
Meta Essence CYOA 41

Essence of the Artificer

Upon consuming this swirling, multi colored essence, you gain the following abilities and traits.

-The ability to craft items out of various materials, though your innate skills are only at journeyman.

-The ability to imbue the items you create with mystical properties, the effects growing in power through the items material and your own skill

-The ability to swiftly craft your creations

-You can work without actual tools, creating shimmering versions of tools out of arcane energy when necessary

-You can harvest/create magical items for your creation.

-Ability to learn new crafting methodologies 

-Artifacts you create grow stronger over time, leading to even the weakest of them growing to legendary proportions with enough time.

-When made in a set, artifacts gain synergies, creating unique abilities when used together.

Essence of the Master Magician

Upon consuming this essence, the drinker will obtain the following abilities.

-The ability to quickly train up to a master level of skill in any school of magic.

-A masterwork Foci for their magic, capable of amplifying all spells used through it.

-A Mana pool capable of fueling any spell with ease and refilling almost instantly.

-Ability to cast spells with ambient magic.

-Able to cast spells far more efficiently.

-Ability to research, create and modify spells

-Ability to enchant items, from simple repair enchantments to mighty world shaking ones, the greater enchantments require either reagents or massive magical cost.

-Spell countering abilities.

Essence of the Lantern

A bottle shaped like an old rail lantern, the liquid inside shifts through various nine colors. Consuming the potion grants you the following boons:

-You gain the abilities to draw upon the various lights of the emotion spectrum and the inverse black light of death,

-Utilizing each light requires the same emotional requirement as a ring would, though it is vastly easier due to the innate nature.

-You are able to focus and become the host of your own copy of the emotional Entities, though while doing this, you are limited to wielding that light of whatever entity you are hosting.

-You gain the ability to create the rings of each Lantern Corp, alongside bonded lanterns, either choosing them to draw energy directly from you as the central lantern or creating a new Central battery.

-Due to your new nature, if you die and your body is destroyed, you'll reform out of the closest source of emotional light or 1 light year away, whichever is closer. If your body isn't destroyed, the light contained within you will restore it to new.

-Due to how your rings are created, they don't have the regular programming one created by the guardians do, merely acting due to similarities and associations with the appearance.

-The rings you create lack any effects, such as the red lights tendency to turn blood to plasma and drive it's user to blood rage, or Indigo's forced compassion.

-Rings you create are under your control regardless who wears them, and are unable to be used against you.

-[spoiler=Example of light abilities]Red - Rage. These rings are explicitly magical. They take up the function of the users heart and transform their blood into ultra acid that can erode basically anything. Standard attack is vomiting this blood up. They're initially ultra-berserkers, basically uncontrolled, but given the right catalyst, are perfectly capable of focusing their rage into constructs like the others. Their "gimmick" is that their constructs erode the others. These rings, much like Violet, don't seem to need much in the way of charging, being almost self-sustaining.

-Orange - Greed. There's usually only one of these bearers out there. Their gimmick is absorbing other energies or constructs, and turning people into constructs.

-Yellow - Fear. Their gimmick is that the more people fear them, the more powerful the ring and its constructs become, and that one can use the fear of others to create constructs rather than just their own fears.

-Green - Will. Default. This, reminder, includes machines that you can think of to do anything, flight, forcefields, interstellar transport, life-sustaining, and broad-spectrum scanning as well as translation. Green's just the safest to use.

-Blue - Hope. Their gimmick is HEALING. They're code-locked to require a green lantern nearby to properly function. They're charged by ambient hope and are capable of supercharging the "good" rings and dampening the "bad" ones. And, again, healing.

-Indigo - Compassion. Their gimmick is that they can briefly replicate the powers of the other colors and can teleport. The effect on the personality of the bearer is almost as extreme as Orange, and as such has been given to unrepentant monsters in order to rehabilitate them, but nothing says it has to be.

-Violet - Love. Their gimmick is love crystals, outright imposing love on other people, and being self-sustaining 'constructs'. Much like Red, they initially drive their bearers mad.

-Black - Death. Their gimmick is that they're charged by hearts, and can mimick the other rings briefly, but are only on dead people.

