
Meri Adhuri Kahani

Rishi is a wealthy and successful businessman who has everything he could want in life, except for love. He's never been able to find someone who truly understands him and his lifestyle, until he meets Shruti. Shruti is a talented and ambitious young woman who dreams of starting her own dance academy. She's focused on her career and hasn't had time for a relationship, but when she meets Rishi, she can't help but be drawn to him.

nikhil_gupta_5365 · perkotaan
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2 Chs

The Billionaire

Rishi walked into his office in Delhi with his usual confident stride, his tailored suit and tie perfectly in place. His eyes swept over the busy office, taking in the hardworking employees at their desks. As he made his way towards his own spacious office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the success of his business empire.

He settled into his comfortable leather chair and glanced at his computer screen, but his thoughts were already focused on the new project that had been brought to his attention. His assistant Rohit entered the room with a steaming cup of coffee and a folder under his arm.

"Good morning, sir," Rohit said with a respectful nod. "I have the latest report on the project you were interested in."

Rishi accepted the coffee and folder with a smile. "Excellent, let's go over it."

As they discussed the project, Rishi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside him. This project could be the key to beating his arch rival and securing his company's dominance in the market. Rohit outlined the plan and Rishi nodded, mentally making notes of what needed to be done.

Just as they were finishing up, the door opened and Rishi's longtime friend Deepak strolled in with a grin on his face.

"Hey man, what's going on?" Deepak asked, clapping Rishi on the back.

Rishi returned the smile, happy to see his friend. "Just going over a new project. What brings you by?"

"Oh, nothing much," Deepak replied, plopping down in the chair opposite Rishi's desk. "Just wanted to see how my favorite billionaire was doing."

They chatted for a few minutes about their personal lives, with Rishi mentioning his upcoming anniversary with his wife Priya. Deepak ribbed him about being a romantic at heart, but Rishi just laughed it off.

As their conversation drew to a close, Deepak got up to leave. "Well, I better get going. But hey, let's grab a drink later tonight. My treat."

Rishi grinned. "Sounds like a plan."

After Deepak left, Rishi sat back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee, his mind buzzing with ideas for the new project. But as he thought about his upcoming anniversary, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Despite his success and power, he knew that his marriage to Priya was not as fulfilling as he had hoped.

But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, determined to focus on his work and the new project that could change everything.

In the corner of the office, a group of female employees gathered, whispering and giggling amongst themselves.

"Have you seen Rishi today? He looks even hotter than usual," said one, fanning herself with a file.

"I know, right? And those suits he wears...I wouldn't mind taking one off of him," replied another, laughing.

A third chimed in, "I heard he's a playboy. Imagine being with someone like him, he could have any woman he wants."

Just then, Rishi walked by, completely oblivious to the gossip around him. He walked with purpose, his mind already on his lunch plans with his best friend Kritika.

As he left the office, he heard the faint chatter of the women behind him, but he didn't let it bother him. He was used to the attention, and he knew that his status as one of the most eligible bachelors in Delhi came with the

As Rishi walked into the restaurant, he saw Kritika sitting at their usual table. She looked up and smiled as he approached, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Rishi, you're looking as handsome as ever," she said, standing up to give him a hug.

Rishi grinned, feeling happy to see his friend. "You're looking pretty gorgeous yourself, Kritika," he said, taking a seat across from her.

They spent the next few hours catching up, talking about their lives, their work, and their dreams. Rishi was always amazed at how much Kritika had achieved in her life, despite the many obstacles she had faced. She was a successful lawyer, and had even started her own law firm.

As they finished their lunch and prepared to leave, Kritika turned to Rishi with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, Rishi, any new conquests lately?" she asked, a sly smile on her face.

Rishi rolled his eyes, used to her teasing. "No, Kritika, I'm still the same old single guy," he said, standing up and stretching.

"Well, you know what they say, Rishi. All work and no play makes for a dull life," she said, grinning at him.

Rishi chuckled, knowing that Kritika was always trying to push him out of his comfort zone. "Don't worry, Kritika. I know how to have fun," he said, winking at her before leaving the restaurant.

As he stepped back into the hustle and bustle of the city, Rishi couldn't help but feel grateful for having Kritika in his life. She was the only one who truly understood him, and he knew that he could always count on her no matter what

Rishi was still lost in his thoughts when he collided with someone. As he looked up, he saw one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. She had long black hair that cascaded down her back, and her eyes were a deep brown that sparkled in the sunlight. He couldn't take his eyes off her, and he could feel his heart racing.

Shruti, on the other hand, was not happy with the collision. "Can't you watch where you're going, you rich brat!" she cursed at him.

Rishi was just lost in her voice. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. "I'm sorry," he said, still staring at her.

Kritika came out of the restaurant and saw Rishi staring at Shruti. She came to his side and asked if he was okay. "Who is she?" she asked.

Rishi tore his gaze away from Shruti and turned to Kritika. "She's just someone I bumped into," he said, trying to sound casual.

Kritika gave him a knowing smile. "She's a friend of mine," she said. "She recently had her heart broken by a rich man, so she hates guys like you."

Rishi felt a pang of guilt. He knew that he was a playboy, and he had hurt his fair share of women. "I want to meet her again," he said, surprising himself with his own words.

Kritika raised an eyebrow. "As a normal man, I hope?" she asked, knowing Rishi's reputation.

Rishi nodded, determined to prove that he was not just a rich playboy. "As a normal man," he said firmly. "I want to get to know her for who she is, not what I can offer her."