
Meta Essence CYOA 3

Essence of the Portal Network

By drinking this mildly sour tasting essence, you gain the potential to create a portal network that spans the entire omniverse.

●Initially, the network will merely consist of a single two-way portal between your Earth of origin and one other.

○This first alternate Earth will have nothing supernatural within it, but will more than likely have a point of divergence that occurred up to one hundred years before your Earth's current year.

○In addition, this first alternate Earth's current year is at least twenty years and at most fifty years behind your own Earth's timeline.

○The portal itself is no more than one meter in radius, and is also located somewhere within or nearby your primary place of residence that you can easily access.

●With time and experience, you can potentially create more portals to additional Earths/worlds/universes/etc, and expand the size of existing portals.

○As an example of how long it will take you to expand the capabilities of your portal network, it would take you about two to three years to open a second portal to a third alternate Earth - but only if you didn't actively work towards this goal. If you were to actively work towards this goal, on the other hand, it would take you anywhere from two weeks to a year and a half, depending on the amount of time and effort you put towards this goal.

Essence of the 666 Evil Eyes

 By drinking from this ominous looking concoction that taste like water, you have become the bearer of the 666 Evil Eyes!

•You can choose to be transported into another world, one much like your own but with prettier people, wacky hair colors and hairstyles, and the general presence and influence of classic anime tropes and logic! If you make this choice, you also have the opportunity to cosmetically change your appearance, age, and gender, and decide what your family is like; the only limitation is that it cannot be too absurd.

•You can decide if the world you are transported to is also influenced by hentai tropes and logic in addition to anime's.

•You are the bearer of the 666 Evil Eyes! this essentially means your right or left eye is infused with supernatural abilities! At their default, constantly active form; The Blankest Eye of The Great King of Normalcy it appears like a differently colored mirror of your normal eye, and allow you to see all types of supernatural effects or creatures, including piercing through illusions and glamour's with some effort. It also allow you to see through any type of obstacle put directly in front of it like eyelids, eyepatches, blindfolds, thick bangs of hair, or any kind of mask. Lastly, if directly staring at a person of your preferred sexual attraction, it will lower their inhibitions and made them hornier, with increasing effects the longer the stare last. These default abilities are shared in some form or another by all your Evil Eyes, though they are at their strongest as The Blankest Eye of The Great King of Normalcy.

•As the name implies, there are 666 forms your Evil Eye can take, each one have an unique name, changes the shape and colors of your eyes, and gives you a set of supernatural abilities usually related to that name. For example the The Scorching Eye of The Terrible Flame King gives you abilities related to the production and control of fire, The Kaleidoscopic Eye of The Eerie Lord of Hypnosis gives you hypnotic and mind control powers, and so on.

•Every Evil Eye other than the default (The Blankest Eye of The Great King of Normalcy) requires effort to use and cannot be constantly maintained. With practice you will become better at it and will be able to use it for longer periods, but you will always have to change back to the default form at some point to let your eye rest.

•The abilities provided by the Evil Eyes are not static in nature; they can grow and change with training, usage and effort, with no recorded upper limits. Thought they do not change past the 'theme' of the Eye merely grows more powerful and versatile.

•You cannot, however, use a particular eye without 'attuning' to it first. You can change the form of your eye at any time, but without attunement the result will be completely random. To 'attune' to an Evil Eye you simply have to use it. At the first time using an Evil Eye you will already start attuning to it, this will increase the chances of this particular Eye appear again during selection until eventually you'll attune to it fully and will be able to use it at will. You can choose to start fully attuned to two additional Evil Eyes.

•Of your Evil Eyes, 99 of them are classified as Supreme Evil Eye and can only appear during periods of extreme emotional stress, during traumatic experiences, or near-death experiences. These Eyes are absurdly powerful, and have abilities that can be comparable to cosmic beings or reality warpers. No matter what world you are in, activating the Powers of a Supreme Evil Eye is akin to unleashing an apocalyptic event by the standards of that world. Unlike your other Evil Eyes you will have no control over these powers and will enter an unconscious 'fury' state, ready to obliterate whatever caused you to fall into this state to being with. Lacking clear enemies or antagonist forces for you to destroy, your actions in this state will be truly unpredictable.

•Gaining the ability to consciously use the abilities of a Supreme Evil Eye is possible, but extremely difficult. It requires great amounts of mental discipline to not lose yourself during a Supreme Evil Eye activation, and even more so to properly use its abilities. However, just like with any other Evil Eye, you can learn to control it with training and effort. Attuning to a Supreme Evil Eye is also possible, but highly difficult for the same reason.

•Of your Evil Eyes, 1 of them is rather special. Technically speaking, it is a Supreme Evil Eye, but it can manifest as a lesser version of itself with limited abilities, in fact, this eye already comes fully attuned to you. The Far Reaching Eye of the Dimensional Traveler gives you two abilities: the ability to fling yourself and any near people randomly across the multiverse to a world where you never been before, and the ability to precisely return to a world that you have been. Both these abilities require a cool down after usage, a couple of days for going, and a couple of hours for returning. You can get better 'aim' and lesser cool downs with practice. Beware though, this eye still a Supreme Evil Eye, so in can manifest in its true form The Supreme Far Seeing Eye of The True Planeswalker if the usual conditions are met.

•The powers of the 666 Evil Eye are not bound by the physical form of your eye, it is merely the catalyst from where they manifest, losing this eye merely shifts the power of the Evil Eye to you remaining eye, losing both eyes will make it shift to another body part, becoming the 666 Evil Hand for example, until the lost eyes are replaced. Basically, you cannot get rid of the power by cutting the body part that's being used as the catalyst for it.

