

Date August 30, 2019, Tuesday

New York

I blew out again because of my grand entrance going to the Met Gala, like literary my name, and face are everywhere, you go Twitter #CharlesonMetGala that's on trending No.1, Instagram you see pictures and videos of me arriving, walking, answering, talking, and unmounting my horse on Met Gala, and like news talking about my newfound fame, how talented I am in music, and how good looking I am.

It's morning right now and currently, I am running around New York, but I do wear some things to disguise like a mask, hat, and glasses. I invited my assistant Larry but he is clearly a hangover, so I just went by myself.

I just run for about 4km, and thankfully for my past life for being fit and also my new body being fit I am able to last this run, so I continued until I run 11km, rest in the park and walk back into my hotel.

I eat my breakfast, and thankfully Larry is just woken up and he seems fine now, while eating Larry came up to me and said tonight I have a concert tonight and will be performing, though I didn't even have time to prepare I just agreed to it as I couldn't refuse because last week we had a meeting about it and maybe I just forgot.

I then called David to invite him to my concert and he accepted it, I also said he can bring whoever he wants. Lucky me David and the vlog squad are in New York because they do go watch the Met Gala and some things they do.


Career update, my song Freshen Up remained still ranked 1 on the Billboard, 584mil views on Youtube, 565mil streams on Spotify. 4 Horsemen moved down to rank 3 on Billboard, 405mil streams on Spotify, Till we Meet Again moved down to rank 4 on the Billboard, 382mil streams on Spotify. Fight and Kill moved into ranked 2 on the Billboard, 453mil streams on Spotify.

I have 19mil followers on Twitter, 55mil followers on TikTok, and lastly 22Mil followers on Instagram.

It's 5 pm and I have done my rehearsal, and everything, I got dressed, also David and the vlog squad arrived and I told them to join me at the stage though they don't get to perform I will tell them to when there's time.

There are at least 20 thousand people in front of me cheering and I just play it cool, I performed well I sing 10 songs that aren't my song because you know if I sing my 4 songs their money will be wasted as it's only a 10 minutes performance. After the 10 songs I sang on the stage, of course, I was tired and exhausted so a better way to rest is to just let David and the Vlog Squad to their own show.

David and the vlog squad perform for about 50 minutes, making jokes, interviews, prizes, and many more. After that, I went to the stage again and sang my 4 songs, the whole people in there is just singing and following my voice.

So after my performance did I just go backstage and while going there I meet Travis Scott and some of his friends and he's pretty cool, so I just asked him how about we collab and he said he'll think about it and we exchanged contacts.


We are currently are my hotel's living room and my team and assistant are just doing their business on their own and I am with David and the vlog squad, I didn't even notice there is a new face that I get to see for the first time while on being on the squad.

I then asked David and he said her name is Madison Beer, and so I went to Madison and talked to her, we exchange some socials and contacts, and although I want her to ask for dinner she's 20 years old and David is here so it's better if I and Madison are only here.


Date August 31, 2019, Wednesday

Los Angeles

We just arrived at my house it's 3 pm, Madison and I have dinner tonight, so I immediately went to take a nap and just told Larry to wake me up at 7 pm.


I just arrived at Madison's house and meet her parents they are very kind as they let me in and not some rude people who just ask uncomfortable questions, though we did take some pictures as also they loved my song Till we Meet Again.

Madison is as pretty as she is, and her dress is hot on her, we got to my car and drove into some fancy restaurant that my assistant recommended, and though we didn't rent the whole place thankfully there are only small couples and people are there, guessing these places are really are fancy.

We ordered our food and as normal beings, we did have some talks, and of course about life, music, and things going on in this world. After our order arrived we eat while we did a little bit of conversation.

After we finished our food, of course, I did make her laugh and she is easy to make laugh and she is very interesting to me, after 40 mins of talking, joking, teasing and laughing we went to my car and went to the cliff as we watch the stars and beach.

Though after watching for about 5 mins I just can't hold it and kissed Madison, and she tasted sweet, as she also kissed me. We make out in front of my car on the hood and the thing is about to go down Madison said we should do it inside, so we went inside and we did the deed, though before that she asked me if it's okay for 20 years of like her sleep with a 17-year-old kid and I just said no need to worry as no ones gonna know about it, though I did not wear a condom though I still continue.


Date Sept. 1, 2019, Thursday

Last night was fun, Madison wanted to go sleep at my house so we went to my house after the deed, and I sneak her into my house because I don't know my assistant or my team is awake, thankfully the 4 of them went out.

We then continue to bed last night and sleep midnight.

I wake up and Madison is sleeping on my side while hugging me tightly, and I just kissed her forehead and watched her sleeping. After some time she woke and see me watching her made her smile, and I just kissed her and good morning her.

We spent like 30 minutes teasing at the bed after going to the bathroom for our mourning routine, and dressing up, though Madison can't dress her dress again as I don't want to so I let her dress some of my clothes.

We then went downstairs and my team and assistant is waiting in the living room looking at me like I'm about to be killed, and they said they were responsible for me like they thought I was missing last night and almost called the cops until they go to my room seeing I am with Madison.

Of course, I understand what they are coming from I treat them like my own family, I do say sorry to them and we continue to talk at the dining table eating our breakfast, Madison and I got lots of questions from my team and Larry.

After that talk, Madison and I went to her house, and her parents are shocked that Madison clothes are different, they invited me to eat breakfast but Madison said we just had our breakfast at my house, though I do want to taste her parents cooking well I guess next time.

I said goodbye to Madison and to her parents and went back home, I checked my phone as it's my first time looking at it like yesterday, and there's about 20 miscalled from David, I then called him back, and he said last night he just wanted me to invite into his house because they had a party and Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are there, and I just said I had a better party last night, and David just laugh and we talk while I am driving though police didn't pull me over.

Date Sept. 2, 2019, Friday