
Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!?

Everyone has their own opinions on how things should go. be it real life or in media, everyone is unique to how they think and act. So when a fan of media wishes for change in what he enjoys, he wishes for a way to help those he believe should be helped, be able to shine more to achieve a more happy ending. but that’s only his beliefs and he understands not everyone wishes the same. So let’s open a shop for those who wishes to be more than the role given to them and give those eho wishes to have a better fighting chance!

SilentRowing · Komik
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14 Chs

What’s Their Luck!? (Part 2)

The end of the Demon Slayer trip! What will happen? Who will come to visit his shop? Did he screw himself over? Well read and find out, duh.

Also there was a typo last chapter. It's Shuraba not shutaba.


Kagaya was known to smile through everything. His pain, the death of his children, everything. He uses his smile genuinely and to hide his true emotions. Yet what's appeared before him felt inhuman. Demonic…no even worse then demonic. Unholy.

"That Master Ubuyashiki is a demon sword…made from the demon god Ashura." Muichiro and anyone around practically bolted away from the sword. "A demon god? Something so blasphemous exist in our world!?" Gyomei, who Cobalt remember to be a monk, looked seconds from attempting to shatter the blade.

The previous anticipation was gone and now filled with animosity and reluctance. He had to find a way to come back from this or he may lost customers cause of RNG! His eyes fell on the light sword still in Muichiros hand.

"You all seem to be forgetting the second weapon and if I can tell it's nothing like Shuraba." He walked over and tapped the handle.

Pillow Talk

A laser sword version of Shuraba. Twin 'blade' of Bloody moon. It is made when Bayonetta completed her first adventure upon reawakening as a way to use something similar without the excessive nagging of the sword, in Bayonetta words. It's deals less damage then Shuraba but gains in technique and range though can't absorb souls like its template.

Effects: Light Blade, Combo Skills, Energy Projection

Abilities: Moonlight Massacre, Charge Blade

Requirements:Proficent Swordmanship, Proficent Mobility

He smiled, a come back! He just have to word it in a way so to salvage this! "This sword is a weapon that uses hard light. It was created to be a replacement for Shuraba's constant demand for blood and battle, and doesn't use any demon parts to make."

Kagaya hummed still staring at where the sword was. "I see. That indeed gives us a great boon. I ask of you to take the sword with you and dispose of it. I'm afraid this is a weapon I doubt you can sell to anyone. Especially in our current situation. Tell us more about the other one."

Cobalt nodded and went to grab Shuraba, but Mitsuri grabbed his shoulder. "I don't think it's a good idea to hold it with your hands. Muichiro, are you okay?"

That's right! Muichiro was holding onto the blade! They look at the youngest Hashira to see his eyes were more dull. If you looked closely his hands were shaking and the grip on Pillow Talk iron clad. "I think it tried to influence him. We have to snap him out of it." Cobalt said, looking at the young boy in pity.

The sword demanded blood, for it was a creation from the demon god Ashura. Ashura or simply Asura, is the name of gods based on moral and social aspects of life. They come from Hinduism and are the opposite to Devas, gods based on natural phenomena. Ashura, the god from Bayonetta, is a god of war, so no doubt tried to influence Muichiro to use it or draw blood from anyone around him.

Tengen hummed before a idea appeared. He took out a black ball he keeps on him. "Oi! Catch!" He flicked the ball at him. It flew past him then exploded. Muichiro flinched and looked up with his usual sleepy eyes. "Whata going on? How did this place get like this?"

He referred to the surrounding area from Shinobu and Gyomeis experiment. "Good one Tengen! Now young Tokito, do you remember anything when you held the sword?"

"What sword?"

"The one in the ground."

"How it get there?"

"You dropped it."

"I did?"



"…Forget it! Not important! Just don't grab it."


"It's like dealing with a elderly person with dementia." Cobalt said deadpanning. Iguro sighed behind him. "You get use to it."