•You can grant copies of the Evil Eye you are fully attuned to other people. These copies are initially less powerful than the original, and have a slower rate of growth, but in theory they can surpass the power of the original if the person you granted it to puts the time and effort required. Granting an Evil Eye to a willing person will instill a subtle but powerful sense of loyalty in them, making them unlikely to consciously betray you, this loyalty can easily stimulate the growth of feelings of friendship, lust, or love. This effect is greatly reduced if you grant them an Evil Eye without their knowledge, or force it upon them. Most people can only hold one copy of an Evil Eye, but in some rare instances they can hold more; though never more than three.

•You can remove any copies of Evil Eyes you've granted at any time, regardless of the distance.

Essence of the Boonmaster

By drinking from the bitter, bubbly substance you have gain mastery in all kinds of boons.

●You gain the power of grading boons to people other than yourself. These boons come in the form of supernatural powers, abilities or skills and can be granted through various means.

●The first type of boon you can grant is the Minor Boon. These come in the form of simple, often one-off powers; like a moderately powerful superpower, mastery of one particular skill, a grab bag of weaker superpowers, or a set of specific magical spells. As a combat example for comparison sake: this type of boons is capable of allowing an individual that would otherwise be completely normal fight a team of elites of their own species. This type of boon, however, is static in nature and cannot grow or evolve over time.

●You are capable of granting minor boons in any way you want as longs as the receiver is in your presence. But a receiver's body can only withstand so much minor boons before it starts breaking down. You can fill a person with countless minor boons and make the person enormously powerful or at least wonderfully versatile for a time, at the price of causing irreversible damage on their body and soul that would inevitably led to their deaths. You instinctively know how many minors boons a particular person can handle.

●Any person that receives any of your minor boons automatically forge a Minor Pledge of Loyalty towards you that may be manifested through some kind of marking on their bodies, or simply as a invisible marking on their soul. A minor pledge of loyalty simply nudges the receiver to have some basic loyalty towards you, and also makes easier for them to see you in a positive light. But it does not make your words binding and an individual with enough mental fortitude might be able to shake it off. This loyalty will not survive severe mistreatment. The strength of this pledge is dictated by the number of minor boons they have upon their bodies, the more boons they have the stronger is the pledge.

●The other type of boon you can grant is the Major Boon. These come in the form of more complex and more powerful powers, skills and abilities. Like better and more powerful versions of minor boons. With their added complexity you can grant things like whole functional power systems, like granting a receiver a gamer-like level up system, or existing power system of other universes like Chakra, Mana or Nen. This type is not as rigid as the minor boons, and each major boon can grow and evolve without an upper limit. However, the speed to which this potential growth is realized is inversely proportional to the level of the initial power; the lowest level of initial power is comparable to a minor boon, but they can grow and evolve at frightening speeds, while the maximum level of initial power is several hundred times higher than a minor boon, but they cannot grow and evolve very fast. As a combat example for comparison sake: Initially, this type of boon is capable of allowing an individual that would otherwise be completely normal fight a sizable army of elites of the same species, with their effectiveness increasing over time.

●The only way you can grant major boons is through a ritual or a ceremony. The details of this ceremony are completely up to you. However, the ceremony must have an action that symbolizes the new 'bond' between you and the boon's receiver, this action takes form by the consumption of a bodily substance either from you or by you. For example, the whole 'ceremony' can be as simple as cutting the palm of your hand and let the receiver drink from your blood. The same can be said from other bodily substances like sweat, saliva, or cum for drinking, and hair, nails or flesh for consumption. However, due to the strong nature of this type of boon, a person can only handle up to five at once, depending on the individual.

●Any person that receives a Major Boon automatically forges a Major Pledge of Loyalty towards you that may be manifested through some kind of marking on their bodies, or simply as an invisible marking on their soul. A major pledge of loyalty inspires a high level of loyalty right out the gate, not enough to be binding at first but enough to even make enemies rethink their stance on you. This pledge eventually makes your orders binding to the receiver, with the more emphasis you put on your words the harder it is for a receiver to resist. This loyalty can grow without limits, quickly growing into a fanatical belief if let alone, but you can place a limit on that if you wish. This pledge will make the receiver have a positive disposition towards you right out the gate, and these feeling will evolve and grow to true devotion, true friendship, or true love. You're able to steer the developments of these feelings in any way you wish or leave them at random, but no matter what you do they will away become something intense. A receiver's sense of loyalty is somewhat tied to the evolution of their major boon, with those with extreme loyalty developing and evolving them faster than those weaker loyalty, a person can even evolve their body to accommodate more major boons than they normally would if they're loyal enough.

●Minors boons and Major boons occupy different metaphysical spaces inside a receiver's being, so they can be granted and maintained at the same time.

●You have complete control over the details of your boons and how they will evolve. You can set boons to be temporary or permanent, set conditions for their use, or consequences for their misuse. You can take away, depower, or even change the nature of any boon given at anytime, regardless of the distance or consent, but you cannot directly empower them. You can use that ability to simulate powers of your own, like simulating a healing touch by giving a sick or wounded person a temporary minor boon of 'health', or simulate a resurrection power by giving a corpse the major boon or 'life'. And these are just a few examples.

Essence of the Erotic Empowerer

By drinking from this suspicious, genital shaped bottle you've become an Erotic Empowerer!

●Your body is elevated to the peak of your species in terms of physical attributes while also becoming supernaturally attractive, this comes with a free cosmetic change if you want to modify your appearance, but no matter what you will always be beautiful and often find yourseft to be the hottest person in the room.

●You become supernaturally good at sex and foreplay, able to instinctively know what your partner needs or want to bring them to the peak of pleasure, your new skill vastly surpass even ultimate gods and goddess of sex making you able to turn pretty much anything into an extremely satisfied ahegao puddle.

●You gain infinite stamina while having sex or engaging in sexual activity, the worst you'll even get is 'satisfyingly tired' but you can decide to make it so you don't feel tired at all.