-White - Life. They're explicitly combined of all the colors, are charged by LIVING EXCITINGLY, and can use any powers of the other rings, while also being bonkers powerful.

Essence of the bijū

A pale green bottle, containing a swirling red liquid that looks more like a swirling cloud. Upon consuming the essence, the user gains the following traits and abilities.

-You gain the ability to assume any of the nine bijū, from the Shukaku to the Kyuubi no Kitsune, or Kurama.

-In human form, you can utilize any of the bijū chakra cloaks, admittedly Shukaku's is made of sand.

-You can also utilize any of their unique abilities, regardless of your form.

-Due to your new chakra constitution, you cannot die, any lethal damage will leave your form scattered until you reconstitute in a location far from civilization.

-In case of extreme danger, you can assume the form of the ten tails, a form capable of immense power, but you lose the majority of your senses.

If you wish, you may alter the base forms and elemental nature of the tailed beast the first time you turn into them, but it will be locked into that new form.

Essence of the Well-prepared Wizard

You gain the effects of various slightly souped-up spells from Dungeons & Dragons.

●Freedom of Movement: You can move and act freely under any circumstances. Magic or other supernatural effects cannot bind you. Mundane effects, such as people trying to grab you or difficult terrain, simply fail. You can act as nimbly underwater as you can on land.

●Water Breathing: You can breathe water as easily as air.

●Overland Flight: You can fly as easily as walking at about 10 mph. Higher speeds are possible with exertion proportional to the higher speed. You can float without moving, if you wish.

●Greater Invisibility: You and anything you are wearing or carrying become invisible.

●True Seeing: You can see through magical and mundane illusions, as well as darkness. You can see the true forms of anything that has been transmuted by magic, including shapeshifters. However, you cannot see through solid objects.

●Mind Blank: You are protected against any magic that would detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. Any mind-affecting magic affects you as if you were an inanimate object (which generally means not at all). Any magical attempt to view you, specifically, will fail, and any magical to attempt to view an area you are in will fail to detect you. Sufficiently advanced technology that is indistinguishable from magic may be regarded as magical for the purposes of this spell.

●Contingency: You may spend an hour meditating to set a condition under which Greater Teleportation will be cast on yourself as well as a target destination. If in an appropriate setting, you may substitute Plane Shift for Greater Teleportation. The condition must be clear and unambiguous, but it can be as general or convoluted as you wish. After the condition is met and Greater Teleportation is cast, you must wait 24 hours and complete another hour of meditation to prepare Contingency again. You can also meditate to change the trigger condition or destination.

○Greater Teleportation: You instantly teleport any distance to a location you have been to or at least have a fairly detailed description of. Anything you are carrying or wearing comes with you, as does anyone touching you if both you and them consent.

○Plane Shift: You instantly travel to another plane of existence or alternate dimension. You can set a particular destination on the plane, but you may appear up to 500 miles away from your chosen destination. Gear, clothing, and willing allies can be brought with you, as with Greater Teleportation.

These spells can be toggled on and off at will, except for Contingency. They are considered inherent parts of your being, and do not interact with any effect that detects, suppresses, copies, or in any way interacts with magic.

Essence of the Tool-assisted Peedrunner

You can speed up or slow down your own perception of time at will. You may choose to freeze time entirely and advance the world one Planck time at a time if you wish.

You can move backward on your personal timeline at will. In other words, if it is currently Tuesday, you may return the world to the way it was on Monday, with the only remnant of Tuesday's events being your own memories. You will be returned to the exact state you were in on Monday. There is no limit on the frequency or length of your movements.

You can create "save-states," freezing the exact state of the universe into a mental object which you can freely load, restoring reality to that state, even if you have previously gone back in time to change the timeline so that that state would never occur. You may have any number of save-states.

You can save a series of actions that you have taken as a "macro" and automatically execute that series of actions again. If you execute the same macro from the same save-state multiple times, you are guaranteed to produce the exact same result. You can speed up your perception of time to instantly skip through your execution of a macro, if you wish.

These powers can never be taken from you and will always persist, even if you die.

