
Meta Essence CYOA 38

Essence of All

●Ever heard the Saying Best of both worlds, well This Essence Grants the best of all worlds (and everything else)

●This Essence give you the best of All worlds simultaneously, allowing you to have for example perfect art skills, while also knowing what it's like to have no artistic talents,etc.

Essence of Customisation and Personalisation

●Anything that you want becoming your own customised,personalised,etc version, your clothes become perfectly tailored made from perfect personal material, that cultivation method becomes the perfect customised one for you, that second Essence,etc(pretty much a reality filter that makes it so stuff becomes personalised and customised for you on a conceptual,metaphysical,material,etc level.)

Essence of Max-min

●You have to only put in minimum effort to get maximum results.

●Any Effort over minimum improves results on a Conceptual,Metaphysical,Material,Physical,etc level.

Essence of True Perfect Perfection

●This Essence Grants True Perfect Perfection(none of that Imperfect perfection that is supposed to teach you some sort of shitty lesson).

●This Essence Grants a truly perfect life/existence by perfectly understanding you and perfectly planning ahead, perfectly&vastly exceeding your perfect comprehension.

●This Essence Grants your truly perfect Body.

●This Essence Grants a Truly Perfect World.

●All that this Essence Grants is Granted Perfectly(and will perfectly change to match you as you change).


Essence of the Angel Emperor

 -You gain the form of an Angel emperor, ruler of Heaven with a design generally up to you. This form is supernaturally powerful and outstrips almost any mortal or immortal for that matter in raw attributes and a host of other abilities up to you based on the form you take. Regardless you could beat gods to a bloody pulp as you are now.

 -Perfect memory with infinite storage as well as agelessness. Gain dominion over the seven heavenly virtues, which you can use in a variety of ways including conceptually.

 -You are a font of purification, a walking source of purity, health, greatness, happiness, and all the evils of the world are at your disposal. You are able to mend, purify, and clean anything you get your hands on. As a side effect, you are immune to corrupting effects.

 -Able to create and summon all sorts of angels to serve you, whether they be cherubs to the archangels of heaven themselves. These angels are oathbound to be loyal to you. You can turn others into angels and resurrect the dead into angels. You can have any angels you create able to access your Heaven. Other angels and angel-like creatures will see you as something of profane divinity on an instinctual level.

 -Have your own personal Heaven that you have total control over. Whether it be the classic clouds surrounded by golden gates and the choirs of heaven, or just a blank white void. You can transport yourself too and from it instantly and appear anywhere within the said realm. Things brought into this heaven can be brought in and rewarded for their good deeds, or sealed away, really whatever fate you may wish upon those fortunate/unfortunate enough to fall into your grasp.

Essence of the Devil Lord (DxD)

 -You have become a Pure Blood Devil of the Highest Birth, having the ability to instinctually understand all mundane languages, fly with your 6 pairs of bat wings, use magic by using your large reserves of Demonic Energy, and drastically increased physical abilities. Though you have a slight weakness of Light Magic, and Holy Magic is your bane. You can train to gain resistance to these things, but never a nullification.

 -You have the ability to turn people into Devils, complete with similar abilities to you, and if you wish they have a possibility of gaining their own unique abilities. 

-You also know the process in which Lucifer and Lilith created the Devil Race and Devil Clans, complete with all the technology and advancements the Devil Race has ever made.

Essence of the Demon Progenitor (Demon Slayer)

-You have become a Demon, having biological immortality, being able to regenerate quickly, and being able to manipulate your biology down to your cells with great efficiency. You also have the need to devour flesh, with the flesh of fully sapient beings on the level of humans being the most nutritious and tasty. Eating and devouring flesh empowers you, and there's a chance of assimilating traits of the flesh you eat into yourself.

 -You are the strongest of your kind, and will always be the strongest. As your kind becomes stronger, you yourself become stronger making sure you will always be at the top.

 -You can other species into your kind using your blood, with varying degrees of strength. Those with lesser potential will be weaker than those with greater potential, and the amount of blood used will also determine how strong they will be. Do note that using too much can cause those with lesser potential to mutate to the point of death.

-They will by default gain biological immortality, regeneration, and the ability to manipulate their biology, though this isn't at your level. They have a particular weakness that you don't have, however. They'll be turned into dust when in contact with sunlight and are weak against things imbued with the powers of the sun. Certain exceptional demons might be able to overcome this weakness, but it is incredibly rare. They also have a need of flesh, more so than you do. They are also empowered by eating flesh, but not on your level.