●Porn logic now affects you, and you have absolute control over the intensity to which it's affecting your being. Things like refractory period control, snug fit no matter the genital differences, mind-break, guarantee pregnancy, guarantee not pregnancy, moral degradation, lowered inhibition, rape-turn-love, and many many others are now possible to you as long as you adjust the porn logic intensity.

●Your cum has become highly nutritious and has acquired a divine, always adjusting taste that will always affect the drinker's taste sense in the best way possible. The taste itself already make it slightly addictive, but it does have addicting properties beyond that, if you're not careful you might turn your partner into a junkie for your cum, but as this is likely to happen, you can decide if they're going to be a non-functional junkie only living for their next fix, a functional junkie able to go on with their life but away feeling a strong and often irresistible craving for it, or a high functional junkie that is capable of not letting the constant craving affect their lives.

●You can empower your partner through sex, this can mean granting them new abilities, skills and powers, or just enhancing what they naturally have.

●As a rule, you will always make your partner more powerful or more versatile, hence the name 'empower', and you are free to decide how this empowerment will manifest. But you are limited to your partner current strengths and potential for growth; a quick explanation would be 'You can turn a normal housewife into a goddess of battle in one session, you need multiple session to do that.' Basically, while you can empower them to be stronger than what they are, you can only do that to a reasonable degree. But of course, this degree changes depending on the partner, no a normal housewife becoming stronger in different than a Demigoddess becoming stronger.

●Because sex is a communal act, you also are empowered by your partner empowerment. However, because it's only a reflection, you do not have control over how you yourself are going to be empowered. The result are not completely random however, it depends on your partner, and the empowerment they are receiving, for example if you partner is a fire mage by nature it might mirror that and grant you fire base magic, or if you are in the process of empowering our partner with legendary sword skills, it might mirror that instant and grants your similar, but different swords skills. It is always based on your partner or now the empowerment they received.

Essence of the Lost Primarch

By drinking form a vial of the Emperor of Mankind's blood, you have become one of his Primarch sons, taking the place of one of the two who would be erased from history.

●You may choose to regain consciousness as a Primarch baby in the moment your pod hits your new home planet, or was a fully grown adult with a brief lifetime of memories at your disposal.

●Because of the warp's wibbly wobbly timey wimey shenanigans, you may choose when in the timeline your gestation pod crash-landed. It can be anywhere from the war-torn age of the 30th millennium, to the war-torn, grimdark, ass-fuckery chaotic age of the 41th. However, no matter when you crash, your new home planet will be untouched by the imperium of man during that time.

●If you choose to fall in the 30th millennium, the Emperor of Mankind will inevitably find you, but you may choose exactly when that will happen in accordance to the findings of your brother Primarchs.

●You may 'design' your new home planet and the culture of the human population in it, in any way you wish, be it as a mirror of one of the cultures from the old Earth, or something you came out entirely on your own. However, your homeplanet must have a challenge or several for you to overcome, for example; it can be periodically savaged by warp beasts, it can be an post apocalyptic wasteland, it can be dominated by a cruel race of Xenos and many more. Depending on the design your homeplanet, it will gain the designation of Death World by imperium scholars in the future.

●As a Primarch you will grown at an accelerated rate, reaching the size of a tall adolescence within the first year of your life, and reaching your full maturity within 5 to 10 years, with your height anywhere from 3 to 5 meters (10' to 16' feet) tall.

●You are excessively strong even as a baby. At full maturity your physical strength will be among the top of the Primarchs, allowing you to fight armies with your bare hands.

●You can move blissfully fast, with unmatched agility and, if you try, unnatural grace, so much so that you will be able to easily keep up a fancy sword duel with an Eldar veteran of the War in Heaven if that somehow come to be.

●Your resilience is extremely high; to the point your naked body itself could be considered an extremely strong armor. You can take an insane among of damage before you go down, and recuperate from all but the most grievous of wounds. As a baseline, you can survive something that would kill a Adeptus Astartes.

●You have all the additional organs an Adeptus Astartes have; only yours are naturally grown and function at the highest efficient possible.

●You mind in enhanced to the level of a supercomputer, allowing you to, for example; learn new skills in a matters of minutes or hours, make complex calculations about the coordinate of a space fleet in your head, bring wonderful innovations a field of study you are interested in, and many more.

●You have a record of the collective knowledge of all humanity installed in your subconscious, including knowledge of the Dark Age of Technology. This may give you direct knowledge about a few subjects, but it will most likely appear in the form of intuitive grasps of 'new' technology or philosophies. This will allow you to uplift a civilization from brozen years to a space faring state in a few decades.

●Your will is unshakable and inviolable, this may show itself within aspect of your personality, but it affects or soul mostly. With this, you are highly resistant to the corruption of chaos, you will never fall or be tempted by it if it's not your own wish. Only a direct and continuous touch of a God of Chaos is capable of making you fall unwillingly.

●You may choose to inherit the Emperor of Mankind's perpectual gene; with this your already high cellular regeneration becomes insanely fast and unnaturally efficient, allowing you to regenerate back to full health from a few cluster of left over cells if the needs be. This makes you virtually unkillable to all but the nastiest players in the galaxy.