Essence of the Digimon Tamer

 By consuming this Essence that appears to be made out of pure binary code, you gain several boons:

•A Digimon of your choice, starting at the Rookie / Child Level 'Realizes' (I.E: Materializes into our world), along with a Digivice, linking the two of you together as Partners.

•To start with, this allows you to edit your appearance to your desired form and gender, as you now have the ability to manipulate data, even in the 'Analog' World.

•Next, since you and your Partner Digimon are linked, neither of you can truly die, with you and your partner constantly reincarnating on death, with the specifics of this process up to you.

•Next up, your Digivice. It can be any model of any Digivice from any Digimon series, or even a custom model incorporating the best aspects of all of them, which could potentially even allow you to have multiple partners instead of just one.

•As for the matter of your Partner's evolution line, feel free to go wild, with as many twisting branches as you please - Just no using literally every Digimon in existence, it would be way, WAY too much work.

•However, because of one Digimon coming in, this opens the gateway for many, MANY more, with the rate of Realizations doubling each year. Thankfully, even with the amount of evil Digimon coming through, the amount of good Digimon will outstrip them, and with more people gaining partners, this means that the amount of righteous people and Digimon willing to fight for the sake of the future will go up too, thankfully averting the worst possible outcomes, especially as Digimon begin freely aiding in things like environmental restoration and the like, as they believe that the Earth is their home as well.

Essence of the Doom Slayer

By consuming this glowing neon green Essence that seems to have Heavy Metal music blaring from it, you are granted several boons:

•You are granted an unaging, beyond peak human body just like that of the Doom Slayer's. Additionally, if you are over the age of 25, you are reverted back to that point, and if you are younger than that, you continue to age until that point before stopping. On top of that, you have perfect memory and no longer suffer from the fog of ages.

•You are granted a massive hammerspace arsenal, contained in which is a copy of every gun ever used in a piece of DOOM media (including media made by fans), along with ammunition for all of them. Additionally, you do not need to reload or maintain these guns, although you will need to find ammo for them.

•You also gain a copy of the Praetor Suit, complete with an ammunition fabricator that can take in the appropriate environmental resources to dispense ammo, additional armor, and power-ups. Additionally, this copy of the Praetor Suit can be merged with another suit of Armor if you have one.

•You also grow stronger with each villain or monster you kill, growing in power over time. This effect commonly manifests itself in small-to-large recoveries of vitality with each kill made, with more brutal kills producing greater amounts of vitality.

•If you happen to be killed by an enemy, you respawn in the nearest safe location. However, time does pass when you respawn, which means that time-critical objectives CAN be failed if you die too often.

•You produce an aura that makes creatures of the dark instinctively fear you, although if they happen to be morally aligned with good, this aura does not affect them. Additionally, this aura can also be used to ward off evil influences in others, freeing them from the darkness's embrace.

•You also gain access to a Night Sentinel Space Fortress, much like the Fortress of Doom used by the Doom Slayer, although yours lacks furnishings at the start.

•You become capable of traversing freely between dimensions in order to hunt those who would make humanity and all other sentient life their prey, with your powers bringing you to where you are most needed at the moment.

Essence of the Final Fantasy Protagonist

Upon drinking this luminescent crystal green Essence that glows with the light of magic, you are granted several boons:

•You receive a one-time body remodel to an appearance, age and gender of your choice, with this body being in perfect physical and mental health as defined by you. This body also gained the abilities of an Unlimited, being freed from the hazards of aging and the fog of ages and being able to self-revive if you are killed, as long as you are not killed by another Unlimited. Being an Unlimited also makes you immune to mind control and mental manipulation of any kind.

•You are granted the powers of the Crystals, allowing you to take on Job Classes that range from the traditional Final Fantasy fare, such as Black and White Mages and Warriors, to more odd Classes such as Keyblader (From Kingdom Hearts) and Gun Summoner (From Final Fantasy Unlimited), amongst other such strange classes.

•You gain the ability to find Materia, Spheres and Draw Magic points, allowing you to freely use magic and enhance your abilities, regardless of your current Class. You are also capable of finding Guardian Forces (i.e. Freely roaming Summons) this way, which you can Junction with to draw on their powers. You also gain access to any other unique leveling system from a piece of Final Fantasy media not described here.