 -You can manipulate those that you have turned into your kind as much as you like, adding curses to them, reading their minds, telepathically sending messages to them, etc.

 -You have the ability to develop Blood Demon Arts, supernatural techniques that Demons use, ranging from being able to turn your blood into flames, to being able to manipulate space in a certain radius.

 -All your Demons have the ability to develop their own Blood Arts, though each of them has varying degrees of strength, and will never be on to par with your ability to develop Blood Arts. You have the ability to use all the Blood Arts that your Demons have made.

Essence of the Horseman of Death

 -You gain an uncanny amount of dexterity and speed, able to run faster than the fastest cars, and are dexterous enough to use items with greater proficiency than those trained in its usage. You are also quite sneaky, able to enter and hide in a room full of people unnoticed. This grows the more you use it.

 -You gain a great mastery in assassinating people and making sure that they are dead, complete with knowing how to hide the evidence that you did the deed.

 -You gain a pale white horse with a mane of pure black. It is pure speed, being able to run faster than sound itself, which can grow into even greater heights. It also has the ability to simply not die. Every attack will be healed in an instant, and certain death attacks are simply negated. Its strength grows as your strength grows.

-You gain a great scythe that cuts the soul itself, and takes away lifeforce for the user. With a simple cut, an ordinary man would simply fall dead as all their lifeforce goes to the user…with their soul. It becomes harder to achieve one-hit kills the stronger the victim is compared to you.

 -You gain an unnatural ability, and phenomenal talent in necromancy, being able to curse people to death, create undead, call upon the souls of the dead for advice, bind souls to your will, devour souls for more power, etc. 

 -You gain the ability to control a light purple energy that kills anything it comes into contact with. It also allows for a wide range of uses such as Physical Augmentations and long-range energy attacks.

 -You also gain the ability to simply respawn from death a week after you were killed in a relatively safe spot.

Essence of the Horseman of Famine

 -You gain an uncanny amount of endurance, being able to run entire miles of marathons without tiring one bit, this grows the more you manage to tire yourself out.

 -You gain a great mastery in the crafting of medicines and poisons, able to craft the greatest medicines known to man or the vilest and deadly poisons.

 -You gain an emaciated horse, with a dark green mane. Despite its looks, it has an unnatural amount of Endurance, being able to run seemingly forever without tiring, and having lots of durability as it is able to tank a Nuke. Its strength grows as your strength grows.

 -You gain a set of golden scales that allows you to alter the nature of yourself and others. Though it comes with a catch in that altering one aspect for the better has to cause one aspect to become worse, and vice versa (Adding more strength to your legs, causing you to lose the strength in your arms.)

-You gain the ability to absorb, control, and alter diseases, 'starving', and famine down to a conceptual level. You can absorb someone's illness and use it to strengthen yourself (healing the person in the process) or store the illness inside of you to use it on your foes, alter the fertility of a place to make it completely barren from the very earth all the way to the people and animals, and vice versa. You could even 'starve' atoms to create truly devastating attacks. 

 -You gain the ability to control a dark green energy that rots anything it comes into contact with. It also allows for a wide range of uses such as Physical Augmentations and long-range energy attacks.

Essence of the Horseman of the Conquest

 -You gain an attractive body beyond those of average men and women, making even the most handsome/beautiful of supermodels look ugly. You grow even more attractive with time.

 -You gain a great mastery in understanding, leading, and manipulating people.

 -You gain a beautiful steed of the purest white. Its beauty is unparalleled, making the most majestic and mythical of steeds look like trash compared to it.

 -You gain a majestic bow, which creates its own arrows as you pull back its string. The arrows are full of acidic poison that melts down the very soul of whomever it touches.

 -You gain the ability to heighten your charisma to unbelievable degrees, being able to convince the most zealous of people to kill their gods with a few sentences, and a mother to eat her child with a sentence.

-You gain the ability to control an ethereal blue energy that heals those it comes into contact with. It also allows for a wide range of uses such as Physical Augmentations and long-range healing 'attacks.

Essence of the Horseman of War

 -You gain a monstrous amount of Physical Strength allowing you to throw skyscrapers and punch through titanium walls, which can grow endlessly with training and exposure to conflict.