●The Emperor of Mankind created each Primarch to fill a role during times of war and out of it; you are no different. While your brothers already fill most of the roles the Emperor had in mind, there is two left for you to choose, these roles are flexible and not all encompassing, but they will affect you in a deep level, you may choose only one: The Successor: The Emperor of Mankind created you to succeed him when the time come. With this, your psionically might will be second only to the Emperor himself, and your spirit will gain the aspect of chaos anathema, making it utterly poisonous to the creatures of Chaos, thus making you completely immune to their corruption. You are destined to surpass the Emperor of Mankind someday, becoming the new milestone on Humanity's ever-growing evolution. You may even, after the appreciated amount of time and experience; evolve to a higher state of being similar to the Old Ones of the past. Or The Trump Card: The Emperor of Mankind created you to be the ultimate weapon against Chaos, and also as a failsafe against himself if he ever stray from his path, or fall to the corruption of Chaos. Your soul now has become an Anti-warp soul, a unique type of soul that radiate a nullifying energy not unlike those of the Blanks. This 'Blank Energy' turn you into the great equalizer of the galaxy, utterly nullifying the might of Chaos by your presence alone, affecting Warp phenomenons, Warp creatures, or beings with a great connection to the warp like the greatest of the Blank would. Your control over this energy is unmatched, allowing you to lowering the effects to almost non-existent or directing all of it to an individual target. You may even use it as a improvised Gellar field for your spaceship if you need it, and with much training and time dedicated to it, you may become able to bask the entire galaxy in it, turning the warp back into the peaceful realm of soul from before, and nullifying Chaos back to it's harmless primordial state. Be warned though, this makes you the greatest threat against Chaos, even bigger than the Emperor himself, The Chaos Gods will certainly dedicate their undivided attention to your destruction if they ever realize it.

●You have a legion of Adeptus Astartes made from your gene seed, essentially making them your sons, the legion number is either II or XI, you have to choose.

●No matter what, they will worship the ground you walk on, and even if you greatly antagonize them or reject them entirely, they will still have a deep level of respect and admiration towards you.

●Your legion share traits with you even before you are found, you may decide exactly what those traits are, but they must follow the aspects given to you by your role, one way or another.

●Your legion will adapt itself to what you need/want. This will show in legion-wide changes in their doctrines, battle tactic and even culture, and on individual level; like a greenhorn neophyte growing to be a argumentative adviser, an apothecary becoming a deadpan smartass who had your best interest in mind, or a mechanicus turning into a fun-loving drinking buddy who you can decompress with. These changes are always natural, and seamless. The legion will also assimilate the parts or the entire culture of your homeplanet.

●Your passage through the Warp was a baby has given you a set of mutations; these mutations are utterly invisible to the eye and will not be detected without throughout examination.

●Your mutation make so your great Primarch penis will always fit the orifices of your sexual partner in the way that brings the most pleasure for both parties no matter the size differences.

●Your mutations make your semen become highly nutritious and devilishly delicious. Your semen also temporarily enhances your partner's physical and mental attributes after sex, and also gives them a cloak of Psychic protection against chaos. This cloak gives them a blank-like warp immunity if you chose the Trump Card as your role.

●Your mutations make it so frequent exposure to your semen naturally increases your partner's life, slowing down or even stopping the passage of time over their cells, this essentially allow your lovers to live as much as you do, as long as they are getting some. The need for more semen exposure to maintain their immortality decreases over the years, but never truly ceases.

●Your mutations make it so you have a 1 in 100.000 chance of actually impregnating someone, in this case your child will born a naturally born Primaris Space Marines regardless if it's a boy or a girl. They will born the size of normal human babies, to much of their mothers relief, but will quickly grown to an appropriate size, though their grown is slower than a Primarchs.

●If you chose The Successor as your role, this chance drops to 1 in 1.000.000, but your child will be a naturally born Primarch instead.

●Your legion and any Astartes made from your geneseed will share all your warp mutation; they have a much higher chance of impregnating someone than you, though their children only will be taller-than-average enhanced human lacking the additional organs. The boys will make for perfect space marine candidates, however.

●You now have an essence granted, perfect cloak over your out-of–the-universe knowledge and your true nature as an otherworld being. NOTHING is able to break through this cloak, and any that try will receive a different stream of information that perfectly fits the in universe narrative, and will be satisfied with it. The only way for anyone to discover that your true nature is for you to directly tell or allow them to see it in your mind. This also has the unintentional side effect of confusing any precognition vision that involves you, as the future shown will be a highly convincing fabrication created by the cloak. This essence power can be toggled on and off as you wish.

Essence of the Magical Girl Mascot

By drinking from an overly sugary potion you gain the power of a Magical Girl Mascot!

●You body changes to that of a Magical Girl Mascot, or Puchuu if you want to be technical. You are now small and cute and look like a plushy toy or a pokemon. The details are up to you but you have to follow this theme.

●Your new body is highly resistant to all forms of damage, and have a healing factor that will bounce you back to full health after a few hours of resting if you ever need it.

●You have an unmatched magical potential and the reserve of magical energy big enough to back up this fact. However, you will only know a limited repertoire of exclusive defensive and support spells at first, you may create more later.

●You can create magical girls from the young members of a sapient species that you encounter, provided they have the potential to become one, a characteristic that is more often found in young females.

●You can detect individuals with the potential to become magical girls if they are in close proximity to you, and you can detect individuals across a large area if you meditate with this purpose on mind.

●A magical girl is created through a bonding process that give you absolute ownership of the girl's entire being (you may choice to share this fact or not), the bonding process can take any form you want, and you may choice to give something to the girl in exchange, like a wish. Be warmed that the bond does not give you power to fulfill the wish, you must use it your own power to do so.

●You may chose which 'system' a magical girl's grown will be following. This is tied to the girl power and magic, and it will dictate how she will grow in these aspects. They can be like a level up system, or an achievement based system, or a visible skill tree, or many others. You may chose which one in the moment of the bonding or leave it on automatic and let fate decide, whatever you chose you can't change it afterward.

●The potential of a magical girl will dictate how strong she will be in her first transformation, you can artificially enhance this initial strength at the cost of some of her potential, meaning you can get a strong magical girl right out the gate at the cost of lessening her ability to become stronger. You may also do the opposite, and cripple a magical girl's initial power in exchange for an increase in her potential. At the most extreme example of this you can create a country destroying girl who can't become stronger no matter what she does, or a utterly useless girl with the potential to achieve godlike levels if she works hard enough.