•Any Materia you find on your journey will not harm the world you are on, as it is materialized by your powers. This effect also extends to any natural or artificial Materia you can get your hands on. Likewise, Guardian Forces in you and your party's possession will not parasitize on your memories, and no other power you or your party has will have a negative effect on them.

•You gain proficiency in a multitude of weapons, including Buster Swords, Gunblades, Blitzballs and many more, along with the ability to teach these skills to others, along with being able to teach them magic.

•You will also come across a wide variety of true companions, who can be either original characters or alternate versions of Final Fantasy characters to join your party, with the possibility of being able to enter a romantic relationship with any (or even multiple, if you try hard enough) of them! This perk also applies to any other character from a universe created by Square-Enix.

•You gain access to multiple methods of transportation, ranging from Chocobos to motorcycles to Gummi Ships, amongst many, many more, all of which can be called to you at any time.

•You gain the ability to travel between your world and the Final Fantasy multiverse, along with being able to bring both items and people from the Final Fantasy multiverse to your world. This also gives you access to the various universes that have crossed over with Final Fantasy, along with all other Square-Enix universes.

Essence of the Overlord

By consuming the blood red (which might be actual blood, you're not quite sure) Essence, you are granted several boons:

•You gain access to your own Pocket Netherworld, filled with quirky, non-threatening demons who seem to think that you're the boss of the place if their groveling is any indication.

•You receive a Demonic Human body, the design of which is up to you, which ages very slowly and has unlimited growth potential.

•You gain access to the overpriced services of the Rosenqueen Corporation, who will be willing to sell you items and gear you can't get anywhere else for an obvious mark-up. Still, (most of) their gear is actually of very high quality and shouldn't be ignored. On top of that, they also sell various items from other, thought to be fictional universes, completely in defiance of copyright law.

•You gain access to the Evility (Evil Ability) Shop, where you can purchase, equip and manage various common Evilities. On top of that, just by virtue of being an overlord, you gain access to your own unique Evility, the specifics of which are up to you.

•You gain access to the Item World Guide, who allows you to transport yourself inside of a given item and beat up the physical manifestations of its imperfections, thereby making it better. There are also a variety of other ways of strengthening an item, so feel free to go wild!

•You gain access to the Character World Guide, who allows you to transport yourself inside of another character (or vice-versa) to improve their body and attributes in a wide variety of ways by playing a Mario Party-style board game.

•You gain access to the Dark Assembly, where a variety of reality altering bills can be passed if you get the various Senators approval (By force if necessary). Want to make every woman in your Pocket Netherworld wear sexy miniskirts? Go right ahead!

•You gain access to the Cheat Shop, where a variety of reality altering 'Cheat Codes' can be input by using 'Cheat Points', which you gain by performing outrageous feats.

•You gain access to the Quest Shop, where various Side Quests that give out rewards of all types, even new minions, can be undertaken.

•You gain access to the Reincarnation Service, which can be used to reset your level back to 1 by Reincarnating, but with vastly improved growth rates. You can also decide how your body looks upon each Reincarnation, even being able to reverse your age. There's also a 'Super' Reincarnation out there, but you do not have access to this skill by default.

•You gain access to the entire Nippon-Ichi Multiverse, along with the universes of various linked franchises, where you can meet various characters and convince them to join you on your journeys.

Essence of the Waifu Chart

By consuming this sparkling pink essence, you gain several boons:

•You become able to fill out your standard thirteen space Waifu Chart, which, upon completion, your chosen Waifus are summoned to you, with the circumstances that lead to them being summoned by you being up to you. Perhaps a daring rescue of true love? Regardless, after being summoned, they will quickly and truly fall in love with you, regardless of your faults.

•These Waifus will be bound to you by a Silver Promise Ring, which, when paired with your newly received Gold Promise Ring, will forever tie your destinies together in holy matrimony. This ring can also be transmitted digitally, for the sake of wedding A.I. Waifus.

•This means that your Waifus will never betray you or leave you for another man, and they will be capable of communicating with you regardless of distance via telepathy. Additionally, no one will ever see anything strange about your relationship with your Waifus.