 -You gain a great mastery at war, knowing how to strategize in battle, and use weapons with great proficiency 

 -You gain a great flaming red steed that you can summon from anywhere. Larger than the largest horse breed, this steed is strong enough to blow holes through the earth with its kicks and fast enough to run on water. Its strength grows as your strength grows.

 -You gain a red greatsword that is indestructible and ignores all resistances and immortality. It can also be fused with other special swords to increase its power.

 -You gain the special ability to take the strength, skills, and abilities of the people you kill in combat. 

 -You gain the ability to control a bright orange burning energy that burns indiscriminately and can be used to even burn down the soul with training. It also allows for a wide range of uses such as Physical Augmentations, and long-range energy attacks.

-You have the uncanny ability to simply not die until your believed 'duty', which is something you have to truly believe that you have to fulfill (Ranging from conquering the universe to helping a child live their life to the fullest is done). Your body can be shredded and vaporized but as long as some of your body remains, you'll complete your duty.

Essence of the Legend

-You gain attributes that are at the peak of your species.

 -You gain a charismatic influence around you, making people feel that you are special and will accomplish great deeds.

 -You gain the ability to grow as more people hear about you and your feats.

 -The more famous/infamous you are, the more powerful you become.

 -The way people perceive you also affect how your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses develop.

 -All your progeny and descendants will have this power, creating a great lineage of Legends.

 -From every outstanding feat you do, you gain a [Myth], which is a conceptual ability based on the feat itself and only limited by the scope of what the fear is based on. Gain the ability to become a conceptual dragon bane by killing a fearsome dragon in a grandiose manner, or gain the infinite wisdom of the world for a time by solving a seemingly impossible question.

Essence of the Void (World Keeper)

 -You have gained the ability and knowledge of how to harness the Void, a higher infinite realm of Information.

-Allows you to create "memes", which are of the following:

 Rank 1 Memes: Ideas transferred through non-supernatural means. An example of this is the idea of raising your hand in class or an entire language.

 Rank 2 Memes: Ideas transferred through supernatural means. To do this one will harness the power of the void itself to propagate a simple idea. An example being an advertisement created through the void that spreads the idea of buying a t-shirt (any t-shirt)

 Rank 3 Memes: Complex and Specific ideas that are transferred and created using the Void. In order to use a third-level meme, you typically need to construct dozens, maybe hundreds of different simulations to convey a single idea. Example being something like the need to send a letter to a specific place after they had witnessed or thought about the idea, and with an extreme example being something like the need to kill yourself after hearing a word, which had been implanted with Void energies with multiple ideas on why you should follow the action.

 Rank 4 Memes: A self-propagating idea conveyed through the Void. Allows for a way to 'infect' individuals from a single idea. An example is someone who has been 'infected' with the idea to dance. All those who witness the 'infected' individual will then be infected with the idea and start dancing too.

 Rank 5 Memes: The fifth level of memetic effect involves using information from the void in the form of an idea to directly alter the physical world. Referred to as a "Memetic" Virus, this Rank of memes can do lots of versatile things. An example is an 'idea' that is activated once someone says the name of their favorite animal. The memetic virus will take effect and change said person into their favorite animal, and of anyone who says they consider the animal that the victim turned into as their favorite while in the immediate vicinity of them, they'll start changing too.

 Rank 6 Memes: Creation of Loyal Void Entities, who are the primary denizens of the Void. They do not operate on the rules of reality but rather work on their own rules. The Void Entity that you create will depend on the 'idea' that you use to make them. A simple idea may result in a "weak" Void Entity, while a complex idea may result in one with the ability to casually substitute the reality in their vicinity with their own.

 Rank 7 Memes: Creation of an 'idea' that can fundamentally change the structure of reality in the cosmos. This level of memes would be able to overwrite the entire information of an entire universe, returning it to the void with only an idea. Such ideas are quite complex however as you need to simulate the entire universe and add the 'idea' you wish to impose...or unravel it.

 -You gain the ability to also create Anti-memes, which are the opposites of a created meme meant to "destroy" it. An example is an idea that the Earth is flat being debunked by the idea that the Earth is round.

 -You initially start with the ability to create Rank 4 Memes and have to train up to Rank 7 Memes.