●You can control the relationship between a girl's untransformed state, and her transformed one. The standard relationship is that the untransformed state is the same as it was before the bonding, while the transformed one looks the same but carries all the new strength and magical power. You may chose to change that at any way you wish.

●You may chose to add lewd aspects to your magical girls, going from the entire process having being deeply lewd, like magical girls from a hentai setting, to having only minors or singular aspects being lewd.

●Each magical girl you create belongs to you on a fundamental level, this bond can not be broken. At the passive level it will make the girl loyal to you, and you can easily turn this loyalty into friendship and with a bit more effort even true love. At the active level you can easily use your magic on or through your girls no matter what defense they puts, you can give orders they can't refuse, put they mind into a highly suggestive form trance to mold and shape their memories and personality at your will, and many many more.

●Each girl you create increase your personal power at some level, this may come in the form of completely new abilities manifested on a whim, or new magical insights related to your girl's personal magic.

●You have a 'sixth sense' that is attuned to the larger multiverse; this sense will tell you where you and your girls are needed the most. Once you located the world you may travel to it.

Essence of the Magical Girl Nemesis

By drinking for a vial of an ink-black bubbly liquid you've become a Magical Girl Nemesis.

●You can chose to stay on the world you are, living your own life, or chose to assume a different life and set of memories in a different universe, where people are generally more attractive, extravagant hair-color are naturally possible, and anime tropes are part of the rules of reality; basically a world perfect for a magical girl tv show. You can control the details of this new life, under the condition that it has to be fairly average.

●You have a one time free cosmetic change, allowing you to change your appearance, gender, and age. These changes will follow a logical sense: if you give yourself a perfect musculature, you will become as strong and agile as an athlete, if you give yourself a huge pair of boobs you will suffer from chronic back pain etc…

●You are intrinsically connected to a brand new dimension of energy that you can access while sleeping or meditating. This dimension doesn't have many characteristics at first, but it does have a very unique feel to it and it appears rather ominous to the outside viewer, depending on your choices this ominous, corruptive feeling will become the main characteristic of your dimension.

●This dimension is entirely composed of a unique type of energy, which you can freely name. At first, it doesn't have a form or shape, but by your will alone it can acquire those things, becoming a vast extra-dimensional kingdom of your own design, complete with any retroactive history you decide.

●Inside this dimension, creatures named Denizens will form, either naturally or by your design, and they will fill any role you set for them and will adapt to any retroactive backstory you grant them.

●All Denizens are naturally loyal and subservient to you, with their personal opinion varied, but always loyal in their own way.

●The shapes of your denizens are highly adaptable, as are their powers. Each of them have a 'power system' within themselves, which can take many forms. It can be a magical system, or an evolutive mutations, or technological knowledge, or psionic potential, or eve combinations of those. All that matters are that your Denizens have unique powers that can evolve and they can acquire new ones with time and experience.

●You can directly influence their power system, and you have an instinctual understanding about the balance that must exist between immediate strength of a Denizen and potential strength of it. You can also sacrifice one thing for another, making a titanic strong denizen who lost the ability of become stronger, or a weak denizen who have potential to become god-like. You can also leave a denizen with a shapeless power system that will naturally reform into something else.

●Your presence in the world will slowly allow your dimension to inject its unique energy in it, slowly eroding the boundaries between the worlds; this a process that will take some time to finish.

●As the boundaries of the dimension grows thinner, the denizens of your dimension will start to slide in or actively invade the world you are in. Their actions are fully depended on their nature, desires and personality, but it's almost guarantee that they'll cause some kind of incident. You do not know when or where you denizen will appear, nor do you have direct control of them when the are loose upon the world, useless they are in your direct presence, as they can't or have any desire to disobey your orders.

●The otherworldly energy can also infect the population of the world, slowly or quickly corrupting them and turning them into new Denizens. This effect can also be achieved by the actions of the invading Denizens themselves if they have the means to corrupt someone.

●The otherworldly energy will cling around any denizens present in the world, slightly distorting reality around them. Normally, the denizen don't have the power to influence this, and the distortion will come in the form of a cloak of invisibility that affects the denizen and the wider effect of their actions. You can change that according to your will; making so the denizens are able to influence the cloak, making so the cloak take the form of a localized pocket dimension related to the denizen powers, or even dismissing the cloak all together, making your denizen and their actions visible to all.

●You have the power to create a special type of denizen named General, a General is a denizen with great power and potential who can naturally command other denizens, they are natural rulers and monarchs, always having positions of great power and influence within your dimension. As with the denizens, their forms, personalities, powers and potential are up to you to shape.

●Generals, unlike your denizen, have a 'final form'. This power temporarily changes the general's shape to a different one, usually making them look more demonic but it can be anything, and greatly increases all of the General's attributes while spontaneously granting them new powers and abilities. This power can only be used in times of great need, great emotional turmoil, or with direct order from you. Only an experienced General who trained specifically for it may use that form at will.

●This final form will change and evolved in accordance to the general's power, the stronger they get the stronger their final form are. The mental state of the General also plays a big factor to the power and shape of their final form, with changes in mentality, either by a traumatic event, self discovery, or even falling in love, greatly increasing or decreasing the power of their final forms.

●Your Generals can only enter the world properly when the boundary between worlds are close to the breaking point, so they have to find other means to affect the world indirectly. There are two common methods that every General can use; one is the 'Avatar Method' in it the General creates a proxy body identical to their normal one inside the invaded dimension, with it they can freely interact and play around in the new dimension, though their powers are stay very limited in that state. The other is the 'Possession Method' where the General possess and Denizen or a local individual inside the invaded dimension and acts through them, the relationship between the General and the one they are possessing is unique to them, and the power a General can push through depends on the resilience of the host they chose. There are other methods available, but they highly dependable on the kind of unique power a General have.