The shopkeeper pointed at the sword in Muichiros hand. "The sword is called Pillow Talk, yes in reference to 'that', and is incredibly powerful. The 'blade' cuts and slices like a normal blade with the durability of a claymore. It's attacks are based on strings of combos in which makes a slash of light inches way of each combo. Holding it in a Iaijutsu stance charges the blade which in releasing a Iaijutsu slash with extend the blade and make it stronger. Finally by flowing making a clockwise turn with the blade, it'll charge up a powerful attack when fully release leaves a trail of destruction." Cobalt had to take a breath after the winded explanation.

The Hashiras were impressed, wondering if it's effective to demons, Muichiro held up the sword. "I'll take it." He pressed a button and it shimmered off, he placed it next to his other sword. Sanemi grumbled as he wanted it but he didn't want to make a fuss in front of his master.

Kagaya was back to smiling. "Very well Muichiro, learn to use it we'll for it can be even better then a nichirin blade. Now I believe our time is running out. Wasn't there one more?"

Iguro held the last one, the golden capsule of legendary rarity. Not even Cobalt knows what it can give only that it was better then epic. "Go ahead Iguro! Open it!" Mitsuri asked, Iguro blushed, clapping her hands together.

"Alright. It's legendary so it's bound to be good. Better be." He mumbled and held it in two hand. Eveyone, who can see at least, watch him twist both ends before it imploded.

Both ends sucked into a what looked to be a mini black hole, spinning faster than anything they ever seen. It slowly grew, at first a small grape, a baseball, a soccer ball, but it kept growing!

Iguro took steps back when it reached the size of a small car when it abruptly stopped into a giant black sphere. It hovered without doing anything. "So uh a giant ball?" He said approaching it slowly, reaching out he lightly tapped it.


A massive crevice erupted where he touch, a dim light shining out. "I think you have to break it Iguro." Cobalt said with a hand to the chin. He wondered what it can possibly be?

The Serpent Hashira whipped his hand and backhanded the sphere, shatting the surface in a hail of tiny black shards. Like a domino effect, the entire surface of it shattered to reveal…

Cobalt choked on air and erupted into coughs. Mitsuri quickly ran over and patted his back. "There no fucking way!" He shouted, forgetting to be professional but what he got was just crazy! Just absolutely ridiculous!

The item was the size of a melon and and was reddish orange. To the Hashiras it didn't look anything special. It had a unique look with a green stem on top and had flame patterns all over. "Oh more food?" Kyojiro grabbed it and held it up to eye it.

Cobalt eyes nearly popped out his skull. "Rengoku wait! Don-."


His jaw dropped and swore his eyes were buldging out his face. Kyojiro confident bite slowly morph to a blank look and into a look of absolute disgust. He had to force himself to swallow, pounding his chest to make it a more smoother transition. Iguro had a brow raised. "Isn't it suppose to be better than the swords. A nasty fruit?"

Cobalt shook him head, deadpanning. "That wasn't hurt any fruit. It was the Mera Mera no Hi. A devil fruit. Anyone who eats one gains powers related to the fruit and in turn loses the ability to swim…well maybe." The sea in One Piece hated devil fruits and its users in lore he can't remember clearly. But since they weren't in One Piece does the curse continue or is it a world only thing? They'll have to check.

"It that's why it tasted like rotton food? I thought I ate poison!" Kyojiro complained, his disgusted look never going away. "Now what this about a abi-." His entire being erupted into flames. Clothes, skin, hair, became a blazing flame that was wildly out of control.

Cobalt face palmed before he raised his voice over the burning form of Kyojiro. "Before any panics! The devil fruit he ate is a Logia type! A logia type makes the consumer into the element of the fruit. His entire body is now made of flames making him a flame man but still also human. Rengoku try to pull your entire body together. Create the mental image of what you look like and focus on maintaining it!"

Kyojiro entire body jerked, erupting and diminishing, as it gradually shaped into what he looked like before. It took about ten minutes before a visibly sweating Kyojiro tuned back into his human self. "This…this is definitely not easy. It's like…forcing my entire body to hold together." Shinobu tightly wrapped Gyuus haori together, it can wrap around her twice, and approached the new flame man.