 -You gain the unnatural ability to process information, and ideas quickly and precisely for the creation of memes. This can grow to the point of allowing you to use Rank 7 memes with practice and use.

Essence of the Magi

 -You are imbued with the powers of the Great Magi, and King Solomon himself.

 -You are given a great body, one that rivals that Fanalis Tribe in physical strength.

-You are given a large quantity of magoi, one that is nearing that of King Solomon's and one day surpass his.

-You gain the ability to manipulate your magoi greatly, being able to create a great and durable 'Borg'.

-You are given an affinity for all 8 types of Magic (Heat, Water, Light, Lightning, Wind, Sound, Power/Strength, Life), and a basic understanding of each, for which you have a great talent.

 -You have a great mental library for all the magic spells, and blueprints for magic items in your mind.

-You have the 'Wisdom of Solomon', an ability that allows you to interpret the world by connecting and listening to the Rukh's Will. You can see the past, present, and future essentially granting you omniscience, you can also call upon the souls of the dead for a time as well. Using this ability is tiring, and after using it takes some time to use it again.

Essence of the Dungeon Creator

-You have the ability to create Dungeon Cores, which are distinct Jewels that when planted in an area will form a Dungeon. Dungeons are structures that are made for a variety of purposes, most of them being they challenge those who enter it. They initially start out 'weak' but with time grow into mighty challenges with great rewards.

 -Your dungeon cores will naturally form based on the area they were planted in, with a Dungeon in a Forest forming a Forest Dungeon with monsters related to the forest and rewards being forest-related as well, and Dungeons planted in schools forming Dungeons that test your wit and knowledge and giving you rewards of skill and special textbooks. The more special and unique the area, the more special and unique the Dungeon.

 -You also have the ability to customize the Dungeon beforehand, allowing you to create custom Dungeons. You can base it off on things and people you have encountered, and or used before. For example, you can create a Dungeon with Thugs that wield Swords, or a Dungeon where your old math teacher gives you a test to hone your math skills.

 -Inside of your dungeons, you are immortal but not omnipotent or invincible. You can manipulate the structure of your dungeons, so long as you are inside them.

Essence of the Shounenian

 -Gain a body that is sculpted to your preferences, with a weird theme of gaining a hair color and eye color that stands out from the general populous.

 -You initially gain physical prowess above those of the average man, with your senses being incredibly increased, being able to punch through concrete walls, bullets causing nothing but a mere scratch, and being able to run as fast as an automobile. This can be trained further until you can see atoms, hear screams from across the planet, smell things from across the planet, punch planets into nothingness, tank attacks that can vaporize planets, and run as fast as light.

-You have a great affinity for making "styles" and "techniques"...which can be just about anything. From being able to cook so fast that the food itself cooks from the heat of it, or being able to gather the air around you using kicks for long-ranged attacks.

-You gain a source of energy deep inside you called 'Shounenium', which acts as a sort of power booster, and power granter. Bringing it out as an Aura can be used as a way to enhance your Physical Capabilities, and as an Intimidation Method. The true power lies in its versatility to synergize with your ability to create style and techniques, allowing you to create truly supernatural abilities such as shooting blasts of energy, sensing supernatural occurrences, creating temporary weaponry, conjuring the elements, etc. The initial amount of Shounenium can grow in amount till you have enough to blow up a planet with a casual energy blast, and even further beyond that.

 -Your Shounenium refills at a moderate rate, and to speed it up the process at which it refills you can eat foods...lots of foods.

 -Nearly infinite potential grows within you.

-A bizarre thing about you is your uncanny ability to grow in stressful/challenging situations. An example being; making a completely new technique in a battle to best a foe you couldn't best before. This growth is more pronounced in your earlier phases and slowly becomes less effective as you grow stronger.

-You have a special 'form' that you can tap into after training enough or going through a stressful/challenging situation that can increase your abilities immensely. However, it depletes your Shounenium reserves with use.

 -You gain the uncanny to make allies and rivals through battles, fights, and challenges. The person trying to kill you before will suddenly call you their rival, and may decide to help you out from time to time.

Essence of the Genuine Fighter

-You gain a body that is drastically above the peak of your species (an example being that humans can kick down buildings with casual kicks, and tank rifle rounds with their body) that you can customize within reasonable boundaries of your species. You can keep on training the strength of your body until you're kicking planets out of orbit, or extinguishing stars with a punch.