●The more Denizens appear, and the more the Generals act upon the world, the greater the pouring of energy from your personal dimension to the world becomes. And the more energy of your personal dimension is within the world, the stronger and more powerful you get. You can influence your own power like you would a denizen, creating one or multiple power system for yourself, with infinite potential for grown. The thinner the boundaries between worlds gets, the more flexible you can make them.

●Once the boundary between worlds breaks, you personal dimension will fuse with the one you currently are, and you will become a utterly omnipotent god while inside it.

●You dimension needs sustenance to exist however, and it gains sustenance by consuming other dimensions. So eventually you'll have use your omnipotent power to fling yourself to another dimension, usurping another life with a free cosmetic change and starting all over again.

●On this 'fresh start' you may wipe away the accumulated characteristics your dimension acquired, truly starting from the start. You can also spare individual General or Denizens if you wish, or make them reincarnate with the memories of their previous incarnation. You can also decide to keep you personal dimension exactly the same.

●On this 'fresh start' you may chose a series of powers to take with you, so you don't began in the human level again, or have some defense against the possible dangers of the new reality. The quality and strength of this power or powers depends on this new reality; as a rule, the more dangerous the new reality are the more powerful you can initially make yourself.

●No matter where you are, what you do, or how much you try, your presence in a world will always stimulate it to form a magical girl system to fight against your invasion, or if the world already have one, it will make the girl of this system turn their attention towards you.

●Beware because if a girl succeeds too much in killing your Denizens and Generals, purifying too much of the energy of your dimension, or if they manage to find and kill you, it will throw off the hold you personal dimension have upon their world, and it will take some time for you to reform and try again on their, or another world. If this happens while your Dimension is critically in need of sustenance, you and your dimension may actually die.

●It is possible to corrupt a Magical Girls and turn her into Denizens, these special Denizens are named Divas and they are unique because they will maintain a corrupted version of the powers their have as a 'regular' Magical Girl, a combination that usually gives them great initial power and a potential greater than even the Generals.

Essence of the Tinker of Fiction

 By drinking from a bitter, oily potion you have become the one and only Tinker of Fiction.

•You get one chance to cosmetically change your appearance to anything within the boundaries of 'humanly possible'. You are also able to travel to one fictional universe of your choice by inserting yourself in it as a canonical character's relative.

•Your mind is capable of aligning itself to the raw metaphysical concept of creation and technology that permeates throughout the entire multiverse. This translates as a complete tecnological database of a single universe that you can consciously and unconsciously assess. At the purest sense, this means you can recreate any type of technology present in the universe your mind are aligned to, provided that you have time and resources to do it. However, your mind can only align to one universe at the time, and will have to change this alignment after one to three weeks. With time and experience you will be able to align your mind to more than one universe at the time.

•The choice of universe your mind align to is mostly random, but you can subconsciously nudge it towards certain themes and concepts that meet your current needs. With practice and effort you will be able to do this consciously.

•Your database will translate everything present in your aligned universe that don't count as a technology (such as magic, spiritual energies, divine and cosmic forces, and so on) as unique forms of technology you can create, so even primitive, magical, or mythically-focused settings will give you something to work with. This can manifest in several unpredictable ways like translating a fireball spell into a fire based gun, or allowing you to to artificially create a specific race unique to the universe, or even reproducing the powers of a creator god as a special type of instrument and wavelengths that can be used to maniple reality, the possibilities are endless and, more often than not, very wacky. As a rule, there is no aspect of your aligned universe that you can not recreate with time and effort.

•The mental database of a aligned universe is connected to your mind on a metaphysical level, meaning it is completely impossible for telepathic or corruptive effects to disturb it is any way. This connection will persist for as long as you have a conscient presence in the word, so not even replacing your brain, evolving to a being of energy, or dying and turning into a ghost can break it.

•As a rule, the universal database and your mind are separated, however, there will always be a 'bleed of knowledge' between them, so you will slowly learn more and more knowledge of a single universe by simply having it aligned. This 'bleed' increases as you focus its use to tinker, with the particular subject you are using in your tinkering bleeding faster than the rest. This will turn the knowledge of the database into your inherent knowledge and you will be able to retain it even as the database align to a different universe. However, this process is very slow and take years, decades, or even centuries to turn all database knowledge of a single universe into your inherent knowledge. By the end of an alignment you will have enough inherent knowledge to repair, maintain, or duplicate whatever you created while you had the universe aligned, all while knowing the general concepts behind them. It also gives you enough to finish a project if the alignment changes halfway through, provided that the project is of a reasonable scale related to what you are capable off at the time.

•Your mind has a limitless storage capable of handling any amount of knowledge that bleeds through the database, you are also capable of perfectly remembering any concept you learn. This perfect memory is only in relation to database or inherent knowledge.

•You can create completely new technologies using the concepts of a universe, provided that you put the effort to do so and have either the inherent or database knowledge as a base. You can also modify and upgrade technologies in ways not thought off by the gifted minds of the aligned universe.

•You are capable of perfectly mixing the concepts and technologies of different universes together, even if it shouldn't be possible. This allows you to create hybrids tech of various designs, or fabricating something completely new.

•If needed, you are capable of downgrading any technology to meet the demand and quality of the resources at hands, allowing you to build lesser equivalents of the tech available to you with less time and fewer resources, at the expense of their effectiveness of course.

•Your skills at creating, forging, building and tinkering in general can grow without limits, to the point they will be able to break the laws of reality eventually. The more you tinker, the better you get at it, taking less time, using less resources, doing more with these said resource, making things more durable, more efficient, and more aesthetically pleasing, eventually you will be able to achieve feats like building a project that should have taken years in a hour, using a small fraction of the resources it should have, making it capable of functioning forever and endure massive damage without diminish results or efficiency, all while making it look mesmerizingly beautiful to whoever witnesses it. At some point, you will surpass the abilities of the craftsmens of the aligned universes, taking the technology provided to new highs each time.

