
Chapter 79

“Stay still,” he warned. “Wouldn’t want my fangs to miss their mark, would you? Think of it as an exercise in control. You can do it. I know you can.”

She could. The question remained, did she want to?

Edmund flicked his tongue across her clit, over and around as his strong fingers traced her opening. With Mathias keeping her from squirming, the best Darby could do was coil a leg around Edmund’s shoulders to keep him from completely pulling away. Not that she thought he would, and not that she thought, even with all her dance training, she stood a chance in hell of stopping him if he chose to move. But it gave her guidance, and the way his muscles in his back flexed against her calf telegraphed where and how exactly he was going to move the split second before she felt it on her pussy.

The moans started all too soon.