
Chapter 34

The cuffs rattled slightly as he shifted on the mattress. “Maybe Edmund’s loss is my gain, though,” Mathias said softly. As she watched, his shaft began to harden, swelling so that it moved against his hip. “I can’t stop you from doing whatever strikes your fancy, not without the key over there.” He tilted his head toward the dresser along the wall. “So if you decided to get a bit of your own back, I couldn’t stop you.”

It was tempting. Deliciously so. Already, Darby knew her pussy was wet, her skin hot in wicked anticipation. The fingertips that had outlined his near-fatal scar reached forward and skimmed along his stomach, stopping short of where his cock was fast approaching.

“You’re a bastard,” she whispered. “I don’t like you very much.”

“Or perhaps you like me too much,” he replied, matching her tone.