•Another ability gained is the ability to resist all forms of baleful polymorph, the ability to resist instant death, the ability to resurrect once per day if killed, and the ability to travel to your Waifus worlds in search of adventure. These benefits also apply to your Waifus.

•Additionally, you are able to add new Waifus to your Harem by simply giving them a Silver Promise Ring created from your own, massive and regenerating supply of life energy. This pool of life energy can also be used to sate Waifus with more… picky dietary needs.

•However, one caveat is that when you are choosing Waifus, you can only choose one Waifu from any given world. If you wish to travel often, you may wish to invest in Waifus whose home universes have crossed over with many franchises, as you will be able to find pre-existing portals that let you travel between these worlds and your own. Note that written or planned-to-be written fan-made crossovers count for this purpose as well.

•You also gain the ability to create the Band of Bonds, which give the person you give them all of the above and below benefits without any of the trappings of marriage. The same transference of benefits also applies to the Silver Promise Rings.

•One last blessing you receive is reverting to the prime of your life if you are older than 25 and not aging past that point, or aging until you reach that point, at which point you will no longer age. You will also not experience the fog of ages and will have the ability to perfectly recall all of your memories.

Essence of the Yorae Dragon

By consuming this shining white essence, you are granted several boons:

You are returned to the prime of your life if you are over the age of 25, and continue aging until that point if you are not. You also will no longer experience the fog of ages and will have the ability to perfectly recall all of your memories.

You also gain the ability to take on both a full-sized Dragon Form of your own design that can be classified as a nearly invincible engine of destruction, and a smaller Scale Mail form based off of your full-sized form that is no less formidable.

You also gain access to the following innate abilities:

○Absorption: Use one Child Gene to change your innate element.

○Meditation: Use one Dragon Gene to assume the form of a Dragon, or strengthen your pre-existing Dragon Form.

○Stillness: Combine one Adult Gene or Child Gene with another Child Gene to transform into an adult Dragon, or strengthen your pre-existing Dragon Form with advanced capabilities.

○Ascension: Combine one Adult Gene or Child Gene with two Child Genes to transform into an adult Dragon with maximized capabilities, or strengthen your pre-existing Dragon Form with maximized capabilities.

○Conquest: The invincible warrior told of in draconic legend. When you are defeated in your human form, you are able to transform into one of your Dragon Forms and continue fighting, cycling through forms as each one is slain, until you finally run out, at which point your life is (theoretically) forfeit. Likewise, the reverse also applies, with you being able to continue fighting in your Human Form if one or more of your Dragon Forms are slain. With practice, you may be able to apply this ability to other, non-Dragonic Forms that you possess as well.

○Divinity: Use the Endless Gene to ascend to godhood temporarily.

You can also gain access to all of the following Genes, with additional rules being that a single Esoteric Gene can be used in a form in addition to an Adult Gene and a Child Gene or two Child Genes, and with Divine Genes being able to be used with no restrictions.

The List of Genes is below:

 Child Genes

○Blaze: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Fire Abilities, or add Fire Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Fire)], which emits Fire Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Freeze: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Ice and Water Abilities, or add Ice and Water Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Ice)], which emits Ice Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Volt: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Lightning and Wind Abilities, or add Lightning and Wind Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Lightning)], which emits Lightning Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Quake: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Earth Abilities, or add Earth Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Earth)], which emits Earth Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Sol: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Light Abilities, or add Light Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Light)], which emits Light Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Luna: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Dark Abilities, or add Dark Element to a Dragon Form. Also confers the ability [Dragon Breath (Dark)], which emits Dark Element plasma continuously until the user stops or runs out of energy.

○Psion: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Psychic Abilities, or add Psychic Abilities to another Dragon Form.

○Blade: Become a Dragon Whelp that has enhanced Attack Abilities, or add enhanced Attack Abilities to another Dragon Form, at the cost of reduced defense.

○Guard: Become a Dragon Whelp that has enhanced Defense Abilities, or add enhanced Defense Abilities to another Dragon Form, at the cost of reduced offense.

○Dive: Become a Dragon Whelp that has Swimming Abilities, or add Swimming Abilities to another Dragon Form.

○Aura: Become a Dragon Whelp that possesses no particular affinity, but when combined with another form, that capabilities skyrocket.

