
Chapter 47: The unbelievable.

He couldn't sleep not even with Hilda and her voluminous hair sprawled all over his chest for old times sake. She would not let him go through out the night, she held onto him tight. He could not shift without waking her up. Austin thought he'd go give Merrigold her clothes and a blanket when Hilda was finally dead asleep but it was close to impossible. His thoughts were on Merrigold, he knew what he had done was wrong. He had not done anything with Hilda, even though she had begged to but ended up passing out and confessing her love for him as always. It was not anything new... he thought. It was nearing eight am. He had to get up, Hilda had to leave. Austin did not feel at peace. Even if he tried, a subtle nudge of concern would not go away.