
Meta Essence CYOA 40

Essence of Communication

By drinking this essence you become able to convey whatever you want flawlessly to others.

 While this essence does not give you the ability to speak in every language it does allow you to Mime it sufficiently enough to allow for communication until you learn their language.

 The essence also allows you to learn a new language at a rapid pace allowing you to learn your first language in about three months.

 If you want you can get the speed at which you learn new languages increased by ten percent per language learned.

 Eventually you will be able to understand and speak any language that you are exposed to so long as you are capable of speaking or writing it, however you will still be able to understand it as long as you comprehend it.

 This essence was made to allow you to rapidly learn how to speak or write new languages.

 You may lower or raise the boost for learning as you wish.

 And yes, this also takes into account body language, so you can always just Jojo pose your way through life.

Authors notes

 1. Comprehend means in this case that you can still understand said language even if you can't speak or write it but you have still picked up on it enough to understand it.

 2. Sign language is technicly a body language and thus learnable.

 3. Mimeing it means more or less trying to convey what you want to another even if you dont speak their language, this also allows you to pick up their language bit by bit.

 4. This essence does not give protection against memetic hazards or languages that drive you insane, however you actively have to start learning such language before it starts to affect you

 5. Braille is for purposes of this essence considered both Body language and Written language as it is a tactile language that is written down.

 6. Your body language is somehow understandable to others so as to aid you in learning and conveying what you want.

Essence of Conceptual Embodiment

By drinking this essence you have become an embodied concept.

 You may choose your concept as wanted, for example [afterlife] has been chosen.

 As you are the concept of the [afterlife] the following things apply to your body.

○You may choose how you look, and what gender you have, you may change these settings at any time you want.

○You are the concept of afterlife embodied, this means that you consist of all the afterlives in the current multiverse that you exist in, you may travel to other new realities and retroactively establish afterlives there as well.

○As a result of being a multiversal existence, you cannot be targeted by anything incapable of causing change/damage on an intergalactic, trans-dimensional scale, anything that falls short of this is negated and ignored regardless of power.

○While the above is enough to scratch you, to truly wound you, they have to be at least capable of enforcing a permanent conceptual change upon a multiversal wide scale.

○The above mentioned passive defenses scale as your existence grows and encompasses more multiverses and omniverses, an omniverse generally consists of 25 multiverses, as a rule of thumb.

○While it is possible to wound you, you cannot be killed or permanently altered, at most it takes a minute to fully heal/restore you from anything done to you.

○Any gods, spirits and others that are tangentially related to your concept will recognize you for who you are.

○You can do anything that is related to your concept, with the ease of breathing, this only counts for your concept. Anything else you will have to learn the normal way.

○If you insert into a new multiverse, you get all the basic abilities of said setting, you can increase these to an infinite extent with time and effort.

○You as a Conceptual Embodiment no longer have any bodily needs, you are always clean and freshed in any situation, you can still indulge yourself in these needs if you want to.

○You are eternally in your prime, or however you choose to look, you do not age, your body, mind and soul are in perfect condition and your memory is limitless and records everything perfectly, you will never have any issues remembering or recalling information.

○This essence cannot be altered, manipulated, copied, suppressed or replicated, nor can it be removed, negated, nullified or erased by any force or sources, even those who possess limitless reality warping power or true omnipotence cannot disrupt this essence.

You can choose to change what is written above this text to describe your concept as you want, just remember it can only involve your concept and that which relates to it.

Essence of Empowering Love

 (inspired by honkai impact 3rd)

 After drinking this essence that tastes like love, you acknowledge that the most beautiful thing in the world is love.

 No matter how much others try to deny it, your burning passion and bonds will always cause you to overcome your limits and fight, no matter how much you may have to sacrifice to save those bonds.

 You gain an innate charisma that charms other people while being yourself.

 Not only are you an inherently likable person with an attractive appearance, you also have good social-skills, good time-management skills, and can maintain relationships with an indefinite amount of people without making any of them feeling starved for your affection and/or time.

 Your charisma and beauty are enough that even enemies will outright refuse to harm you without being explicitly ordered to do so.

 Even being's that outright hate humanity will feel extremely hesitant to order your death.

 All kinds of beings will tend to like you, expect to get a lot of allies and friends.

