
Chapter 22

Get a grip. So he’s sexy. He’s also your best friend’s ex. For a very good reason.

“If it isn’t the delectable Darby Bell,” he said as she neared. His voice was a silken caress, and his eyes fathomless pools in the pre-dawn illumination. “I thought I was the early bird, but it would appear you’re the one who’s caught me. Perhaps my luck hasn’t gone off after all.”

“What are you doing here?” She kept her tone brisk to match her calm exterior. Yielding to his flirtatious behavior would be disastrous.

Mathias gestured toward the car he leaned against. “Your orders last night meant Edmund whisked me away without my transportation. I simply returned to retrieve it.” Smiling, he glanced at the bag she carried with her food supplies for the day. “No gun this time? Shame. I think I would’ve looked forward to your brand of pistol-whipping. I don’t have any handcuffs on me, but get back to Edmund’s and we can change all that, if you’d like.”