 Adult Genes

○Force: Become a Knight Dragon Form that emphasizes combat ability, but most magical abilities are reduced to nearly zero, with Spells being converted into Special Attacks. Also grants the abilities [D-Charge], which triples the users power and can be used up to ten times consecutively, [Vortex], which hits enemies directly in front of you 5-10 times at x2 power, [Hurricane], which hits enemies in a radius around you 5-7 times at power, and [Twister], which hits enemies in a long line in front of you 5 times at x5 power.

○Desperado: Become a Gun Dragon Form that emphasizes firepower, with spells being converted into long-range bullets. Also grants the ability [D-Launcher], which unleashes a barrage of bullets from two hip-mounted cannons, [Giga Destroyer], which launches two missiles with explosive power similar to a nuclear warhead from a launcher on your chest, and [Giga Storm], which launches explosive plasma from the same firing port.

○Eldritch: Become a Serpent Dragon Form that emphasizes magical ability, with close combat abilities being reduced to nearly zero, with Special Attacks being converted into Spells. Also grants the abilities [D-Spell Lock], which binds enemies in place when they are attacked by Spells, and [D-Weakness Detector], which forces enemies who are hit by a Spell to take Critical Damage, even if they were resistant to that Spell's element.

○Defender: Become a Shield Dragon Form that emphasizes defense, with attack power and spell power being lowered, but with minimal damage taken in exchange. Also grants the abilities [D-Shell], which erects a protective barrier that makes you and anyone else inside immune to damage temporarily, even when exiting the barrier, and [D-Counter], which reflects enemy attacks back at them with double the power.

○Jet: Become a Jet Dragon Form that emphasizes speed, with attack power and spell power being lowered, but increased speed meaning that certain enemies and obstacles can be defeated with ease. Also grants the abilities [D-Dash], which massively increases speed and inflicts damage on contact to enemies, and [D-Breakthrough], which breaks down obstructions and fortification upon contact.

○Miracle: Become a Giant Dragon Form with increased size, power and durability. When combined with other Genes, their powers are maximized, but this Gene cannot be used alone. Since it borrows traits from the Child and Esoteric Genes that are used with it, any form using this Gene possesses advanced weaknesses. Also grants the ability [D-Grow], which increases the user's size, power and durability even further in response to enemies, up to 5x the starting size.

○Amaterasu: Become an Inferno Dragon Form with advanced Fire Element Abilities. Affinity with Ice and Water is reduced to zero while active. Cannot be used with the Freeze Gene. Also grants the ability [Mega Dragon Breath (Fire)], which emits a ray of raw Fire Element Plasma that pierces through all defenses, even elemental ones.

○Poseidon: Become a Blizzard Dragon Form with advanced Ice and Water Element Abilities. Affinity with Ice and Water is reduced to zero while active. Cannot be used with the Blaze Gene. Also grants the ability [Mega Dragon Breath (Ice)], which emits a ray of raw Ice Element Plasma that pierces through all defenses, even elemental ones.

○Thor: Become a Lightning Dragon Form with advanced Lightning and Wind Element Abilities. Affinity with Earth is reduced to zero while active. Cannot be used with the Quake Gene. Also grants the ability [Mega Dragon Breath (Lightning)], which emits a ray of raw Lightning Element Plasma that pierces through all defenses, even elemental ones.

○Gaia: Become a Gaia Dragon Form with advanced Earth Element Abilities. Affinity with Lightning and Wind is reduced to zero while active. Cannot be used with the Volt Gene. Also grants the ability [Mega Dragon Breath (Earth)], which emits a ray of raw Earth Element Plasma that pierces through all defenses, even elemental ones.

Esoteric Genes

○Remnant: Become a Darkness Dragon Form that emphasizes curses and poison. When combined with other Genes, their abilities are maximized, but thanks to this Gene being the embodiment of your first incarnation, Ladon's, regrets, this form has a high chance of going berserk unless you use a certain Divine Gene… Also grants the ability [Omega Breath], which emits a multitude of darkness element rays that curse and poison enemies on contact.