 Just be aware that genuinely abusing them will cause them to change their opinion of you.

 If anyone you are emotionally close to is in danger, you may significantly strain your body to multiply all your capabilities by 240 magnitudes for an initial period of 30 minutes.

 This can only be used once a day initially without crippling you, but as your mutual love deepens, your limits will slowly disappear and the magnitudes will increase over time.

 You will have full control over these increased capabilities.

 Because your bonds are so strong, if you are possessed, mind-controlled/altered or killed in the process of trying to help anyone you love, the love you share with your loved ones will revert you to normal.

 Additionally, when you are at your lowest and failing to help those you love, you may gain an entirely new power.

 This power can be anything, but must be used to successfully help your loved ones, the unique thing about it is that it will never fail to work.

 Your love will slowly empower you to the peak of your race capabilities.

 This essence will also apply to your loved ones.

 Optionally you may get White hair and Blue eyes.

Essence of the Flügel (NGNL)

Having drunk this essence that tastes of war you find yourself transforming into a Flügel from No Game No Life with the following capabilities.

A near immortal body that is made of energy, taking the shape of a young woman on the cusp of adulthood, you get a pair of wings on your lower back and a pair of feathery ear wings instead of human ears, your eyes get crosshair pupils that glow when you are excited, you also get a halo with geometrical shapes, as well as decorative tattoos according to your tastes, they glow and move(halo) when you use large amounts of magic.

You are now ageless, with beyond superhuman capabilities and damn hard to damage, it takes damage output on the level of a supernova to damage and destroy your body, anything less can be safely ignored, to completely destroy your body in one hit requires damage output equivalent to being hit by a hypernova.

Your near immortality gives you an infinite lifespan and lifeforce, you are immune to diseases, illnesses, disorders, toxins, impurities, physical and mental interference, you are entirely self-sustained, will never age, and cannot be affected by aging abilities, you have regenerative abilities, that depending upon how damaged you are, taking at most 50 years to fully restore your body to full energy (magic included) reserves, with lesser energy expenditures taking significantly less time.

Mentally, you possess a limitless level of intellectual capabilities (memory, calculation, creativity, learning, IQ, etc.) and Cognitive (observing, deduction, tactical analysis, multitasking, combat, movement, etc.) proficiency that is of the highest level possible in existence, you have have unlimited memory storage and can use multiple mental functions at once without losing focus on any of them, your mind allows you to recall specific information with incredible speed and perfect accuracy.

You are capable of storing everything that you experience and retrieve it immediately, without the typical human pause for thought, the speed of your thoughts augment your analytical capability allowing you to make snap decisions about your surroundings and create complex scenarios at high speed.

You can track the probability of an event by piecing together stored data, you are capable of multiple tasks at once by allocating portions of your brain to each task, for example, you can replay an event that has taken place before in your mind, play a game, and focus on battling an opponent simultaneously without any one task distracting them from another.

The knowledge that you will gather during the millennia of your existence will become incredibly vast, however one must remember that it is neither perfect nor infallible, as such there is a possibility that people can outmaneuver you.

The full output of your mind is under your control.

Your body casually ignores physics allowing for movement that goes faster than light with ease, generally what is for human's a small step forward, is for you 1 kilometer of movement, and a full step giving you a range of 5 kilometers of movement, you still need to take additional steps to make corners, this allows you to kill your enemies without them being unaware that you already have cut of their head by the time that they perceive you, with you having a running speed of 10 (full) steps per second, you are flight capable, allowing you to move at 1100 km per second, with ease, and can come to a full stop instantly regardless of speeds, your flight functions akin to the Teleportation spell, but is built into yourself.

Your physical strength allows you to break into other dimensions, and tear open wormholes to allow you access into them, this does cost magic to perform on this level, otherwise consider yourself to be superhuman, without magic involved.

You are capable of perceiving the entirety of the solar system that you are in if you focus on it, while being acutely aware of anything that is within a 100 km radius, with microscopic sight capabilities.

You can perceive speeds fast enough that the equivalent of lightspeed, is considered at a snail's pace for humans.

Your reflexes and Instinct allow you to make the most of your capabilities regardless of how absurd they get.