"As a…flame man as you call it, other then making his entire body made of flames is there anything we should keep note off." She check him over to seen if anything was wrong.

"Despite being a flame man he can still shower, drink water or other liquids in his human form. Due to being made of flames, he becomes immune to all physical attacks. Unless you have Haki in this world only thing can hurt him is those demon arts that focus on elements." Cobalt lectured though he didn't know for sure.

Ace died in One Piece from a lava fist to the chest. Not because of lava, but to prevent it from reaching his brother so he held it with his body. So the only way for a demon or anyone to hurt him would be doing the same or using some water type demon art to maybe hurt him. Maybe ice but he doubt ice can affect literal flames.

Tengen whistled and smacked Kyojiro on the back, accidentally losing his arm but he reigned it back to human. "Woops. Well congratulations on being the literal flame Hashira. I got to see if I can get one for myself. Ooh maybe a sound fruit! Be made out of sound!"

Sanemi hummed. "I heard you saying something about swimming. Is the only draw back really just losing the ability to swim?"

"Pretty much. Something about the world it originated in, the ocean cursing sea devils to never swim and will drown if they touch the waters. Though I believe it's just a world specific thing. If it does transfer, ocean or sea water will weaken Rengoku and drain all energy from him. Also I don't know if you have sea stone, which is a stone that cancel all devil fruit abilities. Oh and you can't have more then one devil fruit or you'll die."

"Eh? Well guess we just gotta take him to the ocean to test it out. If you ever get another fruit I'll buy it off ya."

Gyuu, expressionless as always, replied. "Imagine thinking it would be that easy to get another one. I envy your optimism." Sanemi and Iguro glared heatedly.

"What was that?" Sanemi growled to him. "Nothing." Gyuu denied. Sheesh man, it's okay to feel you know? Cobalt wondered what his tragic backstory will be. Though he did have a point. "I wouldn't be sure about that. Devil fruits are rare and come from a world of pirates and marines. I'm talking, there's probably more ocean then land. A average Devil Fruit even with a bad ability is a million berries. Not the fruit but there currency. If I do my math, 43 berries is one USD, my currency, so a million berries to yen would 3,662,673 rounding down." Mitsuri eyes bludged from her head with Iguro gaining a twitch in his right eye. Can the corp even spare that much?

"Holy! So much even for a shit ability!?" Tengen asked, shocked at how much people would spend for fruit that's wouldn't even be a powerful or useful.

Kagaya isn't surprised. There are those who seek out demons to gain some morsel of power and control and would give up their very souls to for it. "I advise you all to be careful when achieving these capsules. Don't let greed stop you from staying human. Kyojiro. I wish for you to master your new powers and advise more cautious when consuming food from other worlds. Now I believe that is all and no doubt been quite a eventful day. Once again I thank you Cobalt for these amazing gifts and I'll personally help fund the Hashiras and any of my children that I deem will be able to handle them. I ask you for your continue service to the demon slayer corp, helping the battle against demons. In turn I'll have Mitsuri train you like she wanted to be able to defend yourself." Kagaya believes Cobalt is the turning point in this shadow war against Muzan. With his shop and help, his children will die less.

Cobalt felt honored that such a big guy like Ubuyashiki finds such value in him. Back then he was just a average warehouse worker but now…now he can be something more. So he bowed as far as he can to show his respect. "I accept your offer! I've always plan to keep selling to you guys, I plan on expanding to another product before upgrading their effects and worth of previous ones. I'll fully upgrade Pocky for you to see if it can heal you as well! Thank you for your continued patronage!" Everyone smiled, well Mitsuri, Gyomei, Tengen and Kyojiro, and bowed to the master as well. "I conclude our annual meeting. Mitsuri train him well. Who knows if he'll attract the wrong attention. Prepare him well. Anyone who wishes to help is welcomed as well." With his final message, his family helped him back into the house. Before the entered he stopped. "Oh and make sure to take that blade with you. I don't want it here or in anyone's hands." He entered his house with his piece said.