Essence of the True Fae

By drinking from a liquid of eldritch taste you gain the form, powers, and authority of a True Fae.

●Your body becomes a flawless work of art, reaching the apex of beauty and going beyond that, to the point of appearing uncanny to some species. Nevertheless, you inspire lust and desire wherever you go, and may even cause true love by appearance alone.

●Your form is now bound to your emotions, making it capable of changing to match what you're feeling at the time if you wish so. This ability may go out of control if the emotions are too intense; making you look more bestial in bust of fury, or more beautiful in fits of laughter, etc.… there is no limit to what form you can take, as long as you can keep your emotions in check.

●You have the ability to make 'servants' from the elements that compose the reality you are currently in, be it inanimate objects like stones and wood or complex creatures like animals, plants, and sapient species, even higher beings like Gods and Devils can be made servants if you are cunning enough. You do not need consent to make something into your servant, but you will struggle against beings more powerful than yourself. These servants are also known as lesser fae, fae, or changelings.

●Your servants will receive a burst of power that will always leave them more powerful than they were before, and will develop one or a set of abilities to match the change; these new abilities can be related to the skills and powers they already have.

●The energy released from the formation of the new Master and Servant bond will also deform the servant's body and change their forms, these changes can be gradual or instantaneous, painful or free of pain, subtle or extremely noticeable, but no matter what, there will always be a change. You have full control over your servants' change, allowing you to reshape them into what you wish them to look like, or leave it completely random.

●Your and your servants can make 'contracts' with willing species you meet, these contracts are binding for both parties and must be fulfilled. You will gain power that will follow you wherever you go for each contract you form and each you fulfill. Your servant's contracts will also empower you but not as much as one made by yourself. You cannot form contracts with your servants, for you already own them and everything they have, but they can make contracts with each other.

●You gain the ability to travel to Arcadia, the land of True Fae. You can travel there at any time, from anywhere.

●You gain a piece of Arcadia to rule over, making it your Domain. This land is forever bound to your very being, you can never die if even an inch of this land remains, the extension and richness of it dictate your powers outside it. However, if this land is completely destroyed, you will be severely weakened until you can claim another, and if it's conquered, you will become a slave to the conqueror.

●You are virtually omnipotent inside your Domain, gaining absolute control over everyone and everything in it. Even Ultimate Gods will bow down to you inside your Domain. The only thing that is able to resist your influence inside your Domain is another True Fae.

●From your Domain, you are able to travel to other worlds and universes, but your power is limited whenever you leave your Domain, the severity of this limitation depends on several factors: the size of your Domain, the quantity and quality of your servants, the number of contracts you and your servants have, and the richness of the magic of the world in question. A world rich in magic, one that has an active magical system, for example, will give you fewer limits than a world with no magic at all, but no matter what, you will always be fairly powerful.

●You can now participate in the Game of Fae, an elaborate game of cunning that rages in Arcadia since times immemorial. In this game you and other True Fae bet part of your Fiefdoms or prized servants on the result of several challenges or competitions your servants must undertake, raging from an all-out war, a simple game of cards, or a complex tangle of tasks that can stretch for centuries, the only limit to the challenges is the whims of the betting Fae.

Essence of the Ultimate Chad

By drinking a fluid of explosively awesome taste you turned into the Ultimate Chad.

●You gain a new body that sits at the peak of your species in capability, you may chose to look similar to your old self or look like someone completely different, in either choice your features will be enhanced to peak handsomess. Essentially making you into a walking wet dream.

●You became supernaturally good at sex; able to almost instinctively know what you partner want and need to make them feel good, even when it shouldn't be possible. This ability is so effective that you are able to turn even experienced primordial goddess of sex into babbling ahegao puddles.

●You gain infinite stamina when having sex, and your refractory periods are under your complete control.

●Your cum is extremely tasty, highly nutritive, and slightly addicting. Someone can easily live of a diet completely composed of your cum if they want/need, though they will become a junkie for it.

●You can only impregnate someone if you want to, and when you do the pregnancy is one hundred percent guaranteed even if it shouldn't been possible.

●Each of your sons will be Chads themselves though of less potency than you, and each of your daughters will be extraordinarily beautiful Stacies that are destined to fall in love and lust to you.

●You have a passive ability to always say and do the right things to get into a woman's good grace, but only when you are not paying attention to it. When you are, and are actively trying to get into a woman's pants, this ability becomes active and you will supernaturally know what to say and do to achieve this goal. Be warned though, some women need more work than others, but you can woo anything with enough effort.

●Women in relationships are much more vulnerable to your charms than a woman who isn't. For example; it may take mouths of hard work to bone a lesbian feminazi that hates man with undying passion, but if this feminazi is in a happy lesbian relationship, it will only take a few weeks instead. Married women are particularly vulnerable to you, needing only a few days or hours of work.

●A woman that you successfully managed to have sex with becomes a 'conquest', and you may figuratively or literally mark her. Each of your conquests are moderated loyal to you on the moment of the first lay, is up to you how you foster this loyalty or let it die.

●You may influence the feelings a conquest have for you, from friendly attraction to undying, madding love. Though the process isn't instantaneous.

●For every woman you 'conquer', you gain one or several boons related to the powers and abilities the woman has. Normally, it's a copy of their power or ability, but it can be something similar or related to it. For example; you bang a common housewife, you learn how to cook, you bang a witch, you gain the capability to use her kind of magic and learn several of her spells, you bang an kunoichi, you learn how to ninja, gain the ability to use chakra, learn several of her jutsus and maybe gain a copy of her bloodline ability.

●Each ability and power you gain have unlimited potential to grown and evolve even when they shouldn't. You can also unlock the hidden potential of the powers and abilities of your conquests during sex if you choose.