In terms of Magic, you have a monstrous amount of magical reserves, it is enough that even the total output of 2000 of the strongest mages during their entire life of other species (gods not included) barely compare to your total magic reserve.

Any of the capabilities described above can be increased by using 1% magic per magnitude of increased capabilities, this is calculated per hour.

However, this does come with a downside, you take about 50 years to regenerate your entire magic reserve from nothing, unaided that is, you do have a spell that restores you to full combat capacity named Rite of Restoration(1 of three named spells of the flügel).

Rite of Restoration allows you to fully restore yourself to full reserves and health, it restores your entire magic reserves to full in (max) 5 years time, for lesser injuries(considered not being at the point of death) and mana recharge it takes significantly less time, simply put, you restore 20% reserve per year in the rite, you may choose to be unconscious for the duration of your restoration.

Rite of Restoration can also fully restore you to full health regardless of any injuries that you have taken, this takes into account any demerits such as for example: divine curses and such.

It can however take up to 25 years from the point closest to death(having your body & soul up to 99% destroyed) to fully restore yourself to full health with this rite.

Multiple flügel may use this rite simultaneously, it should be obvious that this rite when used takes up quite a bit of space (25 meters in radius from midpoint), in appearance it looks like a giant pink circle, with aesthetics similar to a flügel's halo, all the magic that this rite generates goes to the flügel for restoration, but will depend on the number of participants.

Due to the fact that you have such near-bottomless reserves, you find that having magic spells that use a lot of magic come very easily to you, you are capable of learning and designing any spell or magic system, be aware that you will have some difficulty with spells that use little amounts of magic, at least in terms of learning them.

You, (and other flügel) have an innate specialty and affinity to Warfare, and can be considered to be an innate genius at anything that involves warfare.

You have 2 other spells that you start with, the second is Teleportation.

Teleportation allows you to appear effortlessly in any location that you can see or have been before by manipulating Space-Time, teleportation can also be used offensively by using space-time manipulation, thereby allowing you to tear your enemies apart.

A thing to note about, is the fact that for long-distance teleportation, the space-time warping generates significant ultrasound noise.

The 3rd spell that you start with is named Heavenly Smite.

Heavenly Smite has 3 variants, it is an attack spell with godslaying capability that is formed by concentrating all nearby magic.

It can also be shaped into any kind of Melee weapon, generally it is chucked at enemies in the form of a lance of light.

It's powerful enough to destroy a capital city regardless of whatever defenses are put in its way, they might be able to buy time but the spell will inevitably destroy the city at least when a 100% strike is used, (see trivia for knowledge on a 100% smite) when 100% is used, the attack is so draining that for the duration of recovery, the flügel in question is shrunk down into a small child.

Heavenly Smite is fully usable with less of a percentage of magic as well, thereby allowing for more casts of this magic, with the same decrease in damage.

Heavenly Smite can be merged together into a stronger format by multiple Flügel called Godly Smite, this variant's capabilities increases by a magnitude per Flügel investing magic into it.

The minimum amount of Magic reserve investment for this attack is 25% initially.

The third variant of this spell is called Almighty Smite and should be considered a trump card not used recklessly as at least 200 Flügel put their magic into it.

It (Almighty Smite) cannot be stopped by anyone or anything, it takes all enemy attacks into it and launching the combined attack back at the enemy, The reason why this is a last resort is because the spell is fully capable of destroying the planet that it is used on as even if the Flügel dedicate the minimum amount of magic needed to launch it which is 50% of their magic reserves.

You can improve upon yourself and your spells indefinitely, this does mean you need to invest hard work to better yourself, you also grow in your capabilities by 1% by engaging in warfare.

Flügel as a whole Despise genuine treachery, and refuse to do this without damn good reasons, they consider themselves loyal weapons in service of Artosh, who created them to kill gods and genocide their creation, you may choose to have this mentality.

You are capable of limited shapeshifting(within a humanoid form), allowing you to change the look of your body at will.

Each flügel is created with a single additional concept aside from Warfare, that they are good at, an example of this is Jibril, The Angel of Imperfection, due to this attribute, she always seeks ways to improve herself, and does not consider things to be impossible, merely not done yet.

This attribute gives you additional capabilities based upon your choice.

