
Chapter 4

It takes more than a moment for me to shake myself awake and listen to the sound. From where I sit curled up in the middle of the couch, it sounds like a voice—a voice whispering harshly—Maddie’s voice. Oh, yeah, I’ve really gone through the looking glass now!But I know I’m not imagining it. Next is:

“Al. It’s me. I’m in trouble. I’m in your garage. At least, I think it’s a garage—it’s fuckin’ dark in here.”

I dread what I know is coming…”Let me in, Al!”

All the Wonderland voices in my head scream at me in concert: Don’t do it! Even Bill Lizard seems certain of this one. Yet I hesitate. Just the sound of her voice sets off some kind of electricity racing through my veins. The thought of Maddie actually only feet away paralyzes me.

“Al! I need your help.”