○Symphony: Become a Sound Dragon Form that emphasizes healing and harmony. When combined with other Elemental Genes, the ability to inject an element into an enemy with this form's needle-like tail is gained, which can inflict the status effects [Melt], [Freeze], [Paralyze] and [Harden].

○Hybrid: Become a Special Dragon Form based off a Companion, chosen at the time of transformation. There are very many variants to this form, far too many to list here! You'll just have to figure them out for yourself!

○Inverse: Become a Reverse Dragon Form that inverts the properties of any Gene used with it. This can result in strange attacks and effects, such as flames that freeze the opponent. Be sure to experiment with this form to figure out all of the possibilities!

Divine Genes

○Endless: Ascend to Godhood and unleash your full potential. This form confers many additional abilities depending on the Genes used with it.

○Radiance: Become a Shining Dragon Form that radiates pure power. Also grants the ability [Shining Judgment], which incinerates enemies in a radius around you by unleashing all of your bodies light.

○Trance: Become an Ultimate Dragon Form, which confers unparalleled physical abilities. Also grants the abilities of the Force Gene, but with doubled abilities, and the ability [Aura Smash], which hits one enemy twice for x20 damage.

○Conqueror: Become an Immortal Dragon Form, which cannot be slain in battle. This Gene cannot be used on its own. Also grants the ability [D-Resurrection], which can resurrect any being, no matter their state.

Additionally, there are several unique forms that can also be taken by using the correct Gene combinations, which are as follows:


 Conqueror + Any Adult Gene + Any Child Gene

 Transform into the invincible warrior, capable of reviving any ally and felling any foe.

 Death Dragon

 Remnant + Any Elemental Adult or Child Gene + Any Other Child Gene

 Transform into a Darkness Dragon that is the embodiment of Ladon's regrets. Cannot be slain in battle, however, there is a large chance that all control and reason is lost unless you use the Trance Gene, which increases this form's abilities.

 Storm Swell Dragon

 Symphony + Volt or Thor + Any Other Elemental Child Gene

 Transform into a Symphony Dragon with overwhelming Lightning, Wind and Healing abilities. Increases the power of all allies massively and adds the power of enemies who have had an element injected into them to your own.


 Any Three Elemental Child Genes

 Transforms into a Tri-Disaster Dragon that has a variety of maximized elemental abilities. Also grants the Ability [Tri-Punisher], which unleashes three elemental Dragon Breath attacks simultaneously.


 Hybrid + Any Adult Gene + Any Child Gene + Any Companion

 Transforms into a Super Hybrid Dragon, which has maximized abilities, along with unique abilities based off a chosen Companion at the time of transformation. This form has too many variations to count, so you'll need to discover each variation's abilities on your own.


 Endless + Blaze or Amaterasu + Any Other Child Gene

 Transform into the Kaiser Dragon, who has beyond maximized Fire Elemental abilities. Also grants the Ability [Kaiser Breath], which unleashes an orbital assault of plasma blasts, each 10x stronger than a Dragon Breath.


 Endless + Freeze or Poseidon + Any Other Child Gene

 Transform into the Tyrant Dragon, who has beyond maximized Ice and Water Elemental abilities. Also grants the Ability [Dark Wave], which unleashes a super-massive gravitational vortex from orbit to crush your enemies.


 Endless + Volt or Thor + Any Other Child Gene

 Transform into the Imperator Dragon, who has beyond maximized Lightning and Wind Elemental abilities. Also grants the Ability [Infinity End], which traps an enemy in a dimensional cube, before compressing them into non-existence.


 Endless + Quake or Gaia + Any Other Child Gene

 Transform into the Autarch Dragon, who has beyond maximized Earth Elemental abilities. Also grants the Ability [Treasure Blaster], which unleashes a ray of pure plasma that converts all enemies into treasure without fail.


 Endless + Radiance + Trance

 Transform into the Infinity Dragon, who has beyond maximized abilities in all Elements, along with the individual abilities of the Kaiser, Tyrant, Imperator and Autarch Dragons. Also grants the Ability [Ain Soph Aur], which unleashes a ray of light that erases enemies from all universes and times. In addition, you may be able to find other Genes not on this list, adding to your power even further. On top of that, you can also give this power and it's various boons to any person you wish.