Due to the shared concept of warfare the Flügel have, they have an innate sense of teamwork with each other, allowing them to recognize what others are doing within 100 km around themselves and making appropriate supporting actions to the best of their capabilities.

As upon your transformation into a newborn flügel, other flügel will be highly protective of you, and seek to protect you until you have either dueled most of them into submission or fought alongside them in multiple battles, thereby proving that it is no longer necessary, this is a mentality that is shared by all flügel in regards to newborn.


Option 1. (cannot be used with option 2)

You may choose to be born into or brought into the No Game No Life series, at either during or after the time of Jibril's creation,(407 years before Tet's rules) if you choose to be born at the same time as Jibril or after, but not before the end of The Great War, you will be considered the second exceptional unit, if you choose the brought into, you get dragged into said setting by The One True God named Tet, who will turn you into a flügel, this will be after The Great War, in this option any additional essence's only apply to you and your offspring.

Option 2. (cannot be used with option 1)

In the event that you are not in the NGNL verse, you may choose to be created alongside more of your kind, this essence can be considered a back-up plan of Artosh if you want.

They share this essence alongside any other essences that apply to you, so that you truly have comrades willing to back you up.

Flügel that you create using this essence (or give birth to) are completely loyal to you(this counts for your own loyalty to them as well) and see you as their leader, this cannot be altered, they may chose to serve you with a level of devotion ranging from zealous devotion to considering you an idiot, but still following you when you give the call to assemble, this depends on your charisma.

They will create a Council of Wings to support your rule as a leader.

Option 3.

You may choose to make 1 or more Flügel your life-mates, whether these are custom made flügel according to your wishes or canon is up to you.

author's notes and additional info

A flügel does not have a gender, being an energy being, but for the purposes of this essence it is female, still if you want you may take a male shape, will be a bit odd when reproduction is involved though, but that is your problem, this can be explained away as limited shapeshifting.

A thing of note is the fact that your wings and ears are also an erogenous zone.

For a flügel your body and soul can be considered the same thing.

Flügels reproduce by taking a bit of soul, either from another flügel or another sapient race, and merge it with a piece of their own, then they incubate this in their womb.

This(taking a bit of soul) can be done safely or not, as per your choice.

Incubation takes about a year for the Flügel in question to stabilize, and can be brought out of your womb as a small child, after 5 years the flügel in question attains their mature form.

The time to mature to an adult mentality is around 100 years.

Flügel pass on their knowledge, spells, wisdom, magic capacity/regeneration and instincts inside the soulshard's that they merge to form the prospective newborn

Flügel are also considered on Disboard to be angels of death.

Your strength cannot be accurately measured other than yes, due to the fact there are no hard limits due to empowerment by magic.

Flügel tend to not name spells that are considered weak.

You may alter small details of other essences(and this one) for purposes of incorporating it into this essence.

Your halo will increase in complexity as you increase in capabilities.


For more information about Flügels/No Game No Life go to (https://no-game-no-life.fandom.com/wiki/Flugel)

Most of the described capabilities in this essence are attributed to the flügel named Jibril

Fun fact, the planet Disboard is named said way, because during the war life was said to be one fucked up game.

Another fact is that the shape of the planet during the Great War was not round, and most certainly not in one piece.

(Regarding Heavenly Smite)

Jibril (a Flügel) was able to create a 378.23 km long path in the sea with 5%(output) of her Heavenly Smite to reach Oceando.

Assuming the sea in the path has the same average depth as Oceando (200m) and the path is 20m wide, the energy required to push apart this amount of water is 31.01 Terajoules, approximately 7341 kilotons TNT equivalent.

From here, it can be calculated that Jibril's full power Heavenly Smite releases the energy equivalent to 148.25 kilotons of TNT, about 10 times as much as Little Boy, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Also after unleashing their Full smite, their appearance turns into that of a young girl, due to lack of energy, they stay like that until they recover more than 10% of their magic reserves.)

Heavenly Smite was depicted differently in the anime(No Game No Life) and movie(No Game No Life Zero) it looks like multiple bolts of black lightning with purple glow, in the movie it is depicted as giant energy blasts.

(In regards to Teleportation capabilities)

The spell is capable of teleporting more than 190.000 km, even taking with them an atmosphere, its only limitation is line of sight or knowledge on where to go.