Cobalt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and grinned at Mitsuri. "We'll I think that went well. Let's find something to wrap up the blade and I'll show everyone my shop."

"Okay! Oh this is so wonderful! I can't wait to start teaching you! Oh! Would you like to learn love breathing? Oh but we have to check if your flexible enough. Here sit down real quick." He blinked and did as told, sitting down. Mitsuri did the same but placed her feet on his. Shinobu paled. "W-wait Mitsuri he might not-."

She spread his legs and force him into doing a split.

Inside the house Kagaya and his wife were discussing on the recent events when…


"Oh it appear they started already. I hope they remember to not damage my home anymore." He said before looking at the glowing pinish green orb. "So you said you heard a voice speak to you dear?" His wife nodded turning to look at it too."Yes. A feminine voice."

"It asked me if I wish to speak with them."

A week later

A week has past and Cobalt can't complain. During this time Ichigo brought Rukia, a shinigami, to show off the shop. They were surprised to find out the uses of the Gachapon and decided to save enough to pull ten together. Though Ichigo promised to save for 30 so his sisters can get 10 each. That way he would have to worry less on protecting them. He also had to start saving to buy four sets of ice cream now that Rukia wanted to try and she doesn't want to use her families money.

Next was the variety of Hashiras who now came in to save up credits and items, with Kyojiro asking him questions on his new power and Tengen wanting to join in training Cobalt with Mitsuri and Iguro. Iguro joined casue she asked him to help with sword training so he accepted, fucking simp.

He unfortunately said that out loud and was beaten in a 'spar'. He never felt more like a punching bag since that day.

Gyomei volunteered to help with Strength training but he was also one of the busiest Hashira, so he made a training plan for him to follow. "The hell you mean tie small boulders around my limbs!? Do I look like a shonen protagonist too you!?" He didn't get the complaint but he said he believed in me so I had to at least try sadly.

For the sword Shuraba, they wrapped a thick clothes around it and stuffed it into a box wrapped in prayer beads, thank you Gyomei, and shoved into his closet of forbidden things. At first he was gonna sell it but figured he can sell it to Zoro or someone who can probably tame it. Also cause for a demon sword wielded by a umbra witch, it only sold for 70k. Stingy market.

Then finally around the sixth day as he was talking with curious Rukia and Tengen chatting about their worlds when Lucy came in with Rebecca and what he can guess is a mexican women with a yellow jacket and red hair. First thing Cobalt noticed was Rebecca shit eating grin…a gold tooth?

"You actually pulled a gold tooth out a capsule?" He asked Lucy who nodded. "Yeah from a common one. I didn't really care for it so I gave it to Becca. Anyway this here is a friend of our group. I gave her a special gift I gotten from a capsule and hoped you can shed the light on it more."

They watched her step foward and close her eyes. When she opened them…

Cobalt rushed forward and covered them. "What capsule did you get this from?" His voice dead serious. Lucy and Rebecca blinked at the suddenness. "Uh she got it from a blue one as a skill ball thing? She got cool fire powers but they aren't that great. Why is it bad?" Rebecca said confused.

Cobalt felt a headache form. "A skill orb huh. So no doubt…" from a rare capsule this is what she got? He refuse to believe such power can be gained from a rare capsule so it had to be a small piece or something!

"Her eyes…are from a man know as the god of destruction.."

He took his and away to reveal two eyes staring at him in confusion. Her right eye bright red with a white circle and her left a white X. Eyes he seen from one of the few manga he got his hands on. This anime was on weekly shonen jump during his time.



I mean to release this chapter yesterday but had work and couldn't finish it. As to why I picked the flame flame fruit for the legendary drop, you have to remember outside of One piece becoming a logia negates most physical attacks and with its destructive properties shown by Ace, who said can make island size flame attacks, I feel like it fits without it being too overpowered but very good early in the story. My first idea was a chaos emerald from sonic but I felt that something that should be brought up later and the other was Yamato from DmC but agian felt like it was too early.

Let me know what you believe is a legendary drop, from a power to item or even person, and what you would've used.

Have a good day~