

As the kids approached, she turned to look at Wu and he without any required words to convey what she wanted, put some cash out of his purse and tucked it into her pocket. They looked much smaller when they were up close, their eyes wide with anticipation. She smiled at them but they didn't return the smile, just asked in their native tongue if she wanted to buy anything.

She looked over the little packs of gum and simple handmade wooden toys, picking a little bit of everything. Even though they only asked for a few dollars, Wu gave them a little too much, Yue didn't know of the currency of this world but that definitely seemed like a fortune. They finally offered a smile, then thanked her and him and ran off.

She watched them until they disappeared out of her sight, and wondered where they were going at this time of night. The kids hadn't look worried at all. This was their life, this was their home.