Teleportation can also be used offensively by using altered space/time to rip apart their enemies.

(in regards to movement (flight))

Against Schwi (in the No game no Life Zero movie,) Jibril moved 50 meters in 0.000046 seconds.

Jibril moved (flew) approximately 1,086,956 Meters per second, roughly equal to 3186 mach (That's over 3000 times the speed of sound.)

It should be noted that during this fight, only at the end did Jibril take Schwi serious as a threat.

Essence of Ex-Machina (NGNL)

 By drinking this Essence, you become capable of creating Ex-Machina units from No Game No Life.

 If you want you may choose to become an Ex-Machina yourself, whether you are a single unit, a Cluster or the entire hive mind if that is your choice.

 In regard to creating Ex-Machina you may choose whether you form them from your own power, craft them into existence (you know how to make them), simply will them into existence or are born/adopted into the hive mind.

 To gain more weapons, capabilities, magic and stuff your Ex-Machina have to either research and develop them, or encounter other people using such things, to attain them the Ex-Machina must understand how they work.

 Ex-machina bodies are customizable using Spatial Overwrite.

 Yes this means you can lewd your machines.


 You may choose what kind of general personality your Ex-Machina hivemind develops, nevertheless their initial behavior will be that of an artificial intelligence.

 For Ex-Machina units and Cluster behavior and personalities you can choose how you want them to develop, either the same as that of the hive mind or you can set what personalities and behavior you want them to have.

 They will absorb and process data and intelligence very quickly(this is a characteristic trait of their race), growing into said personality.

 If you don't set a personality they can also emulate personalities, however if they do this too long it becomes an innate personality.

 This is due to the fact that they develop and grow their heart with the personality as its base.

 Over time they will begin developing their Heart, whether they do this collectively or personally, you have the option of setting yourself up as their loved one, again whether this is for a single, group, entire cluster or for the entire hive mind, it's your choice.

 As their Heart progresses their expressions and feelings become more vivid over time.

 Be aware this requires you to interact with them.

 They will consider themselves to be your tools and servants, and will serve you loyally with all their being, this is optionable.

 If they fall in love with you they will consider themselves yours for the rest of their existence, nothing can change this.


 All Ex-Machina appear as perfect young attractive humans with some mechanical parts exposed, all to your taste if you want.

 They tend to wear butler or maid themed clothing for their own enjoyment.

 They generally consider clothing to be cosplay.


 To state that Ex-Machina units excel at learning is quite understated.

 The Ex-Machina were dreaded during The Great War due to their incredible ability to learn and adapt.

 No tactics or weapons will work on them twice, and everything used against them will be added to their ever-expanding arsenal, their notable strengths include:

Superior Physical Capabilities: Every unit possesses superhuman strength, resilience, senses and speed, and are capable of unassisted flight.

 They do not require food or Sleep, they do have 2 live cables attached to their backs and connected to their powersource.

 Their bodies are very resistant to: water, dust, cold, heat, kinetic impact and explosions, and are even capable of synthesizing a decontaminant to Black ash(see trivia for more info), although their designated service life is around 1000 years they can last considerably longer, there have been units known to exist for more than 6200 years, so consider them ageless so long as you can repair them and yourself if you are one.

Superior Senses: By measuring and analyzing biometrics, they are able to detect lies and misdirection.

 Combined with their flawless deduction capabilities, no one is capable of fooling them by telling half-truths and withholding information.

Collective Mind: Due to being a cybernetic race, they are all connected to a linked mind called a Cluster.

 During the great war, that meant that if one unit saw you as a threat, the entire Cluster of Ex-machina would consider you a threat.

 Furthermore, information of everything used against them will be made known to all units instantly, making them a dangerous race to provoke.

 Finally, due to having almost no sense of individuality, they have no fear of death in combat. (this may change when they get emotions)

Extreme Computing Power: While every unit is essentially a supercomputer on its own, they could push it even further by linking up to the Cluster and perform parallel computing.

 This allows them to analyze and adapt to almost every situation near instantly, this is best shown when they were able to devise countermeasures in merely 0.018 seconds when Aranleif (see link) unleashed his Far Cry. (Dragon superiority does not apply to Ex-machina)

Weapon Duplication and Creation: The Ex-machina had 27,451 artificial weapons in their linked arsenal at the end of the great war, including duplicated weapons and original creations.