●You can now use sex to replace training; an hour of sex is the same as an hour of hard and fulfilling training, complete with insights and experience of how to use your powers and abilities better. This benefit is increased the more partners you fuck at the same time. This ability can be shared with the partner/s that you are having sex at the time with if you want. 

●You learn how to do a complex tantric ritual that lets you travel to other worlds, however, the aim of this ritual is very faulty and you may end up in a world you didn't intend to go. There is also a 'cool down' period for the ritual to be used again; this can range from a few days to a full month depending on the world.

●You learn how to do a simple ritual to travel back to the worlds you've been before, these can be done in a few minutes and don't need a 'cooldown', however, each time you are in a completely new world, it will need time to tune your metaphysical presence to your relative position in the multiverse, reentering it useless for a period of time that can range from a few days to a full month depending on the world.

●Fate itself conspire to make your life 'interesting' and throw hot women at your way, this can be a blessing or a curse.

Essence of the Ultimate Symbiote

By drinking from a writhing, questionably liquid substance you've become the personification of a multiverval living abyss known as the ultimate symbionte!

●Your body becomes a formless, writhing mass of impossible flesh. In this state you are practically indestructible and are capable of exercising enough strength to defend yourself and subdued most creatures, however, any abilities and powers you have become unstable and unreliable. You can survive indefinitely on this form but you mind will be assaulted with an urge to seek out and bond to a host, and this urge will grow stronger each day until it becomes irresistible.

●You are able to 'bond' to a host regardless of their consent, but they must be larger than an insect. Once bonded, your body will stretch and envelope your host, forming a bodysuit-like cover over their form, the only natural markings being a color disparity over their eyes, that's it if they have any, this will become your 'default state'. Any powers and abilities you have including essence based ones are only stabilized once you are bonded.

●You have an uncanny ability to freely shapeshift your form in whatever way you wish, this include fully transmuting your form into another material if you wish. With this you can modify your default state in any way you want, making into a mass of bulging muscles, a tangle of wiggling tentacles, a lump of toothy maws and bone spikes, or a combination of all, the possibilities are endless, but be mindful of your host.

●You are able to completely hide yourself within your host body in any way you wish, be it melting inside them and staying just under their skin, concentrating your entire mass into tiny area forming a tattoo or a mole-like dot, or even melting inside their molecular composition seemingly leaving no trace of you behind.

●Once you are hidden, it's impossible to detect you are here no matter the mechanics or method used, you toggle this ability on and off.

●You can not be separated from your host unless by your choice alone. If you ever decides to leave your host, you can choose if your parting would harm or kill them.

●You are able to multiply your host strength, speed, agility and any other corporeal aspects many times their normal capacity, the amount you can unleash is virtually limitless but there is a limit to how much stress your host's body can handle. Of course, you can ignore this and allow for physical feats surpassing even gods, but this will be at the expense of your host's body.

●You are immensely tough, able to withstand forces that would destroy a planet, survive at near absolute zero temperatures or the heart the sun and quickly regenerate from any damage. You are able to protect your host from a similar level of punishment, though you can masterful pretend to be injured and let some damage pass if you want to up the fun and intensity of a fight. It's impossible to tell if you are pretending no matter the method used.

●You are able to absorb, copy or steal any inherent power, knowledge or ability your host has, no matter if they are metaphysical or incorporeal in nature. For example, you might absorb the Gamer power if your host have it, or the capability to use Chakra, or produce mana. As long as your host has them you are able to steal or copy them for yourself.

●You can absorb and learn new powers, skill, or abilities by consuming others, consuming small parts like blood or bits of flesh only gives a partial effect proportional to their size, while full consumption grants everything they have. You can even acquire memories of the target by the same means. You can consume your own host to the same effect if you want.

●You have utter control over your host body, mind, soul and any other aspect of their being. Allowing you to shape then how you see fit, you also have a instinctual understanding about how to make any changes you want to without harming them, be warned though, there is a clear limit about how much you can manipulate them without risking a complete breakdown, you can ignore this limits at your host's risk if you want. However, any change you make require time to appear ans settle, with changes to the mind and body ranging from near instant or few seconds long, and change to the soul or other deeper aspects taking a hours or days to change.

●You have a telepathical link to your host that allows for communication. This link his essence based and can never be broken, blocked or disturbed unless you allow it. Though you can choose to never use this and talk to your host through the dominion your have over their mind.

●Any ability, power of skill you have can be transferred or taught to your host, even if their bodies shouldn't be capable of using it. You can choose how to ability manifest. Incidentally, you can give your host nothing and use the ability yourself in a matter that makes them think they're the one using it. Its up to you.

●You do not have any particular vulnerability, but sharp sounds and sound based attacks and techniques annoy you more than others, they give you the equivalent of a throbbing headache. For this fact, its more difficult for you to learn and absorb sound based powers.

●You need sustenance to survive. At your most desperate, you can enter a state of stasis or near stasis that can let you wait out for the closest form of sustenance for as long as necessary.

●There are three means you can get sustenance. The first is using photosynthesis; you will need a sun or a source of light at heat for this method, though its impossible for you to feel satisfied with this alone. The second is consumption, be it eating or drinking normal food and drinks or consuming entire beings predatorily, you can consume anything biological and even some inorganic objects to replenish your energy, this will only ever be mildly satisfying. And the last method is absorbing sexual energy through lewd acts much like an incubus or succubus, this is by far the most effective method, you can get it from your host, through your host, or using your host to get it from someone else. This is the only method that can satisfy you.

●You may toggle on a reaction on the chain of fate of the world you are that would inevitably make you met a host or make a host met you.

●You know a spell that would fling you through the multiverse in the direction of a host you can't choose the exact identity of this host but you can set 'requirements' of how you want your host to be and the spell will send you to a host that meet this requirements.