 -You gain a basic understanding of martial arts, and how to apply it efficiently in a fight.

-You can copy and immediately use another's person's moves, techniques, and or styles after witnessing once. 

 -You also have the unnatural ability to apply techniques in ways they shouldn't be able to be applied. An example is a sword strike with the palm of your hands, or a spear thrust with a kick.

 -You can make new techniques off the bat, but the more powerful ones are the ones created in the heat of an intense battle.

 -Some of your created techniques do not apply to logic and can become something truly legendary. Like being able to shoot out dragons from your kicks or summoning a grand turtle as you take a defensive pose.

 -Your ability in fighting is so great that you can fight, and hurt anything, even concepts themselves if you ever come to fight those. Your fist will puncture through invincible things, your kicks will move immovable objects, etc.

-You can teach other people your styles, and techniques although they have to be 'compatible' with them before they can learn as they aren't as talented as you are.

Essence of the Gambler (Hardcore Leveling Warrior)

 -You gain a great deal of luck, with everything mostly seeming to come in your favor, giving you an easy life, and in any first-time things you try, you experience an astronomical deal of luck, usually allowing you to win an event unless all the odds are against you.

-You gain the ability to call upon 'Lucky Coins', which are gold coins made of your essence. By flipping and determining the side it lands on you can buff yourself, but in the chance that you don't get the side that it lands on right, you gain a detrimental effect. You call upon as many Lucky Coins as you want, with the effects increasing with the more you summon.

-You have the ability to make 'Bets' with people. You play a 'game'(which can be just about any competition) with agreed-upon rules by all parties that participate. You all put up something as a reward, and in some cases, a punishment. The winner of the 'game' takes the reward, the loser takes the 'consequences' if there is any.

-You can call upon the 'Moderator' for your games, who will punish any cheating or violating the agreed-upon rules, including you. Their punishments range from breaking wrists to smashing heads with a metal hammer depending on the severity of the violation.

-You gain the ability to 'borrow' things from other people. You can forcefully do this to people that you consider your allies or friendly, but you must give back interest from the number of things you borrowed from them (Borrowing someone's strength and giving back a bit of your strength as interest). You can ask people who aren't your allies if they would allow you to borrow something from them, and if they agree you can borrow things, interest still applies in this case as well.

-You gain the ability to 'lend' things to other people. With an agreement between other parties, you can lend away anything of yours for them to use, and once they're done, they must give it back, complete with interest (If you lend your strength, they must give it back completely, with a bit of their own strength).

-You can see the 'gullibility' of people, and their self-worth, allowing you to get the perfect people to play agreed-upon bets with you.

Essence of the Extra

-You are imbued with the Authorities and Abilities of the Novel's Extra.

-You have gained the Authority 'Setting Intervention', with allows you to modify or add settings to a non-living target. With it, you can also add and or modify settings about yourself, adding more strength, giving yourself Gifts (superpowers ranging from the ability to punch well to being able to cut apart concepts and higher dimensional beings), Physiques (How weird/great your body is, which can range to having a body that negates magic, or one that gets stronger the more rage you feel), and Arts (Skills, and techniques). However, to use this ability you need SP, which can only be generated by how much you change the setting/history (Killing the president, becoming a world-renowned healer, becoming the world's greatest warrior, etc). The modifications or additions you make are as powerful as the amount of SP you use, meaning small amounts of SP result in the least effects while greater amounts of SP results in better effects.

-You have gained the Authority of 'Stigma', which are magic tattoos around their body. At the moment, they only have one streak of Stigma but as their fame/infamy grows, the number of streaks also grows. The tattoo has a storage of Magic power that can be manipulated easily for the user's convenience. Other than that, the user can currently use Stigma as a way to store their items, and in the future be able to use it for more crazy effects. Stigma also protects the user from harm but depending on the harm done to the user, it might deplete all of its magic power and stop functioning for a time until the magic power recovers back.

-You have also gained the Gift 'Observation and Reading', which allows you to observe anyone with your senses. This ability allows you to see through walls, hear the faintest whispers, bypass illusions, and other effects that would normally fool or restrict your senses. You can also manifest a book, which can answer any question as long as Magic power is supplied to it (With the broader questions taking more magic power, and the specific ones taking less), but some questions may take all of your magic power or may plain not be answerable as you currently don't have the magic power to get the answer.