 However, if a unit disconnects from the cluster, their access would be limited.

 For example, Schwi only had access to 47 out of the 27,451 after being excommunicated from the Cluster.

 The weapons and techniques available to you and/or the Ex-Machina you create are:

 Umweg (redirection of energy)

 Overburst (amplified laser cannon)

 Assut Armor [Elemental Burst] (explosion that scatters Black Ash)

 Ainweg (dimensional Shift)

 Spatial overwrite (altering physical reality with limitations)

 Optical Camouflage

Alles-Lösen: known as a last stand kind of move which unleashes all weapons in their arsenal and turns the unit into a mobile fortress.

 It is mostly seen within Kämpfer units who were built for combat, for the sake of this essence you can consider all units to have it.

 Alles-lösen is generally only used to fight unknown enemies or enemies that are much stronger than themselves.

 For example: a mere Prüfer is capable of holding out against Jibril (a Flügel) for a bit more than 251 seconds on its own, despite the vast differences in power.

Personality Emulation: Ex-Machina are capable of mimicking personalities based on their database.

 For example, when Schwi was going to follow Riku back to their base she acted briefly as a noisy sister and then a traumatized survivor.

 The latter was so convincing that Riku(a Human) was surprised by it.


 Defensive Nature: Although they are capable of replicating and counter attacking opponents with ferocity, they are a defensive race in nature.

 If not provoked, they have no aggression towards any person or group.

 Therefore they could potentially lose if they are beaten by the first move or if an unpredictable method is used before they can fully assess and correct the situation.

 It's also notable that something such as Artosh's God Strike, was considered incalculable due to its incomprehensible sheer amount of power, so one can speculate that, while able to reproduce a Flügel's power, they can't match that of an Old Deus. (read old god)

Emotions: While in the light novel, despite obtaining the 'Heart' from Schwi, they are still mostly unfamiliar with the concept of emotions, therefore they could be confused when faced with unknown feelings.

 This can cause them to act rather blunt and insensitive due to their lack of tactfulness in regards to the understanding of their emotions, an example of this would be when Einzig displayed Sora's (a Human) pornographic collection to everybody stating that he found it to be the embodiment of love.

 In this essence in regards to their emotions you can choose to allow them to develop on their own(you can help them with it if you want or you can allow them to fall in love with you, you can choose whether or not you allow their feelings to develop per unit, per Cluster, or even the entire hivemind.

 Be aware They will actively analyze and adapt to you for Efficient Romance if you choose this option. (the love one)

Form of Government

 The Ex-Machina have a Hivemind and consider themselves a single entity.

 They work by simple evaluation and response under an administrator unit, with the callsign of the unit given the name Einzig.

 Beneath the administrator units, they are divided into "Clusters" which consist of 437 units each and are led by their respective Befehler units.

 32 clusters were known to exist during the end of the great war before getting wiped out in the final act.

 All Ex-Machina units ultimately follow their callsign, therefore making him the race administrator.

 However, in certain circumstances, a unit may replace Einzig and assume command temporarily.

 Despite being a Hivemind each Ex-machina is capable of developing its own personality.

Types of units

 The Ex-Machina have 5 different units built.

 these are:

Seher (observation/overseer units)

Prüfer (analyzation units) (an example would be Üc207Pr4f57t9 also known as Schwi Dola) Prüfers tend to only have about 32% compared to combat units, as their main purpose is not engaging in battles.

Zeichen (designing units)

Kämpfer (combat units)

Befehler (commanding units) (Ec001Bf9Ö48a2 also known as Emir-Eins, Über-Eins and Einzig.)

Add-on choice 1

 This add-on is Optional.

 If you want to you may become the Ex-Machina afterlife from which they can ressurect and resleeve themselves into new bodies.

 This resurrection restores any damage, forced alteration by others, etc by others, so your machina comes out fully restored from anything.

 This choice will make the Ex-Machina extremely protective of you, as they consider you vital for continued operations.

 If taken with the choice to become an Ex-Machina, you will be considered a unique unit and given your own designation.

