
Chapter 17

Beyond his anxiety about her hurt feelings, there was worry about the threat Tatiana posed to Darby. He believed Mathias’ story. And if Zak Ilyin was part of all this, there was no telling how it would play out. Their rancor spanned decades, stemming from the fight that had killed Ilyin’s sire. Time should have long ago healed those wounds, but it hadn’t. They’d festered. Which meant Ilyin was more dangerous than ever.

In searching for Edmund, Mathias had found Darby. Easily. Too easily.

His deduction that Tatiana and Zak would take the same route hit too close to home for Edmund to dismiss it.

Pushing back the blanket, he grabbed a brown hooded sweatshirt from a nearby chair, slipping it over his head as he walked out of the room. Regardless of how angry she was at him at the moment, Darby still needed to be warned. If she got hurt or worse, and there was something he could have done to prevent it, Edmund would never forgive himself.