Essence of the Dragon Warrior( Kung Fu Panda) 

-You gain the choice to become an anthropomorphized animal ranging from a humanoid panda or a sapient talking serpent.

 -You gain a godlike talent for all of kung fu and martial arts, understanding it faster and better than basically anyone else. You can learn moves just by seeing someone do it once, or hearing some descriptions and working on it for a while. Not a guaranteed thing, but man, people will just be astounded with what you can do.

 -Thanks to this incredible talent, you can find or make the perfect martial art style tailored for anyone. "I can't teach you to be me, I have to teach you to be you!" Due to this style being perfectly suited for them, they are able to learn with superlative speed.

 -One of your first 'martial arts' is Improvisation Style; a style of martial arts that uses every single element around the user in improvised moves. Use a frying pan to block an attack, and blind your foes with spices, etc.

 -You instinctively understand how to use chi, the spiritual energy in all living things. With it you can enhance your martial arts to new beautiful heights, eventually heal others like the Pandas of Panda Village, and possibly gain the ability to transverse over to the Spirit Realm.

 -Your true power isn't your inherent talent at martial arts, or your understanding of chi but your philosophical belief of believing in yourself. You have attained Inner Peace with yourself and believe in yourself no matter what, allowing yourself to complete feats that you wouldn't have been able to do before.

 -You gain the knowledge and affinity to create items made for the purpose of furthering and or helping Martial Arts, and the philosophical ideas behind it. Create moving training dummies that react to attacks, Mystical Weapons that enhance a person's Chi, and more.

Essence of the Bourgeoisie

-You gain enhanced charisma that makes you one of the most persuasive people on the planet. You can start a simple speech with an over-arching crescendo that sends people mad with excitement, or change a bigot into an open-viewed person with a few conversations.

 -You gain a supernatural understanding of people and how societies work as you observe them. With a lot of exposure to a different society, you'll learn about their cultures, and how they function on a fundamental level. With people, you begin to understand what makes them tick.

 -You gain a supernatural understanding of economics and politics. You understand the logistics and numbers behind the economy, and politics is something you were born to do.

 -You gain the ability to instinctively know what is needed to start a great company or organization. The amount of money needed, the needed materials, the certain type of advertisements for the demographics you're advertising to, etc.

 -You gain the ability to acquire what is needed to start the great company or organization with relative ease compared to the average Joe. You will still somewhat struggle but if they compared your endeavors to a regular person your luck would be apparent.

 -You gain the ability to make revolutionary ideas for your company or organization. Just like Henry Ford made the assembly line that revolutionized the industry, so can you make such things. Create new medicinal techniques for your pharmaceutical company, new ways to make weapons for arms dealing companies, etc.

 -Many people would find working for you greatly unless you go out of your way to hurt them. You also instinctively know the best conditions for your workers, and how to best please them so they can work productively for your company whilst also having more loyalty towards it.

 -Your greatest power is your ability to gain 'power' from your influence. The more influence you gain, the more apparent it is that you are above the normal person. With enough influence your lifespan will grow bigger, you will grow stronger, etc.

Essence of the Borrowed Power User

 -You gain an above peak body of your species that you can customize as you like, as long as it is within reasonable boundaries for your species.

 -You gain unparalleled charisma, able to convince an Eldritch Being who has no reason to offer you anything to give you a piece of their power, and in some rare cases, all their power.

-You gain the ability to make 'contracts', which once signed by another party allows you to borrow their strength, skills, and powers. The amount of strength, skills, and powers are determined by the contract and what the contractee wishes to give you.

-You can bargain with anything, including non-sentient things, and concepts themselves. If they didn't have the capacity to bargain before, they'll be given the capacity to bargain (A rat understanding the terms of the contract, and the words on it, the concept of flames becoming sapient, etc)

 -You do not gain any possible drawbacks to the powers you borrow if there are any, unless it was something needed for the power to work in the first place (Needing Sunlight for a Sunlight related attack.). 

 -You can also directly contact the being you had contracted with, and ask for a Direct Contract, which would allow you to use all the powers, strengths, and skills of the being.

-You can make an infinite amount of contracts, and it'll never hurt you. Jealousy of the beings you contracted isn't considered a part of this boon, so watch out for those.