Add-on choice 2

 As before this add-on is optional.

 As it would break the poor machines hearts if you die you may consider yourself ageless from now on.

 If you also have Add-on 1 you may self-resurrect from the afterlife as well after 5 hours of your death.

Add-on choice 3

 This one is optional as well.

 Your Mind and Soul are now inviolable regardless of other people's capabilities.

 This means they can only destroy your body.

 If taken with Add-on 1 the afterlife is considered inviolable, and cannot be entered without your permission.

 You and the other Ex-Machina are now completely unpredictable by other races.

Add-on choice 4

 You may choose to go into the setting of No Game No Life, either during the time of the light novels or during the Zero movie or even when Holou created the Ex-machina.

Other Essences

 In regards to other essences you may choose how your Ex-Machina gain increased capabilities from these.


 The Ex-Machina are the 10th race in the Exceed.(collective name for sentient races of disboard)

 They appear to be a race of cybernetic lifeforms, they are mentally linked and can be considered one entity by conveying information received by each unit to clusters and wider, to the administrator (titled Einzig.)

 In a process much like a server to a computer, their hierarchy is formed by different roles based on the former, and a dysfunctional unit can be separated from the cluster.

 They tend to call each other with complicated numbered names, and will only accept a different name from their significant other.

 Within their identification code there are two letters indicating what type they are, for example, Emir-Eins is a Befehler unit and her code is: Ec001Bf9Ö48a2.

Black Ash, also known as Elemental Bones, it is a lethal soot-like powder that is poisonous to the majority of the living species, in high quantities it can even cause Black Ash storms.

 It is capable of destroying buildings over time

 Although it is named Black Ash it is known to shine an aquamarine light, this is due to the fact that the nature of it is a symbol of death itself.

 Effects: Black Ash can cause extreme effects on flesh tissue.

 Schwi, an Ex-Machina, states that she has specific decontaminants to keep herself from deteriorating while in contact with Black Ash.

 As to not get contaminated by it, for a human it requires every single part of the human body to be covered with clothing, gloves, goggles and more.

 For humans, if Black Ash touches any part of their bare flesh, whether inside or out, it can cause the following:

 Burnt skin


 If consumed Innards will dissolve


 Complete loss of limb


 Severe lung damage, often leading to death

 Bone fragility

 Severe brain damage, also often leading to death

History, specifically in No Game No Life.

 Before the Great War, they were created by Holou, the god of Doubt, to answer her own endless question.

 During the Great War, the Ex-Machina maintained a non-intervention policy with two known exceptions.

 The first was a skirmish with Aranrave's party of Dragonia(dragons), which led to Schwi Dola redirecting enemy fire at, and destroying, Riku's Village.

 The second occurred after Schwi shared her "heart" with the Ex-Machina's collective mind during the battle she lost against Jibril, which motivated 13,984 Ex-Machina units (32 clusters) lead by Einzig to aid in the Spieler's crusade.

 By keeping all combat personnel occupied and slaying Artosh, the Ex-Machina enabled Riku to summon the Suniaster.

 Despite having contributed greatly in ending the war and the establishment of the Ten Covenants, the cybernetic entities never found achievement: Out of the 11 clusters deployed to create the Stalemartyr, only 5 units including Emir-Eins survived while the other 4802 units were literally evaporated under the combined arsenals of all races.

 Moreover, almost all of the remaining 9177 units perished during their assault on Avant Heim.

Most of all, the one they loved is gone forever, leaving the few survivors of the entire race wandering around the world which they created, with their intelligential part permanently broken.

 They were bound by a hardware lock: find their loved one even at the cost of extinction.

 With no country, the remaining Ex-Machina wander around Disboard for more than 6000 years.

 The Terminology used by the Ex-Machina is heavily german-themed, probably alluding to the stereotype that Germans built the finest machines.

 In regards to Strength of machina's they are capable of nonchalantly cutting apart boulders and ripping out iron plates.

Speed wise they are incredibly fast, if a journey takes 5 days by horseback they can do it on foot while carrying a horse and rider in half a day while hiding from sight (without the use of magic) if with magic it would be a matter of minutes.

 As Ex-Machina were originally created by Holou to help her find answers, they are therefore really good at this.