult for you to overcome these abilities than normal, though only slightly.

○You need sustenance to maintain your abilities and thought whilst you have a bond, though you may slowly reduce this to nothing over years of lowering your intake and adjusting to it. At your most desperate, you can enter a state of stasis or near stasis that can let you wait out for the closest form of sustenance for as long as necessary, highly resembling your initial, unbonded form.

○There are three means you can get sustenance. The first is feeding from your wielder's energies, your wielder will need to have some form of energy for this method be it electricity, life-force or mana, though it's impossible for you to feel satisfied with this alone unless you feed so much that you risk killing your wielder over time, which will be mildly satisfying and actually noticeably boost your power output. The second is consumption, be it eating or drinking normal food and drinks or consuming the energies of other beings predatorily, you can consume the energy of anything that you deal damage to in order to replenish your energy, especially if you are left embedded within them, this will only ever be mildly satisfying unless you consume over half of your maximum capacity in energy and you can only consume so much energy at once before you start to feel bloated. And the last method is absorbing sexual energy through the lewd acts of either you or your wielder much like an incubus or succubus. This is by far the most effective method, and you can get it from your wielder, through your wielder, or using your wielder to get it from someone else. This is the only method that can completely satisfy you without any downsides.

○Your growth is loosely tied to your wielder's growth and vice versa. Your abilities will grow at a very quick pace when you are fighting with or training your wielder, and when you are separated your growth rate slows to half of your normal growth rate. In addition to this, as you have no limits, your wielder doesn't have any limits either, able to grow indefinitely stronger, and you both can always grow noticeably stronger in a reasonable amount of time.

○Once you have bonded, you may form a living body of your specification separate from your weapon body. This form can't leave the general area that your weapon is in, but otherwise has all of the normal senses unless you specify otherwise, allows you to use abilities that you need a humanoid body to do, as well as eat or drink and talk directly to people regardless of if it would be able to do so normally. It can also summon a hollow replica of your weapon body sized for it to wield comfortably to use as a weapon or just for training purposes. This body can be dissolved at will, and it is very difficult (but not impossible) for things used on this body to affect you enough to render you unable to do so. Note that if you have selected a theme, this body will also have to follow that theme.

○You can enter the inner world of your current wielder. This inner world is the manifestation of the essence of your wielder's soul, thus allowing you to monitor its state as well as their true, inner emotions (generally in the form of weather conditions). You may also summon them to this place when they are asleep or in a meditative trance, in order to confront them with their own inner issues and help them work through them and find a solution or even just to train them in a more spiritual fashion. Things are much more symbolic in this inner world, such as allowing one's self to be impaled by another being more synonymous with 'acceptance' than a lethal wound, as long as no lethal intent is present on either side.

○Any of your abilities or your weapons abilities cannot be suppressed, copied, mimic, absorbed, nullified or negatively affected in any way by any being without your permission. Your ability to use them, or to use them for the right cause, has less restriction.

○Any influence placed on your mind or soul will slowly fade over time, and this will speed up to minutes if your wielder is close to or holding you.

○The sensations of combat, such as the feeling of clashing against another weapon or cleaving through an opponent's flesh, are now rather enjoyable to you, and you are impervious to trauma from witnessing gore or violent acts.

○You may toggle on a reaction on the chain of fate of the world you are that would inevitably make you met a wielder or make a wielder met you, though how long it'll take is still ambiguous.

○You know a spell that would fling you through the multiverse in the direction of sentient, sapient life that is capable of wielding you. You can't choose the exact identity of this wielder but you can set general 'requirements' of how you want your wielder to be like (e.g: species and gender) and the spell will send you to a wielder that meet these requirements.

○Upon casting this spell, you can choose to be split into multiple weapons. Doing so will divide your power and mind between your different blades, possibly resulting in different or more exaggerated personalities than your norm. Each of your blades will function as above aside from the reduced starting power, but will have complementary or opposing Themes and will be bound by an unbreakable fate to eventually recombine and form you again. When this happens, you'll remember everything that happened as the split yous and gain all of the combined power growth at once, potentially boosting your abilities massively. If one of your weapons is destroyed, you'll regain the memories and power, split across the remaining pieces of you.

○You may also sacrifice your attained power from all of your wielders in your current world into this spell in order to get flung into a specific setting, though this doesn't sacrifice any knowledge or ability to use techniques and the metaphysics that allow them to work will be preserved as well (if only for those specific techniques and derivations of them).

○If you enter a setting with living weapons, you may classify yourself as one of them, though this only affects others' detection of you and your power and not how said power manifests.